The Alien Wars 6: Da Capo

Session 578

Session Start: Sun Aug 14 14:33:44 2022
Session Ident: #TAW-Session578
* Now talking in #TAW-Session578
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> Date: 10-644.1.10
<DeathStar> Location; The Aquarius
<DeathStar> *Mireille hangs over the railing while Yuki sits in her chair, studying charts; the Aquarius has gotten further into the Unknown Region, studying what appears to be abandoned planets of the Dark Ones. OR at least, so it seems. The planet beneath them seems to have Dark One structures that have been left empty*
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Report. What do sensor show?"
<Seraphna> **Cookie checks, sitting upside down in her chair**
<DeathStar> <Yuki> The structures seem to have been abandoned for some time. We know there are some Dark Ones left in this part of the galaxy, but these might have belonged to the Swarm. *The sensors show the Dark One buildings still radiating Dark energy in places, and twisted tunnels; temples rise up from the ground and tunnels go deep into the ground; a complex of structures going deep, deep further than their sensors can go*
<DeathStar> <Mireille> Want me to bomb planet?
<Seraphna> Cookie> Hmmm, well not all Dark Ones are bad.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "You would need to destroy the entire crust, given the depths of the tunnel structures. We might need those energy reserves later. Continue scans, then set up a quarantine marker before we depart."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I wonder what all they left behind
<DeathStar> *Yuki muses, eyeing the structures*
<DeathStar> *Ben seems to be working, then nods* Alright, the marker is ready.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> So we're going to move on?
<DeathStar> <Mireille> No explosion? <Yuki> No going to the surface?
<Jackieness> <Airym> "The swarm were undeniably hostile. Still, these records will be shared with the leader of the New Dark One homeworld as well as the Suisen leadership. They should decide how they wish to handel their inheritance."
<Seraphna> Cookie> Maybe they left behind a sweet couch.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Do you have an alternative recommendation?"
<Seraphna> Cookie> No hunting for sweet couches?
<Jackieness> <Airym> "I am concerned thatb we are ill-prepared for exploration potentially dangerous Dark One structures."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I suppose there could be traps down there, but with how long it could take them to send someone out here - it could take some time
<DeathStar> *Yuki plays with her hair, thinking*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Not every ship has a Tiger engine after all
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Helm, hold station. Yuki, Ben, come up with something for exploration. If you don't get me something, we stick to my original orders."
<DeathStar> <Ben> Personally unless we want to send a probe down there, I wouldn't risk the manpower
<DeathStar> <Ben> And even then we might lose it
<DeathStar> <Ben> *he slides his chair, checking their best probes*
<DeathStar> <Ben> We could probably send one pretty deep if we wanted outside the Aquarius scans
<Jackieness> <Airym> *looks at Yuki* "Yuki?"
<Seraphna> **Cookie hands Mire a game where people blow things up**
<DeathStar> <Yuki> If we go in person, we might find all sorts of Dark One relics and artifacts, not to mention understand more about the Dark Ones in this region. We are bound to run into the ones who did not fight sooner or later. This is their home turf, where they situated themselves when clashing with the Erusians and others.
<DeathStar> *Mireille sits, bombing cities*
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Your point is taken. However, as Ben stated, we do not have the manpower for such an operation."
<DeathStar> <Ben> Probe then?
<DeathStar> *Yuki eyes Ben, grumbling about family*
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Prepare the probe."
<DeathStar> *Ben sends it, the probe sending camera feed to the main screen as it begins to find a tunnel to enter*
<Seraphna> Cookie> Are we getting in deep with the probe? Really poking around down there?
<DeathStar> <Ben> ... *Turns toward Cookie slowly*
<Seraphna> **Cookie leans forward** Go deeper, Ben.
<Jackieness> <Airym> *tilts her head to the ide* "Ben, if you feel uncomfortable or violated, please feel free to submit a report to me."
<DeathStar> *as it begins to enter, footage shows rooms that look like normal areas made form stone that are large communal areas, with living spaces off to the side, and a large strange Dark statue in the middle of a creature*
<Seraphna> Cookie> Plumbing the depths we have found ze mysterious statue, truly this is a mystery of the forgotten deep. **she imitates Jacques Cousteau**
<Jackieness> <Airym> "This apepars to be a community, with living spaces and possibily a religious structure."
<DeathStar> *the statue almost looks feminine, but also something... more ancient and evil*
<DeathStar> <Ben> I'll record images of it
<DeathStar> <Ben> Dark Ones usually don't respect the females so that's unusual.
<DeathStar> <Ben> Sorry, the ancient ones
<Seraphna> Cookie> At least on their side. On ours the females seem to be in charge.
<DeathStar> *He records how tall the statue is unusual, almost strange it is compared to other Dark Ones.* That's due to Andrea most likely
* Retrieving #TAW-Session578 modes...
<Seraphna> Cookie> Though Kaelan seemed to get the respect of one of their leaders for a while. She’s technically of them.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Any signs of activity?"
<DeathStar> <Ben> The probe is picking up some dark energy further in. Should I investigate?
<Seraphna> Cookie> It’s find out what it is or let it fester till the next Dark War.
<DeathStar> <Mireille> I wiped out all the humans in this game
<Seraphna> Cookie> But did you get all the buildings?
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Do a scan at range and then recall the probe. I do not wish to wake anything up without ahving our own Dark Ones to contain it."
<DeathStar> *Ben scans and brings up some information* It could be a device. There's definitely stuff deeper in the planet. More structures. How deep this goes is fairly amazing
<DeathStar> *he begins to recall it. As they go by, there's images of some relics and objects laying about. Stuff that Andrea will no doubt want to revisit one day*
<Seraphna> Cookie> Any Dark One arcades?
