The Alien Wars 6: Da Capo

Session 570

Session Start: Wed Aug 10 14:12:50 2022
Session Ident: #TAW-Session570
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> Date: 10.643.8.12 - a few weeks after last session
<DeathStar> Location: The Academy
<DeathStar> *after the chaos of the C'en incident and driving them away, and the adults being re-aged up, things have slowly begun to return to normal, though many of the Kingdoms have been on edge, fingers have been pointed at the Dark Lands, people have taken C'en crystals where there has been remnants, the spirits still don't have a lot of faith in them, and overall it's a messy situation still, but one thing that everyone can agree on - the children basically saved the day (cont)
<DeathStar> *now they're all together once again to prepare for that camping trip. Riki checking over their camping material that all the children are suppose to bring as Seniga dumps her camping gear on the table*
<DeathStar> <Seniga> This feels familiar
<Seraphna> Terra> Camp time!
* Ariel has joined #TAW-Session570
<Seraphna> Nell> Well we were supposed to do this weeks ago.
<Chaintan> 6*Ruhi slumps against her dad who helps Riki
<DeathStar> <Seniga> Right - and how did that end?
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Finally...a break..." *flop*
<DeathStar> *Cloé drags something through the door as her camping gear, struggling*
<Seraphna> Nell> We saved the world?
<DeathStar> <Seniga> That's what you would remember.
<Chaintan> <Ruhi> we did our part, now lazy time
<DeathStar> *Riki looks up as Cloé is dragging a new armor piece that Chelsea made her - it looks like a giant cat armor*
<DeathStar> *complete with ears and tail*
<Seraphna> Terra> The Queens gave me treats.
<Chaintan> <Bigby> dog armor would protect more...
<Jackieness> <Bella> *raises an arm* "I liked the round armor."
<DeathStar> *Cloé hisses at Bigby while Riki leans on Bigby*
<DeathStar> <Cloé> Old armor broke. Needed new.
<Chaintan> 6*Bigby's tail wags and his ears fold
<Seraphna> Nell> I can make you a big metal ball if you want.
<DeathStar> <Riki> Is this everyone? *Selena shows up as a camp helper, wearing a hat and pack*
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Mom has amped up my training after that mess."
<DeathStar> <Cloé> Summer is suppose to be for fun.
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Tell her that."
<DeathStar> *Fae stands outside, musing on something as Riki leads everyone outside*
<Seraphna> Terra> Faeeee! **pounce**
<Chaintan> 6*Bigby hefts his daughter onto his shoulder, where Ruhi dangles like a stole, in complete lazy mode
<DeathStar> <Riki> *pokes Ruhi* Hm. All the smells while camping will make her excited
<DeathStar> *Fae oofs, having been looking toward the building housing Death, and this is taking place before Monday's session* Oh, hi
<DeathStar> <Selena> Alright girls, are you ready to do some camping? <Seniga> ... sure
<DeathStar> <Seniga> What do you do when camping anyway?
<DeathStar> *Cloé gets into her armor and begins to follow the group*
<Seraphna> Terra> Hi Fae Fae.
<DeathStar> *Fae stands up, sporting some lunch to go camping with*
<Jackieness> <Bella> *grabs her bag and goes with the group*
<Chaintan> <Bigby> depends on the location, but can hike, fish...forage. Some people just like waiting till nightfall and stargazing
<DeathStar> <Riki> *Studies her map of the area* It's one reason we have Bigby here. He can do it all!
<DeathStar> *she beams*
<DeathStar> <Seniga> Really...?
<Chaintan> 6*Bigby puffs with pride
<Seraphna> Terra> Hi Bigby!
<DeathStar> *Riki leads them on a trail into the woods; Fae floats along as Seniga walks along, swatting bugs. Cloé walks in her armor, protected*
<DeathStar> <Selena> There should be some fun things to do in these woods. Don't worry
<Chaintan> 6*Bigby pats Terra on the head
<Seraphna> Nell> Can we hunt bearroars?
<DeathStar> <Selena> Why..would you want to do that?
<DeathStar> <Riki> Certainly not!
<Chaintan> <Bigby> If I catch a scent trail i----, guess not
<Seraphna> Nell> But… bear steak!
<Chaintan> <Ruhi> Nooooo lazzzzzyyyyy
<DeathStar> *Cloé suddenly shrieks and flails*
<DeathStar> <Seniga> What now?
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Huh?" *looks over*
<DeathStar> *dozens of birds have landed on her cat armor, so much so that she can't see. Flailing, the cat girl begins to trip and roll down the hill trail out of sight down to the bottom where a little stream of water flows*
<DeathStar> <Seniga> ....
<DeathStar> <Fae> Birds evil?
<Chaintan> <Bigby>...
