The Alien Wars 6: Da Capo

Session 437

Session Start: Sun Feb 09 17:04:27 2020
Session Ident: #TAW-Session437
* Now talking in #TAW-Session437
* sets mode: +nt
* Xanatos has joined #TAW-Session437
* Sara has joined #TAW-Session437
* Seraphna has joined #TAW-Session437
* Jackieness has joined #TAW-Session437
* Alicia has joined #TAW-Session437
<DeathStar> #TAW-Session437Side
<DeathStar> *motions in*
<DeathStar> Okay
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> Date: 11.20.5999
<DeathStar> Location: Kumen, Asarar's Club
<DeathStar> 6* Chelsea would find herself waking up at the club's bar counter, a drink beside her like she woke up from a night of drinking and passed out drinking. The sounds of the dancers and singers can be heard in the background, and it's obvious they are in the new bar on the top floor. Barry is cleaning glasses behind the counter, paying her no mind other than a glance at her
<DeathStar> 6* On the other side is Bonnie, in blue cat form, sleeping on a stool
<Sara> * Chelsea stirs wearily, before giving a big open-mouth yawn, like a cat
<Sara> * She gently shakes Bonnie
<Xanatos> <Logan> Overdid it? 6* He asks, leaning against the wall beside the door.
<DeathStar> *Bonnie stirs and turns into her human form, yawning and looking around, looking like she is suffering from the same effects. Somewhere Cypher and Asarar are sitting at table, working on plans for something*
<Sara> * Chelsea gives a side-eyed glance in response to hearing this question. "I really don't drink -that- much," she protests.
<Jackieness> <Kira> *walks over in her slinky dress* "Can you not pass out in the upscale bar? It upsets the feng shui."
<DeathStar> *Chelsea's head pounds a little as she protests*
<DeathStar> <Cypher> *calls out* Do you need me to get you anything?
<Sara> <Chelsea> Well excuse me, princess... *she begins to stretch before abruptly stopping to put a hand to her head and sighing*
<Xanatos> <Logan> Want some hangover medicine?
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Get her to her room with a pot of coffee."
<Sara> <Chelsea> I... can probably tough it out...
<Xanatos> 6* Logan pauses, letting Cypher handle it since she called out right as he ask.
<DeathStar> *Asarar moves over and massages Chelsea's shoulders, then ruffles her hair* Chelsea can handle it. Can't you, Kitty?
<Sara> <Chelsea> I didn't get this far in life whimpering the moment my head hurts, *she confirms, though raises a brow at being called 'kitty'*
<DeathStar> *as they talk, Aimée walks in with her mallet and holds something valuable of Kira's and looks ready to smash it. Asarar sits beside her and orders Chelsea something strong to counteract it* <Asarar> So. Been a while since I've seen you drink that much
<DeathStar> <Cypher> H-Hey. Oi! Put that down!
<Sara> <Chelsea> Who let Aimée up here? *she asks softly of Asarar* ... *softer still* And what the heck did I drink...
<Jackieness> <Kira> "What?! That's my broach, you pest!"
<Seraphna> **Luci sets Nell down as she steps in from the elevator and stretches, Nell running over to Aimee to show her something near**
<DeathStar> *Aimée grins a shark grin and runs off for the elevator to the rooms with it, hitting the up button*
<Jackieness> <Kira> *grabs a knife from behind the bar and then moves in pursuit of Aimee*
<Seraphna> Nell> Heyyy!
<Seraphna> Luci> I see Aimee is as rambunctious as ever.
<Sara> * Chelsea eyes the hijinks and rubs her head, easing herself up to her feet
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Let you her up here? Hm? *She rubs her back and gives her a kiss on the cheek, letting Chelsea sit on her lap*
<Xanatos> 6* Logan shifts slightly to face the bar and grab his drink, taking a sip.
<Sara> * And then Chelsea ends up sitting on Asarar's lap, given the line timing
<DeathStar> <Asarar> So, when Kira is done with the Spirit, I have us a job
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Do you think you're up for it?
<Xanatos> <Logan> I've only had two of these so I'll be fine. 6* He wiggles the class and finishes it off.
<Seraphna> Luci> Oh? Are we doing Hijinks? Antics? Crime?
<Xanatos> (glass)
<Sara> <Chelsea> A... job? What kind of job? *her ears twitch, even as she looks a bit miserable*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> First, we patch you up a little; second the job is to deal with a corrupt corporation leader. *holds up her hands* Like old times.
<Xanatos> <Logan> Someone we know?
<Seraphna> Luci> Ooo, we get to smashy.
<Jackieness> <Kira> *steps out of the elevator, soaking wet*
<DeathStar> <Cypher> A-Are you okay, Kira?
<Seraphna> **Luci looks over** She trick you into the pool again?
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Either she doused me, or I proved that spirits can bleed... alot."
<DeathStar> *Asarar makes a face as she gets Chelsea some pills for the headache*
<Sara> * Chelsea eyes them for several seconds before taking them
<Jackieness> <Kira> *smiles* "Let me go get changed..."
<DeathStar> *it seems to help the head a little*
<DeathStar> *Bonnie does a kitty yawn and leans against Chelsea*
<DeathStar> <Bonnie> MErrrrrowl
<Sara> * Chelsea scritch-pets BOnnie
<Sara> <Chelsea> Are you feeling okay, BonBon?
