The Alien Wars 6: Da Capo

Session 470

Session Start: Mon Jul 06 13:29:22 2020
Session Ident: #TAW-Session470
* Now talking in #TAW-Session470
* Seraphna has joined #TAW-Session470
* ChadWinters has joined #TAW-Session470
* Xanatos has joined #TAW-Session470
<DeathStar> *eyes stretch*
* Alicia has joined #TAW-Session470
<DeathStar> Well played
* Sara has joined #TAW-Session470
<DeathStar> *gives you pretend danishes*
* Ariel has joined #TAW-Session470
* Jackieness has joined #TAW-Session470
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> Date: 10-641.10.12 - 1 day after the events of Fumoffu 17
<DeathStar> Location: The Academy
<DeathStar> 6* Right now both teams are at the Academy. Asarar is going using the holonet, on a terminal that Cheryl brought, while Cheryl is using another.
<DeathStar> *Asarar seems to be looking up cloning facilities and stuff on Earth while Cheryl is using her's to do something, claiming it will help her team find Chad
<Alicia> * Ceilidh does her best to look up cloning facilities as well
<Seraphna> **Angela peeks over Cheryl's shoulder**
<DeathStar> *Cheryl has put out a bounty - wanted alive - on Chad and is busy putting it on various planets*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> There. Now we just need to sit back and wait.
<Xanatos> <Xan> Why not call him? He didn't leave a secure connection for you?
<Xanatos> <Xan> Don't get me wrong, this is much funnier.
<Ariel> * Nicolette lounges upside town on a chair, juggling some silverware
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> He did not. According to Aya, her Id thing is even iffy
<Xanatos> 6* Logan shares some information he's found to Asarar.
<Alicia> * Charlotte practices card tricks, as if trying to get back into the swing of things
<DeathStar> <Selena> There's more than one?
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Chad clones is a scary concept."
<ChadWinters> <Id> Yes. There are several of me. The other ones are generally a more interface version.
<DeathStar> *Sabrina tries to mimic the juggling, and somehow a rabbit appears in her arms and lands on her head and runs off*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "No surprise. It always has a back up waiting for it."
<Seraphna> Angela> A world with more than one Chad is a scary place.
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "That seems like a certain type of immortality."
<Jackieness> <Noire> "In the meantime, we can have a study session together."
<DeathStar> *it looks like with their results that after the great Venerator Intelligence incident, major cloning centers of people were shut down, leaving many abandoned all over Earth. The only ones still operational these days are those that do limbs now*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Aww yea."
<DeathStar> *or organs*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> It looks like the cloning business took a bad hit a few years ago
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "I'm not surprised."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> The PAX is the only place with true cloning tech now and this Cran guy
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Because nothing says 'can't possibly be used for evil' like cloning."
<Seraphna> Jaime> Eh, like any technology or power, it can be abused, doesn't make it bad.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "But... it's not like clones are evil."
<Xanatos> <Logan> I'm astounded they were allowed to clone beyond limbs and organs anyway. Are they competing with Kumen for most fucked up use of a corporation?
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "What do you mean?"
<Jackieness> <Noire> "and here we go."
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Cloning whole people... that's really..."
<Alicia> * Asha just sits nearby listening.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Messed up
<ChadWinters> <Id> Cloning a person isn't generally viewed as a common pracftice. It was mostly done illegally.
<Seraphna> Jaime> There's a lot of applications.
<DeathStar> *Asarar eyes Jaime*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "But... is it really that bad?"
<ChadWinters> <Id> The current cran is a case of someone constantly cloning themselves
<Seraphna> Jaime> What? I know someone that literally needed a body to seperate two minds.
<DeathStar> *Taiga crosses her arms, showing she is not in favor of cloning - having a clone running around*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "It just means we need to work to perfect the process!"
<DeathStar> <Taiga> Well if you want someone that has "perfected" the process, Alexander Cran is your man
<Seraphna> **Si fuus** My Aunt is a clone of my Momma. She's not too bad now that she's been tamed.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Has he?"
<Ariel> <Nicolette> *almost drops a fork* "T-tamed?"
<Xanatos> <Xan> Cran was an evil dickhead but I think this version of Cran has been working with Lemon's team for a bit.
<ChadWinters> <Id> There was aprevious version that wasn't bad either.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "One wonders if the origal Cran was so evil as his later iterations then."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Cran will play nice while it suits him, or while his brain isn't unbalanced; his ambitions are what leads him to do evil, but when he gets crazy and those ambitions mix...
<Seraphna> Si> Yep, he was made with all these pre-programmed urges that Aunt Cheryl had to beat out of him and then Grandma convinced her to turn into a girl to be good. It's a long story. With many weird chapters.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You get bad stuff
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Wait, what."
<Seraphna> *Si begins to pull out a flow chart.**
<DeathStar> <Asarar> *holds her hand up* I don't care
<Alicia> * Ceilidh peruses the flowchart
<ChadWinters> <Id> It is a lovely case of nature versus nurture.
<Seraphna> Angela> I remember when we built a room full of those charts to explain things.
<Alicia> * Charlotte mostly just glances. "I side with nurture, really."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "You did that too?!"
<DeathStar> <Asarar> I will let Chelsea bite you all
<DeathStar> *she clears her throat*
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "...that's kinda messed up."
<Seraphna> **Luci puts a drink in front of Asarar**
<Jackieness> <Kira> "No more of these shenanigans. Mission at hand."
<Seraphna> Luci> Here, I find it best to just let the insanity tire itself out.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Anyway. If we're doing with an enemy that might be using a clone facility, the chances are he's not using a facility for limbs, right
<DeathStar> *dealing
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Probably not."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> So he's probably using an abandoned cloning facility and there's only a few of them
<DeathStar> *Asarar stands up*
<ChadWinters> <Id> No. Buyt it's also possible that they just moved the required items in to a facility
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Well, then we check it out. Who wants to come?
<DeathStar> *Cheryl waves her hand, waiting on hits for Chad*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "We cna ID them, tap the power grids in the viscinity, and see which ones are consuming most juice than an abandoned facility should be."
<Seraphna> Luci> Will there be freaky clones in tubes?
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "I'm for the clone lab, of course."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Are clones really freaky?"
<Seraphna> Angela> I'll stick with Cheryl on this one.
<Seraphna> Luci> Not all clones, but clones in tubes can be freaky.
<Xanatos> 6* Logan stands up, placing a datapad in a pounch on his hip next to the datareader he has.
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Well... you said you wanted magical support, so I guess I'm in."
<ChadWinters> <Id> I will come with to the clones.
<Seraphna> Jaime> I'll go, such places can be worthwhile.
<Alicia> <Asha> "I'm going to be lost with all the clone talk."
<Alicia> <Asha> "Clones are just copies of people, right?"
<DeathStar> *Asarar moves to step outside, throwing her trench coat on as does Cypher*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Essentially
<Jackieness> <Kira> *blows a kiss back as she moves out with Asarar*
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Think of it as a living robot of a person
<Seraphna> **Luci walks along after her** Sometimes they clone cows. They taste like normal cows.
<Xanatos> <Xan> Was that Kira lady hitting on me? You saw that right, she blew a kiss right at me.
<DeathStar> *Erevis raises her eyebrow as she remains behind*
<Alicia> <Kyouki> "Was it aimed at you?"
<Seraphna> **Jaime pokes Xan and moves to follow** Remain vigilant against temptresses.
<DeathStar> *Asarar peers at the Mew Mew, then the Aquarius*
<Ariel> * Nicolette catches the silverware and puts it on the chair arm, before doing a halfcartwheel to her feet
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Hm, I guess we'll take the Mew Mew.
<Xanatos> <Xan> Oh good point, maybe it was aimed at you. 6* He says to Kyouki.
<Seraphna> Luci> Good idea, since the OS for the Aquarius is walking about touching things.
<DeathStar> *Yuki glares at Luci from inside the Aquarius*
<Xanatos> <Logan> Poor Erica. 6* He says with a solemn nod, moving to get ontot he Mew Mew.
