The Alien Wars 6: Da Capo

Session 573

Session Start: Mon Jul 11 00:00:00 2022
Session Ident: #TAW-Session573
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> Date; 10-643.9.7
<DeathStar> Location: Outside Mega City
<DeathStar> *A Major Repliforce operation has begun with many, many Reploids being brought in due to their immunity to the moostache virus of Senreich turning people into Nazies under his control. An outpost has been set up to try to retake Mega City with Lemon, who is awake, observing everything as Aya gears up to try to assist Cole and Blue and the others charging in*
<DeathStar> <Blue> Hard to believe the A-Team lost
<Seraphna> Angel> Rare they have to fight their own people.
<ChadWinters> <Id> Is it though? When you're being forced to show restraint against people, you tend to be put at a disadvantage.
<DeathStar> *Warren grunts on the bed, having been patched up after the stone being used on him*
<Seraphna> **Jennifer checks his vitals** With any luck you’ll be scarily healthier than any of us soon Dad.
<DeathStar> <Warren> I should be going out with them
<DeathStar> *He reaches to try to slide out of the bed*
<Seraphna> Jennifer> You almost went out in a casket.
<DeathStar> *Warren eyes her, realizing he'll have to .... deal with her if he's to get out of here*
<DeathStar> <Blue> Anyway, looks like it's meeting time
<DeathStar> *She steps into the makeshift meeting room*
<Seraphna> Jennifer> I had the Longinus poison in me too. It sucks.
<DeathStar> <Warren> At least go spy on the meeting for me like a good daughter
<Xanatos> 6* Cole steps after Blue.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> **gives him the look** Sure. Thena, watch Grandpa.
<Seraphna> **Thena poofs in wearing a Nurse outfit**
<ChadWinters> 6Id floats after
<DeathStar> *inside the meeting room are tons of reploids, all standing around. Blue takes note* Old man Cran is serious about taking Mega City
<Seraphna> **Jennifer goes to join them**
<Xanatos> <Cole> Better to overkill than the opposite.
<ChadWinters> <Id> Of course he is. It's a prime chance to show case everything he's worked for.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Still, I'm not sure I've worked with some of these folks.
<Seraphna> Angel> Well our assault options are limited due to the field.
<Seraphna> Angel> And we have family in there that needs saving.
<ChadWinters> <Id> Time is ticking away, the last thing we need right now is to have those power hitters that went in become converted.
<DeathStar> *in the back seems to be a few people - Noire and maybe Charlotte*
<DeathStar> *Cran finishes talking to them and steps to the main meeting podium*
<DeathStar> <Cran> We're about to head inside where a spear is turning that anyone - except reploids - into the enemy. Senreich is using the Spear to transform and expand his field of influence hourly. We are measuring it.
<Seraphna> Angel> So we can only send in Reploids?
<DeathStar> <Cran> I've been speaking with Warren and Darien and they believe Senreich is from some older Reality - an Original Reality. I spoke with a confidant and they confirmed it for me. They will also join you in the mission and lead you to Senreich's base
<Xanatos> <Cole> A condifant?
<DeathStar> <Cran> That was the plan but Governor Andrea of Japan wants to send in her daughter - Noire - with Aya's antidote that can provide protection for a few hours
<Jackieness> <Noire> *raises her hand from where she sits*
<Seraphna> Angel> That explains the Dark Ones.
<ChadWinters> <Id> Seem's she's also wanting to flex her power.
<DeathStar> <Cran> *motions at a reploid, awkwardly wearing a coat to hide their features. Even going as far as a hat* I cleared him and they said they would speak with you later when it's not so open
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I wonder how naturally protected Dark Ones are..."
<Seraphna> Angel> So who are we sending in total Alex?
<DeathStar> <Cran> Alright, let us begin the operation. <Lemon> *From her seat* Try to find them. Please. I can't seem to hone in on Cheryl right now. It's like my powers are not working right
<DeathStar> *Aya gives Charlotte and Noire shots* We'll make sure you're fully protected
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Good."
<ChadWinters> <Id> I'll send in one of my shells to help out.
<DeathStar> <Cran> We're going to send in everyone, Cole will send in a main group here. Alright, lets head and begin.
<DeathStar> -TIME HOP-
<DeathStar> *a sometime later, outside and standing in front of the sphere surrounding the city, a mass amount of reploids have gathered. With Cole is the leader of his group, the trench coated wearing reploid has taken the lead to get them into the city and find a spot to start - but all of them on a truck*
<DeathStar> *Blue leans in the back of the truck, watching the other reploids*
<Xanatos> <Cole> One thing we need to talk about before we go in, these are people being converted, right? We need to go for knock out shots, not kills. Secure them so they can be healed.
<Xanatos> <Cole> But the spear weilding guy, well he's open season.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Mmmmm...have we any idea where he is?"
<Seraphna> Angel> The Dragoons we can use EMP shots against. Most of our Reploids I believe have been shielded from that?
<DeathStar> <Aya> I'll be setting up a spot in the city to try to help. I've also been told to hand you this. *She hands Cole an object - an orange flag to wave*
<DeathStar> <Aya> That's correct. These are all citizens. We'll be having soccer moms after us
<DeathStar> <Aya> Fully trained now
<Xanatos> 6* Cole pauses and glances at the flag
<DeathStar> <AYa> IF you wave the flag *She adds to Cole* There's a person in the city that will provide back up to your team if they spot it
<ChadWinters> <Id> So yes, please refrain from killing people indiscriminatly.
<DeathStar> <Aya> They're also in the city trying to find Cheryl's team
<Xanatos> <Cole> Oookay.
<DeathStar> *Aya rubs her forehead, as if she has a slight headache* Okay, I'm going to get a spot in the city now and observe. *she heads in*
<DeathStar> *The Trench Coat person, to Noire*
<DeathStar> <Trench Coat Reploid> He'll be somewhere close to the power of the city, but not in it
<Jackieness> <Noire> "The area around the executive tower is fairly large."
<DeathStar> <Trench Coat Reploid> Then we should try to find your friends signals
<DeathStar> *He starts the car up and drives in*
<DeathStar> *Blue holds in as they begin to enter the field; the second they enter the city, it seems to transform into something out of a Neo Reich*
<Xanatos> <Cole> Holy shit.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Holy shit indeed."
<DeathStar> *upgraded blimps fly in the sky, but they definitely seem to be able to monitor the areas below them with their tech*
<ChadWinters> 6A spare Id shell floats with the reploid group while one stays with Aya
<DeathStar> *it's almost as if the technology of the reich had continued along another path*
<Seraphna> Angel> Nazis. I hate Nazis.
<Jackieness> <Noire> *adjusts her glasses* "...this is like something out of a cheap holonovel."
<DeathStar> <Blue> Something you do on spare time?
<Xanatos> <Cole> How are those blimps controlled, do we know? Automated or manned?
<DeathStar> *As they pass the citizens, their clothing is not like normal Mega City clothing, but has changed to resemble more Reich clothes, leaving them standing out as they are stared out in the streets*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "And if automated, can we take control?"