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I'll prepare the next stop for us
<DeathStar> *Yuki launches the marker to not visit this place*
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Ben, when we bring the probe on board, place it under immediate quarantine procedures."
<DeathStar> <Ben> Understood
<DeathStar> *he rises up to oversee that*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> The next galaxy we're visiting should be more normal.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Once the probe is on board, make the jump."
<DeathStar> *Yuki waits and soon it lands; then she jumps the ship. Mireille lifts her head up, musing*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Alright, we're under way to the next system
<Seraphna> **Cookie stretches** Surely nothing weird or Dark One snuck onto the ship via the probe.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "that is why I ordered that it be put under quarantine protocols."
<Seraphna> Cookie> **gives Mirelle the sequel game**
<DeathStar> <Mireille> I do feel like I felt something for a moment
<DeathStar> <Mireille> But the protocols will take care of it
<Seraphna> Cookie> Unless it's a super smart Dark One bug.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "It will remain under quarantine for the duration." *comms* "Ben, Mireille believes that she felt soemthing. What i your status?"
<DeathStar> <Ben> Right now, supervising the probe under quarantine. Checking out the readings. Why?
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Just ensure extra caution."
<DeathStar> <Ben> Understood. There is a few readings that are above normal. It might have picked up some things from the surface. If it is a danger, they will be isolated.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Good work. Carry on, Ben."
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> Date: 10-645.12
<DeathStar> Location: Aquarius
<DeathStar> *the Aquarius soon arrives in a new system. Yuki has her head propped up and Mireille hangs over the railing, playing games*
<DeathStar> *1.12
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Sensor sweep of the system."
<Seraphna> **Cookie hangs over the railing with her**
<DeathStar> <Ben> Scanning. It seems we have a planet with lifeforms. Unknown elements. A comet in the system. And a blue star.
<Seraphna> Cookie> Any good burger joints?
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Unknown elements?"
<DeathStar> *Ben brings up scans from the planet of some substances* The computer cannot identify these elements. It might be new. <Mireille> Or old.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Any signals of any sort from the inhabited world?"
<Seraphna> Cookie> We’re naming one Plotanium.
<DeathStar> <Ben> They are fairly advanced. *the scans bring up space fairing technology world at least. Though there's no sign of ships in space right now.* We can probably tap into their signals are they have satelites around their world.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Listen in."
<Seraphna> Cookie> Alien TV time! Mire get the popcorn!
<DeathStar> *Ben taps in and gets a signal; on the screen they begin to tons of screens of what looks to be a blueish alien like the Erusians, but their skin is darker like Dark Ones. Ben struggles to lock onto their signals strangely, as it jumps and gives him trouble, but it seems to be showing signals of a world that looks normalish, but it does look almost like it's very advanced but they're holding themselves back. Or at least it appears to be on the surface. But a discerning eye would catch influences of Erusian and Dark Ones on what they're able to see before the signals cut off suddenly*
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Ben, report."
* Alicia has joined #TAW-Session578
<DeathStar> <Ren> I'm not quite sure, but I think they locked us out of listening in
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Were we detected?"
<Seraphna> Cookie> Awww, I wanna find out if the maid was gonna get with Dark Juan.
<DeathStar> <Ben> IT might be the case
<DeathStar> <Ben> Their technology might be more advanced than they're letting on
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Prepare fist contact protocols."
<Jackieness> first
<Seraphna> Cookie> And get us holovids of that show!
<DeathStar> <Mireille> I still do not detect ships in the area.
<DeathStar> *She muses*
<Jackieness> <Airym> "They either do not have ships itnentionally, or they are cloaked."
<DeathStar> <Ben> That is possible
<Jackieness> <Airym> "In the meantime, hold station. Do not make any moves to infiltrate further into their space."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Since we don't have my dear wife, do you want to do the first protcols or should I?
<Alicia> * Celeste nods to Airym
<Jackieness> <Airym> "LEt's wait to see if they respond to our diplomatic messages first. If they do not respond, we must assume they wish to be left alone and must respect that."
<Seraphna> Cookie> Awww, I was ready to make that soap opera my life.
<DeathStar> *so far there is no response, then Ben eyes the console* There might be something
<Alicia> <Celeste> "Lets hope for the best."
<DeathStar> <Ben> *he leans over* It seems to be a coded message. We might need to decode it
<DeathStar> *he brings up a message; probably the decoding is a test of sorts*
<DeathStar> <Mireille> *lifts her head up to eye the message*
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Proceed with the decryption."
<DeathStar> *The computers run decoding*
<DeathStar> <Ben> It seems to say "Who are you? Where are you from?"
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Ben, prepare an appropriate reponse."
<DeathStar> *Ben begins to type and then sends it* Done. *After a bit, a signal is sent* <Yuki> It looks like we are being given a place to go
<Alicia> <Celeste> "That's a good sign."
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Take us in."
<DeathStar> *The Aquarius begins to fly in*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> How will this play out I wonder. *As they fly in, it looks like a modern world, but there's signs of Erusian tech and Dark One stuff about as they land on the platform*
<DeathStar> <Ben> This is quite strange.
<Seraphna> Cookie> This is kinda weird.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Yes, it is." *rises from the captain's chair* "I shall lead the ground team, enacting diplomatic protocls."
<DeathStar> *Yuki nods and follows* *Mireille mumbles she'll stay here*
<Jackieness> <Airym> *heads to the ramp*
<Alicia> <Celeste> "I'll join you, if that's alright."
<Jackieness> <Airym> "I have no objection to your presence."
<Seraphna> **Cookie grabs her coat**
<DeathStar> *As they step onto the platform, some of the aliens arrive on it, walking forward. They definitely look like some cross between Erusian and Dark One, with the eyes and body type being a mixture. They bow before them, a large male alien* Greetings. We have not seen your type of ship before.
