The Alien Wars 6: Da Capo

Session 548

The Clock Strikes V.I - 5:00 PM

Session Start: Mon Mar 14 14:38:16 2022
Session Ident: #TAW-Session548
* Now talking in #TAW-Session548
* sets mode: +nt
* SaraLappy has joined #TAW-Session548
* Sara has joined #TAW-Session548
* Seraphna has joined #TAW-Session548
* Alicia has joined #TAW-Session548
* Ariel has joined #TAW-Session548
* DeathStar sets mode: +ooo Alicia Ariel Sara
* DeathStar sets mode: +o Seraphna
* Xanatos has joined #TAW-Session548
* ChadWinters` has joined #TAW-Session548
<DeathStar> 5:00 PM
* Jackieness has joined #TAW-Session548
<DeathStar> *the dark matter not only collapses the door and the tunnel - the attack does not go unnoticed. At first it's confusion, but when a Dark attack does that, it draws eyes*
<DeathStar> *alarms*
<ChadWinters`> There goes our element of surprise. 6He sighs a bit
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I believe we may have saved our friends, but not we will not be able to get to the others as easily
<Alicia> * Jikuu moves into a hiding spot
<DeathStar> <Ren> Maybe mom can find a way to take them out quietly. We should hide
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Some of you slip in and we'll create a distraction.
<DeathStar> *the base seems to have lots of crates and doors*
<DeathStar> *Erevis just picks a room to hide in*
<DeathStar> *Ren following*
<Xanatos> <Xan> Cool. 6* He moves into the room with Erevis.
* ChadWinters` moves in after Erevis.
<Seraphna> **Kaelan smirks and slips into a shadow**
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Mmmmm..." *follows into the hiding room*
<Seraphna> **Si joins in hiding**
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<ChadWinters`> Can you sense any of our friends here now that there's less bodies?
<DeathStar> Location: Sub-Way Tunnels
<DeathStar> *After Jaime's dangerous warp, and finding themselves in a half-buried underground tunnel, and walking toward the location, Warren eyes his comm*
<DeathStar> <Warren> I Think that was Xanatos
<DeathStar> <Warren> These sub-way tunnels are blocking my transmissions
<DeathStar> *Lemon hmmms*
<Seraphna> **Jaime muses** Whatever it was it was likely important to break radio cover.
<DeathStar> *Chii sips on water as they walk*
<DeathStar> *And chews on jerky*
<Alicia> <Terra> "That's worrying."
<Seraphna> Angela> **puts the full turkey leg she was eatiung away in subspace** Just be ready for anything down here.
<Xanatos> <Kane> Hm, do we know where we are?
<DeathStar> *as they continue down, they soon come to a collapsed tunnel from some sort of attack. Standing there, is Darien and Ariel, talking to a masked V.6 unit*
<DeathStar> <Darien> *crosses his arms, turning back to them. Ariel looks calm*
<Seraphna> Angela> Well I'd say Ariel and Darien kicked someone's ass. I am seeing this in my visions.
<Alicia> <Terra> "Well, there's Darien and Ariel, at least. Wonder if they did that."
<Seraphna> **Jaime seems unfocused, feeling out for something**
<DeathStar> *Darien looks to be back in shape these days, no longer needing his exo-skeleton*
<Xanatos> <Kane> Darien Starr.
<Seraphna> Angela> Darien, Ariel, Mr. Mysterious.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Christopher Kane
<Seraphna> Angela> Actually,. that name is too cool.
<Seraphna> **Angela nods to the masked man** Frank.
<DeathStar> *the masked figures nod to them* <Darien> We were discussing how to get into the base
<DeathStar> <Darien> It seems somone did a good job
<Seraphna> Jaime> I take it this rubble is in the way?
<Xanatos> <Kane> It's good to see you both in the land of the living.
<DeathStar> <Ariel> Yes. I could use the sword, but it would be an abuse of the runes.
<Seraphna> Jaime> You're in luck.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Luck?
