The Alien Wars 6: Da Capo

Session 496

Session Start: Mon Mar 15 17:16:32 2021
Session Ident: #TAW-Session496
* Now talking in #TAW-Session496
* sets mode: +nt
* Alicia has joined #TAW-Session496
* ChadWinters` has joined #TAW-Session496
* Xanatos has joined #TAW-Session496
* DeathStar sets mode: +ooo Alicia ChadWinters` Xanatos
* Seraphna has joined #TAW-Session496
<DeathStar> Alright, are you rdy?
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
* Jackieness has joined #TAW-Session496
<DeathStar> Date: 9,965 Fall 12.5 Croza Era
<DeathStar> Location: The City By the Sea
<DeathStar> *Snow has begun to fall over the city and the people have begun to not move about the area as much unless they have business; though there are rumors and whatnot of activities still going on. Such as the fighting ring in the underground maze, the Spirits doing their activies with the people who are signed up to help Geyze, but otherwise, Geyze seems to have gone quiet (Cont)
<DeathStar> *Gwen and Alita are still traveling to another city (having only reported in once), and Celes is still on Kumen (at least that is believed).
<DeathStar> *Liana sips some tea made by Neekito*
<Seraphna> **Talia is building a snow cat**
<DeathStar> <Liana> Ceilidh, Lana.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Lab!"
<DeathStar> <Liana> *Clears her throat, indicating her presense now*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It would appear she desires your appearance, Lana.
<Seraphna> Talia> Need more snow!
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Id, keep this steady... if it twicthes, invoke the mercy of your machine gods." *heads to Liana*
<DeathStar> <Neekito> I'm shocked she even dares call that room a lab. There is not enough material in this time period to call anything a "lab"
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I do not like the ramifications behind your warning.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "And it is totally a lab!"
<DeathStar> *Liana sets her tea cup down as Lana arrives*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "We have a lab now? Even a makeshift one?"
<Alicia> * Ceilidh heads that way too
<Jackieness> <Lana> "...what do you think I do all day?!"
<DeathStar> <Neekito> *to Ceilidh* I would not call it a lab
<Seraphna> **Talia steps in wearing loli snow gear**
<Seraphna> Talia> The Ice Cat Cometh!
<DeathStar> <Neekito> It is like a very overactive kitchen play set.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "It is a lab!"
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Labs in this time aren't very extensive. We take what we can get."
<DeathStar> <Liana> Our funds are nearly depleted, so I think you two should open a store.
<Jackieness> <Lana> *points at Ceilidh* "See! See! She's gets that I have to reinvent the wheel here!"
<DeathStar> <Liana> Celes' funds are nearly used up and what Bix brought in are gone.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "As long as we can afford research funding, we're fine. And food."
<DeathStar> <Neekito> *takes over* Celes brings in some money, but that is only every few months, and we won't make it that long, especially with everyone doing all their strange projects
<Xanatos> 6* Simon walks up to the house in his regular attire, bits of snow resting on his shoulder and big frosty breaths coming out. Around his neck are flecks of ice and he moves to enter the house.
<DeathStar> *Neekito hands Ceilidh and Lana papers* So go sell your services
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Ah?" *looks at the papers*
<Alicia> * Ceilidh looks at hers
<Xanatos> 6* Bix doesn't seem to put off being out of work for the winter, he's attempting to built a snow robot to battle to snow cat.
<DeathStar> *it looks like Liana wants them to work on alchemy for the people, and Liana has rented a small spot for them*
<DeathStar> *in a bad part of town since it's cheap*
<DeathStar> <Neekito> A shame Alita isn't around still, we could just sell her "services" for money. *Neekito does a badum motion*
<Seraphna> Talia> Momma is a good healer.
<DeathStar> <Neekito> ... that too
<Seraphna> **Talia blinks** Note taking?
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "I'm okay with this."
<DeathStar> <Neekito> I'll be in the kitchen
<DeathStar> *Neekito moves off*
<Jackieness> <Lana> "But I am close to turning lead into gold!" *thrusts a fist into the air* "You hear that, Roger Bacon?!"
<Seraphna> Talia> We have bacon!?
<Xanatos> <Simon> Since my research requires funds and the book store is nearly closed due to the weather, I could also assist in some way.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Roger Bacon!"
<Jackieness> <Lana> *twitches at Talia* "...I'll do the shop..."
<Seraphna> Talia> Yay! Bacon!
<ChadWinters`> 6Id floats out of Lana's 'lab'. 1"Did I hear that you and Ceilidh will be working real jobs?
<Jackieness> <Lana> *waves ehr arms* "Who is wathcing that experiment?!"
<Seraphna> **Talia sneaks to the kitchen**
<DeathStar> *the house shakes*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It twitched and thus I was forced to...It would appear I did not destroy all of it.
<Jackieness> <Lana> *falls to her knees* " lab..."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "... looks like we'll have to work hard to rebuild..."
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It is lucky that you two have procured jobs to help pay for the repairs.