<Jackieness> <Airym> *steps forward once she reaches the base of the ramp. having Erusian looks herself* "Greetings. I am Airym, captain of this vessel. It is an exporation vessel developed by the world of Kumen and operating under the flag of the Suisen Empire."
<DeathStar> *The aliens glance at each other a moment, then back* WE welcome you. *he motions at the platform elevator* This way, Airym of the Suisen Empire.
<Jackieness> <Airym> *steps forward to join the aliens on the elevator platform*
<Alicia> * Celeste follows
<Seraphna> **Cookie hops along to follow
<DeathStar> *As they lower down to the city where it's obvious the two races hve mixed a lot, the alien peers* My name is Arceas. So, may I ask what are oyu hoping to find out here?
<Jackieness> <Airym> "We are on a mission of exploration, authorized to make diplomatic contacts with new civilizations."
<DeathStar> <Arceas> I see. And what is your Empire doing with these contacts?
<Seraphna> Cookie> Making friends, setting up trade and exchange of ideas, all that stuff.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "he Suisen Empire was formed diplomaticlalay, rather than via conquest."
<DeathStar> *Arceas studies Celeste*
<Alicia> <Celeste> "Is something wrong?"
<DeathStar> <Arceas> Pardon me for asking, but are you... A Templar?
<DeathStar> *As they walk a walkway toward an offical building, there seems to be even more Erusian like technology, and combined technology*
<Alicia> <Celeste> "I left due to differences in opinion on how to deal with... a lot of things."
<Jackieness> <Airym> *looks around, noting the Erusian tech*
<DeathStar> *it looks like it's developed along different lines and looks much older/different than current age Erusian*
<Seraphna> Cookie> We beat them up anyway.
<DeathStar> <Arceas> I see. My pardons for asking. *They take them to a seat* So, how would you like to begin this, Lady Airym?
<Alicia> <Celeste> "It's quite alright."
<Jackieness> <Airym> "I am curious. Are you familiar with the Erus Ascendancy?"
<DeathStar> <Arceas> Yes, we know who they are
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Your technology seems to share a common base."
<Seraphna> Cookie> But your TV is awesome.
<DeathStar> <Arceas> There is a reason. We're just unsure we'd like it to get out. But since you found us, we might be unable to keep that secret much longer.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "...Cookie wish to study your entertainment."
<Jackieness> wishes
<Seraphna> Cookie> So… you all are the product of peace between Dark Ones and Erusians? Just a guess.
<Alicia> <Celeste> "I understand if you don't want to say."
<DeathStar> <Arceas> There was a time of war between the Ascendency and the Dark Ones. You could trace our people's history to one of the many tribes being in battle with them and we believe they were stranded together. Somehow they ended up not slaughtering each other
<DeathStar> <Arceas> If it was peaceful or not, we try not to speculate
<Seraphna> Cookie> Our people have some similar stories.
<Alicia> <Celeste> "There are more than a few Dark Ones living peacefully in the Suisen Empire."
<Jackieness> <Airym> "The Erusians were brought back from extinction by the Progenitors to fight the Dark Ones. That conflict ended long ago."
<DeathStar> <Arceas> There are still many tribes in this region. They are not all of one mind. But they follow who is the strongest.
<Seraphna> Cookie> Sounds a bit like our Dark Ones too.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "The Erus Ascendancy is associated with the Suisen Empire."
<Alicia> <Celeste> "I feel like you would get along well."
<DeathStar> <Arceas> We do not mind signing. Just keep in mind the other Dark Ones. *they bring their scholars over* When they learn of your ship and who you work for, they might try to take you
<Alicia> <Celeste> "We'll deal with that when it comes."
<Seraphna> Cookie> We could always bring Bobby here.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> We'll send Celeste out
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Thank you for the warning."
<DeathStar> *As they sign the paperwork and stamp it, Yuki takes it*
<DeathStar> <Arceas> Would you like to see anything while you're here? We cannot offer much
<Jackieness> <Airym> *tilts her head to the side* "Cookie would undoubtedly like to see your entertainment."
<DeathStar> *he nods and motions to woman, who leads Cookie off*
<Seraphna> Cookie> Can I meet Dark Juan?
<DeathStar> *confusion, turning to Celeste and Airym*
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Cookie is eccentric. She caught a portion of one of your broadcasts and names one of the characters."
<Alicia> <Celeste> "I don't know what she's talking about sometimes either."
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Indeed."
<DeathStar> <Arceas> There might have been some transmissions that had our people in it before we cut it off
<Jackieness> <Airym> "That is correct."
<DeathStar> <Arceas> WE do not have that much in the way of entertainment. *Cookie soon finds herself watching what seems to be plays and ritual like stuff*
<Seraphna> Cookie> Comments as though she’s watching exciting TV**
<Jackieness> <Airym> "It is not surprising. Neither do the Erusians of the Ascendancy.."
<Alicia> <Celeste> "Shame really."
<Jackieness> <Airym> "It is their culture."
<Alicia> <Celeste> "That's true."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Should we return to the ship in the meantime?
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Yes. We'll remain until Cookie returns and then move on with our mission."
<DeathStar> *refreshments are served* <Arceas> Anything else you wish to know of us?
<Jackieness> <Airym> "We noticed that you did not have any ships in-system."
<DeathStar> <Arceas> Ah, we have them nearby, ready to deplay if an enemy arrives
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Our crew was curious. We had also considered cloaking technology or that you simply chose not to leave your world."
<DeathStar> <Arceas> We try not ot leave to be honest
<DeathStar> <Arceas> You got the Dark tribes and we did not want to be discovered
<Jackieness> <Airym> "That is understandable."