<Seraphna> **Jaime nods and the boots of her tact suit melt away and she starts to move the earth, shoring it up to create a tunnel in the rubble**
<DeathStar> <Darien> *Watches her* Not bad. IT looks like we'll be in the base sooner than I thought. I was thinking we'd have to shoot it
<DeathStar> *Warrn grunts*
<Seraphna> Jaime> My wife is the Earth Spirit.
<Alicia> <Terra> "So, what happened here?"
<DeathStar> *Darien begins to fill TErra in*
<Xanatos> <Kane> This generation is superior in every way to ours.
<DeathStar> <Ariel> *nods*
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Mid-Down Mega City
<DeathStar> *the elevator shaft has been bobby trapped causing delays - however, the geiger counter has begun to act up*
<DeathStar> <Selena> That's not good
<Seraphna> **Luci grumbles** We'll have to speed this up.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "We really are."
<Seraphna> Thena> Can you give me an exact location on the energy spike?
<Alicia> * Ceilidh tries to determine that
<Seraphna> **Luci is using a shield to sort of propel them up as they take out traps**
<DeathStar> *it seems to be on one of the floors of the construction*
<Jackieness> <Lana> "They ar eprobably near the very top..."
<DeathStar> *As they go up, suddenly something begins to drop down the shaft - it looks huge like a piano*
<Seraphna> Thena> I could double warp to see them and get there, but I would have to do that alone.
<DeathStar> <Lumi> !!!
<Seraphna> **Thena muses and blasts it**
<DeathStar> *The object explodes*
<Seraphna> **Luci forms a dome shield over their position maintaining the other**
<DeathStar> *shaking the elevator shaft*
<Seraphna> **Luci's nose bleeding**
<DeathStar> *Selena holds her ears*
<Seraphna> Luci> Wind... spirit help...?
<Xanatos> 6* Simon winces
<DeathStar> *the elevator shaft now looks even worse*
<Seraphna> Thena> Simon, form ice under Luci's shield.
<DeathStar> <Celes> I don't think we can take much more of this.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "...this place is a detah trap..."
<Xanatos> 6* Simon thumbs up and summons an icewall platform under the shield.
<Seraphna> **Luci then drop that shield so she doesn't pass out**
<DeathStar> <Cypher> ... *focuses and does a chi field to help protect the team*
<DeathStar> <Cypher> *chants*
<Seraphna> Thena> Selena, could you take spirit form and carve us a path?
<DeathStar> <Selena> Right, I'm on it. *She focuses and begins to glow partially like a spirit as her eyes glow red, and she gathers the group, zooming upward*
<Seraphna> Thena> Luci, raise the shield fast behind her.
<Seraphna> **Luci nods and focuses the shield to give them cover as they go up.
<Xanatos> <BIX> Weeee!
<Seraphna> **Thena fixes her glasses, revealing she's crafty.**
<DeathStar> *As they go upward, shots begin to rain down for young looking soldiers, and one aims a rocket, not realizing he'll probably blow himself up too. As he fires the rocket at close range as Selena goes up, even with the shield they're all going to take it*
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> 0
<Seraphna> **Thena blanks his mind
<DeathStar> *boom*
<DeathStar> *The rocket hits ans they all jerk backwards, the shield barely keeping them alive as they all jolt down in pain*
<DeathStar> *The V.I peple blowing up though*
<Seraphna> **Thena arrests them all from falliing with her TK**
<Seraphna> Thena> Simon, new platform...
<DeathStar> <Cles> ....aaah....
<Jackieness> <Lana> " suck!"
<DeathStar> <Cypher> ...*tries to restore a new chi field*
<Xanatos> 6* Simon breathes heavily but forms another platform.
<Seraphna> **Thena peers up, settling everyone on the new platform** We should be high up enough now to get there with ease.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "I... need to learn a shield spell in the future..."
<Seraphna> Thena> Selena can you continue?