<ChadWinters> <Id> I could attempt to find out, but they would no doubt track me and us quicker
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Stealth is irrelvant at this time anyway. We must move swiftly."
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "In that case, go for it."
<DeathStar> *Trenchy speeds up and begins to speed through lights*
<DeathStar> *the citizens no doubt making reports on them*
<Xanatos> <Cole> Yeah let's isolate the location of Seinreich and work on those blimps if they're automated, if not I may need to go take care of them if we don't have any fliers.
<DeathStar> <Blue> Good thing Alouette didn't come along on this mission. ... unless she's already in here somewhere
<ChadWinters> 6Id begins scanning to see if it can access this places version of the holonet
<ChadWinters> 6Id along with checking to see if the blimps use any system it can access
<Seraphna> Angel> She should be immune at least.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I hope so. She seems a good girl, and I'd hate for her to get hurt."
<DeathStar> *It would find this reality does not really have an holonet, since there is no holouniversisal net. There is a local network that is closely monitored by the reich*
<ChadWinters> <Id> I believe I can access their local network and then ultimately aim for the blimps.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Don't get turned into a nazi bot.
<DeathStar> *meanwhile, Nazi tanks - now much faster, have begun to take patrol after them*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Mmmmm... depending upon how obssessed he is with history, he might have holed himself up in his own version of the Fuhrerbunker."
<DeathStar> *with the locals expertly drving them*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Does he remember how that ended?"
<Seraphna> Angel> Tanks.
<ChadWinters> <Id> He has possession of an item that keeps him alive. I do not believe he is worried.
<DeathStar> *the group ahs the option to turn left into a skinny alley, or turn right into a children's park, or keep going ahead*
<Xanatos> <Cole> We need to slow them down.
<ChadWinters> 6Id isolates itself and begins working to see if it can access the reicho-net.
<DeathStar> <Trenchy> What should we do, team leader? *he seems curious*
<Seraphna> **Angel peers back and her hand begins glowing**
<Xanatos> <Cole> Keep going, destroy the ground behind us, slow them down.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Tanks can't handle the alley, but unless we lose them..."
<DeathStar> *Id gets lucky and avoids the Neo Bot, getting access of the patrol blumps*
<Xanatos> <Cole> Angel, how messed up can you make the road?
<DeathStar> *TRenchy speeds up*
<DeathStar> *The tanks begin to tank aim and glow*
<ChadWinters> <Id> I have access to the patrol blumps. What would you like me to do with them?
<Seraphna> **Angel grins, then snaps her fingers, superheating the road behind them and melting the pavement**
<Jackieness> <Noire> "But the alley can also leave us trapped. Stay the course and follow Cole's plan for now."
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Right."
<DeathStar> *The first tank sinks into the pavement, while the remaining 2 float over and hover, chasing still*
<DeathStar> *And fire*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "if Id can take the eye in the sky, we'll have more options."
<DeathStar> <Trenchy> Hold on
<ChadWinters> 6Id piggybacks on the patrol blumps systems and works on utilizing their camera systems.
<Seraphna> **Angel tisks and superheats the cannon barrel of the next one**
<Xanatos> <Cole> Hm. 6* He looks for some sort of wheel or tread to shoot out.
<DeathStar> *it's a direct blast the car bolts them all, the speed decreasing and thinks busting on it, but due to the well design nature of Repliforce vehicles it keeps going*(
<DeathStar> *Angel's move is on hold for a bit due to being hit by a tank*
<DeathStar> *Blue lays in the back, checking all her parts*
<Xanatos> <Cole> Anyone have shields? We can't take that again. 6* He coughs, sitting back up.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Shields aren't really my thing..."
<ChadWinters> <Id> Not enough to protect everyone here.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Id, do you have a lay of the land yet?"
<DeathStar> *the people on the blimp notice someone accessing the camera and begin to try to figure out who is doing so*
<DeathStar> *The two tanks resettle on the land as Trenchy turns and tries to get ahead a bit*
<ChadWinters> <Id> Yes, but they are about to cut me off. 6Id quickly displays a map
<Xanatos> 6* Cole glances for something he could knock over and slow them down.
<Seraphna> **Angel grumbles and tries her move now**
<DeathStar> *Angel gets a lucky move again*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *looks over the map for a place like the alley that won't leave them bottled in*
<DeathStar> *The tank blows itself and the other tank has to go around it while Id displays the map of the area*
<DeathStar> *it looks like their fellow reploids are under attack all over - and they're trying to cut them off in many locations on many roads here*
<ChadWinters> <Id> I am going to transmit a virus into their systems to try and slow the blumps down.
<DeathStar> <Trenchy> I see it. I'll take this route. *Cole can try to take out lamp posts and other thingso nto the road*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Can you also forward the map to all units?"
<Xanatos> 6* Cole starts to shoot at things to knock over.
<ChadWinters> <Id> I do not have access to Repliforce's systems.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Give the data to blue, she can do it.
<DeathStar> *Blue leans out and joins with Cole to knock shit out into the ground plan* Hand it over
<Seraphna> Angel> Welp, time to act like my sister. **she grabs a device and clicks it while painting a laser on the last tank**
<DeathStar> *The tank begins to crash into things and run over things, giving them time to set away and take pathways away*
<ChadWinters> 6Id begins transmitting a virus to try and shut down the blumps ability to record anything and communicate with each other. Id then transfers what it can to Blue's datapad.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Remember to limit casualties!"
<ChadWinters> <Id> By limit, I believe you mean do not kill anyone.
<Seraphna> Angel> That’s why I’m disabling the tanks instead of cutting them in half.
<DeathStar> <Blue> And done
<Jackieness> <Noire> "That should improve our tactical situation."
<Xanatos> <Cole> The last one blew up while trying to fire on a damaged cannon barrel, be careful Angel.
<Seraphna> Angel> I didn’t account for stupidity.
<DeathStar> *As they get clear, Trenchy finds a location to park the car for the team near the center of the city. It still seems calm here with citizens acting all their Nazi lives*
<DeathStar> *Blue hops out of the back*
<DeathStar> <Blue> Guess we need to find Team A and get Senreich
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Do we have any beads on either?"
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Finding and recovering Team A feels like the hardest part."
<Xanatos> 6* Cole hops out of the back and glances around.
<DeathStar> *Something wiggles in the back of car A*
<Xanatos> 6* Cole pauses and moves over to check the wiggling.
<DeathStar> *Blue aims her blaster*
<DeathStar> *Alouette falls out*
<DeathStar> <Trenchy> ...
<Xanatos> <Cole> ...
<DeathStar> *Alouette seems to be holding something*
<Xanatos> <Cole> You aren't supposed to be here.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "...I thought you said she wasn't supposed to be...what Cole said."
<DeathStar> <Alouette> I went to borrow something from Taiga.
<Seraphna> Angel> You’re safe. At least Angela won’t kill us.