<Alicia> <Celeste> "Very much so."
<DeathStar> <Arceas> But it seems the galaxy is opening up faster than we imagined.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Yes, it is."
<DeathStar> *Cookie is finally returned*
<DeathStar> *The assisant looking .... confused still*
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Its not you, its her. We shall now return to our ship and continue our mission."
<Alicia> <Celeste> "Take care."
<DeathStar> *they bow* <Arceas> We will try to look more into things that might interest you
<Alicia> <Celeste> "Thankyou."
<Jackieness> <Airym> "We would be grateful."
<DeathStar> *Yuki, after they return to the ship, lets out a breaht*
<Alicia> <Celeste> "What's up?"
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Report."
<Seraphna> Cookie> I got as much as I could on recording. This stuff is so good when I’m baked!
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Just making sure this safe. *She puts it a secure location and prepares to send* IF they're correct, I wonder how many warring tribes of Dark Ones are left. And if they are, will strength really be enough? Should we send Noire in to beat them into submission?
<Seraphna> Cookie> Yes.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I'll send the request.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "We shall consult with the Suisen and Allied Dark One leadership."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Fiine.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I would send Celeste, but they might hate being beaten by a Templar
<Jackieness> <Airym> "And if they choose to send Noire to beta them into submission, then so be it."
<Alicia> <Celeste> "I imagine they'd react a lot better to that."
<DeathStar> *Yuki mouths beta*
<DeathStar> -TBC-
* Jackieness has quit IRC
Session Close: Sun Aug 14 23:09:08 2022

Session Start: Mon Aug 15 02:10:13 2022
Session Ident: #TAW-Session579-Minis
* Now talking in #TAW-Session579-Minis
* sets mode: +nt
* Sara has joined #TAW-Session579-Minis
* DeathStar sets mode: +o Sara
* Seraphna has joined #TAW-Session579-Minis
* Wisp has joined #TAW-Session579-Minis
<DeathStar> *Mireille stalks people on the ship*
<DeathStar> *creeps after Cookie and water baloons her*
<Sara> * One of the consoles kind of sparks from a little water
<DeathStar> <Mireille> ...
<DeathStar> *pauses, then creeps away less Erica find out*
<DeathStar> *she moves and hands the rest of the water ammo to Yurica*
<DeathStar> <Mireille> Here
<Seraphna> Cookie> Whoa… did it rain in here?
<Sara> * Yurica throws one at Mireille almost immediately and unabashedly
<DeathStar> *Mireille sputters, eyeing herself*
<Sara> <Yurica> Hah! I got ya!
<Sara> * She takes off running
<DeathStar> *Mireille makes more water balloons and chases* Yuuuuuriiiiicaaaaa~
<DeathStar> *she lobs them after her*
<DeathStar> *Mireille hunts, using cameras*
<DeathStar> *Cookie also would soon find water balloons in her shirt*
<Seraphna> **Cookie blinks** I might be too high.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> High?
<Seraphna> Cookie> I’m spawning water balloons.
<Sara> <Erica> You know she never, ever stops doing drugs anymore, right?
<DeathStar> <Yuki> That is true. But she seems to be frying herself
<Sara> <Erica> They call that being baked
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Ah. *She eyes one of the brownies* ...
<DeathStar> <Yuki> We're on duty.
<DeathStar> *She hands it back, doing rounds with Erica* Also a console is sparking
<Wisp> 6At the cafe, a disgruntled woman in her mid twenties lets out a defeated exhale and plants her face in the keys of a dated laptop, dropping a bundled section of the paper on the floor next her. Technically she knocks over a cup, but little happens since th eplastic was already empty save a solitary ice cube. She had been seated near a window for nearly two hours with little to
<Wisp> 6report prior.
<Sara> <Erica> A console is sparking? That's a major fire risk!
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Normally we have Mireille or the computer reporting it
<Seraphna> **Cookie decides to prepare dinner for Yuki and Erica using her special recipe**
<DeathStar> *Yuki leans over to try to shut it off*
<DeathStar> *the cafe's tender, a certain Larry, tends to the cafe stoicly*
<Wisp> 6The cup slowly rolls off and hits the floor. The woman shows no signs of moving, possibly dead.
<DeathStar> *Larry moves over to check, pulse checking*
<DeathStar> *Yuki shocks herself but turns it off*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Shit
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Where is Mire.
<DeathStar> *while sucking on her fingers, Yuki looks around*
<Wisp> 6The woman suddenly sits up with a startled yelp, flinging the laptop off the far end of the tap and crunching out of sight. She peers at her wrist with wide eyes where Larry is checking her pulse, heaving. "G-geh?"
<DeathStar> <Larry> Are you alright madame? Do you require assistance from the medical bay?
<Wisp> 6She winces, the patterned outline of keys from the kayboard across her face, but then realizes and groans. "No, but I think my laptop might..."
<Wisp> <Woman> Ugh, sorry... it's just... b-been a day.
<DeathStar> *he nods and goes to refill*
<DeathStar> *Yuki puts her arm around Erica's waist and goes to resume walking*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> So. I've been thinking
<Wisp> 6After checking on the machine, she sets it back on the table-- now in three major pieces, screen cracked. She puts some of the keys back in place, taps them, but no longer receiving power, groans again. Retrieving the paper and cup off the ground, she winces at the paper, classifieds, every listing that had been previously highlighted or circled now stricken out with lines.
<Wisp> 6She feels the lines indenting healing and itches her nose, decides she should wash her hands, maybe tidy up, but slips on the ice cube from early and sends one of her shoes flying past the counter and taking out some of the hanging glasses.