<ChadWinters> 6Id floats along
<Seraphna> Jaime> **looks back at her Momma** Need me to stay and keep the rest of my parents in line Momma? They're getting all naughty.
<Alicia> <Kyouki> "That's naughty?"
<DeathStar> *Erevis waves, painting and paying little attention as the Mew Mew begins to power up to leave*
<DeathStar> *Cypher sits in the seat since it looks like Chelsea is not around*
<Seraphna> **Jaime nods, and moves onto the Mew Mew**
<DeathStar> *having the two Spirits move to the back to take their positions*
<Sara> * Chelsea steps onto the scene, stretching
<Seraphna> **Luci boards and stretches out** This ship is cute and spacious.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Now for the rest of us... Chad in cuffs or in a large burlap bag?"
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Hopefully things calm down now that we're away from the insanity of that group. *shakes her head, then eyes Luci* Then again, hello Luci
<Seraphna> Luci> Hey, I am a well behaved old lady.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *Raises her eyebrow at Noire*
<DeathStar> *Even as the Mew Mew leaves*
<Xanatos> <Xan> Haha. 6* he laugh at Noire
<Seraphna> Angela> Rope?
<Seraphna> **Thena appears on Xan's shoulders** Hi Grandpa!
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Okay. The hope is that either Chad contacts us or someone wanting the bounty does
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Kumen
<DeathStar> 6* Obligatory Chad scene, Chad would see that posters of his face is all over Kumen
<DeathStar> *with a number to call if someone sees him or captures him*
* ChadWinters scratches his jaw as he's pries back some metal in the lower level. 1"Guess that means Cheryl's doing her best." 6He reaches behind the metal, grabbing a bag, then pulls something out of his belt.
* ChadWinters then disappears into a shadow as it envelops him
<DeathStar> *since Chad is lit up due to the hex, people eye him and whisper at what he's doing; as Chad goes to disappear, he would find he cannot do it*
<ChadWinters> Seem's they've found a way to block abilities. 6He glances at his datapad to see if it's working.
<DeathStar> *as Chad is glancing down, Chad is sniped in the head from a distance by a well trained sniper*
<DeathStar> *fortunately for him, it looks like Chad isn't right out killed, as the shot is a glancing blow that just takes him down with some damage*
<DeathStar> *the figure that fires adjusts their position, then flicks back what looks like it might be long hair then moves down from their spot toward the body*
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Earth
<DeathStar> 6* Cypher feeds Chelsea food as the group arrives at an abandoned facility
<Sara> * Chelsea munches, looking bored
<Seraphna> Jaime> This place is one lightning storm away from a horror vid.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "I'm fine with that!"
<DeathStar> *the Mew Mew lands and the two spirits begin to wrestle in the back, Aimee and Melodie rolling*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Hm.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Everyone ready?
<DeathStar> *Asarar steps out of the ship and eyes the place*
<ChadWinters> <Id> For an ambush? Yes.
<Seraphna> Jaime> Sure I guess.
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Well, as much as I'm going to be."
<Seraphna> **Luci peers about and adjusts her armored coat**
<Xanatos> 6* Logan lifts up his beam axe haft, then activate the blade.
<Xanatos> <Logan> Yup.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Do we have any intel?"
<Seraphna> Luci> It's a spooky cloning facility.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "..beyond the obvious."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Isn't that why we're here?" *waves around a flashlight in a suspiciously X-Files-esque manner*
<ChadWinters> <Id> It is quote on quote abandoned.
<DeathStar> *Asarar opens the front doors and they make a loud creaaak*
<ChadWinters> *unqoute*
<ChadWinters> <Id> Hmm. There goes the element of surprise.
<Seraphna> Luci> That's what she said?
<Xanatos> 6* Logan steps in first, glancing around as he moves forward.
<DeathStar> *the place looks like it hasn't been used in months. Wait, months?*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "... hmm."
<DeathStar> *there is equipment for cloning in the back, and stuff set up, a lot of it broken and smashed like someone went through the area and broke it*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Hmmm... this place does not look like years. Dust has been disturbed and laered over again."
<Xanatos> <Logan> How dusty should this place be?
<Seraphna> Luci> So... it was being used illegally probably, but not anymore?
<Jackieness> <Kira> "They cleared out already. Watch out for fireworks."
<ChadWinters> <Id> Very dusty. Which would mean someone used it recently and then destroyed the evidence
<DeathStar> *there is still some working here and there, and cloning equipment about, but the equipment left behind is not that important*
<Ariel> * Nicolette holds a small ball of light on her palm, and uses it as a lantern.
<DeathStar> <Bonnie> *poofs into human form*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Definitely cloning equipment."
<DeathStar> *Nicolette's light shows that looks like gun shots into the equipment*
<Sara> <Chelsea> It's unfortunate that cloning experiments are so common that you all recognize cloning equipment at a glance.
<DeathStar> <Bonnie> Bonnie is lost
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> *eyes the shot equipment* "What a waste of equipment."
<Seraphna> Jaime> Eh, everything here is outdated.
<ChadWinters> <Id> They matched my records. But the fact whoever came through here shot the equipment shows either lazyness or a purposeful trail to follow
<Xanatos> <Logan> ...if they just shut up the you think there's some sort of data on an undamaged storage drive?
<Xanatos> (shot up)
<Seraphna> Luci> I just assumed the equipment in a cloning facility would be cloning equipment.
<ChadWinters> <Id> Which would mean they planned on it being found.
<DeathStar> *the shots seem to be aimed well enough to take out the equipment, hitting it well enough to destroy it and blow it up*
<DeathStar> *no shot wasted*
<Alicia> * Ceilidh looks for data. Or clues.
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Looks like the gear here is shot. Doubt it's much use now."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> So Chelsea can't boot it up?
<Seraphna> Jaime> I think if we find anything it will have to be something an obsessive compulsive person would overlook.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Literally shot." *moves over and sees if she cna determine waht wa sused to shoot the equipment up*
<Sara> <Chelsea> Why would you want to boot it up?
<Sara> <Chelsea> We should have just pulled the drives.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "There might still be clues as to what they were doing."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Do that, then
<Xanatos> <Logan> These things have exploded afterward, I'm doubtful there are any drives remaining. But I'll help you look.
<DeathStar> *it looks like it was an EarthGov military plasma gun*
<ChadWinters> 6Id floats up bit, scanning each shot and tracing back it's trajectory to try and see if there's one common shoot spot or if it was someone that moved from machine to machine
<Seraphna> **Jaime peers about for cameras**
<DeathStar> *The cameras were long ago shut off, even before the place was illegally used*
<Seraphna> Jaime> Next to no chance of security footage I guess... I could see about getting Leyaeh down here to read the equipment, but that's the best we could get.
<Sara> * Chelsea and Logan check all of the gear for storage disks/drives
<DeathStar> *The person moved about and as Id does spots a spot of blood*
<DeathStar> *Chelsea and Logan find one working drive, even if it's partially damaged*
<ChadWinters> <Id> Interesting. 6It floats down to it and begins scanning it
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Plasma weapon was used ehre. Military spec based on the per-shot damage, I'd say."
<Seraphna> Jaime> Any chance you know which military?
<ChadWinters> <Id> Earthgov most likely based on the blast pattern and residue left behind
<DeathStar> *It looks like it matches Chad Winters - almost. Some markers indicate a clone maybe*
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "You think it was actually the military? Wouldn't they announce taking out an illegal operation like this, for the good press?"
<ChadWinters> <Id> It wasn't the military
<DeathStar> <Asarar> So I shouldn't ask Cheryl?
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Was it Chad?"
<ChadWinters> <Id> Why woudl you assume that?
<Seraphna> Jaime> Who was it?
<Seraphna> Luci> Chad did ask us to assume him as a suspect.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Could be anyone then. The weapon could be blackmarket."
<ChadWinters> <Id> I am beginning to question why he used you if these are the assumptions you made. 6It floats up. "1I have found blood that matches Winter's DNA but there are markers that do not fully match up.
