The Alien Wars 6: Da Capo

Session 559

Session Start: Mon May 23 13:45:34 2022
Session Ident: #TAW-Session559
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> Date: 10-643.3.25 - more than a month since Session 558
<DeathStar> Location: Unknown Territory
<DeathStar> *the scene is on a sandy planet as Lorelei's team marches through the sand, following advise from the local planets that there might be some ancient ruins with some buried in it. Overhead the Aquarius and three moons, much too close for comfort, looms*
* Jackieness has joined #TAW-Session559
<DeathStar> *Rachael walks along in an outfit with cloth draped over her to due to all the sand, covering her face*
<DeathStar> <Rachael> At least it isn't hot, but all this sand is annoying.
<ChadWinters> 6Durt walks with the group. 1"One of the few positives I guess."
<DeathStar> *Yuki seems lost in thought under all the moonlight of the moons*
<Seraphna> **Kaelan has shifted her clothing to a desert outfit, tails swaying in the wind** I’m pretty sure the sand is getting everywhere.
<Xanatos> 6* Valen walks with goggles and a respirator on over his mouth.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> The Aquarius' readings are informing me that more sandstorms are on the way soon. *she eyes the wind picking up a bit*
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Think we should bunker down and ride it out?
<Seraphna> **Sia and Lia mewl, planning wind magic**
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> With how this planet works, we could be riding out the sandstorms for days.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Then we tether ourselves to each other and keep going.
<Xanatos> <Valen> Any of have like a wind bubble or something we could put around us?
<Jackieness> <Moira> "I don't think I can swing my sword that fast."
<Seraphna> **The Twins Clap paws together and create a wind orb around the team**
<DeathStar> *the three moons seem to be various shades of color; one is cracked, as if something large hit it long ago, with an orangeish look, the other is silver, and theo ther, the closest, seems to be ready to hit them and almost looks face like*
<Xanatos> <Valen> Niiiice
<DeathStar> *Yuki eyes the twins, while Lorelei muses, eyeing a large sanddune as she trudges up it*
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Well that'll keep the sand at bay but our visibility is still gonna be shot once it hits us.
<Seraphna> **Kaelan puts the twins on Durt’s shoulders**
<DeathStar> <Rachael> *messes with her neck, playing with a collar as she trudges up the dune, then slowly slides back down, then trudges up, then slides back down*
<Sara> <Erica> Hope there aren't any sand worms down here
<DeathStar> <Yuki> .... Sand worms?
<Sara> <Erica> Sand worms.
<DeathStar> *there's a noise under the sand as Erica says that*
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Are you sure? Could be good eating.
<DeathStar> *Lorelei and Rachael turn toward the sand shifting behind Erica, as if something is about to burst out*
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Really? You had to bring up sand worms?"
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Yeah, hard pass...Heads up. Somethings coming.
<Sara> <Erica> I'm not a summoner!
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Hey out here protein is protein.
<Xanatos> <Valen> Stay away from the summoner! 6* He draws his swrod, look wary of the sand shifting.
<DeathStar> *a gothic dressed hand bursts out of the sand, straining to get a foot hold to pull itself out*
<Xanatos> <Valen> it an emo worm instead?
<ChadWinters> <Durt> With a hand?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Huh, looks like a Victorian era glove.
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Worse.. a Gothic Lolita."
<DeathStar> *it begins to manifest*
<DeathStar> *an axe*
<Seraphna> **Kaelan’s tails start helping it up**
<DeathStar> *to throw at the people outside Kaelan*
<ChadWinters> 6Durt sighs a bit. 1"Probably should kill it."
<Sara> <Erica> What in the goddamn?
<DeathStar> *Ako coughs out sand, her sand shoes having broken a while back*
<DeathStar> <Ako> Don't... fucking leave the shortest person behind...
<Sara> <Erica> Oh... She speaks my language
<Alicia> <Asha> "Isn't there someone who dresses like that on the PAX?"
<Seraphna> Kaelan> How’d you get here?
<DeathStar> <Ako> ... I'm on the team!!!
<Xanatos> <Valen> Wait, you were here?
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> I did not even realize
<DeathStar> *Ako twitches*
<Seraphna> Kaelan> **brushes her clean of sand**
<Alicia> <Asha> "Some people just blend into the background, I guess?"
<ChadWinters> <Durt> To be fair, people come and go so much with this team it's hard to keep track
<DeathStar> *her psyche damaged*
<Xanatos> <Valen> S...sorry we didn't realize.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> I was more trying to figure out how you got under the sand miles from where we started.
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Weren't you supposed to be on tour with like other you?"
<DeathStar> <Ako> *jerks again - MOira doing a fatal blow*
<DeathStar> <Ako> ... *then begins to march ahead, trying to go up the dune*
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Awww hey now. Don’t be like that.
<Xanatos> <Valen> Wait isn't she normally with Kellin and Michelle? Did we lose them too? 6* He starts to follow.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> She realizes that outside the wind bubble, it's gonna be windy right?
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Kellin sometimes does side missions for the group. He might be doing that right now - scouting out other Anima locations
<Seraphna> Kaelan> I still wanna know how!
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Its a natural sandblaster out there."
<Xanatos> <Valen> OH maybe she's got sand powers.
<Sara> <Erica> Sand powers? Is that a thing?
<ChadWinters> <Durt> To be fair, for her to catch up under ground like that could be considered impressive.
<DeathStar> *Yuki shrugs as they continue along*
<Jackieness> <Moira> *shrugs at that*
<Seraphna> Kaelan> It could be.
<Xanatos> <Valen> We've adapted to the sand but she was born in it. 6* He says with his respirator and goggles.
<DeathStar> *As they continue along the sand, the wind does pick up, blowing along; Ako marching ahead with her broken shoes shows no sign of being rattled outside being blwon about sometimes*
<DeathStar> *Yuki eyes her device* We should be approaching the ruins soon.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> We're sure our scanners showed no outside life forms?
<Seraphna> **Kaelan frowns ahead at Ako**
<Alicia> <Asha> "I'd say I don't smell anything, but... respirator."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> This planet does have life signs. They're probably not coming out due to the storm
<DeathStar> *up ahead, as their vision begins to become obscured, is what appears to be some broken down ruins. Worn down from the sand storms, the entrance to something can be seen.*
<Seraphna> Kaelan> More things to try as food sources.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Well I'm more concerned about the Templar type that could be waiting in ambush.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> That we did not pick up when we arrived at least
<Seraphna> Kaelan> They taste terrible though.
<Jackieness> <Moira> *points ahead* "Up there."
<Sara> <Erica> This is why you shouldn't go on missions on an empty stomach, Kaelan...
<Alicia> <Asha> "Yeah, be careful, Kaelan, some creatures are toxic."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Templars do give me indigestion.
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Alright everyone. Lets do this carefully. *as she slides into the ruins, the entrance looks to be nothing more than a broken down shelter - the room is just enough to house the team before it's blocked off by a bunch of stones*
<DeathStar> *Ako is eyeing the blocks, trying to see if anything continues beyond it*
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Well this sucks. *She turns to eye the storm outside* That bites
<Sara> * Erica turns in place, as if concerned it'll close behind them
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Well, we have a base camp.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Lorelei, you might want to talk to Kaelan about cannibalism.