<Chaintan> <Bigby> wouldnt have happened in dog armor....
<Chaintan> <Ruhi> daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
<DeathStar> <Riki> Birds know better
<Seraphna> Nell> Birds are good eating.
<DeathStar> *Selena hurries down the hill*
<Seraphna> **Nell goes Runnin Down That Hill**
<DeathStar> *Fae floats down and Seniga casually follows. Riki keeps an eye on her map*
<Jackieness> <Bella> *heads down the hill to help*
<DeathStar> *Cloé is helpedo ut of the water as the birds peck the armor*
<Jackieness> <Bella> *tries to chase off the birds*
<DeathStar> *The birds retreat*
<DeathStar> <Cloé> Thank you, Bella.
<DeathStar> *She sniffles*
<Seraphna> **Nell fires a metal arrow at one**
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Wonder what set them off."
<DeathStar> *The bird falls down*
<Seraphna> Nell> I got a snack already!
<Chaintan> 6*Bigby snatches the bird
<DeathStar> <Seniga> Looks ike your bird was taken
<DeathStar> *Selena just eyes all the antics* <Selena> I should have roped Nico into this...
<Seraphna> **Nell gets out chains and floats them**
<DeathStar> *Selena dials up Nicolette to see if she wants to go camping using magic while they keep going.* <Seniga> Lets hope no other animals are acting strange. *As she says that, some birds have landed on high branches, eyeing them*
<Seraphna> Nell> You know you just cursed us to evil animal antics right?
<Chaintan> 6*Bigby returns to Riki and Ruhi, squeaking the bird in his mouth
<DeathStar> *hands him a napkin*
<DeathStar> <Seniga> How is this my fault?
<DeathStar> *Selena adds in a message to her to also check if the animals are acting weird*
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Its called jinxing us."
<Seraphna> Nell> You said something ironic and hauntingly foreshadowing.
<DeathStar> <Seniga> Oh come on.
<Chaintan> <Ruhi> and increadibly specific
<DeathStar> *Seniga glowers*
<DeathStar> <Fae> We are totally doomed
<Chaintan> <Ruhi> lazy camp is doomed
<DeathStar> *After hiking a bit further, Riki declares they have found the perfect spot. A nice river, trees to play with, a nice clearing and more. She has them set up their tents for the night*
<Ariel> * Nicolette hesitates a moment, then agrees to come along.
<DeathStar> *during all this, animals continue to act strange, but no more attacks yet*
<Seraphna> **Nell posts a sign at the edge of the camp**
<DeathStar> *Riki puts a tire on a tree over the river*
<Chaintan> 6*Ruhi and Bigby circle edge of camp just to not give any animals ideas
<Seraphna> **Terra makes a little hut out of earth**
<DeathStar> *Selena waits on Nicolette, keeping an eye out for her while helping get the tent up for the kids*
<DeathStar> *Cloé holds up a camera of sorts to take pictures*
<Ariel> * Nicolette uses what magic she can borrow to catch up quickly.
<Jackieness> <Bella> "OK, camp is set up!"
<DeathStar> <Selena> Hey Nico. Welcome to camp. *She nods to the birds watching them
<DeathStar> *Cloé cautiously gets out of her armor*
<DeathStar> <Riki> Alright, let me cook up everyone a meal. *she makes a firepit to cook some food*
<DeathStar> <Riki> Then we can play some games.
<Seraphna> **Terra leaves fruit out for the birds**
<DeathStar> *Terra is swiped away by the birds*
<DeathStar> <Fae> H-Hey!
<Jackieness> <Bella> "A spirit was just stolen!"
<Seraphna> Terra> Eeep!
<DeathStar> *Fae goes to get her and is swiped*
<Seraphna> Terra> Hello Birdy, want apple?
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Cloe, armor time!"
<DeathStar> <Riki> The food will burn if I go
<Seraphna> Nell> **forms scrap armor and grrrs**
<Ariel> * Nicolette casts a spell of air to gently grab the bird with Fae
<DeathStar> *Cloé scrambles into her armor and closes it up, turning to face the birds*
<DeathStar> *Fae wiggles free*
<DeathStar> <Fae> Thank you
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Riki...protect the food!" *pounces up on to a tree and leaps to knock Terra free*
<Seraphna> **Terra forms a watermelon twice her size to give the bird, weighing them did**
<DeathStar> *Fae zooms some distance back and Selena goes half-spirit and floats up. The birds seem to try to peck at her now*
<Ariel> <Nicolette> *lets the bird go* "I didn't expect the animals to be acting up this much."
<Chaintan> <Bigby> but then how come we arent?
<Seraphna> Nell> I can’t get a clean shot on Terra’s.