<DeathStar> <Bonnie> Feel lazy. *she leans into the pets like a cat*
<Sara> <Chelsea> But not... no pain?
<DeathStar> <Bonnie> *feels her head* Maybe a little. But it feels betterish now. *she gets onto Chelsea's head in cat form to rest*
<DeathStar> *Cypher soon is geared up and Asarar pats Chelsea's back, directing her to a side room*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> There, go grab your stuff
<Seraphna> **Luci goes to get changed into a long coat and armor**
<Sara> * Chelsea follows along, and moves to get herself ready... though she lets out a little sigh without really thinking
<Sara> <Chelsea> "Like old times", huh... *she murmurs to herself, barely audible*
<DeathStar> *As Chelsea steps into the room, she'd see a workshop that looks al ot like her's*
<DeathStar> *with her tools and stuff*
<Xanatos> 6* Logan throws his coat on and waits.
<DeathStar> *no doubt Asarar has built it just for her*
<Sara> <Chelsea> ... *is taken off guard at first, but not that much given how fond Asarar is of her, and moves to get herself geared up*
<Xanatos> <Logan> I really feel like a smoke. Remind me to pick some up while we're out.
<DeathStar> *soon the team is in front of the Macross HQ; Aimée peers up at it with her mallet*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> So, I have been hearing rumors that Ymir might using Ylva to tamper with the elections, so that once Ylva is President and Ymir has control of all the Corporations, they'll rule Kumen
<Jackieness> <Kira> *is done up like a sexy ninja with slinky, cleavage-showing catsuit*
<Sara> <Chelsea> ...I have been concerned about the idea of a monopoly
<Sara> * Chelsea is hopefully dressed like she'd normaly be in the present, rather than 'like old times'
<Xanatos> <Logan> You think they'd do that?
<DeathStar> *Cypher holds up documents she stole*
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Well take a look at this
<Sara> <Chelsea> I'm not sure. Ylva is like a sister to me, and I trust her, but Ymir has been hard to get a read on for quite some time now.
<Sara> * She peeks
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Maybe I should just take out both."
<Sara> * Chelsea's gaze falls at those words, but she says nothing in response
<DeathStar> *it shows plans to use the corporation money, with Ylva's Presidental status, to take over more and more land and begin to convert that land into something called "Project Omega". And there's designs to rebuild Kumen City into something drastic*
<Sara> <Chelsea> ...There's a lot of things this could mean, but...
<Seraphna> Luci> Seems a bit overkill.
<DeathStar> *it looks like something even worse than the old Kumen City*
<DeathStar> *they see a person heading into the front door - looks like they might have a meeting with Ymir, based on how they are dressed*
<Sara> * Chelsea eyes them
<DeathStar> <Asarar> I just know in the end of the day, Ymir is a Macross. *she muses*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> I hate to think the sisters are up to something
<Alicia> * She walks confidently in, cape swishing behind her.
<Xanatos> <Logan> You think it's panic on their part? Kumen sure isn't what it used to be.
<Seraphna> Luci> ...Why don't I get a cape?
<DeathStar> <Cypher> You'd choke?
<Sara> <Chelsea> It's hard for me to judge, personally. Although, one's lineage isn't everything. I mean, heck, Asarar as we know her today is in part a creation of Macross...
<Xanatos> <Logan> One good jump off a ledge, then SNAG and your neck would snap. They're dangerous.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> True. *she tries to hack the cameras but finds Ymir has upped the defense systems* She definitely doesn't want anyone looking in
<DeathStar> *The lobbyist nods and begins to motion the cape wonder to the elevators*
<Sara> <Chelsea> Why don't we just ask to be let in? *she asks frankly*
<Seraphna> Luci> True, but that style. Hmm... maybe I need to accessorize more.
<Alicia> * She walks regally in that direction. "Thank you."
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Might be a good idea. Ymir has made her HQ a literal fortress.
<Sara> * Chelsea makes her way over to the lobbyist
<DeathStar> *Asarar nods and moves inside. The sensors scans their weapons and it's clear they are catalogued with beeps as the lobbyist greets them*
<DeathStar> <Lobbyist> Hello. Do you have an appointment?
<Sara> <Chelsea> Hello! I'm Ylva's lesser-known sister and a dear friend of Ymir. I didn't know I would need an appointment, given everything. *she puts on a smile; it's a bit forced*
<DeathStar> *the Lobbyist checks the files and nods slowly* Ah, Chelsea Sweet. My apologies. One moment. *she contacts the office* Mistress Ymir has an appointment with that lady there. *she motions at the cape figure nearly at the elevator* If you do not mind riding up with them and waiting for them to finish she can see you afterward
<Sara> * Chelsea gives a knowing glance to the other team members as she politely steps in besided the caped person
<Seraphna> **Luci slides to the elevator.** Sure thing!