<DeathStar> *Liana makes notes to put that on the repair bill*
<DeathStar> *Neekito makes a dish using bread*
<DeathStar> *left over bread*
<DeathStar> <Neekito> I call it bread on bread
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Put something between, and you have a sandwich."
<DeathStar> <Liana> While we are here, does anyone have anything to report. *Ellie looms in the background*
<DeathStar> *Neekito puts Id inbetween*
<Seraphna> Talia> Where’s the bacon?
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "I wonder if the bacon was named after Roger?"
<DeathStar> <Neekito> We cannot afford such a thing
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I'm still having trouble creating a full communication channel between this shell and the one with Gwen and Alita. But I believe I'm working that problem out.
<Xanatos> <Simon> I spoke with Chronos, based on her reaction I will remain a 'free agent' so to speak and not attempt to show my power and join Celes on Kumen.
<DeathStar> <Neekito> It's probably also a distance thing.
<DeathStar> *to Id, letting him go*
<Seraphna> Talia> If Momma in trouble she’ll call me.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It is, Neekito. I need to make sure it does not draw any unwanted attention.
<Xanatos> <Simon> I did have an idea to bring in income. Selling 'Spirits Favor' charms that are secretly imbeded with various enhancement runes.
<DeathStar> *Liana blinks*
<Jackieness> <Lana> "...Ceilidh... you work the front."
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Interesting.
<DeathStar> <Neekito> How would you make enhancement runes?
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Alright."
<Xanatos> <Simon> Before I was a summoner that is what I did. It was how I enhanced my own abilities.
<DeathStar> <Neekito> Interesting. *she muses*
<Xanatos> <Simon> They're temporary, and it consumes my mana so they wouldn't be very powerful. I just wonder if the group thinks that is too risky or not.
<Seraphna> Talia> What can Talia do?
<DeathStar> <Liana> It is up to you.
<DeathStar> *Neekito has Talia do errands*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I assume you would start out with small enhancements?
<Jackieness> <Lana> "...though I suspect alot of requests for marital aids..."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Oh, probably."
<DeathStar> <Liana> Well, it looks like we'll have no problems with money for now with all this. <Neekito> But no closer to our goal.
<Xanatos> <Simon> I was thinking small things like a temperature boon from the fire spirit to help keep people warmer in the winter.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Like a hot pad.
<DeathStar> <Neekito> Though, this might make us more famous
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "There is that."
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I believe that was our end goal wasn't it? To gain more favor and thus more power here?
<DeathStar> *Liana is quiet on that front*
<DeathStar> <Liana> What all will you need to do your project?
<DeathStar> *to Simon*
<Xanatos> <Simon> I had planned to market it as mountain charms like the tale I kept spinning of us being from a remote mountain town.
<DeathStar> *Liana nods* Alright, lets give this a try over the next few weeks.
<Xanatos> <Simon> Hm, cute salesman in Talia and perhaps some mana if it becomes popular. I could set up an outdoor space if need be or share space with Lana.
<DeathStar> *Liana motions at Talia to join Simon*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I could most likely provide the mana for that.
<Xanatos> <Simon> Excellent.
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> Date: 9,965 Winter 12.15 Croza Era
<DeathStar> Location: City by the Sea
<DeathStar> *By now, Gwen and Alita have reached one of the cities (We'll see more of them later, and Ceilidh and Lana's little store has begun to get popular due to their little concotions by the people of the neighborhoods, leading to them struggling to get their hands on materials and having to send people out to the forests and areas (which are covered in snow) for materials (cont)
<DeathStar> *Simon and Talia and Id's charms also are doing well, drawing in people going to the store to buy them, and both combined have also drawn the attention of the richer neighbors, for better or worse. Also Talia's snow scultpure business is doing great.
<DeathStar> *Neekito muses* Getting materials is becoming harder
<Xanatos> <Simon> I also fear if I use too much of mine and Id's mana we'll be too weak in a crisis. I may need to cut back a bit.
<Seraphna> Talia> If Talia had something to absorb could have lots of mana.
<DeathStar> *Liana pockets some of the coins* Well, we are no longer in concern of funds.
<Jackieness> <Lana> *scurries around in her back-of-the-shop lab, preparing various mixtures*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It does take me a bit to recharge it. But this has been a great experiment on this shell's capabilities
<Alicia> * Ceilidh assists with the alchemy. Or chemistry. Whichever.
<DeathStar> *Neekito eyes Lana* And what are you going to do when you run out of the last of our materials?
<DeathStar> <Neekito> I suppose we could buy them, but that cuts into our profits
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Unless we gather them ourselves, what else can we do?"
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Reduction of profits, or no profits at all? Hmmm? Hmmmmmm?!"
<DeathStar> <Neekito> Fair enough
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I believe Bix has been looking in his free time.
<Seraphna> Talia> Buy wholesale and turn around fir profit! Capitalism Ho!
<DeathStar> <Liana> Did we seriously send him out into the snowy forests?
<DeathStar> <Liana> Alone?
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Will he be alright?"
<Seraphna> Talia> Talia had to stay out and work or Lana would spank me.
<Xanatos> <Simon> Hm, I hadn't considered that.