<DeathStar> *Terra is knocked free and weighed down. The birds make those annoying bird sounds as Selena uses energy to knock them away. Cloé uses her armor's feature to fire water at them*
<DeathStar> <Selena> Something has them agitated. *She powers down and rubs her arm*
<Seraphna> **Terra falls, blinking, vanishing into the ground**
<Jackieness> <Bella> *lands next to Terra is a martial art stance*
<DeathStar> *The birds seem to land back on the trees for now*
<Seraphna> **Terra peeks out of the ground like it was water, or mud**
<DeathStar> <Riki> Maybe they want food?
<Seraphna> Terra> Take Terra but not fruit.
<Chaintan> 6*Ruhi tosses trail mix at the birds
<DeathStar> *The birds eat the trail mix, acting normal for now; infact, they don't seem to be bothering Ruhi, Nico, Bella, or Bigs too much*
<DeathStar> <Cloé> Birds are jerks. *She mumbles in her armor, slowly getting out*
<DeathStar> <Seniga> ... Anyone make anything of that exchange?
<Chaintan> <Bigby> Bribary and animal solidarity
<DeathStar> *Riki soon has cooked up some earth hamburgers and other camp like food, setting it out on plates for everyone*
<DeathStar> <Cloe> Mrr
<Jackieness> <Bella> *sits with her plate and noms*
<Seraphna> Nell> They got really interested in Spirits.
<DeathStar> <Selena> Yeah even me a bit
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "It's more than just agitated. This isn't normal behavoir for animals at all."
<Seraphna> Nell> Are there C’en Birds?
<Jackieness> <Bella> *nom* "look like normal birds to me."
<Chaintan> 6*To keep the peace, Ruhi breaks up hot dog buns and tosses them to the birds
<DeathStar> *Cloé scurries out to get the food*
<DeathStar> *The birds eat the food, looking peaceful. Selena watches them eat the food that Ruhi tosses*
<DeathStar> <Selena> ... no
<DeathStar> <Selena> It can't be that simple.
<Chaintan> <Ruhi> why not
<DeathStar> <Selena> What all do birds eat?
<Chaintan> <Ruhi> we dont need to have everything complicated
<DeathStar> *She asks Ruhi*
<Seraphna> Terra> Why birds not like me?
<Chaintan> <Ruhi> depends? most like berries, nuts, seeds, sometimes grubs
<Chaintan> <Ruhi> others like oats, or some drink sugar water
<DeathStar> <Selena> And when the C'en towers broke apart - being made of crystal - what are the chances the particles could have landed on ...bird stuff?
<DeathStar> <Selena> I know little about them to be honest
<Chaintan> <Bigby> well....theres also some birds who like shiney things, they might have taken bits into their nest
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "I... guess that's possible? I don't know enough about their technology."
<DeathStar> <Selena> True. We should just becareful incase the birds are being affected. ... any other animals that might be affected?
<Seraphna> Nell> All sorts.
<Chaintan> <Bigby> we can distract them with food and ill climb the trees to inspect for nests
<Jackieness> <Bella> "I cna climb too."
<DeathStar> <Selena> Alright. That sounds good.
<DeathStar> <Riki> For now, lets think of fun camp games
<Chaintan> <Bigby> alright then Bella will help me
<DeathStar> *Riki holds up a chart* Anyone want to name some games?
<DeathStar> <Seniga> Swimming
<Seraphna> Terra> Fruit eating!
<Chaintan> <Ruhi> Uno
<DeathStar> *Riki writes those down*
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Ready when you are."
<DeathStar> <Seniga> Uno?
<Chaintan> <Ruhi> its a card game
<DeathStar> <Selena> I believe from Earth
<Chaintan> 6*Bigby nods and starts climbing a tree
<Jackieness> <Bella> *climbs another tree*
<DeathStar> *they find C'en crystals in a few nests nearby*
<DeathStar> *The birds cawwing at them*
<Ariel> * Nicolette lets the kids execute their plan, but keeps an eye out in case of trouble.
<Chaintan> <Bigby> yep, got some
<Chaintan> 6Bigby swaps the crystals for trail mix
<Jackieness> <Bella> *picks one up and waves it to flash it at the others*
<DeathStar> <Riki> Alright, we'll do the swimming contest first since the eating contest might weigh people down
<DeathStar> <Riki> Who wants to compete?
<DeathStar> <Cloé> Can't swim well
<DeathStar> <Seniga> I will.
<Seraphna> Nell> I’ll win!
<DeathStar> *the bird eyes Bella, but leaves her be for now*
<Chaintan> <Ruhi> I can, Cloe can you take over for me with the bird offerings?
<DeathStar> *Cloé nods and moves to climb up trees like a cat*
<DeathStar> *Selena mumbles beside Nicolette* Lets hope none of the bigger animals have C'en crystals
<DeathStar> <Selena> I don't want a bearoar coming over the spirits
<Chaintan> 6*Ruhi heads to the water with the others to swim
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "I get the feeling this problem is far from dealt with..."