<Jackieness> <Moira> *steps forward and inspects the blockage*
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Kaelan, do not eat people
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> That is the dark side
<Seraphna> **The twins seem relieved to drop the air bubble spell**
<Xanatos> <Valen> Should we start moving these blocks?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> I’ll be good Momma.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> They look kind of blocky
<DeathStar> *The blocks seem to be pretty solidly blocking - if there is anything beyond it, one cannot tell at a glance. Yuki is holding her datapad* <Yuki> ... I wonder if I should bring Mireille down here
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Let everyone rest up first. Need to figure out how toc lear it without bringing the place down on top of us."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> I could probe the shadows.
<Seraphna> Lia> Ako here?
<Seraphna> Sia> Can help manifest.
<DeathStar> *Lorelei sits down and leans against the wall while Rachael throws her cloak off, wearing a tactical suit. She makes a fire as it feels cool in the room*
<DeathStar> <Ako> I could.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Hmmmm...6He pulls out an Idlet and has it start scanning the area.
<Xanatos> 6* Valen pulls the goggles up onto his forehead and drops the respirator down around his neck.
<DeathStar> *the "ruins" seem to be fairly old but the building materials seem to be nothing special. Whatever the race was they seem to be nothing special so far*
<Xanatos> <Valen> Look it left sand lines on my face. It's like I have googles on...but DON'T
<DeathStar> <Rachael> *claps*
<DeathStar> *Yuki eyes Valen, then turns to Erica* Teens
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Id's not picking up any tech.
<Sara> <Erica> Just people, really.
<Xanatos> <Valen> We're sure this is the place?
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Within this area I should say. The rocks are blocking deep probes.
<Alicia> <Asha> "I wonder who lived here."
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Maybe this planet didn't always look like a desert."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Sand People.
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Hard to say. Maybe sand worms. *She jokes*
<DeathStar> *looking focused for once*
<ChadWinters> 6Durt moves up to the stones blocking the way forward, eyeing them a bit, seeing if there's any gaps for the Idlet to squeeze through.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> If I can get the Idlet to scan ahead, one of your porters can move us forward.
<Xanatos> <Valen> Porter is his cool word for Teleporters.
<Alicia> <Asha> "If you can't get through the stones... no, I guess going under the sand isn't going to work."
<DeathStar> *there are slightly gaps, just enough to stick a hand through and peek through, but then there are more rocks behind those almost immediately*
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Hmmm… **she hops into shadows and tries to sense out nearby shadowed areas**
<DeathStar> <Rachael> I could try to blow it up not sure how that's play
<Alicia> <Asha> "I don't think blowing up the ruins is good."
<DeathStar> *Outsid the storm reaches it's apex and sand begins to blow in a bit. Yuki peers out and makes a face*
<Sara> <Erica> Well, punching won't work, so we just gotta probe it I guess.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> I wouldn't worry about that, Rachael. 6He whistles at the Idlet which then starts to move through the gaps where it can until it's stuck.
<Jackieness> <Moira> "We don't know how thick this wall is."
<Seraphna> **Kaelan pops out** The entire area is just darkness.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> You're saying that a place that doesn't have any natural light is all darkness?
<DeathStar> <Ako> That's because there's no lights
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Mmm, no. I mean it’s all darkness. I don’t sense any pockets at all. I can even see in most darknesses.
<Alicia> <Asha> "What is darkness except a lack of light anyway?"
<Xanatos> <Valen> The light is in our hearts. 6* he says sarcastically, making a face at sand getting in his eyes.
<DeathStar> *Idlet seems to get caught fairly early on*
<Xanatos> <Valen> Wait so it's completely caved in?
<Alicia> <Asha> "Are you about to make friendship speeches?"
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Looks liek ti was filled in deliberately."
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> I don't think it's entirely filled if she could materialize
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> We just need to know how far back it is
<ChadWinters> 6Durt eyes his datapad then sends the Idlet back.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Just really dense. I could try to get a better sense.
<Xanatos> <Valen> Any of you have secret ghost powers? Walk through walls for fun on the down low?
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Ghost... powers.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Well, the Idlet only made it in a few feet. This seems like it was almost caved in on purpose.
<Alicia> <Asha> "I only have not-so-secret fire and wolf powers."
<Seraphna> **Kaelan hops back in the shadows, this time hoping to make a foxfire marker**
<Sara> <Erica> Does seem a little "too good" to be accidental.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> So a fair guess might be that this is a tunnel that goes on for 20-30 feet. And was rigged to collapse on itself to keep people out.
<Xanatos> <Valen> Oh that makes sense, bury the secrets literally to keep people from finding it.
<Seraphna> **Kaelan pops up**
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> I wonder why
<Alicia> <Asha> "So, if we can dig out the rocks, or move past them, it'll be fine."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> 12 feet in there’s a 15 foot chamber.
<Alicia> <Asha> "Either to keep something out or something in."
<ChadWinters> <Durt> There's not gonna be any digging out the rocks, Asha.
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Or they took the time to stack the blocks."
<DeathStar> <Ako> I might could destroy 12 feet of rock. But I'd be useless afterward
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Not quickly or without equipment. And probably the anima.
<DeathStar> <Ako> And I mean I'd be useless
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Why don’t you and the twins manifest together so you each take less.
<DeathStar> *Ako eyes the twins* You think your manifestation is powerful enough to deal with this?
<Alicia> <Asha> "So, move past them."
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Well it's possible if they collapsed the tunnel, there's a void above it. But if they found a way to bring the rock in and block it up then we'd either need to port past and hope there's no traps or carefully work our way through them.
<Seraphna> **They Salute**
<DeathStar> *Ako motions for them to try*
<Seraphna> **The two work together and start manifesting a hole through the rock**
<Xanatos> <Valen> My manifesting is shit...should I try to help?
<DeathStar> <Rachael> *shrugs* We can take turns I Guess.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> You might get in their way.
<Alicia> <Asha> "Not sure what's going on, but it's working so far."
<Sara> * Erica just scratches her head and lets the others deal with this
<DeathStar> *over the next few hours, switching up; Ako taking her turn to manifest blackhole like object to destroy the rock and dig her way through*
<DeathStar> *Rachael taking notes*
<DeathStar> *until they reach a chamber - where on the other side is more rocks*
<Seraphna> **Sia and Lia spend their break in Lore’s lap begging for treats**
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> ....
<DeathStar> *feeds the two*
<DeathStar> *Rachael studies the rocks, tapping on them*
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Hm
<Xanatos> 6* Valen's section was very lumpy
<Seraphna> Kaelan> There’s more about 15 feet in. I didn’t want to risk destroying anything in the gap.
<Alicia> * Asha looks over. "How hollow is it?"
<DeathStar> <Rachael> It looks solid. *Yuki peers at her datapad as Mireille comms them*
<DeathStar> <Mireille comms> There might ... *she begins to break up from the storm* prob---
<Alicia> <Asha> "Problems?"
<Jackieness> <Moira> "The Templars?"
<DeathStar> <Mireille> Tecting... *crackling*
<Alicia> <Asha> "Protecting?"
<ChadWinters> 6Durt walks through as the Idlet lights up. He eyes the floor. "Detecting probably.
<Alicia> <Asha> "That'd fit too."
<DeathStar> *Rachael eyes the new rock wall* Alright so we just need to get through this last wall?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Yep.
<Xanatos> <Valen> Time to blast!
<Alicia> <Asha> "Before the templars who may or may not be around."