<Seraphna> Jaime> Like clone markers?
<ChadWinters> <Id> If I were to make a guess. Yes
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "I could analyse it."
<Seraphna> Jaime> Okay, so we have Chad Clones running around. Go ahead Ceil.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Interesting. *turns to Chelsea* Can you anaylze this at the Mew Mew?
<DeathStar> *referring to the disk*
<Sara> <Chelsea> Sure, I'll try.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Thanks. *she pats her bottom*
<Sara> <Chelsea> Ah~
<Sara> * She stumbles a little and then moves to go back to the Mew Mew with the drive
<DeathStar> *Asarar kneels and looks around* So we have someone using a plasma pistol to shoot up this place, and Chad clone blood
<Seraphna> **Luci glances at Asarar, then slowly at Kira, then back again**
<ChadWinters> <Id> It could most likely be the ame person
<DeathStar> <Cypher> *pats Luci's bottom so she doesn't feel left out*
<Seraphna> **Luci blinks** Oh my.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> And how do you see it that way?
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> *tries to analyse the blood*
<ChadWinters> <Id> Accident's can happen, unexpected blow back, shrapnel. If it was a clone of him doing it, it could be his own blood.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "....anyway..."
<Xanatos> <Logan> So we're assuming this place was used, then shot up to cover their tracks. If so, why is there blood?
<Jackieness> <Kira> "If Id's hypothesis was true, they may have been wounded and less capable of cleanign up further."
<DeathStar> *Asarar leans against a broken machine then whispers to Kira* I'm beginning to think, Kira, that we entered this with flawed expectations
<Seraphna> Jaime> Or they were running away.
<ChadWinters> <Id> Doubtful.
<Xanatos> <Logan> If they were good enough to destroy these machines, there were good enough to clean up the blood.
<Xanatos> <Logan> Smells like a plant to me.
<Jackieness> <Kira> *whispers* "...this has turned into a shitshow, no doubt."
<ChadWinters> <Id> That would be pointless. Any scan would show signs of clone markers.
<DeathStar> *pulls her close by the hips, almost intimately as she has Kira on her lap, but is actually talking in her ear* The cloned kids are alive. This place was destroyed by a clone maybe.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Who were they running away from, if they were?"
<DeathStar> <Asarar> So where are the kids. Where is the clone?
<Seraphna> Luci> Do we still get paid if this was all bullshit?
<Jackieness> <Kira> *whisper* "That's the real question... we're being sent on a goosechase."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Well, it's definitely a Chad clone. Might even be smarter than the original."
<ChadWinters> <Id> If I were to venture a guess on Winter's past, he won't pay you for failing.
<DeathStar> *Chelsea meanwhile would get some data from the disk. It looks like Chad's clone was in here doing experiments at a school, testing Weapon/Dragoon DNA, minding his own business and plotting when to make his move and mastermind against Chad. Setting up plots within plots, and it looks like he had tons of various plots in action, including plans to target Aya and Eve, Chad, and more, though the data being damaged it's hard to tell what, he took the Alexander Cran's clone body, and was experimenting on it, then --- it all stops*
<DeathStar> *no more experiments*
<DeathStar> *arund the time of Ancient stuff*
<Sara> * Chelsea sighs, thinking the clone really is exactly like the Chad she's heard so much about
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "So, any leads?"
<DeathStar> <Asarar> So.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Id. Can you find anymore blood in the area?
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Anyone else?
<DeathStar> *Bonnie sniffs and begins to look about the lab*
<Seraphna> **Luci peers around and begins to sniff too**
<ChadWinters> <Id> I will try. 6It floats up higher and begins scanning, moving about
<Xanatos> <Logan> ... 6* He gets his flashlight ready and looks around carefully.
<Seraphna> **Jaime muses and closes her eyes, stretching her awareness outward**
<DeathStar> *they find, if they use their scanning, cleaned up - very well, spots here and there, which means there might be more blood spots in the lab, leading to the back door*
<ChadWinters> <Id> I believe there's a trail that leads towards the back door
<Seraphna> **Jaime starts heading that way and keeping her awareness out**
<ChadWinters> <Id> If I were to venture a theory
<DeathStar> *the back of the lab looks like it's seen worse days as it's semi-collapsed back there*
<Alicia> * Ceilidh follows the trail
<DeathStar> <Cypher> That is?
<ChadWinters> <Id> That they went this way.
<DeathStar> <Cypher> ... ...
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "The evidence suggests that."
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "That's... definitely a hypothesis."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "I'd say it's even a theory."
<ChadWinters> <Id> There's not enough data to say why. Or if these are just random drops as they paced around
<DeathStar> *Ceilidh would see what looks like an office back there, and it looks like someone went to pains to block it off with a desk, while the blood trail goes outside most likely, past the collased back door*
<DeathStar> <Cypher> ... so should we circle around outside?
<Jackieness> <Kira> "i'll check the office while you chekc the perimeter."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Yes."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "I'll help look over the office."
<Seraphna> **Jaime muses, starting to shift the rubble carefully, reinforcing walls as she does, using Earth powers**
<DeathStar> *ASarar and Cypher nod, with Bonnie follows. Asarar pokes her head in the ship*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Find anything useful, Chel?
<DeathStar> *Jaime would hear the building groan a bit, but it looks like there is a lot of blood under the rubble that was not cleaned up*
<Sara> * Chelsea nods and shares what she found about the disk data
<Xanatos> <Logan> This the same blood as back there?
<Jackieness> <Kira> *carefully makes sure the office is not trapped before pushing the desk aside to gain access*
<ChadWinters> 6Id scans it
<Seraphna> Jaime> Can't do this for long, but it looks like someone wasn't so lucky.
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Last stand, barricaded in the back room... sounds more like a western than a mystery."
<DeathStar> *Kira would see something is in the office that looks unusual, maybe. There's a terminal, untouched, and it looks like a lab coat. And it looks like it's the entire room has been left alone by the shooter*
<Alicia> * Ceilidh looks over the terminal.
<DeathStar> *the desk blocking it has a wire from it to the door, double securing it*
<DeathStar> (Ceilidh has to move the desk first)
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Wait... wire."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Can you help me move the desk?"
<DeathStar> *Asarar muses on that* ... so the clone was up to something
<Seraphna> **Jaime peers over, then focuses, starting to lift the desk with TK** Like this?
<Jackieness> <Kira> *doublechecks the wire to make sure it isn't hooked to a bomb*
<DeathStar> *Jaime moves it and the wire jerks*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "... you think this is a trap?"
<DeathStar> *opening the door*
<DeathStar> *nothing happens - yet*
<Seraphna> Jaime> I think the trap already sprang months ago.
<ChadWinters> <Id> That is a risky though to have.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "... as long as it's not a bomb... explosives scare me."
<Jackieness> <Kira> "You, stay back, zip it, and listen first. That would have blown my head off if it was a trip."
<Seraphna> Jaime> Someone asked to move a desk, I moved it. Didn't realize where you were, sorry.
<DeathStar> *Cypher, Chel, and Asarar explore outside for more blood, while those inside play with the office*
<Ariel> * Nicolette is expecting an explosion any second, knowing that old fuses sometime take a few moments to properly fire.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "See part one of my statement." *moves in carefully, looking for any other surprises*
<Xanatos> <Logan> I'm surprised we haven't exploded. I'll just be waiting over here. 6* He takes a few generous steps back.
<ChadWinters> 6Id floats back to be beside Logan.
<DeathStar> *as they talk the terminal suddenly comes to life as Kira enters and a Chad like voice speaks* <Chad?> So you followed the steps to find me. Well, now that you're here *the message jerks, damaged a little* I am impressed you followed my clues. But know that the entire time you been listening, you been breathing in a poison. *the device jerks again, the device damaged again, perhaps due to the back exit damage* We will not meet again, Winters.