<Sara> <Erica> Mm?
<Wisp> <Woman> ...
<DeathStar> <Larry> Looking to get off the ship madame?
<Wisp> 6Staring upward from the floor. "... Maybe. If that's what it takes. Short, or long? Most people want the short story, if they want it at all.."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Even though we're sending Yurica through the portal to the Academy so she can be with people her own age, we're still out here in the Unknown Region. Exploring the galaxy on the ship with few children her age. I was wondering if we should consider looking into as she gets older finding out what her interests are and send her to a proper school
<DeathStar> <Larry> It is tough being on the Aquarius these days. Few would blame you. *he eyes his cafe's stock sadly*
<Wisp> <Woman> ... Sorry.
<DeathStar> <LArry> But I do not mind hearing long stories
<Sara> <Erica> Who knows. She seems like she's been getting kind of...
<Wisp> 6She rights herself and crawls back into the chair, slumping on her arms. "Well... I was dumped, basically."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Kind of?
<DeathStar> <Larry> Ah. And being on the ship with them is rough?
<Sara> <Erica> She seems to be bullying Mireille
<DeathStar> *Mireille walks past them, soaked*
<DeathStar> *Yuki stares*
<Wisp> <Woman> Until recently I was engaged, finishing up an accounting degree. I thought things were going well. They got a position here, I figured I'd find something here, we'd move in together. I'd been helping them fill the gaps between their last job, it was really taking advantgae of them and rough so... it was supposed to get better once we were settled and finished the engagement.
<DeathStar> *Mireille haphazardly tosses the last water balloon at an unexpecting Yulindhe, who runs off to find a certain sword*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I see the pecking order
<Seraphna> **Cookie spins by in a bear costume**
<Wisp> <Woman> But right after we found a place, he went on ahead to sign for it and start the new job-- Once I got here, none of the accounts or passwords we set up worked, our comm line was deleted. I uh... maybe he... err... well....
<DeathStar> <Yuki> ... *just pulls Erica on ahead from the madness*
<DeathStar> *Larry hmmmm's, listening* Being ghosted on this type of job is rough. He should know better than to bring in someone under the guide of a relationship and then leave them high and dry. We have many families due to the long nature of the mission of exploration. Oh we do sometimes get called back to the PAX, but it can be months. I would hate for it to take that long for this to be cleared up. *he taps the bar*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Is it me or being on deep exploration missions driving the crew mad sometimes?
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Or at least Cookie
<Wisp> <Woman> Never mind the relationship, we were going to make do on his income--" She catches herself and slumps, burying her face. "I was going to make do on it until I could secure my own job but now I have no idea what to do... Like you said, it isn't so easy to just hop off now but I can't find anything. Who needs an accountant out here?!"
<Sara> <Erica> Cookie's just on drugs.
<DeathStar> <Larry> Ah. Hm. I do not think they are needed on this type of mission unless a certain passanger needs one.
<Wisp> <Woman> Right! I'm so stupid, this always happenssss.... ahhh....
<DeathStar> <Yuki> So we met an interesting race. It looks like the Erusians and the Dark Ones banged. *She shows pictures* The ship has more information. And we came across a dead world. Airym had to handle it while you were doing Yurica school stuff.
<Sara> <Erica> *Do* you think they banged? They might've.
<DeathStar> <Larry> Do not fret. We'll talk to those in charge after you calm down. We can secure a room for you - there are spare rooms that are free. And then one of the captains or the vice captain can speak with you
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Well, it seems that happened. They were stranded during the ancient Erusian and Dark One war and one of the Dark One tribes banged some of the Erusians of that time
<DeathStar> <Yuki> And a new race was born
<Wisp> <Woman> H-Huh? Am I being arrested!? Oh god, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to break anything!
<DeathStar> <Larry> You are quite fine. Do not worry. I meant speak to them about what you can do for the next few months. One moment.
<DeathStar> *he grabs a comm and talks to someone*
<Wisp> <Woman> O-Oh. Sorry. I didn't mean... you don't have to do anything like that, I'll figure something out..
<DeathStar> <Larry> You are part of crew, do not worry.
<DeathStar> *he seems to talk to a male voice* Yes, Mister Ben. Mmmhm. Mmmhm. Ah, yes. Right. *he hangs up* One moment.
<DeathStar> *Erica's comm rings*
<Wisp> 6She looks somewhat confused but nods. "But really, I mean, I'm always falling for things... I should sort it out myself."
<DeathStar> <Larry> Here. *he gives the woman a fresh drink* So what got you into accounting?
<Wisp> <Woman> ... ... .. You know, I'm not... sure. I was seeing someone at the time and they were ... not so good with their finances. I've always been pretty good with numbers and trends, so I guess I figured if I took a role in finance I could help them with their investment company. But after I made some observations on the current engineering and R&D trends they broke it off with
<Wisp> me the next day. Honestly, I think I just felt like I couldn't give up without finishing.
<DeathStar> <Ben> Erica. WE have a minor situation. Passenger - accountant - came in with a boyfriend, dumped. Would you like me to see to it with Cookie or do you want to personally handle it?
<DeathStar> <Larry> *nods* Well you are doing stuff I personally couldn't do. I just listen and serve drinks. You seem like an impressive lady, coming this far *referring to the accounting*
<Wisp> <Woman> Did you know there's a strangely linear relationship between the major disasters of the last few decades and the technological innovations of host of companies under the Gravicat umbrella?
<DeathStar> <Larry> I did not
<Sara> <Erica> Oh boy. I am nooot a therapist. That would be... oh god you're right it would be Cookie.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Heaven help that woman.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> What would we even do with a therapist?