<DeathStar> *she stands up* <Alouette> Anyway, this thing started going off. <Blue> And it is? <Taiga> It indicates reality stuff. I thought since the spear was changing reality I should go get it.
<DeathStar> *Alouette
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "So that's how it works..."
<DeathStar> *Alouette holds it out, showing the device is going wild in a certain direction*
<Seraphna> Angel> So this is a reality bubble.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Makes sense, what with how everything is completely different.
<Xanatos> <Cole> SO. We follow that device?
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Right. If we take out Senreich, then Team A should be able to free themselves, assumign he does not have them with him to gloat."
<DeathStar> <Blue> I mean should we? It could be mad news. But Noire is right
<DeathStar> *Bad
<DeathStar> <Blue> Ah, if we bag him, we'll get quite the bonus from the boss
<ChadWinters> <Id> But technically all Senreich would have to do is delay you from stopping him until Team A as you put it is converted to his side.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Then how do we find Team A? Anything on those cameras?
<DeathStar> *Blue borrows Alouette's device and hands it to Cole* Lead the way
<Jackieness> <Noire> "We have no idea where Team A is right now. We at least know where the center of the reality field is."
<DeathStar> <TRenchy> The Noire one is right.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole nods and starts following the device.
<Jackieness> <Noire> *follows after Cole*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "If Senreich is alone, I feel like we should go after him directly... but that might be a trap."
<DeathStar> <Trenchy> You should strike at the heart of the enemy. Team A might even be there as prizes
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "In any case, we have a target right now."
<Seraphna> Angel> Is he the trophy sort?
<DeathStar> *As they walk along, at times as they pass neighborhoods it feels like something at out of 1950's TV with how everything is set up and people are nice to each other; Trenchy keeps them to the shadows as they seem to leave the center of the city once more*
<DeathStar> <Blue> What is this crap?
<DeathStar> <Alouette> Nice
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Clearly Senreich's idealized world."
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "This feels wrong."
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Focus on the target."
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I know."
<Xanatos> <Cole> Just delusional is all.
<ChadWinters> <Id> That is most likely the scenario
<DeathStar> *As they reach what was once the more crappier part of town, it slowly transforms into the part of the city for the Neo Reich's police state where in the center of it is a new tower that is slowly being created with magic it looks like, but is no doubt the spear*
<DeathStar> *The device indicating that*
<DeathStar> <Blue> I think Senreich might be there
<Xanatos> <Cole> does an item like this get so much power?
<DeathStar> <Blue> Along with all the other forces around him
<ChadWinters> <Id> Guess he's not alone.
<DeathStar> <Alouette> Such an item has a limit
<DeathStar> <Alouette> Like Kaori
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I'd be scared if that wasn't the case."
<ChadWinters> <Id> So far it's limit seems to be vast.
<DeathStar> <Alouette> Well, it's only transformed a little city, sir bot
<DeathStar> <Alouette> Think about it
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Mmmm...wonder if tis made from a piece of the Yggdrasil."
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "That's my theory too."
<DeathStar> <Blue> I thought the theory this thing stabbed a religious dude
<DeathStar> <Blue> Now we're saying it came from the space tree?
<DeathStar> *Trenchy muses, turning to Cole* From what little I understand
<DeathStar> <Trenchy> I think it can be broken
<ChadWinters> <Id> People are always looking to explain things in an easy to open box kind of way.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Mmmmm...well, despite the moniker, the abilities demonstrated here do not match those of the Spear of destiny described in the tale of the Fisherking."
<Jackieness> <Noire> "For example, the Lance of Longinus in the Arthurian story is able to cure disease and save lives. This one is poisonous instead."
<Xanatos> <Cole> How would it be broken?
<ChadWinters> <Id> Well considering that things of those nature were apparently locked into a Pandora's Box in our reality, it's very likely the same thing from where this came.
<Seraphna> Angel> The Emerald Sword could counter it but Erevis isn’t here.
<DeathStar> <Alouette> S-Should I try to leave and get this Rich Sword?
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Not worth the risk right now."
<ChadWinters> <Id
<ChadWinters> <Id> I believe time is of the essense on this.
<Seraphna> Angel> Plus she’ll only let certain people wield it. It erases things.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "We'd have to go all the way back to get it, which we don't have time to do."
<DeathStar> <Trenchy> Well, trying to maybe bless one of you in their faith and then break it. I heard such things work.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Faith? 6* He tilts his head slightly in confusion.
<DeathStar> <Trenchy> Senreich is a man of faith in many ways - twisted faith
<DeathStar> <Trenchy> You'll see.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Alright then. Lets move in.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole glances left and then right, then begins to advance.
<DeathStar> <Blue> No way we can get in without being spotted.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole pauses
<Xanatos> <Cole> Distraction?
<DeathStar> *Trenchy nods* I'll do it
<Xanatos> <Cole> Oh maybe I can wave that flag.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Get them to distract, whoever that may be.
<DeathStar> <Trenchy> *nods* Very well
<Xanatos> 6* Cole pulls the flag out of his coat and begins to wave it.
<DeathStar> *despite the fact the only thing before them is police related buildings and behind them is night neighborhoods, suddenly raining down is perfect sniper blasts and dra-goon blasts, blowing up the buildings without taking anyone out. A figure, small and slight, runs by firing rapidly at people, clearly on stun, and while lobbing at buildings to take them down*
<DeathStar> *And drawwing aggro*
<DeathStar> <Blue> The hell?
<ChadWinters> <Id> Interesting.
<DeathStar> *The figure's team joins them and drawing the police away from the tower*
<Xanatos> <Cole> That was the coolest result of a flag wave I've ever seen.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Okay okay, while they're distracted lets go. 6* he gets low and then moves quickly.
<Alicia> * Charlotte moves towards the tower once the coast is clear
<ChadWinters> <Id> I'd have to have seen what would've happened had you used a red colored flag.
<DeathStar> <Trenchy> Hopefully we do not need it for later. I always hold off on such things until it's too late.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Let's move, fast!" *heads for the tower*
<DeathStar> *As they stand before the tower, it's clear the tower is going to become a massive tower one cannot enter unless they have a large army, Even know it looks hard to find an entrance*
<DeathStar> <Blue> Even with no defenses how does one get in?
<DeathStar> <Blue> Angel, you go on about this guy, how?
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "There has to be an entrance somewhere."
<ChadWinters> <Id> Make one?
<DeathStar> <Trenchy> I could try but it would drain me
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Mmmm...I'm surprised he doesn't have a huge colloade going right to a massive doors."
<Xanatos> 6* Cole forms his katars and his arms begins to spin into his drills.
<Xanatos> <Cole> It might take a bit. 6* He starts trying to drill in and make an opening.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Shame we don't have a foxhole maker..."
<Seraphna> Angel> Don’t you Dark Ones have a Kitsune?
<DeathStar> *The tower begins to shake, clearly knowing what they're doing*
<DeathStar> *with statues forming on the sides to attack them.*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Mmmmm...I could try to distract it..."