<Sara> beside*
<DeathStar> *Aimée holds her mallet up as if to smash something and Cypher heads to the elevator, ignoring her*
<Jackieness> <Kira> *moves for the elevator*
<Xanatos> <Logan> I would've preferred the vents. 6* He says with a sigh, then walks after Chelsea with an amused look.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> This is why Chelsea is our #1 spy. *she jokes*
<DeathStar> *as they get into the elevator with the caped woman, Cypher glances at her*
<Sara> * Chelsea looks her over
<Seraphna> Luci> Capes... are they hard to maintain? And have you ever been snagged by one during an epic jump?
<DeathStar> *as the elevator closes, they hear Aimée going to town and security guards making surprised sounds*
<Xanatos> <Logan> ...does your cape have a quick release latch?
<Alicia> <Caped Woman> Of course. Why wouldn't I?
<Seraphna> Luci> Ooo, so I need one of those, Logan~
<DeathStar> *they reach the top of the building and it opens up. Ymir stands there with Neekito and Kito beside her - apparently they have rejoined her office it looks like and Ymir motions for the caped woman to join her* Red Fox.
<Alicia> <Red Fox> "Ymir. It's nice to meet you." *she heads in
<Sara> * Chelsea eyes the person again, trying to commit this silly name to memory
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Is she a fox? Is she red?
<Sara> <Chelsea> I don't think so...
<Alicia> * She is redheaded, and wearing red, but she is not a kitsune. She looks to be a human.
<DeathStar> *Ymir shakes her head and peers at Chelsea and the others, smiling* So, did you bring "that"? *She whispers, a smile like a viper*
<DeathStar> *hand
<Alicia> <Red Fox> "Of course. I wouldn't forget something like that."
<Sara> * Chelsea exchanges a look with Cypher
<Xanatos> <Logan> A not-fox that's red and has a quick release cape. You couldn't go wrong with that sort of fashion idol Luci.
<Seraphna> Luci> I see no fox tail like this. **she grows a fox tail and ears with her little transformation trick** Behold. Proper fox accessories.
* Ariel has joined #TAW-Session437
<Sara> <Chelsea> *to Cypher* I guess we wait a moment and see where this goes...
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Maybe its because she is foxy."
<Alicia> <Red Fox> "So, the deal goes ahead as planned?"
<DeathStar> *Ymir hands Fox some credits as she closes the door, clearly taking something from Red Fox's hands that was under her cape; it looks like some big device*
<DeathStar> <Ymir> Yes it doe---*the door shuts*
<Sara> * Chelsea's ears droop
<Sara> <Chelsea> Well, now is the best time to do your thing, Asarar
<Sara> <Chelsea> Maybe it's less secure in here...?
<Seraphna> **Luci wiggles her tail** I am a Fox now.
<DeathStar> *Asarar nods and reaches out her hand, it glowing*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Okay, let's see...
<Sara> * Chelsea goes over to the door and presses her ear to it
<DeathStar> *Asarar soon hacks into a camera, looking strained and brings up the information on a screen, showing Ymir and Red Fox on a screen* <Ymir on screen> *Ymir puts the device into a larger machine. Neekito and Kito seem to not notice, perhaps something has been done to them?* Alright, this device will help power the transformation device I need to begin turning the city into something new. Once Ylva wins the election, I can power this and change this city into what I like
<DeathStar> <Ymir on screen and through door> I hope you feel properly compensated.
<Sara> * Chelsea's ears twitch, then droop
<Jackieness> <Kira> " can I kill them now?"
<DeathStar> *Ymir then is shown on screen to show her plan to slowly use her power to essentially make the planet her's* <Asarar> I think it's obvious she is taking this to a new level.
<Alicia> <Red Fox> "That's certainly impressive."
<Sara> <Chelsea> Maybe... I just can't make myself believe Ymir would do something like that.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Well, need to stop her while Riki is in office. Lets at least detain her. ... Painfully
<DeathStar> *she brings out her weapons*
<Sara> <Chelsea> ...I guess we have to. I'm sorry about this, Ymir. *she says quietly to herself*
<Xanatos> <Logan> I got the door. 6* He stands up and activates his beam axe.
<Seraphna> **Luci activates her shield bracer and sighs a bit, summing a Shard Blade**
<DeathStar> *Asarar nods and lets Logan deal with it*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Hold on. We need to be smart. The office is probably wired."
<Sara> * Chelsea doesn't draw her sword, but her eyes glance up and down at the door
<DeathStar> <Asarar> You think so?
<DeathStar> *Cypher studies for another way in*
<Xanatos> <Logan> ...see a vent anywhere? 6* He jokes
<DeathStar> *no, but Logan could I guess smash through the thinnish ceiling and go up and over into the main office room?*
<Sara> <Chelsea> I guess they never heard of central air conditioning. *she dryly jokes*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Did you see what they did to the lobby? Wouldn't surprise me if there were retractable guns controlled from the desk."
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Ymir can't be that tough
<Seraphna> Luci> Now that you said that she'll be like a Raid Boss.
<Sara> <Chelsea> A what?
<Seraphna> Luci> Am I the only hip Mom here? I'm supposed to be the old lady.
<Xanatos> 6* Logan waits before executing roof attack.