<DeathStar> <Neekito> Hopefully this isn't how he loses his head
<Xanatos> <Simon> I believe that is voluntary...but we could attempt to track him down.
<DeathStar> <Liana> *considers* No, lets let him do it. We have to trust in him
<Seraphna> Talia> Will remember BIX fondly. Most mature person in team besides Talia.
<DeathStar> <Liana> He is probablty the only one who can handle the cold
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Indeed.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> And he's very capable of fighting if need be.
<DeathStar> <Liana> *opens paper* Ceilidh, Lana, I trust you two want to keep running the store?
<DeathStar> *she asks since they are no longer in red*
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Considering its the only lab I actually have intact right now..."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "For now, I don't have any better ideas."
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It may also not hurt to close down for a bit. Our products have been very successful, and if we stop for a bit, the desire for them will increase, allowing us to in need be, increase the costs.
<DeathStar> <Neekito> The house is being repaired right now. *she glances at Id, raising an eyebrow*
<Xanatos> <Simon> That seems predatory.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "But.... i would like to relocate to a safer neighborhood! I have been mistaken for a prostitute three times so far!"
<DeathStar> <Neekito> The people in this neighborhood who need the store might not want to travel to another one. But...
<DeathStar> *Neekito opens the map of the city*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It is why I said, if need be. It was only a suggestion. But otherwise, it may not hurt to close them down because of a supply issue. Most people will understand and we may even find people willing to search for materials if we pay them.
<DeathStar> <Liana> We could pick something inbetween, but it would take a lot of the profits we just made
<DeathStar> *she picks a spot in the middle of the city*
<Seraphna> **Talia turns into a cat and climbs Simon**
<Jackieness> <Lana> "It take smoney to make money."
<DeathStar> <Liana> Yes, well --- *The bell to the store rings*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Another customer?"
<DeathStar> *Gaia stands there, adjusting her hair as she looks around, picking up one of Simon's charms*
<ChadWinters`> 6Id drops in to Lana's bag
<Jackieness> <Lana> *scurries into the back*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Well, this is a surprise."
<DeathStar> <Gaia> Hello. *she nods to Ceilidh* Ceilidh. *she holds up the charm* How much is this?
<Alicia> * Ceilidh lists the price. "I hope you agree it's quite reasonable."
<DeathStar> *Liana quietly stands off to the side, while Neekito dusts the store*
<Xanatos> 6* Simon pauses and glances over at Gaia.
<DeathStar> *Gaia nods and muses* I guess so? *she forms some coins, fumbling with them like she is not used to them and sets down a bunch of them, way over the asked price, then takes the charm and moves to go*
<DeathStar> <Gaia> Thank you
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Thank you for your purchase." *hopes this isn't a harbinger of future trouble*
<Seraphna> **Talia sneaking down Simon pops up from behind the counter as a girl again** Thank You!
<Seraphna> **Talia does the Paw Dance of Thanks**
<DeathStar> *After Gaia is outsider, Neekito lets out a breath*
<Alicia> * Ceilidh does likewise
<Xanatos> <Simon> Interesting. That felt quite tense.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Is that the sensation you all felt. Interesting.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "It really did."
<DeathStar> *Liana gathers the money, looking pleased at the profit*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Do you think it was wise to allow her to have one and at that price?
<DeathStar> <Liana> Quite over the asking price
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "What was I supposed to do, refuse?"
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "That would be really suspicious."
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Hopefully it does not end up in the hands of the Ancients. That and she does go around telling her followers that we don't give change back.
<ChadWinters`> *doesn't*
<Xanatos> <Simon> Well I am fully prepared to explain how they work if need be. I hope they don't believe this is a negative thing, but we shall see.
<DeathStar> <Liana> Let's close shop for today
<DeathStar> <Liana> I will look into getting a new building
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Right."
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I feel it will be more of did you figure this out when no one else has, sort of question. And it may force them conscript you.
<Xanatos> <Simon> Perhaps, but I am prepared for that if it happen. I could not continue eating bread sandwiches.
<DeathStar> <Neekito> *pulls Simon close* I will hide Simon then
<Xanatos> 6* Simon blinks
<DeathStar> <Neekito> You did not like the bread sandwiches? Well I can buy meat now
<Seraphna> Talia> Roger Bacon!
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I believe you are capable of that, Simon.
<Xanatos> <Simon> They were well done for what we had. But...variety is the spice of life, yes?
<DeathStar> *in the back, a voice is heard talking to Lana*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "I want to eat more than just bread too."
<Alicia> * Ceilidh stops talking to listen in
<Seraphna> Talia> I want Roger Bacon Sandwich!
<Alicia> * Even sprouting the bunny ears if she has to.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "...not listening..."
<Xanatos> <Simon> Everything okay Ceil?
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Who's that with Lana?"
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Whoever it is, I don't like their voice..."
<DeathStar> <Liana> Hm?
<DeathStar> <Liana> She's alone
<Jackieness> <Lana> *seps back from ehr workbench* "...go away."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> *to Lana* "Who was that?"