<DeathStar> *Rachael takes her collar off*
<DeathStar> *and begins to manifest, putting it into her magic*
<Jackieness> <Moira> "We need to watch the entry chamber in case the templars do come."
<Alicia> <Asha> "On it." *keeps watch*
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Well they'll probably have the same struggle we did to get here so we should have some time.
<DeathStar> *aiming at the wall, she combines all her magical elements to dig into the wall, blasting it with earth and lightning superchaged*
<DeathStar> *as the wall cracks, the chamber rumbles*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> You all feel that?
<Xanatos> 6* Valen glances up slightly.
<Sara> <Erica> I do not think that's a good sign.
<Alicia> <Asha> "Load-bearing?"
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Yeah. Either somethings taking a short cut above us or Rachael's work is a little on the rough side
<Xanatos> 6* Valen channels a pit of magick to heal Rachael, mostly trying to keep her energy up.
<Seraphna> **Kaelan watches, a tendril grabbing the collar** Better investigate quick then. But I’mn thinking that might be a ship above us.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Send a shadow out to find out, Kaelan.
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Which mean we might have party crashers dropping in any moment."
<DeathStar> *The wall begins to crack and as Rachael smashes it again, bringing it down; Suddenly something rises out of the ground, enraged and knocks Lorelei aside, knocking the campfire light out*
<DeathStar> <Ako> Ack! Dark
<Seraphna> **Kaelan forms a large foxfire**
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Wasn't expecting that.
<DeathStar> *it seems to be sand creatures trying to pull Lorelei and Yuki down into the sand pit*
<DeathStar> *to eat them*
<Sara> <Erica> Oi! Hands of my wife, you fuckin' dickhead!
<ChadWinters> 6Durt pulls out his pistol and fires a shot at the one going after Lorelei
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Let me go. *Yuki growls*
<Sara> * Erica leaps right in to punch the creature in its presumed dick
<Alicia> <Asha> "At least it's not Templars!" *lashes out at the creature*
<ChadWinters> 6The Idlet floats up high, providing light
<Xanatos> 6* Valen shfits around to try and get a hand on Lorelei to help pull her back.
<Seraphna> **Kaelan draws Truth and strikes at the creature**
<Jackieness> <Moira> *activates the Templar sword that she started carrying after losing her original and then leaps, swinging at the nearets of the sand creatures*
<DeathStar> *The creature makes a noise, letting Yuki go who flips up onto the edhe og the pit and Lorelei once free flies up, nodding to everyone and lightnings the creasture with Truth and Asha. As Moira hits it once last time, the creatures retreat into the pit, which is still pulling sand and muck in*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> ... that was ... unpleasant
<DeathStar> *Lorelei lands on the edge and eyes it* Can we seal it?
<Alicia> <Asha> "And that's why I wasn't suggesting digging through sand."
<Xanatos> <Valen> Eeeeesh. 6* He tries to move towards the wall, glancing to make sure Rachaerl is good.
<Seraphna> **Sia and Lia begin to cast and form an ice seal**
<DeathStar> *Ako shrugs* I could throw rocks in?
<DeathStar> *Rachael watches all this curiously*
<Alicia> <Asha> "We have plenty, so sure!"
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Maybe if we crunch the rock down and use it to fill the sand tunnel instead of vaporizing it."
<DeathStar> *the ice seal is put over.*
<ChadWinters> <Durt> I guess our only path right now is to move forward.
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> I'll leave it to you all to handle that. *she notes; as they speak, a creature's mouth tendril sneaks up out of the pit to go for Erica's leg, sensing her strength*
<DeathStar> *to pull her in*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Hey, hey!
<DeathStar> *she forms foxfire*
<Seraphna> **Kaelan fires a truth beam at the tongue**
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Right. *She walks on, leaving the pit behind*
<Sara> <Erica> Ah, fuck's sake. *she kicks at it*
<ChadWinters> 6Durt moves in with Rachael the Idlet behind them
<Xanatos> <Valen> Hit it with rocks! 6* He calls out, retreating with Rachael and Durt.
<Jackieness> <Moira> *leaps to slice the mouth-tendril*
<DeathStar> *Ako lifts a rock and tosses it* Asha!
<DeathStar> <Ako> Use your fire when it lands in
<DeathStar> *The tendril is cut off after being kicked off*
<Alicia> * Asha launches a firebird once the rock lands in
<DeathStar> <Ako> Alright lets hope that handles it for now. *She moves after. Yuki taking Erica's hand. As they enter a chamber; a giant anima lays sitting, purposely left there, even though it's not part of this planet's technology*
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Someone chose this planet to hide this Anima.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Who hides these?
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Maybe whatever civilization existed in the past venerated it."
<Seraphna> **Sia and Lia crawl up checking for the control gem**
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Indeed. 6He glance sat Kaelan. "Someone who doesn't want them in the wrong hands.
<Alicia> <Asha> "The metal giant..."
<Xanatos> <Valen> We might be the wrong hands.
<Alicia> <Asha> "I don't think we're the wrong hands."
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Valid point, Valen.
<Seraphna> Sia> Anima L!
<Seraphna> Lia> Yay!
<Seraphna> Sia> Let’s see…
<DeathStar> *Anima L looks ancient, clearly put here. As Sia and Lia mess with it, it seems like one can control it*
<Seraphna> Lia> Gauntlet Mode in here?
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Well that's two we've managed to gather. 6The Idlet floats over to it, scanning it
<DeathStar> *it seems that has been broken much like T's*
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Hey, do we want thosw two messing with anotehr one again?"
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> They seem to remember the Anima more than we do
<Alicia> <Asha> "Someone want to stop them?"
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Not like they'd stop if you told them to.
<Seraphna> Lia> This one Earth Magic.
<Seraphna> Sia> Makes Blasters!
<Xanatos> <Valen> Durt really has issues with twins. I think an age-appropriate twin broke his heart one day.
<DeathStar> *Rachael snerks
<Seraphna> Kaelan> They we’re both Anima experts in their day I think.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Give L to Valen
<Xanatos> <Valen> I barely know what an anima is, I'll use it to it's fullest power!
<Seraphna> **Sia works on the controls as Lia checks the status**
<DeathStar> <Rachael> You get beat up so much, it can protect you
<Alicia> <Asha> "Same, really."
<Xanatos> <Valen> WHOA rude...true but rude.
<DeathStar> *Lorelei climbs up*
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Taiga gave us this
<Seraphna> Kaelan> As I understand it they only really want to use D.
<DeathStar> *she hands the twins an item*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Why that one?
<Seraphna> **They nod and get it working** Clear!
<Jackieness> <Moira> "So is this going to be a case where each of us gets one or something?"
<Seraphna> Kaelan> My guess is an affinity for it.
<DeathStar> *As the Anima goes into gauntlet mode, Lorelei takes it, studying it*
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Frankly, I'd rather have it studied by Taiga and the twins until it's repaired.
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> But if we do get into a fight
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Who wants to use it?
<ChadWinters> <Durt> How many more of them are their?
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> ... *tries to recall*
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> T, D, E, C, L
<ChadWinters> <Durt> So three more to go.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> If they’re right about it an Earth Element or someone good at shooting would make the most use out of it. Pity Michelle is with Kellin.
<Xanatos> <Valen> Is the L for Lankin? If so, then it's my birthright.
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> There might be a J too
<Jackieness> <Moira> "I'm a dedicated sword-girl."