<Jackieness> <Bella> *heads back down and empties her pockets of C'en crystals(
<DeathStar> *Seniga uses the tent to change into a swimsuit*
<DeathStar> <Selena> I suppose clean up crews didn't think to check for animals grabbing shinies
<DeathStar> <Riki> Alright. *She stands by to wave the starting flag* Everyone ready?
<Chaintan> 6*Bigby moves onto another tree to check
<Chaintan> <Ruhi> ready
<DeathStar> *Seniga gets ready while Cloé works on another tree, gathering them and making sure not to cut herself, lest she become a spirit hunting cat*
<DeathStar> <Riki> *waves* Go!
<Jackieness> <Bella> *heads back up to clear the next nests*
<Chaintan> 6*Ruhi doggy paddles
<DeathStar> *Seniga begins to swim through the river*
<DeathStar> <Cloé> I think we got them all. *She clings and sees no more*
<DeathStar> *the birds are even leaving her alone*
<Chaintan> <Bigby> it pays to be thorough
<DeathStar> *Seniga seems to be a decent swimmer for all her talk*
<Jackieness> <Bella> *leaps back to the ground* "Yeah, good job, team!"
<DeathStar> *Cloé checks about, ears twitching as she scans*
<Seraphna> **Nell swims, pretty fast due to her constant fitness**
<DeathStar> *Seniga eyes Nell, her eyes narrowing as she works to catch up, purposely bumping into her a bit to slow her down, which slows her down*
<Seraphna> **Nell mrowls, swiping Seniga’s suit off**
<DeathStar> *Seniga makes a noise and then grabs at Nell, struggling*
<DeathStar> <Seniga> Y-You!
<DeathStar> *Cloé stares at them fighting in the river*
<DeathStar> <Selena> ... kids. *She shakes her head*
<Seraphna> **Nell acks and her tail whaps at Sen’s side, tickling it**
<DeathStar> *while they're fighting, Ruhi just casually dog paddles on past them to where Riki is waving the end flag, winning the first competition*
<DeathStar> <Seniga> ....
<DeathStar> *Seniga sinks, gurgling*
<Seraphna> Nell> Booo, you cheated.
<DeathStar> *Seniga slinks to the tent to repair her suit, fox ears twitching in insult*
<Seraphna> Nell> At least she’s cute.. **huffs**
<Jackieness> <Bella> "While you gusy were playing, we got a bunch of C'en crystals."
<DeathStar> *Cloé nods, pointing at self*
<DeathStar> <Riki> Alright, the next competition is the fruit eating one. Terra, if you will
<Seraphna> **Terra produces a huge pile of melons**
<DeathStar> <Riki> After that, if anyone else has more games let me know.
<DeathStar> *Seniga returns after repairing her swim suit and sits at the table*
<DeathStar> *Ruhi takes a seat to eat the melons*
<DeathStar> <Selena> *makes a face* You'd get sick eating too many of those
<DeathStar> *Cloé takes a seat* Will win
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Be careful, Cloe."
<Seraphna> **Nell readies**
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "We don't want to have to take you back early to see a doctor, if you eat too much."
<Seraphna> Terra> Terra abstain, Galactic Champion.
<DeathStar> <Riki> *Waves flag and Cloé picks up the first melon, chewing*
<DeathStar> *Seniga begins to eat her first as well, as does Ruhi*
<Seraphna> **Nell starts ripping into melons, really getting in there**
<DeathStar> *Seniga eyes Nell as she eats, as if debating how to trip her up*
<DeathStar> *Cloé after a bit seems to devour her melon, and despite her tiny frame, moves onto the next. Chew chew*
<Seraphna> **Nell looks at Seniga with tiger eyes like she might eat her**
<Chaintan> 6*Ruhi folds first
<Jackieness> <Bella> *hops up on to a branch and does her balance training to pass the time*
<Ariel> * Nicolette frowns at the kids having the contest anyways.
<DeathStar> <Selena> I feel ill watching this
<DeathStar> *Seniga soon taps out and flops*
<DeathStar> *Cloé keeps chewing on melons, looking larger*
<Chaintan> <Ruhi> sorry mom....i dont's stomach
<DeathStar> <Ruhi> It's okay honey. Here, have a mint. *She offers one*
<DeathStar> *Riki
<Seraphna> **Nell noms and noms, getting messy**
<DeathStar> *Cloé seems to keep it tidy, preferring to be clean, but definitely seems to be getting rounder*
<DeathStar> *At that moment, a growling sound can be heard from the woods; Selena lifts her head up*
<Chaintan> 6*Bigby perks his ears
<DeathStar> *something is shuffling in the woods, low to the ground, near where Fae and Terra is at*
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Everyone! Gather here!"