<DeathStar> *Lana is alone with just her stuff*
<Seraphna> Talia> Laaaaanaaaa!
<Jackieness> <Lana> "I... I'm sure I'm just overworking!"
* Ariel has joined #TAW-Session496
<DeathStar> <Liana> Well, you have been working hard at the new store
<Xanatos> <Simon> Lady Lana. Are you...alright
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It is not uncommon for geniuses to go nuts.
<Xanatos> ?
<DeathStar> *Neekito takes Lana's hand* Here, come with me, Miss Lana
<DeathStar> *Neekito leads her past the others to take her outside*
<Jackieness> <Lana> *goes with Neekito*
<DeathStar> <Liana> *glances at Simon*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Something is going on, definitely."
<Xanatos> <Simon> Ceil have you noticed anything odd like this before?
<Xanatos> <Simon> You work the most closely with her.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "This is the first time."
<DeathStar> <Liana> Lets just keep an eye on her for now
<DeathStar> <Liana> Report if you notice anything like this gain
<DeathStar> *Again
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "I hope it has nothing to do with Gaia buying the Spirit's Favour charm."
<Xanatos> <Simon> She's always been eccentric. If she needs our help we will offer it.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I will keep an eye on her also.
<DeathStar> *Neekito tucks Lana in and makes her some home made soup*
<DeathStar> -TIME HOP-
<DeathStar> Date: 9,965 Winter 12.25 Croza Era
<DeathStar> Location: City by the Sea
<DeathStar> *Liana steps into the living room of the mansion and hands Lana and Ceilidh keys*
<DeathStar> <Liana> Here - the keys to the new location. *She points to the address on the city map*
<Jackieness> <Lana> "We must move our equipment from the old shop then."
<DeathStar> *Talia at the same time has been in touch with Alita - it looks like the past week Gwen and Alita have been checking out the city which is very different from this city, but still is monitored by the Ancients and has the Spirits helping out like in here. Pyro it seems is mainly there with Frost*
<DeathStar> *along with cameos of Void at times*
<Seraphna> **Talia relays this curled up on Lana’s head like a cat hat**
<DeathStar> <Neekito> I wonder if the third city has the other cities patrolling it
<DeathStar> *the other spirits even
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It would be a safe assumption
<DeathStar> *Neekito goes to open the door for Lana and Ceilidh so they can go to the old store to move stuff to the new one, Celes is standing there*
<Alicia> * Ceilidh heads inside to gather equipment.
<Xanatos> 6* Bix doots as he moves around, having succesfully returned from 'The woods'.
<Xanatos> <Bix> Workhorse Bix. Ready. Able.
<Seraphna> Talia> Hello Cel Cel!
<DeathStar> *Celes watches Ceilidh go by her, wearing a coat with a badge indicating she is part of the Ancient's little force, moving inside*
<DeathStar> <Celes> Hello, Talia
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It is good to see you have made it back safe, Bix. Did you find everything we needeD?
<Jackieness> <Lana> *goes with Ceilidh* "Save me some notes on Celes' newest learnings..."
<Xanatos> <BIX> Some!
<DeathStar> *Liana takes Celes' hand, squeezing it* <Celes> I take it I missed somethings
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Will do." *looks to Celes* "How have you been?"
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Every little bit helps. And I take it you didn't run in to any trouble?"
<Xanatos> <Simon> Oh. Hello Lady Celes
<Seraphna> Talia> Talia is big shot tycoon now.
<Xanatos> <BIX> Some! No. Trouble.
<Xanatos> 6* Bix pauses to ooh at Celes' coat and badge, giving her a thumbs up before getting back to work.
<DeathStar> <Celes> I am well. *she pulls her coat off as Neekito prepares tea*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Celes, it is good to see you return. And with a new mark on your coat.
<DeathStar> <Celes> So, have you all made any progress? It seems everyone is busy
<Seraphna> Talia> Exploring and learning! But miss my Gwen.
<Xanatos> <Simon> We've mostly been working to get through the winter. We did have some encounters with the spirits. How do you fare? Are they forcing you to be a soldier like we've heard?
<DeathStar> <Celes> A soldier? Ah. Referring to the Ancient War that will happen. No, they are done preparing me and been teaching me about the Croza; it is very enlightening. It is stuff I had never known about.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "I'd say we've been doing our part."
<ChadWinters`> <Id> What can you tell us about the Croza?
<Seraphna> Talia> Are you having cool adventures that will be covered in an epic spin off!?
<DeathStar> *Lana reaches a huge store building, alone, with the supplies and finds Liana has gotten an offical area for a lab*
<DeathStar> *as well as her lab in the house being repaired*
<Jackieness> <Lana> *begins unloading and setting up equipment in the new lab*
<Xanatos> <Simon> Has there been any indication of other plants?
<DeathStar> <Celes> Hm, they are essentially a race that spans many many worlds, I couldn't name them all. They gave me a list while up there and I stopped trying to memorize them all. And most of them have Spirits on them, with elements much like our world.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> They keep a spirit on them? Hmmmm. Interesting.
<Seraphna> Talia> I wonder if Cat is an element somewhere...