<DeathStar> <Selena> ... YEah. *She zooms upward and thankfully after blowing themselves up they reach the construction area and she sets them down*
<DeathStar> *down below the EarthGov/VI battling continues*
<Seraphna> **LUci rolls forward from the rest, shield ready**
<Seraphna> **Thena peers about for the spirit**
<Ariel> * Nicolette keeps a closer watch, cursing herself for not managing to stop the rockets in time
<DeathStar> *Celes sets down and Cypher look around*
<Jackieness> <Lana> *pauses to catch her breath* "...wh... why didn't EarthGov call in... gunships too?"
<Xanatos> <BIX> BIX: Misses Thrusters
<Seraphna> Luci> I'll be honest, I'm really only good for taking shots now. Also because shooting the spirit might jsut piss her off.
<DeathStar> *the Nuke Spirit is unconscious and tied up with lots of strange devices and hard looking metallic strings. Guards stand over her, but no sign of McCabe or Hodges*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Well, that makes things easier..."
<Seraphna> Thena> Right, guards need to be taken out, Simon, be ready to protect the spirit when we need to disable whatever she's attached to.
<DeathStar> *A timer is continuing down as something hooked up to her likely will detonate her power*
<Seraphna> Thena> Lana, Nicolette, focus on that device. Hex it if you have to.
<Xanatos> 6* Simon places his hand on the ground and refreshes his ice spells to try and channel ice along the ground to freeze the soldiers in place.
<DeathStar> <Selena> Becareful - this might be a trap of sorts. IF we blow her up. We'll die
<DeathStar> *The guards jerk as they get iced*
<Seraphna> **Thena nods**
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "I-I can try. If it's actual spirit tech..."
<Xanatos> 6* BIX leaps in to be a karate man on the iced guard.s
<DeathStar> *they fall over*
<Jackieness> <Lana> *brings up ehr spell consoels and tries to do soemthing about the device remotely*
<Xanatos> 6* BIX ends in crane pose.
<Alicia> * Ceilidh hurries over to the machine, trying to disable it.
<Seraphna> **Thena does a quick jump close by and peers around, then begins to form a crystal shield around the girl**
<Xanatos> 6* Simon moves over quickly to peer down at the devices onthe spirit.
<Ariel> * Nicolette attempts to dowse for possible tripwires or sensors that'd prevent them from reaching the spirit safely
<DeathStar> *The stuff hooked up to her seems to be odd. The stuff restraining her and keeping her unconscious seems to be Earth stuff, the large box containing it is a lockbox that needs to be broken to get a proper look at the device*
<DeathStar> *Nicolette discovers - if hey are not careful breaking the lockbox, boom*
<Seraphna> Thena> I am suspecting these devices are pumping her full of spirit energy. If we can wake her up she might be able to stop herself.
<Xanatos> <Simon> I believe it is keeping her unconcious.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Ahhhh...Simon, is there a way to suppress spirit energy?"
<Seraphna> **Thena points** These here are Earth Tech.
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Careful with the lockbox..." She heads over to investigate the box, and see if the lock is a mechanical or electronic one*
<DeathStar> <Selena> I have never seen this stuff being pumped into her. <Celes> I do not believe what is going into her is spirit tech
<Alicia> * Ceilidh looks over the box as well.
<Xanatos> <Simon> Nothing that I know of. Expenditure of abilities is all I can recall.
<Seraphna> Thena> I see...
<Xanatos> <BIX> Teleport. Space? Boom!
<Seraphna> Thena> **she focuses and tries again** Avenir, hear my call. A planet needs your help.
<DeathStar> *it looks like the trap on the lockbox is an almost childish trap - but the lock itself is an electronic one with a 3 digit code*
<Jackieness> <Lana> "I coudl, perhaps...maybe scan the box?"
<DeathStar> <Selena> Can we shortout the lock?
<DeathStar> *Avenir appears sleepily*
<Seraphna> Thena> Hello dear one. Are you able to slow time around another spirit?
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "It's trapped, so that's risky. Three digit... that's painfully primitive." She sighs, "Normally I'd brute force it, but with the traps..."
<DeathStar> <Avenir> Um...