<DeathStar> *the terminal begins to heat up*
<DeathStar> 5
<Alicia> * Ceilidh darts away
<DeathStar> 4
<Jackieness> <Kira> "...what?!"" *runs back out*
<DeathStar> 3
<Seraphna> **Jaime grabs those nearby her and teleports outside**
<DeathStar> 2
<ChadWinters> <Id> Hmmm. A scenario has played out, but it is a slim possibility. There's technically a lot of blood, especially with things being cleaned up as they were. With the damaged back room, that room being blocked up. It is possible that this clone of Winter's was hunted down and killed....Hmmm, never mind.
<Ariel> * Nicolette gets the hell away from that
<Seraphna> **Luci bolts outside and forms a shield for everyone**
<ChadWinters> 6Id floats out.
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> *the facility explodes and knocks Asarar, Cypher, Bonnie, and Chelsea on their ass as they look for blood outside it*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> What the hell?!
<Jackieness> <Kira> "...I said WIRE!"
<DeathStar> *The two spirits peek out as debris lands on the Mew Mew*
<Seraphna> Jaime> Ahem, it tripped when YOU walked in. I stayed behind and shushed remember?
<ChadWinters> <Id> I believe you used TK to tug on it.
<DeathStar> *those who were in the room begin to feel dizzy*
<DeathStar> *well, in the area*
<Seraphna> Luci> Did that voice say something about poison? You with lungs okay?
<DeathStar> *not just the room*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "...that wire clearly started a timer detonator. Shit...get us to the ER... now!"
<DeathStar> *Asarar hurries to the Mew Mew, lifting Chelsea and Cypher up*
<ChadWinters> <Id> My sensors are seeing that most of your vitals are starting to change.
<Seraphna> **Jaime muses and closes her eyes, her body glowing a bit as she runs a hyperspace through herself to try and burn out poisons.**
<DeathStar> <Asarar> I'll send a group out here to check the place out. Let's go
<Jackieness> <Kira> "...change how?" *moves for the ship*
<Seraphna> Luci> Chel you got a medkit?
<Ariel> * Nicolette nods woozily.
<ChadWinters> <Id> Towards the dangerous side. I believe your health is beginning to fail.
<Seraphna> Luci> You non-superior Dragoons sans the robot orb breathe so you probably got poisoned it seems.
<ChadWinters> <Id> I am currently running your vital changes to known poisons that cause the same.
<Xanatos> <Logan> ...thanks for grabbing me, slow reaction. 6* He says to Jaime since her generic teleport saved his player's misunderstanding. He coughs a few times, holding his head due to the poison.
<DeathStar> *Asarar and Cypher enter the Mew Mew while Aimee and Melodie look worriedfor once*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "chad decided to kill me." * Ceilidh speaks with a detached tone
<Seraphna> **Luci starts checking the Mew Mew for a medical kit to treat those currently getting ill**
<DeathStar> *Luci finds an old medical kit in cabinet*
<Ariel> * Nicolette flicks a card from her deck and focuses on it, hoping it's healing aura can help deal with the poison
<Seraphna> LUci> This will have to do I guess. **she sighs and starts treating people with anti-venom**
<DeathStar> *Nicolette begins to help heal with poison as they fly out of there*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Alright, so *she radios a search team of the area* Clearly the clone was there
<DeathStar> <Asarar> And laid a trap for Chad
<DeathStar> *Asarar programs a flight path for the hospital, and moves to help Kira*
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Something about this just bothers me
<Seraphna> **Jaime grumbles**
<ChadWinters> <Id> The blood?
<DeathStar> <Cypher> That and that trap room was blocked off. Unless the curiousity was meant to lure Chad there, it wasn't a good trap
<ChadWinters> <Id> Agreed. It is possible it was set in the past, but someone else found this clone before Chad did.
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Hm...
<ChadWinters> <Id> It would help explain the blood. The equipment being destroyed.
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "It... seemed more like a deadman switch, than a 'trap'."
<Jackieness> <Kira> *coughs* "...the message was damaged... it was probably supposed to start playing as soon as the wire was tripped."
<Seraphna> Jaime> Or the wire had nothing to do with the trap.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "...thanks jaime."
<DeathStar> <Cypher> I'll go back and check the area out with Chelsea. But it looked like that room was blocked off
<ChadWinters> <Id> It is possible you will find a dead clone in there.
<DeathStar> <Cypher> The wire might be part of the trap or it might have been to wire the door closed
<Xanatos> <Logan> A dead, charred clone.
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Or the wire was to alert whoever attacked the place
<DeathStar> *the Mew Mew lands at the hospital*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Alright everyone, lets get you healed.
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Kumen
<DeathStar> *Cheryl leans back, bored, as Yuki and Taiga sit beside her*
<DeathStar> *Geyze
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> How has no one seen Chad. *she boredly picks up stuff from the Academy's desk*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> So what do these people do at the Academy?
<Alicia> <Asha> "Maybe I should've gone to the labs."
<Xanatos> <Xan> A lot of talking.
<Seraphna> Angela> Mostly keep this planet from going nuts.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Paint
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Maybe he committed suicide."
<Seraphna> Thena> Grandpaaaaa.
<Xanatos> <Xan> They talk a lot about spirits, diplomacy...uh maps.
<Xanatos> <Xan> Yes Thena?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> That's boring
<Alicia> <Asha> "Magic isn't boring though."
<Seraphna> Thena> Wanna hang with you.
<Jackieness> <Noire> *pulls out a bottle* "And its a school, so they do student stuff out of class..." *sets the bottle down* " spin the bottle?"
<Xanatos> <Xan> Okay, let's hang. What're we doing?
<DeathStar> *Yuki talks with Sylph about Erica, seeing if the Spirits know how to Fix Robo Erica back into Erica*
<Seraphna> Thena> Hmm... wanna be space pirates?
<DeathStar> <Sylph> .... *Stares, looking lost*
<DeathStar> <Sylph> ... does she like fruit?
<DeathStar> <Yuki> ... spirits are useless.
<Xanatos> <Xan> Do I get to be the captain?
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I get to be captain."
<Seraphna> **Thena muses** I'll have to discuss that with my mercenary captain.
<Seraphna> Thena> She may wish to battle for dominance.
<DeathStar> *at that moment, Cheryl grabs her datapad* Hm? *talks a bit* We got a hit. Chad got shot in the head an hour ago
<DeathStar> *Cheryl stands up*
<DeathStar> *Sylph sits there, looking depressed*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Finally!"
<Xanatos> <Xan> ...the head?
<Jackieness> <Noire> "And he's sitll alive?"
<Seraphna> Angela> Oh, well I guess this search is done?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I guess we'll find out.
<DeathStar> *Cheryl stands up and moves for the Aquarius*
<Seraphna> **Angela follows her**
<DeathStar> *Yuki moves to go after them, leaving Sylph sulking on the table* <Sylph> ... Sylph not useless. *bites into her fruit* Sylph the best
<Xanatos> <Xan> Come'on co-captain and Empress Pirate. 6* He says to Charlotte and Thena, moving after Cheryl.
<Seraphna> Thena> Aww, I guess we have to postpone our raid on the Red Fangs.
<Alicia> <Asha> "We know you're not useless." *hugs Sylph, then follows*
<DeathStar> *Sylph beams and lands on Asha's head*
<Alicia> * Charlotte follows Cheryl
<DeathStar> *Cheryl gets into the Aquarius, where Mireille is, these days mumbling to herself a lot*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *boards the Aquarius*
<Seraphna> **Thena taps a datapad as they walk and on the screen some woman with an eyepatch comes onto it** Delay the raid! We have to go collect a bountyhead! Until then make the boys clean the ship!
<Jackieness> <Airym> "No Erica, we do not destroy all organics... yet."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... ... you all are not well
<Seraphna> **Thena blinks** Thena is a Dread Pirate Princess.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Not well.
<Xanatos> <Xan> Oh it's Princess and not Empress? Well that just leaves room for promotion.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Hey, I'm fine, right?"