<DeathStar> <Celes> Well yes, because those worlds have Spirits.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I misunderstood. The planets. not the Croza themselves.
<Xanatos> <Simon> Hm. May I ask, was there any sort of schooling to...bring you to the ancients way of thinking or anything of that nature?
<Seraphna> Talia> Is that like when I dance cute so people will love kittens?
<DeathStar> <Celes> Well, they seem to believe in trying to have the Spirits protect the planet and watch over the people, as well as using a form of their technology with Spirit, which I agree with; as for the race it itself, they hide themselves in that strange angel like armor, but inside no one really knows. The people up there that was training with me, some assume they are spirits themselves, others assume they are a race who are part spirit, part something else, others think they are something entirely different
<DeathStar> <Celes> I'm not sure what I think. Part of me wonders if they are tuned into spirit energy but are something different
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Hmm..."
<ChadWinters`> <Id> And no one has seen them with their armor off?
<DeathStar> <Celes> No
<DeathStar> <Celes> At least none that have told me
<Xanatos> <Simon> I am sorry that you have been away from us for so long. But you have been able to provide us a perspective that have not had.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "But they're not horribly cryptic, at least?"
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I wonder if it's more containment suit then. So many new questions.
<DeathStar> <Celes> Oh, the way they talk is a pain in the ass.
<DeathStar> <Celes> *chuckles*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "In what way?"
<DeathStar> <Celes> ... *she hands Ceilidh some Croza*
<Alicia> * Ceilidh looks at it
<DeathStar> *it is a paragraph and untranslated, and looks like a bunch of gibberish*
<Jackieness> <Lana> *returns to the house* "I'm back. I've moved my alcemical equipment to the new store..."
<DeathStar> *Liana and Ellie study it*
<Seraphna> Talia> Yay Lana! Hey Lana!
<ChadWinters`> <Id> And is your new place up to your standards? 6Id floats over to peer down at it, studying it
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Can you read this?"
<DeathStar> <Celes> Yes, quite well now.
<Xanatos> <BIX> Bix. Help!
<Xanatos> <Simon> Fascinating, could you teach us or is that against the rules?
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Simon says what I was about to."
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Its roomier... less drafty."
<Seraphna> **Talia skips around Lana** Lana!
<DeathStar> <Celes> No. It basically says, "You can return home since your courses are over. Your grade is passing," Or in Ancient it would be: "Returning home now the course is being over. The passing grade."
<DeathStar> <Celes> Something to that affect
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Interesting.
<DeathStar> <Neekito> That language makes no sense to me
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "It is confusing, yes."
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It is most likely a side effect of translating it.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "So, has Celes revealed any deep, dark secrets yet?"
<DeathStar> *Celes blinks*
<DeathStar> <Liana> I would not say that
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Nothing to that degree.
<Seraphna> Talia> Laaaannnaaaa
<Jackieness> <Lana> "At least I didn't miss anything cool!"
<Seraphna> **Talia curls around her leg and gnaws**
<DeathStar> <Celes> I believe the war proper will not begin on Geyze, but on one of the other worlds and will work it's way here
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Well... then we're probably not to blame!"
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "That would make it very big..."
<ChadWinters`> <Id> That could explain the different factions we learned about.
<Seraphna> **Talia gnaws more**
<DeathStar> <Celes> I agree, the Ancients - the Croza - are a massive Empire with many planets and many Spirits on those planets. By the time it begins, it will come down on us on hard
<Jackieness> <Lana> " would ahev to be though... if theze Ancients are so widespread... yet little trace survived them outside of Geyze."
<Xanatos> <Simon> will we resolve the problem sucessfully...without loss. 6* He muses.
<DeathStar> *Celes folds her hands together* Yes, and I've never heard of Spirits being on other worlds
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I wonder what the catalyst for it will be. For something to destroy an Empire that spans across the cosmos and that wiped out that many spirits.
<Seraphna> **Talia nips at Lana’s leg**
<DeathStar> <Celes> I don't know. So, I guess the question I have to ask you - and maybe Liana has already been doing this with all of you
<DeathStar> *Neekito eyes Talia*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "What is it?"
<DeathStar> <Celes> How do we want to proceed? We can just wait for the war to come to us; do little things and investigate what interests us until the war comes to Geyze, whenever that might be. Try to go to the other planets in the Croza Empire - how I do not know. Learn more about the spirits, somehow, by maybe going to the Spirit Realm of this time period. Or getting closer to the Ancients and learning more about them. I'm already working for them, so I have a foot in
<DeathStar> *Neekito's tail swishes*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> For us to visit other planets, we will have to get closer to the Ancients I believe.
<Seraphna> **Talia stops biting at Lana’s leg convinced she is fake now** We need to get my Gwen and Mommy back if we leave.
<DeathStar> *Celes plays with her blonde hair in thought*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "How are we supposed to find the source of the war, though?"
<Xanatos> <Simon> The spirits are a bit guarded with us now. They do not understand us.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Learning about the Spirit Realm I think will a high priority also.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Since advanced knowledge of that may lead to fully understanding it in our current time.