<DeathStar> <Blue> Hell. *She begins to fire her blaster into the spot Cole is working on*
<Seraphna> *Angel assists with hyperspace**
<Jackieness> <Noire> *forms a dark matter ball and lobs it at the statues*
<ChadWinters> <Id> Interesting how it reacts to outside stimulation
<DeathStar> *The statue is destroyed and a even larger one appears next*
<Alicia> * Charlotte distracts the statues herself, using dark one tendrils and psychic power
<DeathStar> *Trenchy is firing massive starlight energy into the building's side*
<DeathStar> *as he pulls out a specialized saber and begins to cut into the side*
<Seraphna> **Angel takes the device she had and paints the statue and clicks, a Montana unit crashing into the statue from above**
<Xanatos> 6* Cole keeps drilling because well it's all he can do.
<DeathStar> *the large statue rips out the side and goes for Charlotte when it's hit*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Hurry up, it just keeps escalating!" *tries forming another dark matter sphere to lob on the larger statue*
<DeathStar> *Cole and Trenchy's work rips a side open*
<DeathStar> *Alouette putting a bar between the two halves to keep it open*
<Xanatos> <Cole> Alright, quickly, move move.
<DeathStar> *The statue roars, trying to get free*
<Alicia> * Charlotte dodges to one side, keeping out of the statues aim while the others get the 'door' open.
<ChadWinters> 6Id moves to float in
<DeathStar> *chewing on montana and breaking parts off*
<Seraphna> **Angel has the Montana duke it out and give them cover, it hydraulic punches the statue rapidly**
<DeathStar> *Charlotte meanwhile contiknues to be chased*
<Alicia> * Charlotte hurries inside the moment she gets a chance
<DeathStar> *Blue leans inside*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *retreats through the hole*
<DeathStar> *Trenchy slides inside, losing his trench coat*
<Xanatos> 6* Cole rolls inside
<Seraphna> **Angel slides inside**
<DeathStar> *Alouette trips in*
<DeathStar> *The doors seal up and the statues work on montana as a meal, both ganging up outside*
<DeathStar> *The inside of the tower looks normal - beautiful, with nice lighting and paintings for walls*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Alright, which way does the device say now?"
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Up or down?"
<Xanatos> 6* Cole holds up the device to check.
<DeathStar> *Ex-Trenchy dusts his armor, definitely a reploid with dark black armor with blue lines along the cuffs in places and an eyepatch*
<DeathStar> *Blue eyes him, then at Cole*
<DeathStar> *it seems to be going wild for upstairs*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Naturally he wants to look down on the world."
<Seraphna> Angel> Have we met?
<Xanatos> 6* Cole glances at the reploid and tilts his head.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Deathstar?
<Seraphna> Angel> Right, the one that Angela was obsessed with.
<DeathStar> <DS> Ah yes. Good to see you again Cole. *he's keeping his good eye on the things* I heard you came to this world. I learned a human version of myself had been working on my body when Cran found me
<DeathStar> <DS> Apparently I traveled a far way from home
<Xanatos> <Cole> I think the last time we met we were fighting. But it's been so long who can say.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "We need to pick up the pace."
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Right, eyes on the prize."
<DeathStar> <DS> It'll be the top floor. *He nods to Cole at remembering that*
<DeathStar> *Alouette hops up the stairs*
<DeathStar> *DS and Blue follow slowly as they go upward, each floor empty right now - no doubt meant to have later been filled in*
<Alicia> * Charlotte heads after
<DeathStar> *outside the statues are watching them - Charlotte especially*
<ChadWinters> 6Id floats along after
<Xanatos> <Cole> I still don't get how the spear went from being what it was in our world to being able to do this here, but I guess things change with time.
<DeathStar> <DS> This world seems to have come along become more of a wild card thanks to Wind. Everything can be thanks to Wind.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I've heard *that* name before."
<DeathStar> *As they reach the top, they find Senreich, but he's no longer a shambling zombie, but a fully fleshed human, dropping some poor sod* <DS> He's... *He stops whatever retort, trying to identify the corpse* I hope that wasn't from Team B.
<DeathStar> *A
<ChadWinters> 6Id tries to Id the corpse*
<Seraphna> **Angel pulls out a datapad and scans it**
<DeathStar> *Senreich cleans the spear and turns to the group* Welcome. Is Herr Ire with you? *it seems to be some poor soldier*
<Xanatos> <Cole> Fraid it's just us.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Mmmmm... he does not accept your invitation."
<ChadWinters> <Id> Some might say you have an unhealthy attachment to him.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "No clue who that is."
<DeathStar> <Senreich> *in his typically over exaggerated German accent* Perhaps you are right. You are worthy yourselves in finding this location. It is .. quite impressive.
<DeathStar> *He moves to a table where a meal and some drinks are prepared* Food and drink?
<Alicia> * Charlotte does not look impressed by the offer, nor interested
<Jackieness> <Noire> *looks at Charlotte* "He's actually pulling a Super Villain 101."
<ChadWinters> <Id> I believe we would like to cordially ask you to leave back to where you come from.
<DeathStar> <Senreich> Is that so?
<Xanatos> <Cole> I think he would prefer to fight, show us how unafraid he is.
<DeathStar> *Blue seems to be ready at Cole's word and DS is just pretending to be unintereseted*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Wine and dine the protag while talking about how awesome he is all through dinner."
<ChadWinters> <Id> Then perhaps you should all attack him and end this then.
<DeathStar> *Senreich mumbles to himself in german and takes a bite of his food, sipping his drink, just listening to them all without comment*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *lowers voice* "Anyone see the Spear?"
<DeathStar> <Blue> His hand
<Seraphna> Angel> **in German** Mumbling is rude.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole considers and then his minigun begins to spool and starts running to the right away from the group, firing at Senreich
<Alicia> * Charlotte tries to sneak a tendril over towards the spear to plant something on it, underneath the table. Actually trying to take it right now would be too obvious and too easy to stop, but... oh.
<DeathStar> <Senreich> *glances up from monitoring whatever it is he was doing with the spear* You are quite right, Fraulein
<DeathStar> *The shots hit at Senreich, slamming into some field* Ah. And here we go. Of course. *Blue begins to fire head on and DS takes the other side*
<DeathStar> *the spear warps things to the three are attacking each other*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Of course he would have defenses. No wonder he was so relaxed." *forms her Dark Edge*
<Seraphna> Angel> So that’s the protective function.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole pauses after taking a few shots, his armor smoking.
<DeathStar> <Senreich> Luckily for you, I saw something I must attend. An old friend just entered the city. I must saw hellow to Herr Ire. *As Blue and DS wince, Senreich slams the spear down* Here, have this.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "It would've been a shock if he didn't have something planned."
<DeathStar> *as Senreich sinks into the ground, something begins to rise up*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Gentlemen, try some riccochet shots."
<DeathStar> <Alouette> Um, something is coming
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Take out the floor."
<DeathStar> <Blue> With us on it?!