<Seraphna> Sia> Kaelan used to be close to T.
<Seraphna> Lia> Jubei liked E.
<Xanatos> <Valen> For real and not a joke, I THINK I'm Earth affinity. Which makes no sense since I use a lot of templar lightning.
<DeathStar> *Lorelei tosses Valen the gauntlet*
<Sara> <Erica> I dunno anything about all this, you kids have fun.
<Seraphna> **Kaelan friend at her sister’s name**
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Until we get back home
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> And have it properly repaired
<Seraphna> **Zeal
<Xanatos> 6* Valen catches it and oops almost dropping it but pauses and then looks it over.
<DeathStar> *the gauntlet looks beat up and cracked*
<Alicia> <Asha> "We all know my affinity."
<Xanatos> <Valen> Well maintained, just like me. Our bodies are a temple you know.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Easiest to wear it to not lose it. Just don’t tap the gem.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> *Deadpans* What happens if you tap the gem?
<Seraphna> Sia> Activation!
<Xanatos> <Valen> I think the thing forms and you all get squished if you're beside me.
<DeathStar> <Ako> Great
<Seraphna> Lia> It goes big again.
<Xanatos> <Valen> I was right! 6* He puts it on.
<DeathStar> *the cave makes a shudder noise at the entrance*
<DeathStar> *and the wind begins to blow inside with sand hitting them*
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> By the hells, what?!
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Maybe we need you to do that and get us out.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Hrm…
<Xanatos> <Valen Ah shit my eyes again!
<DeathStar> *Yuki yeowls*
<Seraphna> **Sia and Lia form an air wall**
<DeathStar> *Ako manifests a shield*
<DeathStar> *The sand begins to fill up in the chamber slowly*
<DeathStar> <Rachael> I think they want to bury us alive
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Did the wind change direction?!"
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> That seems impossible!
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Hmm. I may have been right about a ship.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> And so is a Templar ship that's there but not there, Lorelei.
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Fair enough!
<Xanatos> <Valen> We need to get out of here or be buried alive.
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> .... *begins to quietly mouth something*
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Unless Kaelan here can port us all out of here safely, we might be best using the Anima to get us out.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Can’t teleport to the ship I guess?
<Alicia> <Asha> "The wind changing direction is impossible?"
<DeathStar> *growing wings and their marks activate, giving everyone with marks all their mark powers for a bit*
<DeathStar> *while Lorelei chants*
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Whoa.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> We got no time to gawk, Lorelei's going to be buried in a few minutes
<Seraphna> **Kaelan whips up a shadow and starts seeking the shadows in the Aquarius hangar**
<Alicia> <Asha> "Hopefully, this is part of us all getting out of here."
<DeathStar> *Monks begins to creep in*
<DeathStar> *but the team is invisible outside epople like Erica and Yuki and Asha and Ako*
<Jackieness> <Moira> *turns toard the invading monks*
<Seraphna> **Sia and Lia start using their wind wall to redirect sand at the Monks**
<Xanatos> 6* Valen looks over his invisible self and gets his shield ready to block attacks coming in for the visible ones.
<Alicia> * Asha holds off the monks, hoping someone has a plan to get out.
<Seraphna> **Kaelsn keeps focus on their exit**
<DeathStar> *The Monks paused for a moment, then begins to leap in. Yuki attacking the monks with foxfire enhanced attacks and Ako manifesting a sword*
<ChadWinters> 6Durt eyes everyone disappear one by one and sighs a bit.
<ChadWinters> 6Durt then begins to brawl any monks that get close to him
<DeathStar> *ah darn it, Kaelan got a lucky roll; As TAnan enters to do battle with Erica or someone; they warp*
<Sara> * Erica rushes in with her Fists of Fury
<Seraphna> **The twins look at each other and manifest, forming shards in the sand they send at the monks**
<Xanatos> 6* Valen was totally about to fly and lightning. But yay Kaelan.
<DeathStar> *Lorelei enters her chanting, then falls over face first*
<Alicia> <Asha> "Not bad, captain!"
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I think that monk wanted you Erica
<DeathStar> *Mireille looks up* We were heading in to get you, Mom
<Sara> <Erica> A lot of people want me, it happens
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Is everyoen accounted for ald the anim secured?"
<ChadWinters> 6Durt lands, sanding dropping off him. He begins smacking his outfit, knocking more sand to the hanger floor
<Xanatos> 6* Valen begins to shake tryin gto get the sane off of himself.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> I think so. **looks okay her tails** Yes all three.
<Seraphna> **into**
<Seraphna> **Weird to say as she has nine of them**
<Alicia> <Asha> "Thanks for, you know, not leaving us behind."
<Xanatos> <Pepper> Come'on don't shake the sand here....we need to vaccuum....ahhhhh this is harshing my vibe.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> I hear it gives one hell of a high if your snort it though.
<Seraphna> Cookie> Did you bring any interesting herbs?
<Sara> * Erica deadpans and doesn't bother to refute this.
<Jackieness> <Moira> "I need a shower."
<Xanatos> <Pepper> ....what? The sand gets you high?
<Alicia> <Asha> "What, do you expect me to have gathered some sort of spice?"
<ChadWinters> 6Durt points to the sand he's knocked off him. a pile of it.
<Seraphna> Cookie> The Spice!
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Helm, plot a course to get us out of system before the Templars realize what happened."
<DeathStar> *Mireille eyes them all, confused, taking some sand*
<Xanatos> 6* Pepper kneels in front of it and gets her datapad out to scan it.
<Xanatos> <Valen> So uh, can I shower with this gauntlet thing on?
<ChadWinters> <Durt> The Idlet said it's give "one hell of an experience"
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Go ahead.
<Xanatos> <Valen> It's thick and makes me feel manly.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Dark Jumping is way cooler than Progenitor Warps.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> If it fails from water than it's not gonna do us any good
<Alicia> <Asha> "They both get you where you want to go."
<Seraphna> Lia> Only bathe with after fixed.
<Seraphna> Sia> To improve relationship.
<Xanatos> <Valen> How embarassing would it be if I activated it while showering? Ship would explode and worst of all I'd be nude inside.
<Xanatos> <Valen> Wait what?
<DeathStar> *Ako> ... eyes*
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Give the guantlet to Taiga tos tudy and repair."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> .... Alright, we're taking the gauntlet back for the sake of the ship
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Yeah that just got all sorts of creepy.
<Seraphna> Sia> They Alive.
<Seraphna> Lia> Treat nice and increase affinity.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> You heard them, treat them like your porn games
<Alicia> <Asha> "...umm... wow."
<Xanatos> <Pepper> GAH THIS BURNS.....*She wipes some of the sane off from her nose.
<Seraphna> Sia> Porn games?
<Sara> <Erica> Quite the high, yes?
<Sara> * She says flatly
<ChadWinters> <Durt> So we got a bead on the next one?
<Seraphna> Lia> Anima simulator?
<Xanatos> <Pepper> .....not yet.
<ChadWinters> 6The Idlet curiously watches Pepper.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Rachael, corruption is my niche.
<Xanatos> <Valen> I DON'T PLAY PORN GAMES.
<Seraphna> **Kaelan slips the collar on Rachael**
<Xanatos> <Valen> I just hang around this group, someone's naked every other damn day! 6* He deflects.