<DeathStar> *Cloé pauses, then tries to get up*
<DeathStar> <Cloé> ... too heavy...
<DeathStar> *Seniga moves over quickly*
<Chaintan> 6*Bigby howls to draw the animals attention away from everyone else
<Seraphna> **Nell blinks and hops up, then falls over** MELON CRAMP!
<Chaintan> 6*Ruhi rolls Cloe
<DeathStar> *a wartroar emerges, eyeing the spirits, then Bigby*
<Seraphna> **Terra clings to Fae**
<DeathStar> <Fae> *Tries to fly Terra to Nico*
<Jackieness> <Bella> *leaps from one branch to another*
<Ariel> * Nicolette throws a stone wall up to slow the beast down
<Chaintan> <Bigby> guess we'll have steak for breakfast
<DeathStar> *Cloé is rolled over*
<Chaintan> 6*Bigby rushes for the wartroar
<DeathStar> *the wartroar hits the wall, stunned, as Bigby rushes it*
<Seraphna> **Terra squeaks** Why is piggily wiggly mean?
<DeathStar> <Fae> I think I see sparkles in mouth!
<Chaintan> 6*Bigby flips the creature onto its back and blinks at the spakles
<Chaintan> <Bigby> oh come on
<DeathStar> *it makes a grunt sound*
<DeathStar> *Trying to get Bigby*
<Chaintan> <Bigby> spit it out
<DeathStar> *it complies, due to the flip pounder*
<DeathStar> <Riki> Should I cook it still?
<Chaintan> 6*Once it does, Bigby gets off it
<Chaintan> <Bigby> now git
<DeathStar> *The warthog eyes Bigby, then moves off, snorting as it looks for food*
<DeathStar> *Stealing a melon*
<Jackieness> <Bella> *leaps down next to Bigby* "You did it!"
<DeathStar> <Selena> ... We might need to do an area spell
<Chaintan> <Bigby>...the crystals might be preventing them from, making them forget to go eat unless its presented to them
<DeathStar> *Cloé eyes a crystal* I wonder what they taste like
<DeathStar> <Seniga> Don't you dare.
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Like poop. Don't eat it."
<DeathStar> *Cloé hmphs*
<DeathStar> <Riki> Lets call it a night. We'll think of some more games in the morning. *She notes as it's starting to get dark* We'll tell ghost stories in a bit
<DeathStar> *Riki goes to get the campfire going*
<Chaintan> 6*Bigby flops down, a tired wolfdad
<Seraphna> **Terra muses, then holds out her hands surrounding the camp with a wall of vines and thorns**
<DeathStar> <Selena> Nico. You think those things could affect people?
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Not as easily, but... yeah, probably."
<DeathStar> <Selena> Lets hope no bandits or anything got ahold of them. I'll make sure to do a report later. With so many towers I know we were probably not the only ones who picked up some pieces
<DeathStar> *Cloé gets situated by the tent and fire that Riki is making as the stars start coming out. Seniga makes sure their crystal shards are safely away from their tent as she joins Cloé and Selena shifts and finds a spot herself*
<Jackieness> <Bella> *plops down*
<Seraphna> **Terra hops into her hutt**
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Can't be sure if there's more animals roaming with those things... we should take shifts, Sel."
<DeathStar> *Selena nods* You're right.
<Chaintan> 6*Ruhi plops down by her dad
<DeathStar> <Riki> Alright. I call this story....... "The Tale of the Food that was left in the fridge too long"
<Jackieness> <Bella> "...what?"
<DeathStar> *she tries to make it sound scary*
<DeathStar> <Riki> You don't know the true horror of what was found in the back of the fridge that day in Asarar's club when I worked there.
<Seraphna> Nell> Oh no! Mom says that’s evil.
<DeathStar> <Cloé> Is this...really a ghost story?
<DeathStar> <Selena> ...
<Jackieness> <Bella> "No, its not."
<DeathStar> <Riki> ... well what is a ghost story. *She huffs*
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "You can rest first. You've had a longer day." She plops down against a tree and listens to the kids trying to put together a story.
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Mmmmmm...."
<Seraphna> Nell> Hmmm…
<DeathStar> *Selena smiles* Try to survive the ghost story then. *She lays down*
<DeathStar> <Riki> *sniffs, tail shifting as she waits*
<DeathStar> <Cloé> I can try.
<Seraphna> Nell> I think a ghost is one of those… Slenderguys.
<Chaintan> <Bigby> or Mothman
<DeathStar> <Cloé> *She leans in, and begins to talk deeper for her 8 year old self* These kids went to summer camp one day.
<Seraphna> Nell> Yeah one of those tall slenderguys that’s… oo?