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Trust me." *nods to Charlotte*
<ChadWinters> <Id> Luckily, I can float.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole blinks and begins to shoot down at the floor
<Seraphna> **Angel grumbles and blasts the floor**
<Jackieness> <Noire> *lashes out with her tendrils to reinforce the sections that the group are standing on, letting the rest come down*
<DeathStar> *The floor shatters, taking a table out and other stuff as they all fall down and land amongst Cheryl, John, Cassandra, Lunr Girl, Michi, Angela, Kane, etc*
<Alicia> * Charlotte sends tendrils down at the floor, while sending a couple at the walls to avoid falling... at least falling fast.
<DeathStar> *well okay*
<DeathStar> *They all have moostaches*
<Seraphna> Angel> Right folks. Vaccines.
<DeathStar> *John leaps up, enraged at food is on his head and grabs Angel from the sky*
<ChadWinters> <Id> I don't know if we have a vaccine yet to counteract it. We only developed a means to slow the infection down.
<DeathStar> *Cheryl whips Noire and yakns her down*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Grrrrrk!"
<Seraphna> **Angel shifts and kicks at John’s head**
<DeathStar> *Begins to spin slam her*
<Xanatos> <Cole> You said trust you and now we're in a worse spot!
<DeathStar> *John makes german curses and begins to power up his fist, punching out a shock wave*
<Alicia> * Charlotte uses her future-vision to deal with the likely-to-be-teleporting Michis, trying to grapple them with tendrils
<DeathStar> *Blue keeps an eye on the enemy while DS leaps down, trying to stop Kane with powerful claps*
<ChadWinters> 6Dias appears above Charlotte, resting on a piece of rubble, as he stares down at her, his moostache well trimmed.
<Seraphna> Angel> **shifts her fingers and flicks John in the back of the head with concussive force from an augment**
<Jackieness> <Noire> *tries using her tendrils to anchor herself*
<DeathStar> <Alouette> I-I'll try contacting Aya to come here and help
<Seraphna> Angel> No this is good. We need to knock them out and cure them.
<DeathStar> *Alouette begins to call her*
<DeathStar> *Cheryl narrows her eyes and begins to draw in her strength as well*
<ChadWinters> 6DIas suddenly turns his attention to DS and kicks off the rubble and spin kicks towards him
<DeathStar> *DS holds up his foot, catching Dias' foot and slings him*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *then tries to slingshot herself with Cheryl's whip to get in closer*
<DeathStar> <DS> We can't keep this up for long, Cole. We need the cure in here and fast
<ChadWinters> 6Dias twists in the air, crashing into a wall and cratering it. A second later it explodes outwards as Dias launches himself in at DS again, this time stopping short as he hurls a piece of rubble for him
<Seraphna> **Angel eyes Cole** You’re electric. EMP the Dragoons.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole crackles with electric as Kane is easily knocked away by DS.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole sends a big ol shock emp thing at Cheryl.
<Alicia> * Charlotte has her hands full just keeping the two teleporters busy, dodging kicks and punches.
<DeathStar> **Cheryl eyes Noire in closer now, getting ready*
<DeathStar> *John tries to bear hug Angel*
<DeathStar> *DS rolls and jumps, short porting about*
<Seraphna> **Angel huffs** Buy a girl a drink first! **she teleports behind him and tries to waylay punch him**
<Jackieness> <Noire> *moves one hand behind ehr back, forming a dark matter ball as she gets closer*
<ChadWinters> 6Dias twists, dragging his left foot and hooking another piece of debris and kicks it out at Noire, his eyes darting around to keep tabs on DS
<Xanatos> 6* Kane gets to his feet and pulls discs out of his coat, throwing theem for Alouette.
<DeathStar> <Alouette> EEek! *she sends in the call as she is taken down*
<Seraphna> **Angel grunts and sends out a wave of energy at the discs**
<DeathStar> *Alouette peeks up*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *whips out her tendrils to try to slingshot the incoming debris at Cheryl*
<DeathStar> *John focuses and sends in a series of dragon punches at Angel*
<Seraphna> **Angela twitches while fighting seeing Allouette in danger**
<DeathStar> *Cheryl begins to gather her own energy to take down the dakrk matter ball and send it flying and then sends a duplicate behind Noire to punch at her back as she goes in at her front*
<Seraphna> **Angel rolls her eyes and hops back, quick drawing a gun and firing a stun shot**
<DeathStar> *taking the debris hit*
<DeathStar> *DS lands on top of some stuff and blasts at Dias to stun him*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *detonates her Dark Matter ball immediately at point blank*
<Xanatos> 6* Cole tries his lightnign strike ability to see if he can get it through the outside of the tower to inside. usually it busts through ceilings but the tower is different, he tries it on Cheryl.
<ChadWinters> 6Dias suddenly darts backwards towards Alouette, his hands grabbing onto two pieces of debris and launches them upwards towards DS.
<Xanatos> 6 * Kane sinks back behind some debri and then 4 drones raise up and begin swarming around the battlefield, firing down at Blue, DS, Charlotte, and Cole.
<DeathStar> *Cheryl rises after the dark matter, eyeing the lightning and hmphs, seeming charged bythe lightning, and her duplicate begins to circle Noire even as Aya arrives and sneaks in, getting the cure aimed and takes down Lunar and Michi*
<Xanatos> <Cole> WELL THAT DIDN'T WORK
<DeathStar> *DS tchs at the attacks coming in from Dias and Kane, being forced back*
<Xanatos> 6* Cole tchs at the shot hitting his armor and he moves to get closer to Alouette to protect her.
<DeathStar> <DS> Don't force me to do something drastic
<Alicia> * Charlotte moves to protect Alouette, despite not having any idea how to do so
<DeathStar> *Alouette hides behind Cole*
<Seraphna> **Angel teleports behind Angela and kicks her at one of the clones**
<DeathStar> *The duplicate is Angeled*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *shifts her typical academy uniform look to Dark One style armor and then lashes at Cheryl and her clone with ehr tendrils*
<Xanatos> <Cole> It's so much harder when you can't go for blood! 6* He forms his miniguns and fires stun salvos at Dias.
<ChadWinters> 6Dias slides a bit as he feet dig in to the floor, causing it to crack. He launches along the ground then kicks upwards towards DS
<DeathStar> *Cheryl swhips out at Noire's leg at the same time she does, each binding the other*
<DeathStar> *DS super charges his gun and fires at Dias at point blank range enough to knock himself back*
<Seraphna> Angel> Noire, attack her with four or more tentacles.
<DeathStar> *Cheryl binds Noire more, slowly tying her up*
<DeathStar> *Aya gives Kane more antidote*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *tries spawning additional tendrils and sends them at Cheryl to get the upper hand*
<DeathStar> *Then does it for Angela*
<ChadWinters> 6Dias twists in air, curling in to a ball a bit as the two attacks rain in to him, with the DS one sending him crashing to the floor, leaving dust in the air around his body
<DeathStar> *Cheryl uses her whip to block most of them, but is only able to block 3 of the tendrils and is soon bound*
<Xanatos> 6* Kane was focused on his drones and gets antidoted.