<Xanatos> <Simon> We need more information. What these supressors are, how this box functions.
<Seraphna> **Thena motions to the nuclear girl**
<Seraphna> THena> We would like to slow down her path to exploding.
<Xanatos> <Simon> We have to assume everything is connected to a dead man's switch until we know that they are not.
<DeathStar> <Avenir> I can try. *She sits down*
<Alicia> * Ceilidh checks if the trap itself can be disarmed
<Jackieness> <Lana> *modifies her spell consoels and scans over the nuke spirit and the devices for anything of help*
<Ariel> <Nicolette> *asks the cards a single question out of curiousity: Would entering 6 6 6 actually open it safely?*
<DeathStar> *the trap seems to be a trigger that if one begins to mess with the electronics without first disarming it first; it seems the trap is one that one needs to shift the lockbox and press it in a certain way to disarm*
<DeathStar> *No - but the guards might have the code on them*
<Seraphna> **Luci rifles through the guards things like an expert adventurer.
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Huh... not that easy."
<DeathStar> *Lana would find it's heavy duty stuff that puts one under for surgery, but upped much higher dosages*
<DeathStar> *Luci finds 3 sets of passwords. 631, 000, 341 - but which is the real one?*
<Seraphna> Luci> I've got three passwords here. 631, 000 and 341.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Its typical medical-grade anaesthetic, but in an abnormally high dosage."
<DeathStar> <Selena> Um, surely one of the 2 with real numbers
<Seraphna> Luci> I'm going to be really annoyed if it's 000.
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Ceilidh? Have you disarmed the trap yet? OR should I Try?
<Xanatos> 6* Simon tries to see if he can slow down the anasthetic with ice.
<DeathStar> *a loud noise alerts them to less than 30 minutes*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "I'd have to shift the lockbox..."
<DeathStar> *it seems to be working a bit, along with Avenir's time hijinks*
<DeathStar> <Cypher> So, messing with it which might blow it up
<DeathStar> <Cypher> You want to try or should I?
<Seraphna> **Luci keeps checking guards for things, hoping someone might have more of one of the codes**
<DeathStar> *Luci would have to go downstairs to check more guards - will she?*
<Seraphna> **Luci decides to, they have a half hour**
<DeathStar> *Luci will return*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Do you have any practice with things like this?"
<Seraphna> **Reese from the rooftop above starts giving Ceil and Lana good luck!**
<Ariel> * Nicolette keeps examining the box, for possible ways to bypass the lock. A great lock is no good if there's a way around it.
<Xanatos> <BIX> Want: BIX do?
<Sara> * Chelsea peers at it
<DeathStar> *Nicolette gets a high luck roll - it might be possible to reset the lock*
<Sara> <Chelsea> You know, I used to specialize at breaking into stuff like this
<DeathStar> *if one doesn't want to find the code*
<Seraphna> **Thena muses and closes her eyes, reaching into the spirits mind to see if she can help her come around**
<DeathStar> *Celes paces*
<Alicia> * Ceilidh attempts to disarm the trap
<DeathStar> Up, Down, left, right, Left, DOwn, Right - Ceilidh only
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 4
<Seraphna> **Reese decides to focus luck on her**
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<Alicia> DURLRUL
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> *The trap is gone and they can do the code or try to reset it*
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Trap's off."
<Xanatos> <BIX> GOOD JOb! 6* He claps for Ceil.
<DeathStar> *So far the spirit is asleep still - maybe a bit longer*
<Xanatos> 6* Simon keeps trying to apply the freezing so he's still preoccupied.
<Seraphna> **Thena keeps at it, leaving Avenir and Simon to slow things**
<DeathStar> <Selena> Do you think you can reset? *She asks Nicolette and Chelsea*
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Whew. *She peers and rubs Chelsea's ears*
<DeathStar> *Celes looks for instructions on the lock*
<Sara> * Chelsea purrs
<Jackieness> <Lana> "If you cna disable the device, I think I candisconnect the IVs... errr... if they can be called IVs. They relaly did a hack job here."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "You know, now the trap's gone, we can just try all three codes."