<Seraphna> **Luci bops, still looking in her teens**
<DeathStar> *Logan smashes through it, smashing turret guns and goes up and over and lands by Fox and Ymir. Ymir blinks and eyes them, then moves over to her desk*
<DeathStar> *Cypher uses her Chi Field nad leaps through the hole and lands and ASarar does a biotect leap and lands*
<Seraphna> **Luci leaps in and slices at the desk. Never trust endgame bosses desks.**
<Jackieness> <Kira> *moves up and over, tossing throwing blades at Ymir's hand*
<Alicia> * Fox likewise moves back from Logan, in a guarded stance. She's not attacking right now, mind.
<Sara> * Chelsea makes her way over
<DeathStar> *Ymir grabs a controller as Luci takes out the desk and activates something, a shield appearing around her to protect her hand*
<DeathStar> <Ymir> Neekito, Kito, get them! *the two dash forward to attack, Neekito forming wind attacks to blow Logan out the window of the high story building and down he goes*
<Seraphna> **Luci starts bashing at the shield** Since when did you start acting like your father!
<Xanatos> <Logan> Alright let's ge-6* He's blown out.
<Sara> <Chelsea> Ymir Macross. I'm very sorry, but you stand accused of attempting world domination. *she actually does draw her katana now, reluctantly... granted that it's not a killing weapon like her old knives*
<DeathStar> <Ymir> Says the people attacking ME. *Kito attacks Luci, insanely powerful due to her limiters and begins to knock Luci away as she keeps her occupied. Kito knocks Luci around as she battled her*
<Jackieness> <Kira> *moves along the perimeter of the room, looking for the power connections*
<Sara> * Chelsea fires off some ice shards from her hands
<DeathStar> <Ymir> Is that right. *Asarar and Cypher circle around as Ymir eyes them and taps a button on her controll as turrets lower and fire at Kito, keeping her busy*
<DeathStar> *the ice shields finally destroy the shield and Ymir begins to work on doing something*
<Sara> <Chelsea> I propose that if you have something to say for yourself, now is the time.
<DeathStar> *she calls forth a massive Gear, smashing through the ceiling to land behind her and begins to climb into it* <Asarar> S-Stop her!
<DeathStar> *Cypher and Asarar go for it when Neekito blows them back and out the window, the two grabbing the edge*
<Jackieness> <Kira> *turns and launches throwing blades at Ymir's back*
<Seraphna> **Luci battles with her, using her shields and shard blades with much more force than she usually does, tossing her at Ymir**
<Sara> <Chelsea> Cy! Asarar! *she runs over to help, panicking now*
<Xanatos> 6* Logan is hanging on the side of the building with his axe, he sees the two above and begins climbing up towards them.
<DeathStar> *Ymir grunts as she bleeds and hits the weapons, and aims missiles, poorly due to bleeding and fires missiles into the building; and the entire thing begins to come down. Chelsea and the tema would see fire and rock coming down, a gear, Kito and Neekito tumbling then blackness*
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Geyze
<DeathStar> *Chelsea would wake up with a headache, her head on a table*
<Sara> * Chelsea stirs wearily, before giving a big open-mouth yawn, like a cat... and then proceeding to hold her head and groan
<DeathStar> *Celes stares at her worriedly*
<DeathStar> *It seems Chelsea is sitting at the Royal's table*
<DeathStar> <Celes> ... she keeps fainting. I am worried.
<Sara> <Chelsea> Ugh, what did I do this time...
<Sara> * She looks around for a drink
<Sara> * In the sense of wondering if she was drinking
<Xanatos> <Simon> How is your head?
<DeathStar> *Chelsea's head is pounding and she would see Bonnie next to her in a chair, sleeping*
<Jackieness> <Lana> "You should try this hangover remdy that I brewed instead." *pulls a small bottle from under her top*
<Seraphna> Talia> Told you you can get drunk on Monsterfish!
<DeathStar> *Gwen studies her, rocking in his chair; outside the snow can be seen following and Cypher paces*
<Alicia> <Asha> "Try to take better care of your health."
<DeathStar> *Chelsea would see no bottles*
<Sara> <Chelsea> Bad. *she says to Simon, gently shaking Bonnie*
<DeathStar> *Bonnie opens her eyes and peer at Chelsea then leans against her* Chel~
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Get some hot water and and add three drops before drinking."
<DeathStar> *outside in the yard Chelsea can hear Aimée and Mélodie playing*
<Sara> <Chelsea> Three drops? Ugh... *she takes the bottle shakily*
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Three." *holds up three fingers*
<DeathStar> <Selena> She looks like she might fall over at any moment. I wonder if we should lay her back down. *She whispers*
<DeathStar> <Celes> She has been laying most of the day
<Xanatos> 6* Simon holds out a hand and traces a rune to then holds out a hand to Chelsea, a light mist drifts around here as he closes his eyes and focuses.
<Seraphna> Talia> Mmm, maybe needs extra fish.
<Xanatos> <Simon> Between those drops and the healing mist your head pain should ease up.
<DeathStar> *her head slowly eases up, though Chelsea would see like the world is in add colors right now and people are a little blurry*
<DeathStar> *Cypher leans in and Neekito is beside her*
<DeathStar> <Neekito> Should I get you anything?
<Sara> <Chelsea> What... what did I miss *she mutters weakly as she tries to figure out the medicine despite her condition* ... *she pauses, eyeing Neekito and Cypher*
<Alicia> <Asha> How much did you drink, anyway?