<DeathStar> *Allowing Aya to antidote her*
<Seraphna> **Angela groans and rubs her head**
<ChadWinters> 6Dias is standing their, as the dust clears, an odd distant look in his eyes
<Alicia> * Charlotte attempts to make an illusion of Senreich telling the moostaches to stand down.
<Seraphna> **Angel is now taking Tabetha in a fight**
<DeathStar> *Aya looks for Dias and DS and then throws the dart super hard at Dias head*
<DeathStar> <Aya> Antidote attack
<Xanatos> 6* Cole teleports to behind Dias, trying to grab him and hold him for the attack.
<DeathStar> <Blue> Did we get all of them? *She eyes the place looking like a mess* *A railgun blast hits the groun and sends them flying*
<DeathStar> (except cole he was lower)
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Grandmother!"
<Seraphna> Angel> Missed Cass?
<ChadWinters> 6As the dart comes in, DS would feel something dangerous coming from Dias towards him, as his arm slowly begins to clench. The dart hits as Cole would suddenly feel his armor strain from holding him. A second later Dias' body suddenly relaxes
<DeathStar> *Cheryl and Noire wiggle, all tied up*
<Seraphna> **Angel teleports, grabbing a few people and settles on the ground**
<DeathStar> *Alouette> What was that?!
<Seraphna> **Angela works Noire free**
<DeathStar> <DS> It seems we have a sniper
<Seraphna> Angela> Mmm, restrained Cherry.
<Xanatos> <Cole> ...fucking close call on this one. 6* He sets Dias down, looking around for the rail cannon person.
<DeathStar> <C<Cheryl> S-Shut up
<DeathStar> <John> I felt like I had a moostache
<DeathStar> *he lays there, holding his head*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *then the railgun shot fire out at the sidewall to try to bring it down on the group*
<Xanatos> 6* Kane sends his drones up to seek out Cass
<Alicia> * Charlotte likewise looks around, using future-sight to avoid being shot
<Seraphna> **Angela forms a holy barrier around the group**
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "My head hurts..."
<ChadWinters> 6Dias blinks a bit, the distant look in his eyes gone and being back to normal. 1"...Where...wait...what?"
<DeathStar> *The rail shot blowing up more of the building floor*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Stop oogling us like we are in soem breast bondage fetish video and go cure my grandmother!"
<ChadWinters> <Dias> ....Ruh roh. 6He falls as the floor is taken out from underneath him
<Seraphna> **Angela unties Cheryl**
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Thanks. I felt like our chests were going to be tied together forever. *She eyes all the rubble about them*
<DeathStar> *John uses the walls for cover, trying to eye the upper levels that are intact*
<DeathStar> <Blue> One of us needs to try to get up there somehow
<Seraphna> Angela> Noire. You haven’t just shadow-ported to her yet why?
<DeathStar> <DS> I'll try to port up there
<Xanatos> <Cole> I Can go. 6* He starts to climb up the wall instead of teleporting for now.
<DeathStar> *DS nods to him*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "I was a bit tied up, and I have no idea where she is!"
<DeathStar> *Aya hands Cole a shot*
<ChadWinters> 6Dias bursts out of rubble his arms out. 1"Throw John at him like a bullet!"
<Alicia> * Charlotte points out Cass's location... as long as she can find it
<Seraphna> Angela> Follow the impact direction.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole climbs and Kane's drones try to distract Cass by shooting at her.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *then drops a grenade down the shaft before moving on to another spot*
<DeathStar> *John lifts Dias up and prepares Dias, throwing him rapidly up into the sky, much higher than needed so he can come down at Cass*
<DeathStar> *he even hits the ceiling a bit*
<ChadWinters> 6Dias blinks a bit before peering around, getting caught off guard at that. He then begins looking around for movement.
<DeathStar> <Blue> Come on Cole...
<Jackieness> <Noire> *take a deep breath and tries to open a shadow door near Cass' location*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Want me to tie you up and sling you up there? *she half jokes*
<Xanatos> 6* Cole waits for Dias to fully have Cass distracted.
<ChadWinters> 6Dias cups his hands to his eyes like binoculars. 1"Oh where are you Cass?!"
<DeathStar> *Cole nears Cass' position while Dias is out in the open*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *fires up at the ceiling to try to drop Dias, and hopefully bury the drones while she is trying to stay mobile*
<Xanatos> 6* Cole shoots out a lightning attack at Cass. Hoping the sparks will also help him know what fleshy bit to stick the needle into.
<ChadWinters> 6Dias kicks off the cieling, at an angle away from the shot.
<DeathStar> *if Cass misses, the ceiling now has a hole*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *is sent tumbling toward the lower floor with the others when the lightnign hits*
<Xanatos> 6* Cole jerks and leaps to catch and Antidote stab as they fall.
<ChadWinters> 6Dias stretches a bit as he leaps down the hole to rejoin the others
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> So it's over now?
<DeathStar> <Blue> Not exactly
<Xanatos> 6* Cole sets Cass on the ground.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Sorry about that shock.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Senreich said Ire was in the city and went to meet him."
<DeathStar> <DS> How do we find the two?
<Seraphna> Angel> Yeah, we should probably save him.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "I've had worse..."
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "But where is he?"
<Seraphna> Angel> That’s easy. **she hits the comms** Thena, tracking your grandpa?
<DeathStar> *with the hole in the ceiling, a statue monster is slowly coming inside for Charlotte*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Cole, still have the reality device?"
<Xanatos> 6* Cole checks to see if the device still works.
<DeathStar> *indeed, the reality device is now pointing toward a new direction*
<ChadWinters> <Id> Well...I would look for the big gradiose stage that he will most likely set for Ire
<Xanatos> <Cole> Yeah, that direction. 6* He points.
<DeathStar> <DS> I would say we should set an ambush there
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Can we move? THis place isn't safe."
<Xanatos> <Kane> It would be best if we were to teleport out, it appears we have an enemy entering above.
<DeathStar> *As Charlotte says this, the statue monster looms over the group, and lifts Charlotte up*
<Seraphna> **Thena clicks a confirm in the comms**
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Right...let me try the shadow door again..." *tries to open it out of the tower*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *aims and fires a rialgun round at the statue*
<DeathStar> *it explodes*
<DeathStar> *dropping her*
<Seraphna> Angel> Someone bash that statue and we can thee port to Thena.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "...thanks..." *catches herself with a tendril*
<DeathStar> *Noire does so*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "This way!" *walks through*
<Xanatos> 6* Kane and Cole moves with Noire.
<Seraphna> **Angel steps through**
<DeathStar> -Mini Hop-
<DeathStar> *after many adventures (not really), the group arrives at their destination - a police station roof where Warren seems to be talking to Senreich. A light drizzle has begun as the team observes from the distance outside the range of the spear to notice them*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *To Cole* So, should we set up a perimeter around them or just rush in?