<DeathStar> *er accountant
<Wisp> <Woman> Usually within with a four to six week period following newsbreaks involving galactic politics or conflicted borders in which the PAX is involved, typically an R&D or energy-related advancement will be made by a Gravicat subcompany and thier stocks will see at least a 5.7% rise in the index. It's never in large increments, but if you're watching you can always make
<Wisp> consistent gains. Well... that's the advice I gave the ex anyway...
<DeathStar> <Ben> I will go in with Cookie immediately and keep you informed. As well as find a room
<DeathStar> *Ben grabs the dancing Cookie Bear and heads to the cafe*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> ... *glances at Erica*
<Sara> * Erica does the Picard facepalm
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I would ask if you'd like to swim naked or something, but I fear we'll be interrupted soon
<DeathStar> <Yuki> So lets just keep walking
<Sara> <Erica> Y-Yeah...
<DeathStar> *Yuki patrols the ship, head on Erica's shoulder*
<DeathStar> *Ben arrives in the cafe with a bear*
<DeathStar> <Larry> Ah, they're here.
<DeathStar> <Larry> Please tell me more about this Gravicat afterward
<Seraphna> Cookie> **dances and takes out a tray of brownies**
<DeathStar> <Ben> ... Cookie?
<Wisp> <Woman> But before I got into accounting, I was actually a hobbyist programmer. I was working on this platform for recognizing sliding scales in outreach, but before this submission deadline I had one too many coffees I think and passed out and when I woke up my backups were missing. That ex submitted them as his own work and the resultant start-up company-- oh, sorry.
<Seraphna> Cookie> Yes Ben~?
<Wisp> <Woman> ... Are these friends of yours?
<DeathStar> <Larry> This is Commander Ben, a high ranking officer under Captain Erica. And uh.... Navigator Cookie. Bridge Crew.
<DeathStar> <Ben> Someone stole your work?
<Wisp> 6Her jaw drops. "C-Commander...?!" She hops off the chair, attempting some half-hearted civilian's idea of a salute before... slipping on the last bit of that same ice cube.
<Wisp> <Woman> ... ow.
<Seraphna> Cookie> Try a Brownie~ it will calm you down.
<DeathStar> *Ben helps her up*
<Wisp> <Woman> U-Um, thanks and uh.. no thanks. I'm allergic to cacao...
<DeathStar> <Ben> .oO (I wonder if mom has ever had people trip over her while she's been in command)
<DeathStar> <Ben> Smart woman
<Seraphna> Cookie> It’s mostly pot anyway.
<Wisp> <Woman> What! Is this a sting?! Were you baiting me!?
<Wisp> 6She panics.
<Seraphna> Cookie> A what?
<DeathStar> <Ben> No, she is always high
<Seraphna> Cookie> It makes the voices quiet.
<DeathStar> <Ben> *he sits down, ordering a drink that Larry*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> *pauses with Erica* Somewhere ... I feel Cookie is making us look bad
<Seraphna> Cookie> Yuki is worried I’m too high again.
<Wisp> <Woman> Is... Is that legal? Can someone on duty.. with duty be.. high? Always?
<Seraphna> Cookie> Oh I’m a telepath. It normalizes me.
<Wisp> <Woman> You know, from my minor in legal, I'm pretty sure I remember that not bein--" 6She pauses, waving her hands. "A-Anyway! How can I help, Commander..?"
<DeathStar> <Ben> So I've heard you are somewhat stranded on the ship and your job description is being an accountant. Naturally, the Aquarius' finaces are handled by the Suisen Empire, which you know is run by the PAX. We can offer you free room and board like any other crew member of the Aquarius since you were going to be under the family plan of ... *He glances at the boyfriend's name* Until we return to port at the PAX.
<DeathStar> <Ben> I'm also going to have to speak with this man for allowing this to happen and you being off on your own in the cafe for so long without a room. Disgrace.
<Wisp> <Woman> Is that... really okay? I mean, we weren't officially married and I'm just... a civilian. I was only allowed on because of the expectation that the licensing would be through by the time we...
<Wisp> <Woman> Wait, speak to him!? You don't have to do that.. I mean, what would it change at this point, aha...
<Seraphna> Cookie> **takes off the bear costume and sets it down on the bar** we need a proper Yeoman, Ben.
<DeathStar> <Ben> Well. *He folds his hand, peering at Cookie*
<DeathStar> <Ben> Go on
<Seraphna> Cookie> You know, someone who catches this stuff.
<Seraphna> Cookie> Sees to crew needs.
<DeathStar> <Ben> I'm not exactly sure she is cut out for such a thing. Ironically these days Lenneth might be up for hiring her. *he heh's to himself* But if she wants to do that I won't deny her. I was going to suggest she could go around and see if there are crew that could use her services. Maybe do both
<Seraphna> Cookie> It’ll do for a try out. Yeoman need to be organized and pretty smart. Math geeks are good at that. **she grins**
<Wisp> 6She glances at the smashed laptop and the thoroughly lined-out paper on the table.
<Wisp> <Woman> Say, have either of you ever won the lottery?
<Seraphna> Cookie> Just the biology one.
<DeathStar> <Ben> No. We've been coasting on what family money remains that my mother has not spent yet.
<Seraphna> Cookie> Isn’t that like billions?
<DeathStar> <Ben> ... Cheryl Mizukaze isn't that rich
<DeathStar> <Ben> And she has funded several military bases over the years
<Wisp> <Woman> That sounds... so sa-- wait, Mizukaze?
<Seraphna> Cookie> Make Angela pay.
<Wisp> <Woman> *That* Mizukaze..?
<DeathStar> <Ben> Yes. I am her son.
<Wisp> 6She recoils like she was punched. Not literally, of course.
<DeathStar> <Ben> IS that a problem?