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Is something wrong?
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Remember, hot water and three drops. Too mcuh won't really harm you, but it might be too bitter."
<Sara> <Chelsea> Head feels like it crash landed on a strange alien planet.
<Sara> * She explains simply, feeling irritated, because she thought it was obvious
<DeathStar> *Cypher nods and motions people away* <Cypher> Give her space
<Alicia> <Asha> Yeah, that happens sometimes...
<Alicia> * Asha keeps a healthy distance.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Ah yes, she should stand and move a bit to get back her circulation."
<DeathStar> *Cypher whispers to a person out of view of Chelsea* She is not doing that again. Ever.
<Sara> * Chelsea shakes her head, wondering if she was just dreaming the events from earlier
<Xanatos> 6* Simon pulls out his notepad and begins to write something down, brow furrowed.
<Sara> <Chelsea> How about you, BonBon? You okay?
<DeathStar> <Bonnie> I'm good. If you're good
<Seraphna> Jaime> Should we call a proper doctor?
<DeathStar> *She takes her hand*
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Like Jennifer? I suppose it cannot hurt.
<Sara> <Chelsea> I've been through worse...
<Sara> * She tries to stand
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Now I'm just plain offended."
<Seraphna> **Jaime nods and gives her a call to come down to Geyze**
<Xanatos> <Simon> Could you recount some simple facts. Your name, the day, your spouse, last memory?
<DeathStar> *Gwen pats Lana* She seems to be doing better from what you gave her
<DeathStar> *Chelsea shakily stands, and the world looks like bleeding colors. People's voices sound weird, and Simon looks a little weird*
<DeathStar> *but she can stand*
<Sara> <Chelsea> Oh for the love of... *she curses under her breath* My name is Natalie Guane. I-- *she looks around, confused*
<DeathStar> *Neekito supports her*
<DeathStar> <Cypher> See? She knows her name.
<Alicia> * Kyouki whispers something in Asha's ear, who nods.
<Alicia> <Asha> "Alright then..."
<DeathStar> *Erevis puts Kyouki on her head if she is in sprite form*
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Wait... Chelsea isn't her real name?"
<Sara> <Chelsea> married to Cypher here, and I remember... I... *she touches her head again*
<Sara> <Chelsea> Ugh, everything feels weird...
<DeathStar> <Bonnie> What is wrong, Chel?
<DeathStar> <Neekito> I should probably get Brooke's power to help her. *she peers at Ellie*
<Xanatos> <Simon> Perhaps we should move her to a bed and await the doctor.
<Xanatos> <Simon> I believe there is something seriously wrong. Let us be safe. Not sorry.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Get her to bed and elevate her feet."
<Sara> * Ellie blinks and gives a nod with a slight shrug. She isn't a Brooke summoner, after all.
<DeathStar> *Cypher glares at the person off to the side*
<Seraphna> **Jennifer teleports down with some equipment and heads over to them**
<Sara> <Ellie> Where's Alita?
<DeathStar> *Neekito has Bonnie help support Chelsea and Neekito moves off to grab Brooke's power off from someone, then returns to use cure*
<Seraphna> Talia> Will get! Probably reading up on this. **She teleports away**
<Sara> <Ellie> Oh, I guess Neekito has it covered...
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Visiting her family back home, I think."
<DeathStar> *As they are talking, suddenly Chelsea would feel extremly dizzy and begin to black out*
<DeathStar> <Bonnie> Oh no. She is blacking out again
<DeathStar> *Bonnie dives for her
<Sara> <Chelsea> ...I think I remember... falling... something about Ymir...?
<Sara> * She falls
<Alicia> <Asha> Not good...
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<Seraphna> **Jennifer rushes over seeing her start to faint** Yikes!
<DeathStar> *Chelsea would sit up in a pile of rubble*
<Sara> <Chelsea> Nngh... My butt...
<DeathStar> *Aimée pokes her*
<DeathStar> *around her, the others seem to be alive - moving slowly*
<Sara> <Chelsea> Aimée... are you all right? Where's-- Cy? BonBon? Asarar? *she tries to get up*
<Xanatos> 6* Logan slowly pushes himself up to his knees, just sitting there for a bit as he breathes.
<DeathStar> *Cypher is laying on her side, looking bloody and Asarar sparks a little and is bleeding*
<DeathStar> *Bonnie is just missing. No doubt the blue cat will show up - probably*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "...tell me Ymir is at least dead."
<DeathStar> *Ymir for her part is laying in her mech, half crushed*
<Sara> * Chelsea tries to get over to the twins
<Sara> * Paying no mind to Ymir at that moment
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Hey.... you. Hardly a scratch on you...
<DeathStar> *she coughs some fluids and winces*
<Sara> <Chelsea> Cy, don't speak, you're in bad shape...
<Sara> <Chelsea> Aimée! Help me get everyone to a better spot!? *she's desperate if she's asking her unstable spirit daughter for help*
<DeathStar> *Cypher waves her hand like she'll be fine; hear by Red Fox can be seen gathering whatever riches can be found*
<Xanatos> <Logan> That...went sideways. 6* he says, slowly draggin himself over to Asarar's side, pulling out soem repair tools and a medkit.