<DeathStar> *Blimps float in the sky, no doubt looking for the team after the tower*
<DeathStar> <Blue> Could we rail him here?
<DeathStar> *Alouette hangs upside down, using her eye gear to watch*
<Xanatos> <Cole> Wait is Warren there alone? He's going to get killed.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "He probbaly has his reflection shield up."
<ChadWinters> <Dias> We'd have to move quicker than the shield could react to
<Xanatos> <Cole> I think we move, Warreen might not like it but otherwise he could die.
<DeathStar> *Warren motions antimatedly and turns as if he's going*
<ChadWinters> <Dias> And I don't know if I could move that fast....but I could.... 6He muses a bit.
<DeathStar> *Senreich watches him go, then seems to be also going*
<ChadWinters> <Id> This is...odd.
<DeathStar> <Blue> They're breaking up
<Seraphna> Angel> Very odd.
<Xanatos> <Cole> ...huh?
<ChadWinters> <Dias> Well we still need to stop him and get the spear.
<Xanatos> <Cole> What the hell just happened? Why do none of you have super ears.
<ChadWinters> <Id> You guys can't read lips?
<Xanatos> <Cole> Can you?!
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Let's wait and see what happens. Senreichw as obssessed with killing Warren, so if he's just walking awya, it must be significant."
<ChadWinters> <Dias> You believe he'll just undo all this?
<DeathStar> *Warren is joined by Thena who they seem to be walking in the general direction of the group - or just out of the city*
<ChadWinters> <Id> Yes.
<DeathStar> *Senreich seems to be headed for somtehing to take him to his blimp*
<DeathStar> <Blue> Warren is coming this way
<Xanatos> <Cole> What the hell is going on?
<ChadWinters> <Dias> So we not stopping him or we stopping him?
<Seraphna> Angela> Hmmm.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Well? What happened, Warren?"
<DeathStar> *Warren stands in front of Cole* We spoke. I told him he was from another reality and that I did not share the memories of his Ire. Infact, I hate that name
<DeathStar> <Warren> And that he's been defeated so many times now, it was funny. And he should just turn it in
<DeathStar> <Warren> If not, I was going to nuke the entire city and use his toy to repair it
<Xanatos> <Cole> now?
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "And that was it?"
<Seraphna> Angela> Well we know Warren is back to normal.
<Jackieness> <Noire> " what will he do now?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> I think he will call my bluff on the nuke but he seems unsure now.
<ChadWinters> <Dias> So we just let him be? I'm confused.
<DeathStar> <Warren> I give it 50/50 he might cut and run.
<DeathStar> <Warren> With the spear
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "And if not?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> You all have to go in there and fight him.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Should we not fight him regardless?
<DeathStar> <Warren> Well, do you have the forces to take him out? Completely?
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "We didn't do so well last time."
<Seraphna> Angela> We lack a counter to the Spear.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Yeah, I heard. So I called in someone. Here's that someone
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Fighting him without those forces isn't a good idea... but we might have to."
<DeathStar> *he motions behind the group at Jikuu*
<Seraphna> Thena> Hi not future auntie.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Her job is to break the spear if she can with the Emerald Sword.
<ChadWinters> <Id> So you are all going to attack then?
<DeathStar> <Warren> Alright, time's up. I've shaken him.
<DeathStar> *Cheryl looks at Cole* You ready?
<Xanatos> <Cole> Yep, let's do this.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Round 2 it is."
<Alicia> <Jikuu> "Glad everyone is prepared."
<ChadWinters> 6Dias stretches a bit now. "Finally something to punch other than you guys."
<DeathStar> *Cheryl heads in as the blimp seems to be being loaded with personnel. Senreich looks to be running to his tower*
<DeathStar> *When a certain shooter blows up the blimp in his face*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Oh no, not back there..."
<Alicia> <Jikuu> "Worry not."
<DeathStar> *Sending Senreich falling on his ass*
<ChadWinters> <Id> I hope that there weren't innocents on it.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "He's down."
<DeathStar> <Female Voice on comms> Do not worry. We got everyone out beforehand. *it sounds familiar*
<Xanatos> 6* Kane begins the process of getting his sniper rifle assembled. While Cole runs in, shooting minigun shots at Senreich.
<DeathStar> *Senreich's shield still works even disoriented with his hand on the spear; he slowly rises as the fires of the blimp are overly hot and Cheryl scoots in*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Remember, he can still turn direct attacks on us. We need melee range!"
<Xanatos> <Cole> Oh, he's a melee only type?
<DeathStar> <Senreich> I see I am in need of dealing with you rats first. *he aims the spear at Cheryl and suddenly she is down*
<Xanatos> <Cole> Why didn't anyone tell me that.
<ChadWinters> 6Dias cracks his knuckles behind his back and crouches. 1"First one to land a hit John, get's supper on the other." 6He suddenly disappears as he appears to the side of Senreich throwing a punch with mass behind it into the shield
<DeathStar> <Blue> That looks long ranged to me
<Jackieness> <Noire> "He can reflect gunfire, so we'll see if he can reflect punches and stabs."
<Xanatos> <Cole> I'm getting conflicted reports now. Someone check on Cheryl. 6* he runs in, his katars activating.
<DeathStar> *Senreich swings his spear at Dias' body and warps him into the sky*
<DeathStar> *John dashes in and attacks, punching at him before he he nearly avoids being stabbed*
<Seraphna> **Angelais healing Cheryl**
<DeathStar> *Cheryl groans and pushes herself up*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Right." *forms her dark Edge and then dashes forward, circling around to get him from behind*
<Xanatos> 6* Cole's katars becomes drills again and he drives attacks in at Senreich with them.
<Alicia> * Michiru and Lunar Girl teleport around, punching and kicking at Senreich, Jikuu hanging back for now
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "If they cna separate him from the Spear, then go for the headshot."
<ChadWinters> 6There's boom noises in the sky as Dias suddenly appears rocketing from a different angle towards Senreich going for a big stomp
<DeathStar> *Senreich taps the ground Noire, Cole, Michi, Lunar, and Dias, are all attacking one another as Senreich has begun to walk away*
<Seraphna> **Angel blasts for his feet**
<Xanatos> 6* Cole teleports mid drill to be once again aiming it at Senreich
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Hold on, he slipped through with his power!"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> .... *She forms herwhip* If I can just lock onto the bastard. *Blue blasts with*
<ChadWinters> 6Dias twists at the last second, causing him to land in to the ground and bouncing along.
<ChadWinters> <Dias> Ow ow ow ow ow ow
<DeathStar> *John leaps back and chases after*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *dashes after Senreich as though she were going to slash him, but then lashes out her tendrils to try to snag him as she closes in*
<Alicia> * Jikuu waits for a good moment to move in and attack the spear directly
<DeathStar> *Cole begins to once again drill into his shield as John punches along when Noire manages to snag him for a second*
<DeathStar> <Senreich> ... *He lifts the staff up to clearly knock them back again*
<ChadWinters> 6Dias hops on to his feet, cracking his neck. 1"May as well give this one a whirl." 6He takes in a deep breath as he slides his feet apart and pulls his left hand back.