<DeathStar> *Yuki meanwhile looks hungry*
<Seraphna> Cookie> I’m a Hajukaze, just so we break that ice too. Doubt my Moms are famous.
<Seraphna> **Cookie has her magic noodle dish delivered to Yuki**
<Wisp> <Woman> Not exactly just kind of...
<Seraphna> Cookie> If Momma L is Cheryl’s sister… wait Ben are we cousins?
<Seraphna> Cookie> I think I knew that…
<DeathStar> *Yuki eyes the dish* ... is it .... safe?
<DeathStar> <Ben> *pats Cookie* There there
<Seraphna> **It smells divine**
<DeathStar> *Yuki devours it*
<DeathStar> <Ben> Anyway, you were saying, Miss?
<Wisp> <Woman> Sorry for an odd question but... You're related to the Starr family, aren't you?
<Seraphna> **And definitely had a small dose of THC**
<Seraphna> **Cookie pulls a chart and stand out of subspace and checks** Let’s see…
<DeathStar> <Ben> I'm related to Warren. He's kind of a semi nemesis of the Starr family.
<Seraphna> Cookie> Did Darien and A
<Seraphna> Cookie> Ariel ever tie the knot?
<Wisp> <Woman> No
<DeathStar> <Ben> Warren Carmichael
<Seraphna> Cookie> Then technically no.
<DeathStar> <Ben> Uh, I believe the two are living together but not married.
<DeathStar> <Ben> I can never figure out their relationship to be honest
<Wisp> <Woman> It was probably complicated by the Gemini.
<Seraphna> Cookie> Though I guess Momma Tabby is kinda like a sister to Curali and Eluere if we use Dragoon logic.
<Wisp> 6Her eyes slowly peer over at Cookie after the solid twenty minutes of avoiding looking at her comically.
<DeathStar> <Ben> I think after Dariel was injured a few years back, that was when she moved in with him
<Seraphna> Cookie> They were in the same final batch.
<DeathStar> *Ben is eyeing his datapad, probably of information like Warren*
<DeathStar> *Ben puts it to sleep*
<Wisp> <Woman> The .. Gemini were able to reproduce?
<Wisp> 6Her eyes almost glower, shine, sparkle, then she draws back like a frightened dormouse.
<Seraphna> Cookie> Huh? Oh maybe? I thought one married that Steel kid. Momma Tabby married Alpha Leira and had me.
<DeathStar> <Ben> Curali and Eluere? Yes. Vesta. And Necia
<Seraphna> Cookie> Right those two. Man I took way too much this morning.
<DeathStar> <Ben> These days they work for Mom. Vesta though would claim she works Darien. Necia we don't see often since she works the computer side of things
<Wisp> 6She tilts her head slightly, looking puzzled, mouthing the word 'Tabby'
<Seraphna> Cookie> My Momma is NGD Tabetha, her donors were Nathan Hale and… another person.
<Wisp> <Woman> Oh! A next gen. I was wondering how a Gemini wouldn't have a counterpart.
<DeathStar> *Ben finishes his drink*
<Wisp> <Woman> But I wouldn't have thought was possible. Mom's work purposely split almost all of the biological assets down the middle. Though the basis was largely an Alpha embryo, the genetic make up would be less than 25% stable, which wouldn't leave enough material to metacicize through the standard means and take.
<DeathStar> <Ben> So you have knowledge of the gemini project then?
<Seraphna> Cookie> Oh they were always assigned in batches of three but the Gemini got redirected and Ben’s Mom took in my Mom because of her defect.
<DeathStar> *Ben studies her file*
<DeathStar> <Ben> The gemini were unusual to begin with back in the day
<Wisp> <Woman> Nooot... officially. That's why I was making a conjecture on those results. I've never worked on such things, but my mother was one of the contributors to the concept. It must have changed a lot if they could have their own offspring.
<Seraphna> Cookie> Oh Dragoon Biology. These days the only experts around seem to be Ms. Bennet and Ben’s sister.
<Wisp> <Woman> I don't... know what happened to her after the project though. I'm told she's dead, but she kind of... disappeared after the lunar station.
<DeathStar> <Ben> If you are interested and become part of the crew offically
<DeathStar> <Ben> We can unlock files
<Wisp> <Woman> You... are you saying there's files to be had..?
<Wisp> 6She studies him, still offbalance, but like one checking out a pokerface.
<DeathStar> <Ben> There's a lot to go through - you might not find everything. But I'm pretty sure there is gemini files. *Ben goes through it* I know mother back in the day dealt with NGD fall out and other materials for a bit
<DeathStar> <Ben> Mother at least always tried to retieve anything Dragoon related
<Seraphna> Cookie> Mom might know a bit too. She keeps tabs on NGDs and DKs.
<Seraphna> Cookie> They really need a better name since they never actually got used to kill Dragoons come to think of it.
<Wisp> 6She tilts her head
<DeathStar> *Yuki begins to trip out through the ship*
<Wisp> <Woman> I'm sorry, you lost me. I only know about the Gemini because mother helped create the concept, it's not like i know much else...
<DeathStar> <Ben> Dragoon Killers. They were made recently.
<DeathStar> <Ben> To wipe out Dragoons
<Wisp> <Woman> That sounds awful!
<Seraphna> Cookie> Then Mom befriended them.
<DeathStar> <Ben> We keep tabs on them to make sure eveything is okay, but yes.
<Wisp> <Woman> I'm... not sure what exactly I can do, but the prospect of learning anything about my mother's research and its results isn't something I could ignore. Obviously the project succeeded in some way because Eluere Steele and Curali Starr exist, but, I've never been able to learn anything more than that.
<Wisp> <Woman> Computers... if I had to posit a guess, one of the Gemini is the equivalent of a living supercomputer and one possesses more physical, kinetic applications, then?