<Seraphna> **Luci stands slowly, shields forming to cause things to fall off her** More than sideways... it went down.
<Sara> <Chelsea> Sideways and inside-out, *she confirms sympathetically, worried*
<DeathStar> *sirens can be heard*
<Jackieness> <Kira> *draws a blade and approaches Ymir's mecha*
<Seraphna> Luci> Are those for us, or her?
<Sara> <Chelsea> Undoubtedly, the answer is yes.
<DeathStar> *Aimée moves over and lifts the wounded with her strength and begins to move to a better spot, not having teleport sadly - if I'm wrong and her moves have it, correct me. She then begins to move away to a better spot*
<Xanatos> <Logan> Definitely both. We need to make sure we have those recordings and the evidence. Also keeping her alive means they have someone to arrest that is not us. 6* He reminds Kira.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> ARgh.. oof. *thanks to Logan patching her up a bit she isn't jostled that painfully, while Cypher just passes out*
<Alicia> <Red Fox> Well, better her than me, definitely.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Fine. She owns the cops though." *slides her blade back into place*
<Sara> * Chelsea does her part in moving the wounded, and pants, not feeling great... even though she's clearly the least wounded
<Xanatos> 6* Logan winces, holding his side, his hand covered in blood when he pulls it back out from inside his coat.
<DeathStar> *the police and ambulances arrive and the cops point at them - thankfully they have made some distance and shots are fired but miss*
<Sara> <Chelsea> Ack! "First do no harm", jerks! "First do no harm"!
<Sara> * She protests, even though it's not the doctors shooting
<Alicia> * Red Fox keeps nicely out of the way of gunfire. She's not gathering up loot now either... which would look rather suspicious.
<DeathStar> *Bonnie lands on Chelsea's head and she'd feel her body being healed, even as Bonnie in cat form looks rough. Very rough. Aimée throws her mallet and blows a car up and causes some chaos and eventually the team gets away*
<DeathStar> *which just leaves where to go now*
<Sara> <Chelsea> BonBon, you look in a bad way, too...
<Seraphna> Luci> She could really use a bandaid or something.
<Xanatos> <Logan> Two options. Lay low and heal, or go straight to Riki.
<DeathStar> *Bonnie hops off and holds herself, looking a little see-through* <Bonnie> I'm fine.. for now. I'll get mana later.
<Seraphna> Luci> Go to Riki and heal.
<Sara> <Chelsea> Luci's right. We can't wait.
<Sara> <Chelsea> Not now that this literally blew up.
<DeathStar> <Bonnie> You think we can really reach the Presidental Office in the center of the city?
<DeathStar> <Bonnie> Well, maybe we can use the Mew Mew
<Seraphna> Luci> Sure, use the same way we used to in the sewers... or we can do that.
<Sara> <Chelsea> Well, it's not low-profile... *she coughs, feeling like the dust from the fallen building is still everywhere, even though it's not -- a natural feeling to have*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "I prefer the pipes and vents."
<Sara> <Chelsea> Just... just keep moving. We've just got to keep moving. They're after us.
<DeathStar> *Cypher looks to be pale and sickly now*
<DeathStar> *Bonnie nods and Aimée smashes a sewer cover open*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Let us... hurry then.
<Sara> <Chelsea> And at this rate... we may not have much time... *she carries Cypher down into the sewer*
<Jackieness> <Kira> *leaps down into the sewers*
<Seraphna> **Luci thanks the heavens she doesn't need to breathe and leaps in**
<Xanatos> 6* Logan frowns as he moves, limping.
<Xanatos> <Logan> Cypher needs some meds or she might not make it.
<DeathStar> *the sewers are as nasty as ever and as maze like as ever. Bonnie walks along and looks around as they move and Asarar peers around* <Bonnie> No. I do not think she will with the distance we have to go
<DeathStar> *Bonnie leans on walls, looking like a ghost*
<Sara> <Chelsea> No... What are we supposed to do?
<DeathStar> <Asarar> We could leave her behind for the cops.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> They'll treat her maybe...
<Sara> <Chelsea> ............
<Alicia> <Red Fox> Wow, cold.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Then get her to the nearest backalley clinic."
<Sara> <Chelsea> Dammit... Dammit, dammit, dammit, not again...
<Sara> <Chelsea> After all this time I thought she was safe and...
<DeathStar> *Asarar twitches a little, turning as she jerks a little from damage* You...
<DeathStar> *Asarar shakily looks for the nearest back door clinic* Come on. T-This w-way....
<Seraphna> **Luci shrugs and follows**
<DeathStar> *Asarar begins to lead them, a map appearing over her hand*
<Sara> * Chelsea follows behind, shaking, herself, even as she tries her best to stay steady, given everything
<Xanatos> <Logan> Note to self, bring enough medkits for the whole group next time.
<DeathStar> *soon the team arrives at a ladder, Asarar's map beginning to sputter out as she loses energy* On the street above us
<DeathStar> *Around this time, Chelsea would feel like her headache is growing and the world seems to be going blurry at times*
<Jackieness> <Kira> *nods* "Luci, up with shields. You cna take anything an ambush cna throw."