<DeathStar> <Cloé> While attending camp, they were away from their parents for weeks, other adults, civilization, everything. Just them and camp, doing camp things. And for a while it was fun. But then... they realized that someone else was a camp. Stalking them. One by one. And they couldn't get away. OoooOooo. *she yawns and drifts off in the middle of her story*
<DeathStar> <Seniga> ...
<DeathStar> *looks up at the stars* That was a bust
<Seraphna> Nell> I remember a story about a terrifying monster called Shia LaBeouf.
<DeathStar> <Riki> Lets just call it a night then everyone. We adults will be in our tent right next door. If you need us, just shout
<DeathStar> *Riki moves to her tent*
<DeathStar> *Seniga gets into the kid's giant tent*
<Chaintan> <Bigby> but the actual cannible
<DeathStar> <Seniga> ... *looks around for monsters as she pulls Cloé into the tent*
<Jackieness> <Bella> *goes to her tent to get reayd to sleep*
<Chaintan> 6*Bigby sighs and carries Ruhi and Riki to tent
* SaraLappy has joined #TAW-Session570
<Seraphna> **Nell turns into a tiger and flops in front of Seniga’s tent**
<DeathStar> *As the night continues onward, Nicolette would hear sounds outside the vines and stuff that Terra put up. As if somene or something is moving around outside it. Then there's a tug*
<DeathStar> *Fae snoozes on Terra and Cloé is curled in a ball in the tent*
<Seraphna> **Terra cuddles Fae in sleep**
<DeathStar> *Terra's vines creak a bit.*
<Ariel> * Nicolette wraps her cloak around her and goes to investigate the sound.
<DeathStar> *it is a foggy out as she finds in the mists a part of the wall has been bent in with some force by something strong, but it looks like whatever it was has retreated. But not because it couldn't break the vine wall down. The thorns drip with blood*
<Ariel> * Nicolette casts an air spell to pushback the fog around the wall, to see if anything is still out there.
<DeathStar> *a large shadowy figure is retreating into the woods. IT looks like a massive humanoid figure might be retreating into the woods. Or a large, large bearoar. Outside this encounter, nothing else happens the rest of the night, even with Selena's shift. And soon morning arrives*
<DeathStar> <Cloé> ... I slept great.
<DeathStar> *She rubs her eyes as Riki prepares breakfast*
<Seraphna> **The thorns repair themselves over time and seem to get bigger with blood**
<Seraphna> **Terra yawns awake**
<DeathStar> *Seniga eyes the vine wall, tilting her head*
<Seraphna> **Nell snoozes as a tigeress**
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "We should take a look out there. See if there's any clues."
<Jackieness> <Bella> *hops out and starts doing the routine that Kira proscribed for her*
<DeathStar> <Selena> I agree. I didn't want to look in the dark. *She goes spirit form and leaps over the wall with Nicolette*
<DeathStar> *there the two find massive foot prints of an animal in the muddy areas - with claws*
<DeathStar> *Cloé mimics Bella's routine*
<Seraphna> **The thorns were a dome but they let any of the campers through**
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Hm... do you recognize the prints?"
<Ariel> * Nicolette used a stone staircase to travel over the wall
<DeathStar> *Selena kneels* I'd say it's a very large bearoar. If the C'en crystals somehow got into it's body and is making the animals hunt spirits, we'd have to find where.
<DeathStar> <Selena> But you don't want to mess with massive bears.
<DeathStar> *Riki sets out the food and Cloé begins to eat happily*
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "We should head back to the academy then. Get a proper hunting party sent out."
<DeathStar> <Selena> Right.
<Seraphna> Nell> Did someone say bearsteaks?
<DeathStar> *Selena shakes head* ... kids
<Jackieness> <Bella> *does some last kicks into the air before plopping down with the rothers for breakfast*
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "We're probably safe in day light, so we won't rush them."
<Seraphna> Terra> Mmm, Vine dome more active while I awake too.
<SaraLappy> <Cherie> Bear... steaks?
<DeathStar> *Selena talks to Riki about getting them back to the academy in a fun way*
<DeathStar> <Riki> *nods, thinking* Well, kids. Did any of you think of any more games?
<Seraphna> Nell> Yep! Made from bear!
<DeathStar> <Seniga> Running? But Ruhi is tired
<DeathStar> <Seniga> Ball throw.
<Seraphna> Terra> Fruit Snacking!
<DeathStar> *Cloé polishes her cat armor while thinking* Bella have ideas?
<Seraphna> Nell> Scrimmage battles.
<DeathStar> <Seniga> Scrimmage battles?
<Seraphna> Nell> Practice fights.
<Chaintan> <Ruhi> lazy camp is meant to be lazy 6*she calls from inside tent
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Huh? Ideas?"
