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Humans are the primary characte race for Da Capo. While normal humans might not be the main characters you will find in the RPG, there are definitely plenty of Enhanced Humans. Enhanced Humans are basically humans that can be considered Humans that have had their genetics enhanced, like Weapons, or have alien blood in them, or might even be halflings.

Humans can be found all over, from planets like Earth, to Geyze and Kumen, to the Cartel and PAX, and further. They are capable of overcoming great odds in adapting to environments, engineering tools to allow them to survive in the harshest of places.

Their intelligence might not be the greatest compared to other races, unless they are one of the Enhanced Humans, but many consider Humans to be the heart of the galaxy in many cases.

Lifespan: 150 years typically for a normal human, 200 for Enhanced

Racial Move: Circuits: Overloading all the special pathways in one's body, they can unlock all their limiters for 3 attacks, three attacks, even ability attacks. This leaves them weaked for a few minutes/2 afterwards. (this essenitally lets you do one move 3x without using up a cost)


TAW is © 1997-2018 Kevin T. Bell

TAW6 Special Thanks: Sara
Special Thanks: In Memory of Ryan Cross