<DeathStar> *Cheryl drinks from a bottle in her vest*
<DeathStar> *in response*
<Xanatos> <Xan> In my defense, I get really bored when half the time I have nothing to do with magic or spirits.
<Alicia> <Asha> "I'm totally healthy!"
<Seraphna> Thena> Thena will be Empress in the future when she conqures all of known space and makes herself the best goddess. After Grandma.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Ah... she has become like the Warren."
<DeathStar> <Mireille> Shall we go? *she mumbles to the air*
<Seraphna> Angela> Seems good... you okay Mirei?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl takes a seat and Yuki takes a captain seat, turning to Airym* Is Erica well today?
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Yes. She has not sworn to destroy you meatbags." *suspiciously specific denial*
<DeathStar> <Mireille> Hm? Yes. Since I can no longer hear the voices of the ship, I have taken to listening to music all the time. *she holds up emo music, putting on headphones*
<Xanatos> 6* Pepper drinks water at her console, fanning herself with her free hand.
<DeathStar> *her clothes even looking emo*
<Seraphna> Angela> That's sad music!
<DeathStar> <Mireille> ... yes
<Seraphna> **Thena gasps, and hands Mirei some Athena CDs.
<Xanatos> <Pepper> It's been a tough time, everyone.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "What do you expect?"
<DeathStar> *Mireille eyes the CDs, then flips them over her shoulder* Trash
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I like you already."
<Seraphna> **Thena looks devastated** B-But that was Momma...
<DeathStar> *Mireille ehhs*
<DeathStar> *totally taken over with the emo fever*
<Seraphna> **Thena hides behind Xan and pouts**
<Xanatos> <Xan> Ah everyone's a critic.
<DeathStar> *The Aquarius soon approaches Kumen and lands in the Space Port*
<Seraphna> **Thena secretly uploads her entire catalogue of cute songs into the database**
<DeathStar> <Mireille> I will be waiting here.... .... doing nothing
<DeathStar> *Mireille sits there*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "...welcome to being a teenage, Mirielle."
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "You really need a bond."
<Seraphna> **Thena appears behind her and sets headphones over her ears**
<Seraphna> Thena> Mew Mew Kitty Love time.
<DeathStar> *Mireille blinks, making a face at the happy music, but too lazy to remove it*
<Alicia> <Asha> "Is that another word for 'lover'?"
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "No."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Come on. Lets go investigate the site
<Seraphna> Thena> Is intergalactic sign of peace and love and kittens.
<DeathStar> *after getting through the check in and other things, the group soon arrives in the lower levels of Kumen where there is not a lot of blood - the sniper clearly went for more stunning them a kill shot*
<Seraphna> Angela> So... he's alive and captured?
<DeathStar> *Cheryl moves over* The witnesses say that he was shot here, and a figure came down and grabbed him, then dragged him off.
<Alicia> <Asha> "Anything on what the figure looked like?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Not a lot other than wearing a tactical suit and had long hair they think
<DeathStar> *Yuki's tail swish in thought and Ren peeks out of Charlotte's cleavage to look around in fox form*
<Seraphna> Angela> Well, doesn't really tell us a gender either, could have been a dude with long hair.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> ... Hm
<DeathStar> *Taiga kneels*
<Xanatos> 6* Xan scans with his eye, trying to pick up any sort of drag marks or footprints.
<DeathStar> *Xanatos picks up what looks like a slight blood trail toward some the old club of Asarar's*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Really clumsy though. Even a stunner shot could kill someone if you bean them in the head."
<Xanatos> <Xan> Got something. 6* He follows the trail.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> So whoever did it was an expert
<Alicia> <Asha> "Neat, you're a tracker."
<DeathStar> <Taiga> Or amateur
<Seraphna> Angela> Unless they knew exactly how strong a shot to use at that distance, so we're talking a master sniper or marksman. Or... yeah, a very lucky ameture.
<Xanatos> <Xan> I'm not a tracker, I cheat.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Well, lets head out
<Seraphna> Thena> Does that work with an eyepatch grandpa? Can you have secret eyepatch vision?
<DeathStar> *Taiga moves toward the extremely tall club building, that was once a like a hotel/club, etc building in the slums*
<DeathStar> *now having a sign on it saying that it's closed*
<DeathStar> *A kid sits on the front steps*
<Xanatos> <Xan> Back when I wore the eyepatch I had a perfectly functional cybernetic eye and would scan through it all the time like a cheat. Now I just openly have it and cheat.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> That's our Xanatos
<Seraphna> **Thena hops on him and puts an eyepatch and pirate hat on him**
<DeathStar> <Erevis> He is a cheater
<Seraphna> Thena> Dread Pirate Grandpa.
<DeathStar> *Cheryl studies the building and the kid* So
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Tell me... did you use it to peek through women's undergarments?"
<DeathStar> *Cheryl eyes Noire, then Xanatos*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ...
<Alicia> <Kyouki> "Answer truthfully." *reads Xan's mind anyway*
<Xanatos> <Xan> Nah doesn't work that way.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> That is good, since I often do not have any when I am in wearing my kimono
<Seraphna> Thena> Does that mean Grandpa sees you naked?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Often.
<Xanatos> <Xan> Still a 10.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "At leats you don't need to be punished."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Okay, so. This place is closed down and has a kid on the steps
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Thoughts?
<Xanatos> <Xan> Oh sorry, distracted. 6* He walks over to kneel down in front of the kid, carefully taking off the pirate hat and eyepatch.
<Seraphna> Angela> We run with an interesting group. Maybe we talk to the kid?
<Xanatos> <Xan> Hi.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> .... talk?
<DeathStar> <Taiga> Unheard of
<DeathStar> <Ren> Yip
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "We never talk, after all."
<DeathStar> *the kid eyes Xanatos, chewing on something* You some sort of homeless performer?
* Ariel has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
<Alicia> * Kyouki looks amused at that
<Jackieness> <Noire> "He's an eccetric millionaire looking for his jollies by approaching unaccompanied minors in the slums."
<Seraphna> Thena> Thena talks all the time! That's how she got her own Mercenary Army and stopped Ben from being evil and secretly contracted you all into her minions!
<Xanatos> <Xan> Ignore her. I just want to know about this building here. You know anything about it? I've got money.
* Ariel has joined #TAW-Session470
<Jackieness> <Noire> "...he has no comebacks, so point Noire."
<DeathStar> *the kid eyes the building, then him* Heard it was a club with girls in it, but it closed down and went up there. *referring to the upper levels* Now I've been asked to keep losers like you out of it
<DeathStar> *Yuki muses, doubting that Asarar and Cypher paid for that*
<Seraphna> Thena> Aha! But we aren't losers!
<DeathStar> <Kid> ... you look like the biggest loser
<DeathStar> *he sticks his tongue out*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I guess I can go inside then."
<Jackieness> <Noire> "...sure called that one."
<Seraphna> **Thena huffs and floats him upside down... then Noire**
<DeathStar> <Kid> Hey. Don't make me call my gang on you all
<DeathStar> *he flails*
<Alicia> * Charlotte picks Thena up with a tendril, hanging her upside down too
<Jackieness> <Noire> *rights herself with a bit of dark energy* "Don't start a war with me, Thena."
<Xanatos> 6* Xan glances to see if the blood trail is leading into the building, just to make sure before they break in.
<DeathStar> *it does*
<DeathStar> <Taiga> ....
<DeathStar> <Yuki> We really doing this?
<Xanatos> <Xan> Alright knock it off. We're going inside.
<Alicia> <Asha> "I feel like the most mature person in the group now."
<Seraphna> **Thena huffs more**
<DeathStar> *The kid whistles and some kids show up with bats*
<DeathStar> <Kid> I been paid to keep you out
<DeathStar> <Taiga> We doing this.
<Xanatos> <Xan> How much?
<DeathStar> <Kid> ... *eyes him* ... 300
<Jackieness> <Noire> "...go inside...I'll deal with the riffraff."
<Xanatos> 6* Xan keeps Kumen money on him since they come up and he squints.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> ... we seriously doing this...