<DeathStar> <Cloé> Camp fun ideas.
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Huh...I don't know..."
<Seraphna> Nell> Do they get video games out here?
<DeathStar> <Riki> Lets do the practice fight mode. With the Academy as the return base. *She ties little flags to everyone* If you manage to take the flag from the other person, you are out and find an adult and we'll work our way back to the Academy
<DeathStar> *Riki places Ruhi on Bigsby*
<DeathStar> *Cloé looks at her flag, then immediately hides in her armor*
<Seraphna> **Nell forms armor around hers**
<Chaintan> 6*Father and daughter aru
<DeathStar> <Seniga> I see how this is going to be
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Yeah..."
<Seraphna> **Terra puts hers in her hair like a bow**
<DeathStar> *Seniga deadpans while Fae flies up high*
<DeathStar> <Seniga> *begins to head for the woods, since theer's not a lot she can do*
<DeathStar> *Riki begins to pack up with Selena*
<Jackieness> <Bella> *climbs up a tree and disappears into the foliage*
<DeathStar> *Cloé begins to stomp around*
<Seraphna> **Terra hops into a tree**
<Seraphna> **Nell begins to stalk Seniga**
<DeathStar> *Selena nods as Riki finishes and heads for the Academy, using her senses to keep an eye on the kids. Selena follows along*
<DeathStar> *Seniga puts mud on her, trying to hide*
<DeathStar> <Seniga> .... *leans against a tree*
<Seraphna> **Nell sniffs around**
<DeathStar> <Seniga> *remains still*
<DeathStar> *Cloé cat armors her way around, sticking in sight of Riki*
<Ariel> * Nicolette keeps pace at the rear, making sure no one falls behind.
<DeathStar> <Selena> *Seems to be wary of bear attacks, but with the two spirits not about, nothing seems to happen*
<Seraphna> **Nell sneaks up on Sen**
<DeathStar> *Cloé quietly climbs up a tree and tries to follow Bella*
<DeathStar> *Seniga sweats*
<Jackieness> <Bella> *is is sneaky ninja mode*
<Seraphna> **Nell pounces**
<DeathStar> *Seniga loses her flag*
<DeathStar> <Selena> Well there's one down
<DeathStar> *Seniga grumbles and returns to Riki*
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Hm? Oh, right, the game."
<Seraphna> **Nell tickles her with her tail again as she runs up a trunk**
<DeathStar> <Selena> I'm trying to track all the kids to make sure they're not spread out
<DeathStar> *she has her hand glowing with spirit energy*
<DeathStar> *At that moment, there's a roar sound of a bear near Selena*
<DeathStar> <Selena> ... *draws her sword*
<Ariel> <Nicolette> *summons her rod* " much for daylight."
<DeathStar> <Selena> So much. *she scans the woods, seeing no sign of it yet; as if it's wary with so many people in a group still*
<Seraphna> **Nell pauses, keeping an eye on Sen**
<DeathStar> *Seniga sticks close to Riki*
<DeathStar> <Selena> I think it's animal instinct is keeping it at bay for now
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Yeah... small grace that."
<DeathStar> *suddenly there's a loud clanging sound in the woods, echoing*
<DeathStar> <Selena> It's gone after someone isolated
<DeathStar> *She glows with spirit energy, honing in*
<DeathStar> <Selena> This way
<DeathStar> *She zips ahead while Riki drags the rest to the Academy*
<Seraphna> **Nell goes dragon and flies that way, smaller then her Mom**
<Seraphna> **Terra pokes her head out of a tree and peers around**
<DeathStar> *the bearoar has grabbed onto Cloé and is throwing her armored form up into the sky to try to knock her down; seeing Terra, it begins to toss her at Terra's spot*
<DeathStar> *using her like a volleyball*
<Ariel> * Nicolette tries to speed herself up with air magic to keep up with Selena.
<Seraphna> **Terra squeaks and goes back into the trees**
<DeathStar> *Cloé manages to find a hover mode and stops being volleyballed and turns, firing water attacks at the giant bear*
<Jackieness> <Bella> *was nearby and tosses a throwing knife at the bear*
<DeathStar> *The bear turns toward Bella after being knived and roars, soaked and cut and shakes her tree*
<DeathStar> *As Selena lands on a branch*
<Jackieness> <Bella> *pounces over to the next tree to try to avoid the shaking*
<DeathStar> *Cloé lands on a branch and fiddles with the controls; having a lot of non-lethal weapons due to it being Chelsea*
<DeathStar> *The bear grabs the tree Bella lands on and begins to uproot it*
<DeathStar> <Selena> Okay, that is definitely stronger than it should be
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Ahhhhh!" *hangs on*
<DeathStar> *Cloé hovers over and grabs Bella, trying to hover to the next tree*
<Ariel> * Nicolette attempts to lob a fireball in front of the beast, hoping to play on it's animal instincts
<DeathStar> *the bear roars and backs off*
<Seraphna> **Nell leaps from a tree and launches two spears at the bear**
<DeathStar> *then bear makes a whining sound and begins to try to retreat even more*
<Seraphna> **Nell lands in dragon form and roars at it**
<DeathStar> *it growls at Nell, swiping*
<DeathStar> <Selena> ... *seems to be trying to find something on it*
<DeathStar> *Cloé lands with Bella and rolls out of her armor, dizzy*
<Seraphna> **Nell leaps back sending two more spears from her wings**
<DeathStar> <Selena> Nico. It's right paw I Think. *of course by now it's getting more and more aggroed, as the bear stands on it's two feet and claws for Nell's face*
<Jackieness> <Bella> "...owwwww..."