<DeathStar> *Mireille moves turn on a computer screen with the latest hentai/porn game*
<DeathStar> <Mireille> This?
<Alicia> <Asha> "Nothing wrong with it."
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Exactly
<Seraphna> Sia> Why there tentacles?
<Xanatos> <Pepper> Cook I think they lied. My nose just feels grainy.
<Seraphna> Lia> And so much chest?
<DeathStar> <Mireille> Personally I Think my systems have been corrupted with a virus
<Jackieness> <Moira> "KAelan has seen me nearly naked." *shrugs*
<DeathStar> *Lorelei sits up, having been resting during all this* Lets...get to the next one
<Jackieness> <Airym> "A virus? Report."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Wait why did that come up?
<Xanatos> <Valen> ...Moira I've seen you naked more than anyone else here.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> On to the next one I suppose.
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Lucky you."
<Xanatos> <Valen> I-
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> Date: 10-643.4.1
<DeathStar> Location: Less Unknown Region
<DeathStar> *As they near the Erusian region of space, but are still firmly in the Unknown Regions, the group has landed in one final planet before reporting back to the Known Regions (Cont)
<DeathStar> *the planet is a jungle world with heavy jungles and the Templar Thomas has told them that there were lots of ruins here long ago that they could never get into (cont)
<DeathStar> *Lorelei treks through the jungle toward the ruins*
<DeathStar> *Rachael wears an outfit close to her medieval counter part*
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Hot...
<Alicia> <Asha> "I don't dislike this place, but you're right..."
<DeathStar> *Ako wears her typical gothic dress while Yuki is even barely wearing anything, hair done up in a ponytail. Lorelei for her part is in a Indiana Jones like outfit
<ChadWinters> 6Durt walks in his tact suit, eyeing his datapad as the Idlet floats slightly ahead of the group
<Seraphna> **Kaelan wears a loose kimono**
<Xanatos> 6* Valen has one of those big floppy hats with little cork-like objects attached to string around the brim.
<Sara> * Erica eyes Yuki
<Seraphna> **The twins wear exploring caps**
<DeathStar> *Yuki seems to have opted for not her priestess outfit but a kimono that hangs open*
<Xanatos> <Valen> Ask me why this hat is dope. Ask me.
<DeathStar> <RAchael> Why?
<Xanatos> <Valen> Keeps the bugs out of my face. When I move they sway and wiggle...scares the bugs.
<DeathStar> *Yuki smiles at Erica*
<DeathStar> *they soon come across a roaring river and Lorelei frowns* <Lorelei> Well this seems to be the end of our adventure
<ChadWinters> <Durt> When has a river ever stopped us?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Huh?
<Seraphna> Sia> Oh no!
<Jackieness> <Moira> *tromps about with her energy sword and scantily clad because she'll end up that way anyway, so might as well spare a costume change right off the bat*
<Seraphna> Lia> Moving water!
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> It is a river. *She seems to be being sarcastic
<DeathStar> *overhead some trees hang over the river with vines*
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Could be worse... could have been an elevator."
<ChadWinters> <Durt> We'll just have Kaelan port us across.
<DeathStar> <Ako> An elevator in moving water?
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Unless the ruins are under the river.
<DeathStar> *Yuki kneels to look into the river*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Well we are nearby
<ChadWinters> <Durt> I wouldn't get to close. Something might pull you in.
<Alicia> <Asha> "Where does the river lead, I wonder?"
<Xanatos> 6* Valen looks to see how far across the river is
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Oh come on, how cliched would that b---*a monkey swings by the vines and grabs her
<ChadWinters> 6The Idlet floats a bit behind Yuki as if waiting to record it.
<DeathStar> *swinging off*
<DeathStar> <Ako> ...
<Seraphna> **Kaelan pauses in making a foxhole**
<ChadWinters> <Durt> They call that the mouth, Asha.
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Well. That just happened."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Do we need that one?
<DeathStar> *the river seems to be about 50 feet across*
<ChadWinters> <Durt> I don't know if we do, Erica does thought I imagine.
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> That is my niece.
<DeathStar> *Lorelei tenses, getting ready to grab a vine*
<Sara> * Erica gives Kaelan a dirty look
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> This should be easy. *She swings after*
<Alicia> <Asha> "Are we really going to swing on vines?"
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Idlet, make chase. 6The Idlet chases after
<Jackieness> <Moira> *grabs another vine and swings after*
<DeathStar> *Yuki for her part debates hitting the monkey but if that would make her fall in the river*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Dammi
<Seraphna> **Kaelan swings after them using Tendrils**
<Xanatos> <Valen> O-Oh she's really swinging. There goes Moira too...I guess uh. I guess it's time to swing. 6* He looks for a sturdy vine to follow.
<DeathStar> *Rachael uses her magic to float over*
<ChadWinters> <Durt> This is going to be painful, Valen.
<DeathStar> *Ako snerk and swings off*
<DeathStar> *the vine looks ready to break on the two men*
<ChadWinters> 6Durt eyes the vines and reluctantly starts to climb up one
<DeathStar> *when the monkey/Yuki gets on the other side, she launches her counter attack as everyone catches up. As the large ape, surprisingly looking somthing out of the pre-historic age with it's size. Not Kong size, but large, just hangs out and goes for a tree*
<DeathStar> *it holds him; it held the ape after all*
<DeathStar> <Rachael> The giant monkey is going up the tree.
<Xanatos> 6* Valen tries to find a non-durt vine to follow, starting to trail behind the others.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Yep....this is gong to be a thing. 6He begins the very slow process for someone who isn't nimble to begin swinging across, taking several attemps at times when switching vines.
<Jackieness> <Moira> *continues to follow*
<DeathStar> *Durt and Valen manage, eventually, to land on the other side of the river*
<DeathStar> *Moira climbs up the giant tree and as she reaches the top, finds the ruins on the side of a cliff*
<DeathStar> *The monkey having made it it's home base*
<Alicia> * Asha sighs, swinging her way over uncertainly
<Xanatos> <Valen> Where...where'd they go? Oh wait is tha-? 6* he pauses and moves for the giant tree.
<ChadWinters> 6Durt drops and lands on his ass, not looking happy. 1"Well that's an experience I won't like to repeat.
<DeathStar> *Lorelei and Rachael peer at the ruins with the monkey trying to woo Yuki at the ruins*
<Seraphna> **Kaelan climbs up using dark tendrils**
<ChadWinters> 6Durt stands up and moves to follow Valen.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> ...
<ChadWinters> <Durt> You sibling senses kicking in?
<DeathStar> *Ako peers down at the two* Oh hey you guys made it.
<Jackieness> <Moira> "That ape just did us a big favor."
<Xanatos> <Valen> Thought I saw something going up the tree, assumed it was the one with Yuki.
<Alicia> <Asha> "What's that?"
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> I confess I doubt we would have seen this place
<Xanatos> 6* Valen waves at Ako and starts to climb.
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> It's the ruins - guarded by a giant ape who is in love with Yuki
<DeathStar> *Ako shifts to let everyone up on the tree*
<ChadWinters> 6Durt climbs up after Valen. 1"So much for your aloof nature you put out*
<Seraphna> **Kaelan tosses the ape some bananas**
<DeathStar> <Rachael> .. where do you keep bananas?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> My tails.
<Xanatos> <Valen> It's not an aloof nature! It's uh, what does aloof mean?
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Ok... why do you keep bananaas in your tails?"