<Xanatos> <Xan> 250 and you get lost.
<DeathStar> <Kid> ... fine. Deal
<Seraphna> **Thena sighs and poofs to the door**
<DeathStar> *the kids turn to eye Thena*
<Xanatos> 6* Xan gives him the money.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I could've just gone inside anyway."
<DeathStar> *Taiga is just holding her face in her hands*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Seriously... they are comign with baseball bats. Cliche and weak."
<DeathStar> *they take the money and move off, tongues out at Noire and thena and Charlotte*
<DeathStar> <Kids> You all are ugly!
<DeathStar> *they run off*
<Seraphna> Si> I'm confused, which thing are we sighing over, the bat kids or Xan paying them?
<Xanatos> <Xan> It's not about what you can or can't do. This guy's running a business and now they're leaving.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> That they were ready to fight kids
<Xanatos> <Xan> Now get inside you wild asses.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Hey, I was just going to go inside without fighting."
<Seraphna> **Thena sulkily steps inside**
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Hmmmph... never shakedown a Dark One." *heads inside*
<Alicia> * Charlotte heads inside, shrugging. Asha follows.
<DeathStar> *Yuki, Ren, and Taiga step in. But before we reach the final showdown*
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<Seraphna> **Angela sighs gently and moves inside** It's kind of amusing how the kids make fun of each other despite being so similar. **whispers**
<DeathStar> Location: Mew Mew
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar eyes the information they have before them, arms crossed
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Alright. Thanks to Chelsea, Kira, Id, and everyone else
<DeathStar> <Asarar> We know a clone Chad was there
<DeathStar> <Asarar> And I have a team scouring the area for more information but it'll take time
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Do we know if it's an evil clone or not?"
<ChadWinters> <Id
<DeathStar> <Cypher> I Think all Chads are declared evil, right?
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "He tried to kill us."
<ChadWinters> <Id> Based on the data Chelsea recovered, they were not working on things that would be viewed positively
<ChadWinters> *-not*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Hm.
<Seraphna> Jaime> In order to be evil clones, Chad himself would have to qualify as good.
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Okay, so an eviler clone? Or would an evil Chad clone be good?"
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Who here can help me do a specific search for something?
<DeathStar> *she brings up the holonet*
<ChadWinters> <Id> Elaborate
<Xanatos> <Logan> I can help I suppose. I don't feel like I need to vomit now.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> I want to search for *whispers in Logan's ear*
<ChadWinters> <Id> I see. You do not trust someone here, if not me. Understandable.
<Xanatos> 6* Logan nods and takes his datapad to step aside.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> If they vanished from the face of the earth, then I can only think it's something like that
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Should I try to help?"
<DeathStar> <Asarar> *motions for hr to help Logan*
<DeathStar> *at that moment Kira gets an alert about someone messing with the old club building*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "....babe... someone is touching my stuff."
<DeathStar> *Asarar glances at it* While Ceilidh and Logan to their thing, we're heading back to Kumen real quick
<DeathStar> *Asarar buckles Chelsea in since she's gotten tired, then buckles the spirits in*
<DeathStar> *bonnie goes into cat form as Asarar double checks if everyone is okay now*
<DeathStar> <ASarar> We'll be going super fast, so holdo n
<DeathStar> <Cypher> *nods and gets the spirit drives readyh*
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Try not to throw up
<DeathStar> *The Mew Mew jumps from Earth and appears over Kumen in a second*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Logan, Ceilidh, keep searching for me and get in touch when you have that information; the rest of us head down to the slums
<Xanatos> <Logan> Will do.
<DeathStar> *Bonnie sits on chelsea's lap, protecting her*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "So... who were we searching for?"
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: The Old Club - Chad's POV (obligatory Chad appearance 2)
<DeathStar> *Chad wakes up in one of the beds on the upper floor, head a little wet from the shot*
<DeathStar> *his gear gone except his datapad*
* ChadWinters opens his eyes, letting the headache subside from the hit to the head. He moves his hand to see if it's free or not
<DeathStar> *he can move. The datapad beeps*
* ChadWinters grabs his head for a moment, eyeing what is probably blood before sitting up and checking his datapad
<DeathStar> <Datapad> *Chad would hear his voice speaking to him* I see you're up and about.
<DeathStar> <Chad?> How is the head?
<ChadWinters> Hurts. There shot was off slightly. 6He glances around, to figure out the room he's in
<DeathStar> <Chad?> It was on purpose. *it seems to be room on floor 45, room 459.* There's some pills in the dresser as well as something that might interest you.
<DeathStar> <Chad?> Take it for your head.
<ChadWinters> Having flashbacks again. 6He sighs as he stands up, testing to see if his abilities work as he walks over to it.
<DeathStar> *there's some pain pills in the dresser, as well as the items he asked a certain Weapon VIII to make.*
<DeathStar> <Chad?> Nice little object. I borrowed it for you ahead of time. I been watching you for a while now
<ChadWinters> Playing a game of chicken? 6He eyes the item had had made. "I figured someone had been. It why's I did what I did without care. No point in hiding it if someone can already out think you."
<DeathStar> <Chad?> Go on. Take it. IF you think I haven't tampered with it. *it seems to be device for giving some sort of virus, perhaps*
<ChadWinters> Funny thing about it, I had changed my mind on using it. Planned on giving it to Durran incase I ever went rogue.
<DeathStar> <Chad?> I--- *at that moment they pause as the sound of a magical shot is heard in the building and it shakes* Well, if you insist. Well, it looks like your playdate is here. *clicks off*
<ChadWinters> Fucking hate clones. 6He sighs as he moves to the door, to see if it's locked
<DeathStar> *it opens to the hallway*
<DeathStar> -sCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> *Xanatos group steps into the building that has some dust building up*
<DeathStar> *outside a clean trail of someone being dragged to the elevator*
<Seraphna> Thena> Not well kept at all.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> ...
<Xanatos> <Xan> I think I've been here before.
<Xanatos> <Xan> Oh wait no, it was their new building.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Wow, this is... are they really trying to keep us out?"
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Mmmmm... we were just taken for a ride, I think."
<DeathStar> *this place has a certain elegant air to it, even with the dust*
<DeathStar> <Taiga> I think whoever took Chad paid the kids to keep people out
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Yeah, it feels too half-assed to be a real defence... but..."
<DeathStar> *Taiga moves to walk up the stairs* I'll go check the floors one by one*
<Xanatos> <Xan> I paid them so you psychos wouldn't try to injure them. 6* he follows the clean trail in the dust.
<DeathStar> *it looks like it goes to the elevator and with it being 50 floors, who knwos what floor Chad is on*
<Seraphna> Thena> I only floated him like Grandma does.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Aw
<Xanatos> <Xan> Oh into the elevator. Guess we should go floor by floor, yeah.
<DeathStar> *Cheryl grabs a bottle taht was left over*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> This looks like good wine
<Jackieness> <Noire> " would have been quick and painless."
<Seraphna> Angela> You sure? Seems weird they'd leave good booze behind.
<DeathStar> *Erevis moves to join Xanatos; at that moment, to speed things up, Asarar and Cypher enter the place*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Okay, who is breaking into Kira's place
<Jackieness> <Kira> "...momma's home!"
<DeathStar> <Cypher> *To Nicolette* This is where we used to work
<Xanatos> <Xan> Is it breaking in when we just walked in?
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Fair enough. Why are you here?
<Xanatos> <Xan> Chad is here somewhere.
<ChadWinters> <Id> This is quite the coincedence.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> ... wait, why?
<Xanatos> <Xan> He was shot in the head, not fatally, and then drug here.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... hm
<Seraphna> Angela> It's Chad, it's always like this.
<ChadWinters> <Id> Based on where we came from, I would suggest checking for traps
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Out of all the locations... could that be a coincidence?"
<DeathStar> *as Angela says that, the upper floors shake and Nicolette would sense Zayne's magic upstairs*
<DeathStar> *her makai energy different from other makai*
<Jackieness> <Kira> " someone damaging my place?!"