<DeathStar> *Luci returns paperwork*
<Seraphna> Luci> Got more!
<Seraphna> Lucy> 777, 097, and a manual. Says how to reset it.
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Useful!"
<Xanatos> <Simon> There may be a secondary activator, it would be risky to try all. I would vote the reset.
<Seraphna> Lucy> Screw up the code three times, then do 000 to reset it.
<Xanatos> <Simon> nevermind me.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Really? Lets try 631 then."
<Seraphna> Luci> ...It's kind of like they made the worlds most breakable lock.
<DeathStar> <Selena> Is EarthGov that easy to break into?
<DeathStar> <Cypher> I feel like this is atrap
<Seraphna> Luci> These guys are school kids pretending to be greater.
<DeathStar> <Cypher> It might be to lock us out if we do that
<Seraphna> **Thena keeps her focus despite the quips due to the seriousness.**
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Chelsea - Nicolette - you do what is best.
<Seraphna> Luci> Seems a little weird to provide a method to reset in a manual I found on a dead guy nowhere near the box.
<Jackieness> <Lana> *keeps monitoring the nuke spirit*
<DeathStar> *20 minute or less warning*
<DeathStar> <Selena> So you think it might be the correct method?
<Seraphna> Luci> I'm no brain but it seems way too convoluted to be a trap.
<DeathStar> <Selena> Hrn.
<Xanatos> <Simon> If this is our end. It has been an honor. 6* He bows his head.
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "This is... very eccentric."
<Seraphna> Thena> **keeps up her work, her awareness a little on the moment though, since she's the only one that can save the rest**
<Xanatos> <BIX> Use 9! 9 for Bix!
<DeathStar> <Selena> *inputs the number Luci said and gets an error - one more try*
<DeathStar> *er CEilidh
<DeathStar> <Cypher> One more try?
<Seraphna> Luci> Up to you all.
<Xanatos> <Simon> Should be two, correct?
<DeathStar> <Selena> I thought that's what the manual said
<Seraphna> Luci> 3 screw ups then 000.
<DeathStar> <Selena> It's saying we get one more screw up
<Xanatos> <Simon> But it says one more try.
<Seraphna> Luci> So try it.
<Ariel> * Nicolette glances around for cameras, wondering if anyone is watching them flounder
<DeathStar> *there is indeed a makeshift camera*
<Sara> <Chelsea> Hmmm... *she stares at the lock*
<Seraphna> **Thena's crystal shied around the wires seems to thicken jus ta little**
<DeathStar> *The lock might could also be overriden to be reset - or maybe badluck could force it open*
<DeathStar> *Who knows*
<DeathStar> *or trry another code*
<DeathStar> <Selena> Okay, what should I try now?
<Ariel> * Nicolette hangs a colored scarf over the camera
<Xanatos> <BIX> Try. 000?
<Seraphna> Luci> 000.
<DeathStar> *She slows enters it*
<Sara> <Chelsea> We could drill into the electronics and manually override it I bet. ... No one has a drill? Aww.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "What did you find there, Nico?"
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Camera."
<DeathStar> *so far nothing ahppens*
<DeathStar> <Selena> .... *Tries opening it* It's not opening
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Ohhhhh... BIX, see if you cna follow the cable on that camera that Nico found."
<Xanatos> 6* BIX salutes and runs to do that.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "341?"
<DeathStar> **Avenir seems to be focused on the box, slowing time down on it. Selena inputs it rapidly*
<DeathStar> <Selena> ... nothing
<DeathStar> *she inputs the next number*
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Ahhh... do any combinaitons add up to or include a 6?"
<DeathStar> <Selena> Well we tried 3
<DeathStar> <Selena> I Think we broke it
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Well, besides the one that didn't work, of course."
<Seraphna> Luci> Three failures locks it up.
<Seraphna> Luci> 000 after that resets it.
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "000 then."
<Xanatos> <Simon> She just tried that.
<Sara> Then that wasn't three failures?