<Seraphna> Kaelan> My spirit cuties like fruits.
<DeathStar> *The monkey approaches the bananas and sniffs them, and takes a bit of them, sitting down*
<DeathStar> *Yuki shifts over to join them*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Okay, next time
<DeathStar> <Yuki> One of you gets grabbed
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Everyone ready to go inside while it is eating?
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Well atleast you got the high school drop out vibe lock down. 6He pulls himself up to the others finally, eyeing the pacified stink ape and the ruins.
<Alicia> <Asha> "Next time one of us gets grabbed what?"
<Xanatos> <Valen> Did I arrive just hear Kaelan talking about her spirit cuties? What does that even mean?
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Honestly, I'm surprised this type of thing doesn't happen to me."
<DeathStar> *Yuki eyes Erica and Moira's chests*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> ....
<Sara> <Erica> Eh?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> I’m pacted with Noire, Soren and Avenir.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Nothing
<Xanatos> <Valen> Spirit cuties. 6* He repeats and starts to move inside.
<Alicia> <Asha> "Noire?"
<DeathStar> *Mireille on comms* Am I a Spirit cutie?
<Seraphna> **Noct
<Seraphna> Kaelan> One of the cutest Mire.
<DeathStar> *As they step inside, the ruins seem to be rather bland. Clearly made long ago and not by humans judging by the paintings of bird people*
<ChadWinters> 6Durt rubs his face and moves with Valen. 1"I stopped paying attention to everyones things. Not enough books to right it all down.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> I will call the cops on Kaelan when we get back
<DeathStar> *She notes as they walk around the hallways*
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Joke joke
<Jackieness> <Moira> " sculpture... just wall paintings."
<Xanatos> <Valen> For calling them spirit cuties there's really nothing else you can do but call the cops.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> **summons Noct** Nocty, Valen thinks you aren’t cute.
<DeathStar> *due to the distance, the summon doesn't happen right away - I mean, they're in the Unknown Region*
<Xanatos> <Valen> You can summon spirits all the way out here!??!?
<Alicia> <Asha> "I feel like there's some miscommunication about the definition of cute."
<DeathStar> *Lorelei tosses Valen the gauntlet to be safe when they begin to hear chanting and Mireille's comm begins to act up*
<Seraphna> Kaelan> If you are bonding well a Spirit will come find you no matter where.
<Xanatos> 6* Valen blinks and puts the gauntlet on.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> How do they keep finding us anyway?
<ChadWinters> <Durt> To think you'd summon one way out here just top try and prove a point. 6He kneels down, listening
<Alicia> <Asha> "They're probably not looking for us, exactly..."
<DeathStar> *As they turn the corner, something hits their necks and suddenly natives appear to drags Moira, Erica, and Asha away*
<DeathStar> <Ako> ... What the hell?! Why those three?!
<DeathStar> *She falls over*
<ChadWinters> <Durt> You keep assuming....natives worshiping. 6He slowly raises his hands
<DeathStar> *They seem to be drugged8
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Melons.
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> UGh... anyone got anything to cleanse ourselves?
<Xanatos> 6* Valen tries to get some templar healing out.
<DeathStar> *Valen manages it*
<Seraphna> **Sia and Lia cast cure spells**
<DeathStar> *Sia and Lia manage it as well*
<ChadWinters> 6Durt reaches his for his neck, moving to rip out whatever him in the neck as he activates his weapon ability, to try and lock down the poison from spreading
<DeathStar> *Lorelei pants, looking woozy and Rachael heals ourselves multiple times*
<DeathStar> <Rachael> ... *lifts Ako up and heals her and Yuki* <Yuki> ... okay.... now I'm annoyed
<ChadWinters> 6The Idlet suddenly begins flashing different colors and making louds noises to try and scare off the natives
<Seraphna> **Kaelan draws the poison out with shadow gunk and huffs**
<DeathStar> *The natives run off after leaving fire behind to kill them*
<DeathStar> *but with the three girls*
<Jackieness> <Moira> *is stolen*
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Oh come on
<Seraphna> **Sia launches water magic at the fire and Lia heals the rest**
<ChadWinters> 6Durt pockets whatever drugged him as he stands up, shaking his head
<DeathStar> *The fire is put out*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> *marches ahead*
<ChadWinters> 6The Idlet stops making loud noises and flashing colors. "My apologies for those with sensitive ears.
<Seraphna> **Kaelan rubs her head and moves on**
<DeathStar> *As they soon arrive in a large chamber with one of the Animas, with food and objects around it as if it were being worshipped as a God, the three women are tied to it as they begin to come to; it is clear they are to be burned to death on the Altar of the Anima E*
<DeathStar> *The natives chanting and dancing around it*
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Ugggh... what hit me...?"
<DeathStar> <Yuki> ... Can I crush them?
<DeathStar> *she counts their numbers being in the 20's*
<Alicia> * Asha seems groggy atill
<ChadWinters> <Durt> We're gonna want to take out as many as possible.
<Seraphna> Sia> We could activate it.
<Seraphna> Lia> Become goddesses!
<Seraphna> Sia> Anima E.
<DeathStar> *Lorelei eyes the two*
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> You two just need to get inside?
<Seraphna> Lia> Talk through it tell them to stand down.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Suppose we could just give them a new god to worship.
<Seraphna> **They nod**
<DeathStar> *RAchael lifts Sia and Lia up with wind magic and fling them at the anima while Lorelei makes them invisible for 30 seconds*
<DeathStar> *meanwhile the fire begins*
<Alicia> <Asha> "I guess we have no choice."
<DeathStar> *Erica, Asha, and Moira are about to be burnt to the Anima*
<Seraphna> **They scramble their way in and work on waking it ip**
<DeathStar> *They find the lid closed off*
<Jackieness> <Moira> *tries to get out of her ropes*
<DeathStar> *With...*
<DeathStar> *decorations*
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Lorelei, you think you can pretend to be a god infront of them?
<DeathStar> *A native pokes her with a spear*
<Seraphna> **They manifest then off**
<DeathStar> *Lorelei muses, then floats down wiht her wings, spreading them. The natives pause in poking Moira and eye Lorelei*
<DeathStar> *Yuki sneaks toward Erica*
<DeathStar> *taking down natives to get to her*
<Seraphna> **Then try to get in again**
<DeathStar> *they open the hatch*
<Seraphna> **They scramble in and activate**
<DeathStar> *Lorelei works on distracting them by using light magic*
<DeathStar> *Anima E seems to be in better shape - it's water magic function working*
<Seraphna> **Sia activates the magic to put out the fire**
<DeathStar> *And it can move and go into the gauntlt mode; as it puts out the fire, Yuki grabs the girls*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Lets go. *Foxholes*
<ChadWinters> 6Durt rubs the back of his neck a bit as he watches.
<Alicia> <Asha> "Thanks.."
<DeathStar> *pops up beside Durt and Lorelei indicates that Anima is displeased and lands on the top*
<Seraphna> Lia> **Through Anima** No more sacrifice!
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Lets go Lia. Bust out
<Seraphna> **They mine the Anima, having it stand up**
<DeathStar> *The natives move aside, watching all this*
<ChadWinters> <Durt> ...Well, while she's babbling in a language they don't know. Let's get out of here and meet up with them away from here.