<Ariel> * Nicolette switches tactics, and pulls her card, flicking out the judgement card with a snap of her fingers, and attempts to restrain the beast.
<DeathStar> *the beast is briefly restrained, roaring at Nell and the chains*
<Seraphna> **Nell backs from the swipe, forming metal over her scales and roaring back**
<DeathStar> *Selena swoops in and tries to get in close to eye it's right paw where a tiny bit of a crystal is embedded deep*
<DeathStar> <Cloé> Bella okay?
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Just a little shook up."
<DeathStar> <Cloé> Same. Need to learn how to fight better. *she flops beside*
<Jackieness> <Bella> "I can fight, but I don't have powers."
<Seraphna> **Nell floats the spears that missed the bear up high**
<DeathStar> <Selena> I found it. I just don't see how to remove it
<Seraphna> Nell> Pull?
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Worst case, we might need to widen the wound!"
<DeathStar> *Selena nods and uses her blade* Hold still bear. *She begins to cut it a bit ot remove it. That definitely makes it thresh the chains now*
<DeathStar> *But she begins to pull out the infected crystal, even as it tries to bite her head off*
<DeathStar> <Selena> There. *She zooms back with the pieces*
<DeathStar> *meanwhile, Riki arrives at the academy with Ruhi* <Riki> Ruhi wins the competition
<DeathStar> <Seniga> Wait what?
<DeathStar> *She eyes Ruhi having a flag on her arm*
<DeathStar> <Riki> Ruhi was first to arrive with flag.
<Ariel> * Nicolette approaches cautiously and pulls another card to heal the beast's wounds.
<Seraphna> Nell> Don’t you gotta get the rest?
<DeathStar> *The bear sniffs, looking much calmer as it's healed. It eyes Nell, growling once, then seems to relax and rubsit's back against a tree*
<DeathStar> *moving off once freed*
<Seraphna> **Terra pops up by Ruhi and gives her a golden fruit**
<DeathStar> <Selena> ... that's ... it?
<DeathStar> *Cloé joins Selena in watching the bear go*
<Chaintan> 6*Ruhi sniffs and nibbles the fruit
<Jackieness> <Bella> "OK, I'm done with camping."
<DeathStar> <Cloé> I like sleeping on bar counter more.
<Ariel> <Nicolette> "Seems like it."
<Sara> * Cherie eyes the fruit
<Chaintan> 6*Ruhi offers some to Cherie
<DeathStar> *As everyone slowly returns to the ACademy, Riki holds out trophies for their various achievements*
<Sara> * Cherie nibbles8
<DeathStar> <Cloé> I got a trophy for being perkiest cat?
<DeathStar> <Cloé> ... and bird food.
<Jackieness> <Bella> "What is my achievement?"
<Seraphna> Terra> I got most fruit!
<DeathStar> *Riki's trophy seems to be Most Ninja*
<DeathStar> *and bird nest searcher*
<DeathStar> <Seniga> I think Riki made this up in the last hour
<Jackieness> <Bella> "Yeah, they seem very specific."
<DeathStar> *Riki looks innocent*
<Seraphna> **Nell inspects hers**
<DeathStar> *Predator Hunter*
<DeathStar> *Cloé pulls on Cherie's cheeks*
<DeathStar> <Cloé> Cherie, Cherie
<DeathStar> <Selena> I think... I'm going to return to the castle for a proper vacation
<DeathStar> <Cloé> Cat armor worked great. But going to return with Bella and train to fight better. *She hides behind Bella, clinging to her arm*
<Sara> <Cherie> Owwie.
<Seraphna> **Terra makes note that Queens appear to need vacations**
<Jackieness> <Bella> *rubs the back of her head*
<DeathStar> *Selena thanks Nicolette for her help and kind of wanders off for now, hoping nothing crazy happens in a month with the C'en*
<DeathStar> -ENDU-
Session Close: Wed Aug 10 23:53:08 2022