<Alicia> <Red Fox> You go first, I'll follow.
<Xanatos> <Logan> I'll go arm stopped working a few minutes ago so I'll be the slowest.
<Sara> * Chelsea stumbles and holds her head with one hand
<Sara> <Chelsea> Ugh, what's...
<Sara> <Chelsea> Not NOW...
<DeathStar> *Bonnie studies her and takes her head* What is wrong. .... <Asarar> *turns* I'm not seeing anything wrong with her
<Alicia> <Red Fox> Looks like someone else needs medical treatment.
<Seraphna> **Luci hrms** Maybe she hit her head.
<Sara> * Chelsea tries to keep walking
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Probbaly a concussion."
<DeathStar> <Bonnie> Maybe. *she frowns like she is dubious, then climbs up the ladder herself and Aimée helps Chelsea get Cypher up onto the street*
<DeathStar> *the clinic can be seen nearby*
<DeathStar> <Aimée> Yay. Did it. Pat.
<Sara> <Chelsea> Aimée, can you... get her the rest... of the way *she grumbles*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Good. *twitches and coughs up blood, with light sparking due to how deep the wound is*
<DeathStar> *Aimée gets Cypher inside and Bonnie is checking Chelsea's eyes as the world is darkening on her. Asarar catches Chelsea with one arm and Chelsea would find herself being carried into the clinic as well and being laid down beside Cypher and voices being heard discussing going to Riki the rest of the way and if they can make it. It seems like Chelsea is going in and out consciousness, then... darkness*
<DeathStar> *once again, Chelsea finds herself on a bed, but this time on Geyze, with the scariest person beside her - Jennifer*
<Seraphna> **Jennifer scans her, oh such terrors she does**
<Sara> <Chelsea> Nngh... Who's... *she barely opens her eyes, kind of squinting*
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Tell me she's fine now. She keeps passing out. <Bonnie> I don't like it.
<Sara> <Chelsea> Cy, you're okay... *she says, not that there's context for it*
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Of course I am
<Xanatos> <Simon>
<DeathStar> *Cypher takes her hand*
<Seraphna> Jennifer> Mmm, seems there's something in her system we need to clear up for her to get better...
<DeathStar> *Neekito frowns and studies Chelsea* <Voice> I wonder...
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Well get it bloody out of her
<Seraphna> **Jennifer nods a bit, working to isolate it**
<Sara> * Chelsea's eyes are more open now and she looks at Cypher, looking at the spots where she saw blood what feels like mere minutes ago
<DeathStar> *Cypher looks perfectly healthy, except for fear on her face - for Chelsea. It's like the roles have reversed*
<DeathStar> *Bonnie is also completely solid*
<DeathStar> *as they isolate it - though it's not completely destroyed, Chelsea would feel better and her head clears some and the strange colors in the room clear up and the warping of voices that happened last time are gone*
<Sara> <Chelsea> You're okay... you're both okay, thank goodness...
<Alicia> * Asha looks confused.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> Most of it's gone now...
<Alicia> <Asha> Were you having some sort of bad dream?
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Yes. You're the one who has been in trouble. <Bonnie> A fever dream maybe?
<DeathStar> <Tora's voice> Maybe. Her vitals have been all over the place, but considering where she went
<DeathStar> <Tora's voice> We can't rule out what she's been seeing this day
<DeathStar> *Cypher helps Chelsea sit up*
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Ah, got it. Spirit toxicity."
<Alicia> <Asha> You mean, she might be having visions of the future, or other worlds or similar?
<Xanatos> <Simon> You think it is a real experience?
<Sara> * Chelsea takes a very long look at Cypher
<Alicia> <Asha> I hope it's not of the future from what I'm hearing...
<Jackieness> <Lana> "I'm going to make a note that overexposure to spirit energy can have debilitating effects."
<DeathStar> <Tora> *kneels beside Cypher* It could be that. It could be alternate timelines, the future, possible paths that might have been taken, who knows. Tall me Chelsea, what is the last thing you remember
<DeathStar> *Cypher cups her face and smiles* Are you okay, my love?
<Sara> <Chelsea> I... I was with Asarar's group... and we went to stop Ymir from transforming the world for some reason... and the building... it collapsed... and then... Cy was... Cy was... *her eyes tear up*
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Shh shh shhh. It's okay. *she hugs* I've been here this entire time beside you ever since you went along with Tora's crazy experiment
<Alicia> <Asha> Don't worry... it isn't happening...
<Sara> <Chelsea> E...experiment...?
<Seraphna> Jennifer> Mmm, interesting...
<DeathStar> *Tora helps Chelsea to her feet*
<Sara> * Chelsea wobbles
<Xanatos> <Simon> Even if we determine that it was not real, experiencing it in your mind would still make it feel very real, so I am sorry you had to go through that.
<DeathStar> <Tora> Since you can use the Net, we wanted to learn more about the Mirror Universe as you know. We had you take the Mew Mew very briefly through the Spirit Portal to see if a ship could go through and back, to take data. And measurements. To see if the Aquarius can go through later. Or if only your ship can fit.
<DeathStar> <Tora> Once you came back, you began to act strangely.
<Sara> <Chelsea> So... Ymir isn't planning a takeover of Kumen and making her sister run for President...?