<Xanatos> 6* Kane waits till his attention is one multiple people and tests it by shooting at the spear directly with his sniper rifle.
<Seraphna> **Tabetha attempts to slow him with TK
<ChadWinters> 6Dias snaps his hand forward.
<DeathStar> *The spear is knocked as it's slowed*
<Alicia> * Jikuu teleports in, striking at the spear with emerald... gauntlets.
<DeathStar> *it breaks into multiple pieces as Dias snaps forward and grabs Senreich*
<DeathStar> <Senreich> What madness is this?! *As the world begins to fall apart around them*
<ChadWinters> <Dias> A new trick I've been working on. 6He winks and grabs tightly onto him and starts throwing punches for Senreich's face
<Alicia> <Jikuu> "I merely took away your toy."
<Seraphna> Angela> Teamwork.
<DeathStar> *John leaps from the sky and kneeblasts Senreich into the ground*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Guns trained on him in case he has more tricks!" *aims just in case*
<DeathStar> *The world begins to break apart into the old one*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "The madness is that you just lost."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> .... *Eyes the shatterered spear*
<Alicia> <Jikuu> "Again."
<DeathStar> <Alouette> You were warned
<ChadWinters> 6Dias begins raining down punches into Senreich
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Whoa, Dias, cool it! He's down!"
<DeathStar> <John> You gave my daughters the Nazi moostaches
<Xanatos> 6* Cole checks on Blue, not interested in any clean up.
<Seraphna> **Tabetha gathers the shards with TK and flies them into a containment box**
<DeathStar> <Blue> You know those shards are going to be a problem later if we don't destroy them
<ChadWinters> 6Dias stops, standing above him, knowing enough to not kill him outright
<DeathStar> *Senreich bleeds, unconscious*
<Xanatos> <Cole> Mhmmm. But only Jikuu can.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> I was thinking the Sun?
<ChadWinters> <Dias> ...What if you put it in the box?
<DeathStar> *Cran arrives* You did well. *He nods to Blue and Cole. DS hanging around in the back*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'm sure you'll be loved by all as the ones who saved the day
<DeathStar> *she makes a face at Cran as she walks off*
<Xanatos> <Cole> It was mostly the A team after we got them back. How'd our forces fare out there? Tons of casualties?
<ChadWinters> <Dias> You know like pandora's box. The one that' me. Wait that sounds weird
<Seraphna> *Angel grins at Cran* Yes how are we Alex?
<DeathStar> <Cran> ...Actually we did very well. We had basically restored order in many parts of the city
<Xanatos> 6* Kane steps forward and starts collecting the pieces of the spear.
<DeathStar> *he speaks up after Cheryl leaves* You should be proud of yourselves.
<DeathStar> <Blue> Huh, you hear that
<Xanatos> <Cole> Cool, we had a few hiccups, but all in all, a success.
<DeathStar> <Cran> EarthGov might start giving us more responsibilities and resources from here on out.
<Seraphna> **Angela waves to them and heads after Cheryl**
<DeathStar> *Cran takes Blue and Cole, leaving the clean up to the A Team*
<ChadWinters> <Id> I imagine that will be great for you.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Come on, Noire. LEt's go home for a family meal."
<Xanatos> <Kane> Does a man like this deserve life? Hmm. I suppose is it not our place to judge, but should he become free from prison in the future he will do something evil again.
<ChadWinters> 6Dias dusts himself off and then pulls out his datapad out hitting the big "STACEY ALERT" button on it.
<DeathStar> <John> Is...Is she your Batman or something?
<DeathStar> *Stacey gets back to him, cleaning her face*
<ChadWinters> <Dias> No. She installed it when I finished a job and clean up had to be done.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Mmmm...might I bring a friend?"
<Xanatos> 6* Kane secures allt he pieces in a case and motions to Jikuu
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "I'm sure we have enough space a the table."
<ChadWinters> <Dias> It's the "Time to be president button after I punched the bad guy in the face"
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Charlotte, care to join us for dinner?"
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I'd love to."
<Xanatos> <Kane> Give me a small amount of time to study this and then we will request your emerald weapon to destroy the remaining pieces.
<DeathStar> Part 1:
<DeathStar> Location: Cheryl Manor
<DeathStar> *Lemon rests upstairs*
<DeathStar> <Lemon> I feel better, but I really have no idea why my system won't reboot where I can use them. <Cheryl> I'll take a look at them since I made Lemon. All I can guess is something was damaged
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'll take over for now and help Kane. You should rest. Bake - take it easy
<Seraphna> Angela> Teach Jenny how to battle.
<DeathStar> *Lemon snorts* That's the last thing I'll do. She's going to be a normie
<Seraphna> Angela> …tough stains?
<DeathStar> <Lemon> Along with Wade
<Xanatos> <Kane> Eventually we will be a family of normies. It will be a good retirement.
<DeathStar> *Cheryl heads out to let Lemon rest, thinking while she muses*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'll catch up on files I been missing out on for the past year or so
<Seraphna> **Angela walks with her** You’ve got my support.
<Xanatos> 6* Kane watches them leave and then puts his hand on Lemon's
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah. *She nods* Let do our homework
<Seraphna> Angela> Lots of studying.
<DeathStar> *Lemon squeezes Kane's hand* I'll be fine. I'm sure it's just something I need recovery time on. I am more cyborg than Cheryl.
<DeathStar> *Cheryl opens all of lemon's files and begins to read them - it looks like Lemon is one for detailed reports*
<Xanatos> <Kane> I know. I just worry. Sometimes this is all too much and world feels like it's crumbling in around us. But as long as you and the kids are safe, that is all that matters.
<DeathStar> <Lemon> I promise.
<DeathStar> Part 2
<DeathStar> *Cran has a party sanctioned at the Repliforce base with alouette letting people try her cake*
<DeathStar> <Cran> EarthGov has agreed to allow Repliforce to handle more important duties going forward. Cole, Blue. I will be depending on you. And your friend DS will be joining full time as well
<DeathStar> <Cran> I believe there will come a time there will be great things for Reploids. *He nods, moving for his office*
<DeathStar> <Alouette> *munches cake* Congrats Cole!
<Seraphna> **Angel follows him, adjusting her shades**
<DeathStar> *Cran sits in his office, looking tired* Hello Angel
<Seraphna> **Angel hops on the desk** Hello Alex.
<Xanatos> <Cole> This suddenly feels like a lot of responsibility.
<DeathStar> <Cran> I'm proud of them. How about you?
<DeathStar> <Cran> Just keep helping them. I just feel a time will arrive Cole, Blue, and DS will leave us for their world, so I want to make sure our reploids can stand on their own two fet.
<Seraphna> Angel> They’re doing well.
<DeathStar> -END-
<DeathStar> *And Jikuu gets praised by Erevis*
<DeathStar> *And Noire gets a good meal*
Session Close: Mon Jul 11 22:54:39 2022