<DeathStar> *the building shakes again as she id clearly attacking and attacking someone and they are fighting back*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Looks like it
<Seraphna> Angela> You insured it right?
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Huh, we have co-ack!"
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Who the hell is up there?
<Xanatos> <Xan> ... 6* He moves to run up the stairs, incase the fight causes issues with the elevator.
<Seraphna> Jaime> That's a lot of stairs.
<ChadWinters> <Id> It would seem someone is attacking someone. Odds are high it is Winters.
<DeathStar> *Cypher, Asarar, and Cheryl follow*
<Xanatos> <Xan> I've been running more! 6* He already sounds tired.
<Alicia> * Charlotte hurries up
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I want to know since when did Chad's clone wire this place?
<DeathStar> *another shake from a magic blast*
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "I think Zayne is up there too, but I don't know why she'd be here.."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> That makai? Why is she involved?
<Seraphna> **Jaime and Angela follow, a tiny Thena rides on Char's shoulder letting her do the running**
<DeathStar> *Ren holds onto Charlotte in fox form*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *heads upstairs*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Today just keeps getting worse."
<ChadWinters> <Id> Theory. Winters decided not to play chess against his clone.
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "I don't know, but I recognize that tsundere evil."
<DeathStar> *As Nicolette says that, Zayne is sent hurtling past them,*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Asasra, I'm waiting here... still too weak from the poison to go into a firefight..."
<DeathStar> *and slams into a wall*
<Seraphna> Jaime> Umm... wow... who can beat up Zayne like that?
<DeathStar> *Asarar taps her comm* Understood
<ChadWinters> <Id> Someone who is smarter.
<Xanatos> <Xan> She strong?
<Seraphna> Jaime> Exploding buildings strong.
<DeathStar> <Zayne> ... you... .... child.... killer... *she forms her scythe into a magical gun and aims down the hallway and blows out the wall on floor 17*
<Alicia> <Asha> "What happened?"
<DeathStar> <Asarar> ...
<Seraphna> Jaime> Child killer...>
<Xanatos> <Xan> ... 6* He pulls out his pistol and follows her.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> She believes the cloned kids are dead still
<DeathStar> *Zayne zooms down the hallway after the target*
<Xanatos> <Xan> Shit. 6* He says to himself and he runs to try and catch up with Zayne.
<Alicia> * Asha follows Zayne
<Seraphna> **Angela sighs, her armor forming, the usual white now lined with a red design, and her shining sword, following**
<DeathStar> *the group catches up as Zayne faces off against a person in the darkness, eyes glowing red*
<DeathStar> *then what appears to be a massive gun aims at her back*
<Seraphna> **Angela blinks and looks to Cheryl slowly** Buster...?
<DeathStar> <Zayne> ... *she tries to form a magical shield as blast of buster hits Zayne and sends her flying*
<DeathStar> *buster energy
<DeathStar> *the eyes switch to blue and the person begins to blend into the shadows*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... Yeah.
<Alicia> * Asha tries to sniff them out
<DeathStar> *Asha would see the person is moving past them to go down the stairs*
<Alicia> <Asha> "They're going for the stairs!"
<DeathStar> <Zayne> ... Thank you
<Xanatos> 6* Xan looks around with his funky eye trying to track the person too. Whipping around when Asha says that.
<DeathStar> *aims for the stairs with her magical weapon*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ...
<Jackieness> <Noire> "mmmm..." *appears at the bottom of the stairs and then lases upward with herdark tendrils*
<Xanatos> <Xan> No kill shots! We want answers! 6* He yells at Zayne.
<DeathStar> *Noire catches the person and Zayne fires, but pulls up just enough - hitting Zephyr in the back and dropping her*
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ... ungh
<DeathStar> *her eyes go to normal*
<Seraphna> **Angela rushes over** Sis?
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "What the hell just happened?"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ...
<Xanatos> <Xan> Fucking hell. I thought that gun looked familiar.
<DeathStar> <Zayne> I have caught the child killer. <Cheryl> The kids aren't dead
<DeathStar> <Zayne> ...What?
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "You know this person?"
<Seraphna> Angela> Are you okay? What's going on?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> She is my youngest sister
<Xanatos> <Xan> Asarar's group just discovered that the coffins were empty.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "so do I let her go now or what?"
<DeathStar> <Zayne> ....
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I want answers first."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *glares at Charlotte*
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Oh, wow, this is awkward..."
<DeathStar> *during all this, they'd see Chad coming down the stairs*
<Xanatos> <Xan> Thank you for pulling up. 6* He says seriously to Zane. Though he does glance around to see if there might be anyone else watching this.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "No, seriously, that felt like... something was seriously wrong."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Ungh
<ChadWinters> You guys are quite noisey. 6He winces a bit as he touches his head.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Well that hurt.
<DeathStar> *As Chad moves to walk down the stairs, a well placed cane trips Chad*
<Seraphna> **Angela peers into Zephyr's eyes, gently touching her head** Yeah that looks like it did. Want me to heal you up?
<DeathStar> *aimed to try to make his face land into a wall with a pie*
* ChadWinters falls down then slams his hand against the wall to stop it, his eyes grey, as he collects himself.
<Xanatos> <Xan> ....................................
<Xanatos> <Xan> You have got to be fucking kidding me.
<Seraphna> **Thena looks over**
<ChadWinters> Durran, there's a present for you in...6He tells him the room number. 1"Incase I go rogue."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Thanksfor the heal...that hurt...
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Are you alright? You didn't seem yourself... maybe I'm just imagining things."
<Seraphna> Angela> Any time sis. **gives her a hug** So were you here to protect Chad or kick his butt? **asking as though she just wants to know how to back her up**
<Alicia> <Asha> "This makes me think of that Monster Lord thing..."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> *looks fishy* I'm normal.
<Xanatos> <Logan> *C* Asarar, we found the kids. They were placed in an orphange under and alias. Maybe to be kept safe?
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> As for Chad. Eh.
<Xanatos> (an)
<Seraphna> **Angela muses a bit, but since she doesn
<DeathStar> <Asarar> I see. *to Chad* We found the kids. Not sure if they were meant to be found
<ChadWinters> If you found them, then yes I'd say they were meant to be.
<Seraphna> *doesn't do it nearly at all anymore, she doesn't look into her protocol** I can slap him around for you if you want. My treat.
<Alicia> * Charlotte observes Zephyr.
<Xanatos> <Xan> So explain what's happening here Chad.
<ChadWinters> Which parts?
<DeathStar> *Chad's datapad beeps*
* ChadWinters glances down at his datapad
<DeathStar> *it's Chad?*
<Xanatos> <Xan> The current part.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "The part where you get shot in the head, carried off and... yeah."
<ChadWinters> Went to retrieve some money and I.D.'s. Someone blocked a friends ability. Got sniped from a distance to knock me out. Woke up, told to take a pill and the virus I had made was there. Zayne attacked after tracking down her target.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> *looks innocent the entire time, her eyes shifting to a drak color*
<DeathStar> *dark
<DeathStar> <Zayne> I was told a child killer was here
<DeathStar> *Zayne looks mad*
<Seraphna> **Angela blinks a bit** Sis?
<ChadWinters> Who told you that?
<DeathStar> <Zayne> ... You said that someone killed your daughter's family
* ChadWinters reads to see what he got.
<DeathStar> <Zayne> And so I been keeping tabs on you
<Xanatos> <Xan> ... 6* He looks past Chad for a second and then back to Chad.
<ChadWinters> I did.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Well, this is jolly complicated. Now should we really be doing exposition in the building that the mysterious frenemy hd time to set up?"
<DeathStar> <Chad?> Good job avoiding your fall. If you say something nice about Xanatos and the others, I'll give you your money back and we'll call it even forever.
<Seraphna> Angela> I am getting super confused.
<ChadWinters> Why is that when I asked two seperate groups to do some research for me, they all immediately do the opposite and just focus on me. 6He sighs. 1"And people wonder why I don't like working with people. Atleast Durran was worth a shit."