<Xanatos> <Simon> But yes, I agree. Spirit Realm is important. Of course I'd love to go to another planet but...
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "I agree with that, and it's likely a simpler matter to investigate than the entire empire."
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It is also possible, though very slimly, that we could use the Spirit Realm to visit other planets.
<DeathStar> *Celes muses* So the Spirits are guarded. I did hear rumors that the Wind Spirit was working with the Mal'oy household more now, learning about human/spirit relations over there
<ChadWinters`> <Id> If the Spirit Realm expands that far.
<DeathStar> <Celes> But that leaves other spirits
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I believe that Simon has it well with Chronos.
<Xanatos> <Simon> Yes, but like our Chronos she doesn't seem very involved so far.
<Xanatos> <Simon> I can request access to the spirit world, however.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It may be that she prefers a passive approach.
<Jackieness> <Lana> W"ell, she does have all the time in the world."
<ChadWinters`> <Id> When you talk to her, could you ask her if she would be willing to try and form a pact with me? I am curious to see if this shell can handle it and she is the most likely one that knows of my existence to do so.
<DeathStar> <Celes> I could go back to Kumen - forgo staying here. And try to see if I can find a way to get us to another planet
<Jackieness> <Lana> "We should wait for Gwen and Alita to return with their findings though."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "We can't leave them behind."
<Xanatos> <Simon> I can...bring it up. Certainly.
<DeathStar> <Celes> I said nothing about leaving them behind. I doubt I would even be able to find a way right away. It might take me months
<DeathStar> *Liana frowns*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I believe it will take time to get a ship that can travel through space. I...As Celes has said.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Well, it's not like we thought this would be a quick trip."
<DeathStar> <Celes> I would have to work closely with them instead of the household. Who knows how long I would be gone
<Xanatos> <Simon> I...would not stand in your way if that's what you decided. But I think we all would be happier if you were here with us.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Thank you Simon.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Right! We cna find another way!"
<DeathStar> <Celes> Are you certain..?
<Jackieness> <Lana> *whispers* "Liana has been way too serious while you've been gone."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "It will be good to have you back."
<DeathStar> <Celes> Alright. We will find another way then.
<DeathStar> *Celes closes her eyes, smiling, and Liana does seem more pleased*
<DeathStar> *Celes hands Liana some coins* Oh yes, this is for my graduation. To go to the household. *Liana nods, pocketing*
<Xanatos> <Simon> If we have a little extra we should celebrate your graduation and have a nice dinner.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Liana would know our finances the best.
<DeathStar> <Celes> That is not necessary... Really! <Neekito> Well it is also almost Winter Holidays, though I doubt they celebrate it yet here
<DeathStar> <Neekito> I will combine it into one feast
<DeathStar> *Neekito takes some money and moves off*
<Jackieness> <Lana> "...maybe invent Winter Holiday? We could use it to boost our trade..."
<DeathStar> *Celes raises an eyebrow*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Creating a holiday to line your pockets?
<DeathStar> *Celes moves off to the side, peering out the window at the snow in thought*
<Xanatos> 6* Simon watches a moment before glancing back to the others.
<Xanatos> <Simon> Perhaps we shouldn't push our luck.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "...just a thought."
<Xanatos> <Simon> I am still waiting for an uncomfortable talk with Lady Gaia.
<DeathStar> <Celes> *turns to Simon* Gaia? About what?
<ChadWinters`> <Id> And my idea of creating supply and demand was to far. Interesting.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "The charms we were selling."
<Xanatos> <Simon> I am putting some of my runes on charms. Calling them spirit charms, and selling them. They're relatively weak but provide some additional warmth in the winter, or pain relief.
<Xanatos> <Simon> It is meant to help instill faith in the spirits to the people and help us get through the winter but I still fear they will not be pleased.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I am more concerned that because it's not a used technique, it will draw attention. But Simon believes he can explain that.
<DeathStar> <Celes> I've been talking with the Spirits on Kumen, they seem rather nice. I doubt Gaia will mind. If anything she was likely intrested in the charms since they were named after her
<DeathStar> <Celes> The Ancients, on the other hand, they might be interested in Simon's ability - maybe
<DeathStar> <Celes> But that's only if word got back to them
<Xanatos> <Simon> Let us hope it does not.
<Xanatos> <Simon> We did some brief work for Gale and Gaia, they were very nice and understanding.
<Xanatos> <Simon> Despite....some issues.
<DeathStar> *Celes seem confused*
<DeathStar> *Neekito begins to put food onto the table*
<Xanatos> <Simon> A simple misunderstanding. I believe it was resolved with apologies.
<DeathStar> <Celes> Well that is good. *she moves over to Simon* So, how do you think we should proceed. With the Croza, the spirits, and this world overall.
<DeathStar> <Celes> When I left the planet on Kumen, the Ancients were acting a little odd, like something might have been occuring between their ranks. But it was like the mild discontent. We know it will become the war
<Xanatos> <Simon> While we wait on Gwen and Alita to return we can continue running our shops. But I will speak to Chronos about making a trip into the spirit world to explore that space.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "So, we do have a lead, should we investigate there."