<Seraphna> **They start to have it walk away and gauntlet it, using light magic so it looks like the Anima turned into them**
<Jackieness> <Moira> "We're your god's wives now or something. Bye."
<DeathStar> *they eye Sia and Lia making the Anima vanish*
<Seraphna> **Sia and Lia make water orbs float around distractingly**
<DeathStar> <Ako> I think we shiould go
<DeathStar> <Ako> Kaelan?
<Alicia> <Asha> "That's going to be a really weird legend. The day the god left."
<Seraphna> **Kaelan nods and starts porting them**
<DeathStar> <Rachael> I hate to hear our legends.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Or stolen. 6He tosses Valen through one and steps in after
<DeathStar> *she notes as they appear on the ship*
<Seraphna> Sia> Maybe they stop sacrifices now.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Ugh, *she steps to the side* At least we're back on the ship. *Mireille hops over and offers Yuki and Erica something*
<Seraphna> Lia> And worship cat girls.
<Jackieness> <Moira> "They'll probably start worshipping the Great Ape."
<Alicia> <Asha> "Maybe... I need a rest though."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> His name is Jerry.
<DeathStar> *it seems to be banana bread*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> ...
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Airym
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Yes, Lorelei?"
<ChadWinters> 6Durt holds out the dart towards Pepper. 1"Found another drug for you to try out. This one will make you zen out.
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Lets head back home for now. Taiga said she had some news for us
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Helm, set course for the PAX."
<Seraphna> Cookie> I think Durt is that strange man mom told me not to take candy from.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Cookie
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Your mom probably meant that about half of what you've taken
<Seraphna> Cookie> But I give that to myself.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> *just pulls her for a pat*
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<ChadWinters> 6Durt plops down in a chair and leans back, closing his eyes a bit
<DeathStar> Date: 10-643.4.4
<DeathStar> Location: Aquarius
<DeathStar> *Taiga is on the ship as they are back in Known Space. Tapping her foot, she has Airym heading for a specific location*
<Alicia> <Celeste> "Where's the next location?"
<DeathStar> <Taiga> So, I been retroactively going through the Anima T and I think I can mass produce them. I'll use it to make better Gears for everyone who doesn't mind the Animas unique properties. Due to their higher compatibility with the Pilot
<DeathStar> <Taiga> I'll get the other Animas repaired and back to you soon.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> I also have news that there are some Animas in this area of space. *they soon arrive on an empty planet that is barren of life* <Taiga> Here we are
<Jackieness> <Airym> "We have recovered additional anima. Would it also be beneficia to study them as well?"
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Sure that's a good idea?
<DeathStar> <Taiga> I'll study them as I repair them.
<Seraphna> Sia> We prefer the Animas.
<Seraphna> Lia> Original or bust!
<DeathStar> *Taiga enters some coordinates for the teleporters*
<DeathStar> *Then steps in and teleports down*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I'll wait here
<DeathStar> *Rachael shrugs and teleports down*
<ChadWinters> 6Durt moves in and teleports down with an Id sphere.
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Don't want to get kidnapped by an ape again?"
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Ha ha
<Jackieness> <Moira> *teleports down too*
<DeathStar> *as they all arrive, they appear in a lab; it seems to be made of the remnants of another location, due to the patched up damage to it, but it's clear Taiga is using it as one of her bases of operations. There's a teleporter that is tied to the PAX in the corner, shut off so no one from the PAX can come to her. It seems this base was brought here from another location piece by piece8
<DeathStar> *there's various rooms and floors, a gaming room that's mostly broken but put togther, and the command center seems to be tracking other realities*
<Alicia> <Asha> "So, what is this place?"
<DeathStar> *with teleporters labeled something regarding those realities* Ah, this was Asteroid C once
<DeathStar> <Taiga> *She looks around* I had to spend a lot of time gathering all the pieces of it
<DeathStar> *she motions at the Anima gauntlets being studied when stepping out of the side rooms is Amazo and Lenny*
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Uhhh... didn'y expect to see Amazo here."
<ChadWinters> <Id> This could potentially make even Chad proud and envious, Taiga.
<Alicia> <Celeste> "Lenny!"
<DeathStar> <Taiga> I got your God friends to help out with this. *Lenny nodsto Celeste* <Lenny> I heard you wer working for the Aquarius
<DeathStar> <Taiga> Ah, thanks.
<ChadWinters> <Id> I will remove this from my data if you would prefer to keep this secret.
<Jackieness> <Moira> "So, how are you doing? Still doign the God of Battle thing?"
<ChadWinters> 6Durt glances around, letting out a low whistle.
<Seraphna> **Si wanders over with pocky in her mouth**
<DeathStar> *it seems she is also monitoring something to do with a drug that is hitting the market and affecting people according to the monitors. Lorelei studies it carefully* <Taiga> I'm sure I'll bring Chad here sooner or later to help out with somthing. Alright here is where your realiy signatures of the two Anima are coming from. I think there might be a third but I've not quite locked onto it yet.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> But one is definitely on the Dark One's new homeworld.
<Alicia> <Celeste> "Well, that one is safe, at least."
<DeathStar> *Rachael plays with a fireball in her hand*
<DeathStar> <Taiga> Maybe
<DeathStar> <Amazo> I been detecting God like energies there.
<Jackieness> <Moira> *looks over* "And full of people who aren't fans of the Templars."
<DeathStar> <Lenny> One reason we have been asked to help out
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Hard to say. The Templars, a False god, hell even the Cartel could stumble o nit.
<Jackieness> <Moira> "...could be Dusk."
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Dusk>?
<DeathStar> *Rachael looks thrown at that, since that should not be possibl*
<Alicia> <Celeste> "Am I missing something?"
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Well, we should decide which one's more important to hit up first.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> And if you've been sensing a false god there. That might be a higher priority.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> Right. Do you want to go for the unnamed planet first, or the Dark Homeworld?
<Jackieness> <Moira> "I mean kind of, Vesper went there to run their new resort, right? So maybe Dusk revived."
<DeathStar> <Taiga> I'll try to lock down the third signature in the meantime
<DeathStar> *Lorelei turn to Durt
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> We could split up but that's proven to be costly before
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> The Aquarius could aid us too
<Alicia> <Asha> "Unnamed planet. We can trust the Dark Ones to keep the other one safe until we get there."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> I doubt Bobbi is going to let Templars on the Dark One world.
<DeathStar> *Lorelei turns* Well, it seems the majority want us to go to the othr world
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Personally, I think the Dark One would be the wiser choice. The whole god thing bothers me. We could easily send the Aquarius to the unnamed planet to keep tabs and possibly send their crew down to secure it.
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Since we could use the PAX teleporters to the Dark One world and then to the Aquarius to catch up.
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Alright, Durt, head to the Dark Planet for now and investigate with Amazo.
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> I don't want to trample on this Bobbi's feet.
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> See if you can locate the ruins in the meantime
<ChadWinters> 6Durt nods and moves to Amazo while the Id moves to join Lore's group
<Alicia> <Asha> "You mean we can deal with the Dark Planet while we're travelling?"
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Kaelan, you have an interest in either one. Which do you wna tto go for?"
<DeathStar> *Amazo heads out* I look forward to Dark Battle
<Seraphna> Kaelan> I’ll stick with the main group.
<Alicia> <Asha> "Amazo never changes, does he?"
<ChadWinters> <Durt> Try not to start a planetary incident.
<DeathStar> *Amazo laughs* Ha ha ha!