<Xanatos> <Xan> Eyyyy, I'm worth a shit. 6* he thumbs up to Erevis and Jaime.
<DeathStar> *Chad's datapad beeps and his money is returned*
<Alicia> <Kyouki> "Because the trail led here. Deal with it."
<Seraphna> **Thena feels over Zephyr's surface thoughts curiously with her Goddess power**
<Xanatos> <Xan> Zeph, you good?
<DeathStar> *Zephyr seems to have multiple personalities, having returned to her pre-progamming under Venerator - to help her blend into society and do missions*
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Yeah, I feel better now
* ChadWinters rubs his face. 1"Try to make sure what's happening isn't bullshit so no one has to waste time on me so I can bring everyone else in and this crap happens."
<Seraphna> Thena> Fragmented thoughts... more than one personality.
<Xanatos> <Xan> Chad. Why is there a pie on the wall?
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Well, I'm definitely not telling her anything sensitive now."
<DeathStar> *Zephyr eyes Charlotte*
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Fine
<Seraphna> **Angela seems to realize what's going on and muses** It's fine. Though you and I should talk later sis.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "... what are you up to, Angela?"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> *dusts herself off, apparently not giving a shit*
<DeathStar> *then moves off*
<ChadWinters> Well based on Zephyr being here, and the fact a cane tried tripping me. I imagine Warren decided to do some coming to jesus prank. But that would also be a good cover story to hide someone else's actions.
<Seraphna> Angela> Nothing, I know these thought patterns.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Oh?"
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Come on Nico
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Lets go and get paid
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Oh? Were you Warren's... enemy?"
<DeathStar> *Asarar leads her team back to Geyze*
<Seraphna> Angela> This is Zephyr how she used to be long ago. The personalities are simply programming to help her adapt to situations.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Come on, Kira. We're getting paid either way
<ChadWinters> Durran, go ahead and grab the virus. Keep it on you.
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Wait, there's a paycheck for this?" *hurries after*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "... yeaaaah. Sorry, Cheryl, but I can't trust her completely now."
<Xanatos> <Xan> Uh. Sure. 6* He walks past Chad and pauses at the stairs, then walks up them.
<DeathStar> *Ceilidh and Logan would see the team report in - there's a dead Chad clone buried behind the cloning facility, shot to death be a plasma pistol*
<Seraphna> Angela> Right now she's perfectly normal.
<Jackieness> <Kira> " sure the place gets locked bakc up before they leave."
<DeathStar> <ASarar> Yeah, you'll get a little money due to helping us
<DeathStar> *to Nicolette*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "And how much would she remember of things she hears when she switches again?"
<Seraphna> Angela> Everything. It's personality that shifts, not memories.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I expected so."
<ChadWinters> Fact of the matter is, XII is still missing. This whole last 4 hours doesn't add up to the grand scheme of things, Durran. It's not over if you want my honest guess
<DeathStar> *Warren leans on the wall up the stairs, eyeing his datapad*
<ChadWinters> Zayne, thanks for the help.
<DeathStar> <Warren> *popping a pill*
<Seraphna> Angela> Like I said, nothing to worryu about... you're too young to know this but my family was heavily involved in the Dragoon project... I actually started off on this team as a scientist devoted to studying and helping the Alphas.
<Xanatos> <Xan> It's not over. 6* he says to Warren and pats his shoulder as he moves past him.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Don't talk like you know my situation."
<Alicia> * Asha looks between Charlotte and Angela
<DeathStar> <Warren> Mmmhm. Oh yeah. Later you can give this. *hands Xanatos something*
<Seraphna> Angela> I'm assuming you're under 77?
<Xanatos> <Xan> Will do. 6* He takes it and moves to find this virus thing.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Just... stop."
<Seraphna> **Angela raises an eyebrow**
* ChadWinters moves to leave.
<DeathStar> *Cheryl pulls Angela along*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I have my reasons."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Come on. Good to see you're okay, Chad
<DeathStar> *she pats him*
<Seraphna> Angela> Yeah okay... **she sighs and moves with Cheryl**
<DeathStar> *Taiga peers at Charlotte and hurries after while Ren rests on Charlotte*
<ChadWinters> That's yet to be determined. 6He glances back at her pat
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *nods*
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> Location: The Academy
<DeathStar> *after everything is over, the group is back at the Academy. Things seem to be going back to normal. Asarar divides the money between those on her team before heading back to Kumen*
<DeathStar> *in the meantime, there's still a wait to see how many magical girls will arrive to help with the shapeshifter hunt*
<Alicia> * Ceilidh is paid in information
<Xanatos> 6* The last thing Logan says is "What a weird ass job this was."
<DeathStar> *and weed them out, but it does seem that news of it has gotten out*
* ChadWinters sits in a chair, holding an ice pack against his forehead as Id floats about his head.
<DeathStar> <Lumi> Hm. I believe that we might have a race of the clock. If the shapeshifters do something before we get the magical girls, it might be troublesome
<DeathStar> <Lumi> I just wish I knew what that something was
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "You think they're ready to make a move, already?"
<DeathStar> <Lumi> Good question. I guess it comes down if they are in positions of power or not
<DeathStar> <Lumi> Maybe I am worried for nothing
<Xanatos> <Simon> Caution in an era of shapeshifters is warranted. You are right to be concerned.
<Seraphna> Thena> There's always one option we could use.
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Oh?"
<DeathStar> <Lumi> What is that?
<Seraphna> Thena> Shapeshifters rely on surprise. We could start to shake things up before the Maka arrive. Find ways to alert the kingdoms of possible sabotage and have them on such an alert that the Shapeshifters are either forced to act prematurely or lie low.
<Seraphna> Thena> Either way works to our advantage really.
<DeathStar> *Lumi looks at Simon*
<Xanatos> <Simon> That would surely cause mass panic and false accusations. It would be an extreme upheaval.
<Seraphna> Thena> Yes, but it's chaos we plan on instead of chaos they get to create. The best way to spring a trap is to toss wrenches into the works.
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Yeah... we don't want to start an inquisition."
<Seraphna> Thena> Mm... what about a false flag search?
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "...a what?"
<Seraphna> Thena> It's when you do something to convince your enemy you can detect them, even when you really can't.
<Alicia> <Asha> "How would that work?"
<Seraphna> Thena> Claim you have captured one, brag about a new scanning device, there are several ways to do that.
<Seraphna> Thena> We just need to make THEM the ones on edge.
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "I... don't think we can pretend to have one of them. They have very limited numbers, and seem to be well coordinated."
<Xanatos> <Simon> False flag. Hmmm interesting theory though. Perhaps there's something there.
<Alicia> <Asha> "Then, just claim we can find them?"
<DeathStar> *Lumi peers at Simon* Seems you're all coming up with ideas
<Seraphna> Thena> The PAX always has amazing technology, stuff that only the Empress knows about after all.
<ChadWinters> Ask for help from the main shapeshifts.
* ChadWinters tosses the icebag off to the side. 1"Have one pretend to be a hunter, catch them. Put on a show using a device."
<Seraphna> Thena> That is a possibility.
<DeathStar> <Lumi> ... *nods* Hm, not bad. Have the good ones pretend
<Seraphna> Thena> Just imagine in some very public meeting we turn on a device and the shapeshift just appears.
<Seraphna> Thena> It might not last long, but it would definately cause them to have to regroup.
<DeathStar> -Epilogue with DS only-
<DeathStar> *meanwhile, as Lemon cleans up the mansion from the Venerator attack, she notices something. The cells are empty have the prisoner they captured and been breaking the past few months to learn more about why he wanted to frame Christina and wanted maka dna and where his technology came from*
<DeathStar> <Lemon> ... hm. This is not good. *frowns, knowing they got a ton out of him but still, now the enemy has him back, whichever one that is*
<DeathStar> -END-
* Jackieness has quit IRC
Session Close: Mon Jul 06 23:30:03 2020