<Xanatos> <Simon> I would defintiely like to investigate that, but I'm not certain we can without Lady Celes going back to Kumen.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I am curious, do some of you feel you can stop this upcoming war?
<DeathStar> <Celes> No
<DeathStar> *Celes muses* I'm here to learn and some personal reasons.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Plus it would be a disaster to our timeline if the war were averted."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "No, and I'm not sure how much would change if we did."
<Xanatos> <Simon> Of course not. There are worlds upon worlds out there. I still have to build the portal home however.
<Xanatos> <Simon> Speaking of, Lady Celes, if I provided some materials that I would need, is there any connections you could use to acquire them?
<DeathStar> <Celes> As for taking you all up to Kumen, it might doable. As guests of my household, but I rather have a spirit of influence. It might could go poorly
<DeathStar> <Celes> I could try - if they were are on Kumen. Being away from Geyze I don't know much about where things are on here
<ChadWinters`> <Id> That is good to hear. Perhaps we should work on building our connections with the Spirits then as a primary goal. Since that will lead us to either the Spirit World or give us more influence for Celes to use on getting us to Kumen.
<DeathStar> *meanwhile, someone messes with their store while Neekito finishes their food*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Maybe we should talk over food."
<DeathStar> <Celes> That sounds good.
<DeathStar> *Neekito has hung up Talia has a decoration*
<Xanatos> <Simon> Yes!
<Xanatos> (Er that was bix)
<Seraphna> **Talia pouts, cheeks puffed**
<DeathStar> *Neekito gives her a glazed fish*
<DeathStar> *and a seasoned fish*
<DeathStar> *and a giant fish like the one Liana caught*
<Xanatos> <Simon> That is an excellent reward for all the hard work you have been doing Talia.
<DeathStar> *The others have a variety of meats, bread, salad like dishes, vegetables, and other items*
<Seraphna> **Talia is pleased now**
<Xanatos> <Simon> Thank you Neekito. If we need to sell a bit extra to cover I will endeavor to do so.
<Alicia> * Ceilidh happily eats, glad to have food that isn't bread at last.
<DeathStar> <Neekito> We are still doing very well with all the selling goods and the money Celes brought. Do not worry.
<DeathStar> <Neekito> I will put away the rest of the money to make sure it isn't blown up
<Xanatos> 6* Bix pretends to eat some of the bread, making MMM sounds.
<DeathStar> *Celes smiles at Bix*
<DeathStar> Date: 9,965 Winter 12.26 Croza Era
<DeathStar> Location: City by the Sea
<DeathStar> *Celes studies the store, where Lana and Ceilidh would find signs of someone breaking in and taking a few of the spirit charms and more of the potent potions*
<DeathStar> *all the rest has been left alone*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "...apparently security wasn't as good as we thought."
<DeathStar> <Neekito> We are in a time period where there is only so much security
<Alicia> * Ceilidh sighs, but nods
<Jackieness> <Lana> *fumes over the breakin*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It is a downside to being popular.
<Xanatos> <Simon> Hm. They didn't take it all, though...?
<DeathStar> <Celes> *touches Lana* I am sorry
<DeathStar> <Neekito> That is strange
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It would appear they took what looked important.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Either they couldn't carry everything, or they only wanted those..."
<Xanatos> 6* Simon glances around and then begins to slowly forms runes in the air to attempt to get some sort of tracing spell to take hold of who did this.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Perhaps someone wanted to copy what you have all done to sell themselves.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "I wouldn't be surprised."
<Jackieness> <Lana> "If I find out who they are, I will lay a hex upon their heads! A pox upon their household! Let their nethers wither and their kin be stillborn!"
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Careful about that last one."
<ChadWinters`> <Id> You may want to look in to calming teas.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Simon, is there anything I can do to help you?
<Jackieness> <Lana> "...did that sound appropriately witchy? I've been practicing."
<DeathStar> *Simon gets a mid-way hit*
<DeathStar> *there was definitely a man in here, with another person*
<Xanatos> <Simon> Hm, two people it seems, one was a man but I'm not sure the other person.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "...what man?"
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Are you able to find them now?
<Xanatos> <Simon> I'm not certain.
<Xanatos> <Simon> It...does not quite work that way, I'm sensing the latent energy of the beings who were is lucky I was able to deduce a gender from that.
<Xanatos> (latent mana, not energy)
<ChadWinters`> <Id> And you cannot just lock on that energy and follow a trail of it?
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Anything else you can tell about them?"
<DeathStar> <Celes> Well, the indicates one person had the talent
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Id, cna your sensors detect anything?"
<DeathStar> <Celes> If you detected that
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Perhaps. If with Simons help, I maybe able to try that.
<DeathStar> *it looks like Celes had taken to using the Ancient term "Talent"*
<Xanatos> <Simon> Yes, I will help in any way that I can.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "...perhaps it was connected to that weirdness with Gaia?"
<ChadWinters`> 6Id forms a hand that it places on Simons shoulder and works on trying to lock on to the same mana that Simon sensed.
