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Gitari are rabbit people and some believe they are the cause of the stories of the "there's a rabbit on the moon". Tsukiyomi, Ama's sister, has an affinity with one of them. Due to their high breeding rate and short lifespans, they are mostly notorious for just having sex and being onery, and came close to facing the Empress' wrath. As it was, the Empress allowed them to remain in the Suisen Empire but lost a lot of their rights and technology acceess.

The Gitari are not known for doing a lot - either physically, technologically, or being overly brave, but if you need one, there's usually a lot of them around, due to their sheer number, and that's usually something, right? And most of them have big hearts.

Gitari Lifespans: Around 60-100 years.

Racial Ability: Breeding: You can always count on a Gitari to not only have one kid, but 3. Wait, is this really an ability you can use? Lets just say excellent hearing - if you need a conversation spied on, these are your people!


TAW is © 1997-2018 Kevin T. Bell

TAW6 Special Thanks: Sara
Special Thanks: In Memory of Ryan Cross