<Jackieness> <Moira> "...Durt...keep Amazo out of trouble."
<ChadWinters> <Durt> I can't even keep you lot out of trouble. So I should be able to handle Amazo
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Alright, lets go everyone.
<DeathStar> *Lenny joins the group as they return to the Aquarius and Taiga warps the other two the Dark Homeworld*
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Here is where we're going next. *it's near the Cartel worlds* Lets hope this will not end up with us sparring with them
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Erica loves the Cartel
<Sara> <Erica> Ah, yes, thrilled... *she says flatly*
<DeathStar> <Mireille> *To Airym* Coordinates are entered
<DeathStar> *Lenny looks around the ship, then turns to Celeste* So this is your battleground now?
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Affirmative. Jump."
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Just bring some spare change to bribe them with and it will be cool."
<DeathStar> *as they jump and fly along, Yuki feeds Erica grapes*
<Seraphna> **Kaelan feeds something in her tails**
<Alicia> <Celeste> "At least for now. Exploring is definitely something I'm all for."
<DeathStar> *they soon arrive at a world that looks like a world they would not have an Anima. It looks like a populated world with some what decently sized buildings and technology according to their sensors, but half of the world has still not been fully populated and there's areas with low tech, almost barren and wild west feels and mountainous. Mining probes and other probes fly by in space, cataloging the planet*
<DeathStar> *The Aquarius - after a long pause - gets contacted from the planet's biggest city*
<Jackieness> <Airym> "On screen."
<Xanatos> <Pepper> On screen!
<Xanatos> 6* Pepper pauses and actually does the thing she was told.
<DeathStar> *A woman appears, looking well dressed* Welcome to Barbatos. There is a landing fee to land here. Please give your ship name and amount of passengers and what your cargo is
<DeathStar> *she goes through the list of standard Cartel stuff*
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Pepper, transmit appropriate credentials."
<DeathStar> <Woman> *After seeing it, the landing fee subtly goes up*
<DeathStar> *Yuki raises an eyebrow*
<DeathStar> <Woman> Please have a good day
<Jackieness> <Airym> *signals to cut the signal*
<DeathStar> *Mireille does so*
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Did they just jack up the price for a Kumen vessel?
<DeathStar> <Yuki> What was that?!
<Xanatos> <Pepper> I think they did that on purpose.
<DeathStar> <Mireille> We got landing permission in the city itself. But the ruins are probably oging to be in the part of the world not yet terraformed
<DeathStar> *colonized
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> So we need to sneak out there later
<Seraphna> Cookie> Could be our PAX affiliation. Lenneth is gonna be moody.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Please pass the tab through the PAX's back accounts to the care of the Cartel delegation. Please use fractional pennies."
<Alicia> <Celeste> "What did you do to make the Cartel so moody?"
<DeathStar> *Mireille complies*
<Xanatos> <Pepper> Money can be fractional? Whoa. Is it it even real?
<DeathStar> <Mireille> 00001?
<DeathStar> *as they land in the city, the city looks nice and the employees in the parking area seem friendly enough*
<Alicia> <Asha> "Well, it's not like it's coins...?"
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Yes, it can be. By using fractional amount of the minimum denomination, we can have them pay for their underhandedness in a way that will show up like a rounding error in their books."
<DeathStar> *Lorelei begins to gather her equipment and RAchael follows suit* I will head out now. Let us know what you learn of the city while you're here
<DeathStar> <Yuki> True this is a good time to explore the city
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Wonder if they have an entertainment district set up yet." *follows Lore*
<ChadWinters> <Id> They may end up charging you a fee for doing that. 6Id floats out after Loreilei
<Seraphna> **Kaelan gets her stuff, the Twins follow Lore**
<DeathStar> *as they step outside, the citizens of the city look a little out of it, almost like Pepper and Cookie*
<DeathStar> *not all of them, but there's a few moving about*
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Strange.
<Xanatos> 6* Pepper squints, mid-light of a joint.
<Xanatos> <Valen> should be easy to get around unnoticed?
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> I did see something in Taiga's notes about a drug sweeping areas of the galactic trade
<ChadWinters> 6Id scans the area, atmostphere, etc.
<Xanatos> <Pepper> Wait, really?
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> But it's got to be someone else's problem
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Yeah, Ori something
<Xanatos> <Pepper> Hmmm. Have we tried that? I'll write that down.
<ChadWinters> <Id> You're blood pressure seemed to have spike when the word drug was brought up. Interesting.
<DeathStar> <Mireille> I will try to find some of this drug for you then.
<Xanatos> <Pepper> It's become a lifestyle through pain relief. Whatcanyado
<DeathStar> <Mireille> It's probably pirates selling it or black markets.
<Xanatos> <Pepper> Don't worry Mire, we'll get it sorted. Perfect angel like you shouldn't bother with stinky pirates. Specially if they're Thena shaped.
<ChadWinters> 6Id begins listing every drug addiction helpline that's on the holonet.
<DeathStar> *billboards talking about the new resort planet New Jarivan can be found as they walk through the town. Lorelei gets them a dune buggy, paying in credits*
<Xanatos> <Valen> So. Hotel? Motel? Cabana?
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> I'm going to set out right away.
<Alicia> <Asha> "As long as it's comf-really?!"
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> The longer we're here, the more likely we're to be under surveilence
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> I want to be out of here
<ChadWinters> <Id> We have most likely been flagged so, Lorelei is correct.
<Jackieness> <Moira> "So is this New Jarivan?"
<Alicia> <Asha> "Ewww... surveilance."
<DeathStar> <Mireille> I have detected that New Jarivan is to come soon
<DeathStar> <Mireille> But not on this world
<Jackieness> <Moira> "So why advertie on this backwater?"
<DeathStar> *Lenny gets on one dune buggy*
<Alicia> <Celeste> "Wouldn't New Jarivan be a world itself?"
<DeathStar> *And Rachael on another*
<Xanatos> <Valen> Time to jet...time to....dune. Time to...oh fuck it I can't make it sounds cool let's all hop in the buggy and scoot our asses out of here.
<ChadWinters> <Id> Surveillance is something that's on many worlds.
<Jackieness> <Moira> *climbs into a buggy*
<Alicia> <Asha> "That doesn't mean I like it, Id."
<DeathStar> *Rachael drives off and almost wrecks*
<Xanatos> 6* Valen gets on one, Pepper considers, taking a drag and then get back on the ship.
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Rachel, geeze!"
<DeathStar> *a druggy taking the new drug smiles at Pepper*
<DeathStar> *As if knowing*
<ChadWinters> <Id> Than you do not like me? 6Id finds a buggy to be safe in.
<DeathStar> *Lorelei drives off with whoever is with her*
<Xanatos> 6* Valen follows after Lorelei.
<Jackieness> <Moira> "Let me drive!"
<ChadWinters> <Id> After accessing the holo-net. What I can dig up of New Jarivan is that the Cartel is promising a new Jarivan that when finished will be the crowning jewel of the Cartel. There's some rumors that it may not be a planet but something similiar....It is weird. There seems to be varying accounts on what shape it will be.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Is that safe?
<Seraphna> **The Twins hold onto Moira’s chest for safety**
<DeathStar> *Rachael lets Moira drive*
<DeathStar> *huffing and muttering to herself*
<DeathStar> -TBC-
Session Close: Mon May 23 22:51:57 2022