<DeathStar> <Celes> That is ... so strange. *Referring to the hand*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Would a tentacle be less strange?
<DeathStar> <Celes> Maybe?
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I will update your preferences from hands to tentacles.
<Jackieness> <Lana> ""
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Simon, please lock on to the persons mana again.
<Xanatos> 6* Simon does so.
<DeathStar> *the rolls are not kind, Simon has a worst feeling out, as if the feeling is getting worst. Id does at least pick up on stuff and the mana is ... familiar.*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Interesting. Hmmm...I have picked up on it and it is familiar. 6Id begins cycling through his shell's sensors, trying to see if it can pick up a trail of the mana in the air to follow
<DeathStar> *he does not*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "I wonder if the spirits are involved."
<DeathStar> *due to the bad rolls*
<Xanatos> <Simon> I don't like this. But it's not the spirits, I know their mana.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "That's good at least. That noble family?"
<DeathStar> <Celes> The noble family?
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I cannot seperate it from the mana that's naturally in the air currently. My apologies.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It is interesting that Ceilidh jumped to that so quickly, but it is possible.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "There's a noble family with a lot of... talents, do you call it?"
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "They're not especially friendly."
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Likely suspects..."
<DeathStar> <Celes> I take it something happened with one of the families?
<Xanatos> <Simon> Ma'loy. He does not like us.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "That was the name."
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Indeed.
<DeathStar> <Celes> Oh dear. That family has a lot of ties to the Croza due to the number of talents.
<DeathStar> <Celes> Even Gale is working with them lately.
<Xanatos> <Simon> Indeed. I'm still not quite certain what we did to anger them.
<DeathStar> <Celes> *folds hands* Some families are just like that are perceived slights.
<DeathStar> <Celes> Or trying to win over favors
<Xanatos> <Simon> Oh, we purchased his farmland from him.
<Xanatos> <Simon> That was taken a slight against him.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I believe it was someone of the Ma'loy Family or someone related to them. Based on my comparisons I've just done, it's close.
<DeathStar> <Celes> Hm. I suppose all we can do is becareful around them. *Neekito eyes Lana wondering what curse she plans to do*
<Jackieness> <Lana> "...I'll need some form of revenge then."
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It's most likely that they wanted a charm or two and our high end tinctures so as to make them themselves.
<DeathStar> <Ellie> And this is how households truly get into wars with each other
<Alicia> * Ceilidh nods to Ellie
<Jackieness> <Lana> *rocks back on her heels* "...oh...I know... I'll cast a charm of good fortune upon their gambling house."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Oh, nice."
<DeathStar> *Neekito tilts her head at that*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "By making more people win from the house, you get to hurt the Ma'loy family and do a good deed for the general populace at once."
<DeathStar> <Neekito> I see.
<DeathStar> *Celes turns to Simon* Well, now that this is over with, let me know how things go with Chronos
<DeathStar> *Celes bows her head, stepping out of the store*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Simon, is it possible for you to lay traps with your runes?
<Xanatos> <Simon> I could, but I shall not. We will rely on trusty Bix to guard out locale.
<Xanatos> (our)
<DeathStar> <Neekito> I suppose I will return to the manor
<DeathStar> *Neekito also steps out*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Or Lana, with your Hexes, can you create one that would mark someone that breaks in?
<Xanatos> 6* Bix glances around, then flexes?
<Jackieness> <Lana> "With preparation time, I could."
<Xanatos> 6* Simon bows his head to them and moves to step out and meet up with Chronos.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> It may not be a bad idea to work on that.
<ChadWinters`> <Id> BIX cannot always be here to watch this place.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "A few alchemical traps too..."
<DeathStar> -EPILOGUE-
<DeathStar> Location: Unknown City
<DeathStar> *Gwen strokes his beard, standing in the snow with a cloak on as he watches Frost talking to a crowd*
<DeathStar> *The crowd seems to be working with Frost and Pyro, who looks unhappy with the cold, to build stuff together for the people; Void stands in the background, looking bored*
<DeathStar> <Gwen> This city doesn't seem too bad
<DeathStar> *Gwen flips and throws Id's sphere in thought*
<DeathStar> *As he prepares to go, Void turns to watch them, the area growing dark around Gwen and the Id Sphere*
<DeathStar> <Gwen> ....Hm. *He quietly retreats*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> Please refrain from......
<DeathStar> <Gwen> As I was saying, this city sucks. Lets go. If I recall, Void lived in a snowy area, right? This might one day be the snow mountains. So lets get the hell out of here
<DeathStar> *Gwen heads out of town, forgetting about Alita in his haste*
<DeathStar> *no doubt she'll catch up*
<ChadWinters`> <Id> I was registering an increase in dark mana. So yes, let us make haste.
<DeathStar> <Gwen> Onto the third city
<DeathStar> *Void floats up in the sky, quietly watching the two as they trudge away*
<DeathStar> -END-
* Jackieness has quit IRC
* Ariel has left #TAW-Session496 (Leaving)
Session Close: Mon Mar 15 23:11:27 2021