<Sara> <Chelsea>*
<Xanatos> <Simon> We may need to start thinking of cutting her free and teleporting her.
<Xanatos> <Simon> Hm, I suppose not.
<Alicia> * Ceilidh inputs 097
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Well, try... ummm... 123? dding up to 6 would be sucha cliche VI move."
<DeathStar> <Selena> That isn't on the list? *suddenly the box snaps open from Ceilidh*
<Seraphna> Luci> We'll take it.
<Alicia> * Ceilidh looks inside
<Seraphna> Luci> Now stop tha thing!
<Xanatos> <Simon> I suppose Bix was right about using the 9.
<Seraphna> **Thena doesn't speak, it might seem apparent to anyone looking she's set herself up to teleport the girl away if all else fails**
<Ariel> * Nicolette looks up from her attempting to find something she could use to open the lock, "Oh, hey! You got it!"
<DeathStar> *inside is a spirit tech stolen from Geyze with wires hooking into the spirit*
<DeathStar> *The spirit tech wires are all familiar wires with nice shiny wires of powerful tech wire, lesser wire, and normal wire*
<Xanatos> 6* Simon leans over to look at the spirit tech, his area of expertise as well, looking for a way to safely remove it.
<DeathStar> <Avenir> *seems exhausted frm using her time powers on the lock box to keep it from locking*
<DeathStar> <Avenir> *meaning no more time power on the spirit itself* Box kept trying to lock down
<Seraphna> **Thena pats her head with her free hand, the other ready to grab the Nuke Spirit**
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Ok, time to disarm it."
<Sara> <Chelsea. Oh box.
<Sara> Oh boy.*
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "You're going to take this one Lana?"
<Seraphna> Luci> 5 Minutes.
<Alicia> * Ceilidh works on disarming the bomb, remembering last time and not making the same mistakes.
<Sara> <Chelsea> I'll help.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Looks like Ceilidh has it... shhhhh..."
<Alicia> * Ceilidh cuts the big wire first
<DeathStar> *The power decreases to the nuke spirit*
<DeathStar> *but other problems begin to arise*
<DeathStar> <Celes> The spirit is jerking about
<Alicia> * Ceilidh takes a deep breath, and then cuts the normal wire.
<Seraphna> **Thena holds her with TK Goddess, but not hurting her**
<DeathStar> *it seems the EarthGov tech is acting up with her*
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Her vitals are going all over the place."
<DeathStar> * as the spirit awakens as it cuts, she opens her eyes and panics, flaring wiht her nuclear power*
<Seraphna> Thena> Shhhh,. we're getting you free.
<Alicia> * Ceilidh then cuts the last wire
<Seraphna> **She stays, staying calm even as her carbon starts to burn**
<Seraphna> **Thena sends her happy, calm thoughts**
<DeathStar> *the system shuts down and the timer stops and the spirit breaks free and looks around*
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Simon, we need to extract the tech. it should be close enough to the stuff from the otehr reality for you to work with."
<Alicia> <Ceilidh> "Please stay calm..."
<Seraphna> Luci> It's okay kiddo, we came to save you.
<Jackieness> <Lana> "Or she just yanks it out herself and all is well."
<Xanatos> 6* Simon shrugs to Lana.
<Seraphna> **Thena falls back, panting, carbon rebuilding on her cheeks and arms**
<Jackieness> <Lana> "BIX, did you find anything connected to the camera?"
<DeathStar> *The spirit stands there with the EarthGov tech in her and begins to try to flee, but then floops thanks to Thena as she switches to fight mode and falls asleep*
<DeathStar> -TBC-
* Alicia has left #TAW-Session548 (Leaving)
* ChadWinters` has left #TAW-Session548
* Xanatos has left #TAW-Session548 (Closing Window)
* Sara has left #TAW-Session548
* Ariel has left #TAW-Session548 (Leaving)
* Jackieness has left #TAW-Session548
* SaraLappy has quit IRC (Quit: Hmm?)
Session Close: Mon Mar 14 21:33:29 2022