<DeathStar> <Tora> You kept seeing things, then passed out
<DeathStar> <Tora> It means we'll likely need to do some sort of shielding
<DeathStar> <Tora> So either you've been seeing somethign in your head, an alternate timeline, a what if scenario, or numerous possibilities
<DeathStar> *Neekito peers at Jennifer, then Chelsea* We can eliminate whatever is in your system that is making you see if now. We have it isolated.
<Sara> * Chelsea simply frowns, in a bit of shock still
<Alicia> <Asha> Try to relax...
<Jackieness> <Lana> "We do still need to finish going through the data recorded by your ship."
<DeathStar> *Cypher rubs her back and Tora looks apologetic* We'll go back to work; I never imagined this would happen
<DeathStar> *Tora leaves and Bonnie looks at Chelsea* <Bonnie> Do you need anything?
<Xanatos> <Simon> This is proof that we need to be more cautious.
<Sara> <Chelsea> ...I don't know, just, water, I guess... and time to sort myself out... I don't know what... ngh.
<Alicia> <Asha> Take all the time you need.
<DeathStar> *they hug*
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> 11.22.5999
<DeathStar> 2 days later
<DeathStar> (any characters who want to come along)
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar peers up at Macross, along with Cypher and Chelsea. Bonnie rests on Chelsea's head*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> As you can see, it's in one piece. I mean, I have my wonders about Ymir - what with having her fingers in every pie lately and Ylva running for President, but I haven't found any real dirt on her. But I guess everyone is a little dirty.
<Xanatos> <Logan> So you said we went in, a mech happened and almost everyone was wounded or dying?
<Alicia> <Sparkling> That's weird... but I wasn't there, was I?
<Sara> <Chelsea> There was some weird girl with a cape called... something fox
<Sara> <Chelsea> Gray Fox, I want to say
<Seraphna> Luci> ...I could do a cape...
<Alicia> <Kyouki> ...I thought Gray Fox was a guy.
<Sara> <Chelsea> ???
<Sara> <Chelsea> Also, Asarar was calling me by the nickname 'Kitty', and I'm not sure if that's normal or not anymore, it's all kind of muddled in my head
<Alicia> <Kyouki> Sure it wasn't Red?
<DeathStar> *they walk up to the top and Ymir meets them* Hello!!
<Sara> <Chelsea> ...Ymir
<Seraphna> Luci> Hey Ymmy.
<Sara> * Chelsea eyes her, remembering seeing her dying in the Gear thing
<DeathStar> <Asarar> *whisper* Would you like that --- Kitty?
<Sara> * Chelsea raises an eyebrow at her, then looks back at Ymir
<Sara> <Chelsea> Ymir, do you know anything about a gr... wait, sorry, a Red Fox?
<DeathStar> *Ymir shakes her head and looks her up* One sec
<Alicia> <Kyouki> There was someone called that a time back. Probably not the same person though, that was years ago.
<DeathStar> <Ymir> How are you Chel? Oh a hit
<Sara> <Chelsea> ... Sorry?
<Sara> * She glances
<DeathStar> *she shows Red Fox's face - it seems she run someone called Red's Empire that sells stuff like Red Fruit*
<Sara> * Chelsea's eyes slowly narrow
<Sara> ... What's a "Red Fruit", is that some sort of street lingo
<Sara> <Chelsea>*
<Xanatos> <Logan> Yeah probably a drug. Ymir, do you have a mech hidden in here?
<DeathStar> <Ymir> No idea. Want me to contact them?
<Xanatos> 6* He leans in to watch her face for lies.
<Sara> <Chelsea> ... It may be best if you never, ever, ever, EVER contact them. Ever.
<DeathStar> <Ymir> In this room? ...No? *she eyes this space*
<Sara> * Chelsea shakes her head; ever since the incident she isn't ever really sure what's real
<Alicia> <Sparkling> Would a mech even fit in there?
<DeathStar> <Ymir> I mean I have a personal gear
<DeathStar> *she adds*
<Sara> <Chelsea> Promise me you aren't working on some sort of project to take over the world and remake it to your heart's desires
<Alicia> <Sparkling> ...are you feeling alright?
<DeathStar> <Ymir> *blinks* No. I have no interest in the world. Too much paperwork. *she pats* Are you okay? You should come see Ylva
<Sara> <Chelsea> I... I probably should
<Sara> * Her gaze falls, still uneasy, through no fault of Ymir's
<DeathStar> *Ymir studies her and nods* I should get to work; after the team leaves*
<Sara> <Chelsea> Putting the pieces together, I suspect I may have actually lived in the new club with you in that weird dream of mine, Asarar
<Sara> <Chelsea> But I still had my katana and... I don't know, it's all so fuzzy...
<Alicia> * Sparkling looks over, a little concerned
<DeathStar> <Asarar> *nods* Think she is on the up and up?
<Sara> <Chelsea> Ymir? I don't know. I'm honestly not sure what to think anymore. It's all so confusing...
<DeathStar> *Asarar takes her hand* Let's get a drink and rest for now - we'll watch her
<DeathStar> -END-
<Sara> * Chelsea quietly wonders many things to herself, but lets Asarar lead her by the hand