<DeathStar> <Ben> Since you can probaly learn it pretty easily. Eluere nd Curali were fire and water based. I believe the closer to each other, the more they powered up each other. I think Curali was the fighter and Eluere the more tech savy and that passed on to the children. Vesta is the fire based attacker and Necia is the holonet hacker.
<DeathStar> <Ben> I would dare one to say her name, but we're not in our galaxy right now so she cannot hear you
<DeathStar> *Ben types away*
<DeathStar> <Ben> *looks at Cookie* Let us go with Cookie's idea for now
<DeathStar> <Ben> If you find the job too burdensome, we can find something else.
<Wisp> <Woman> That was... always kind of a joke, you know. The yin and yang aspect, it was essential that you didn't place all the eggs in one basket. Supposedly it became mathematically unstable. I say mathematically, because while biological creatures, they were also systemic creations, vulnerable to unstable load bearing. If you placed such performance into a single vessel, it would
<Wisp> burst at the seams. Mother suggested a more moebius approach. Like an ouroboros. One could cover the other's shortcomings, both physically and metaphysically. If you were pull someone in with a single hand, is it not easier when they're also holding on?
<DeathStar> ,Ben> That is true
<Wisp> <Woman> It was a concept that already existed in dragoons, the link between a pilot and their partner. Or like Ariel. So what if you turned that concept onto itself, higher functioning but co-dependent. Not only could you minimize the load bearing, but also form a strength and resilience that strengthens its own support like the arch dues for a structure.
<Wisp> 6She freezes, rewinding.
<Wisp> <Woman> Wait, what idea?
<DeathStar> <Ben> Working with the crew, yeoman, and maybe if currency issues come up with new races that we meet, you could help out. Being in the Unknown Regions, we are meeting races that we never met before. This is the region of space the PAX was discovered in long ago. The Dark Ones lurk here. All is fairly new. We have been discovering a lot. After we return to the PAX you can either keep working with us or leave.
<DeathStar> <Ben> You'll have a standard pay rate during this. And access to files.
<DeathStar> <Ben> And I'm sure in time when we do return, mother might be interested in what you know.
<Wisp> <Woman> Wha! I don't want to ruin anything! I'm extraordinary at ruining things! I fall for all kinds of deceptions.. I--
<Wisp> <Woman> Mother...?
<DeathStar> <Ben> Yes, Cheryl.
<DeathStar> *Ben jots notes* Mireille.
<DeathStar> *a spirit rises up from the floor*
<DeathStar> *with two twin-tails, blonde, and looking to be 16ish, she studies the woman with red eyes, wearing drier clothing now. After a scan for Yurica to make sure she isn't lurking, Mireille bows to her, bringing up her crew personel and reads her name* Hello, Miss.
<Wisp> 6She jumps, half-screaming. "Ghost!!"
<DeathStar> <Mireille> I-I am not a ghost. I am this ship's spirit.
<DeathStar> <Mireille> I help control all it's functions
<Wisp> <Woman> Wha... spirit? Is a spirit not a ghost..?
<DeathStar> *Mireille sniffles at Cookie, then turns back* I am made with spirit technology from Geyze and modern technology of the Suisen and Taiga Mizukaze's engineering
<DeathStar> <Mireille> That makes the Aquarius
<DeathStar> <Ben> Spirits are from Geyze. They protect the world. Taiga's clone used spirit tech to make ship spirits.
<Wisp> <Woman> Fascinating..! So like... an engineered techno-soul!
<Wisp> <Woman> You're... really good at calculation as necessary for navigation, aren't you?
<DeathStar> <Ben> *pauses, thinking* I suppose so. The spirits of Geyze recently have proven they can have children and the spirit energy will pass onto them as well. So it looks as if spirit energy on that planet will move onward, but the spirit-tech of the ship does not have that problem.
<DeathStar> <Mireille> Yes. And I power the spirit-tech of the ship.
<Wisp> 6She seems to be pondering something, then grins. "Eucliedean distance between Earth and Neptune in lightyears with an altered gravitic factor of 1.2 given a solar expansion. Go!"
<DeathStar> *Mireille pauses, tapping into the ship, and within a few seconds gives the answer, then blinks* Um, are we returning to the Sol System?
<Wisp> 6The woman starts reciting at the same time as Mireille but bites her tongue and flubs on the last two thousandths of the decimal.
<Wisp> <Woman> O-owww...
<DeathStar> <Mireille> ... amazing
<DeathStar> *Ben pauses, looking at her*
<DeathStar> <Ben> Yes. I Think we definitely have stuff you can do. I called Mireille here to work with you as you adjust
<DeathStar> <Ben> She's tapped into the ship at all times, unless she's drained or an emergency cuts her off.
<Wisp> <Woman> That sounds kind of inconvenient... do you get proper rest? Oh! I'm sorry, Mireille, was it..? My name's Rashmi."
<Wisp> <Rashmi> Vijnana, that is. Nice to meet you, Mireille!
<DeathStar> <Mireille> IT is nice to meet you, Miss Rashmi. I usually make sure to hm. How is it, "quiet" the computer connection unless it's important, when I want rest.
<Wisp> <Rashmi> O-Oh, don't call me miss... I'm not that much older looking than you am I? I suppose I've had a dozen exes already... ungh...
<Wisp> 6She faceplants on the table, sulking.
<DeathStar> <Mireille> You've had dates. That's cool
<DeathStar> *She beams*
<DeathStar> <Mireille> Momma Erica won't tell me anything
<Wisp> 6Rashmi whimpers on the table. "Sure have..."
<DeathStar> *Mireille walks with Rashmi out of the cafe, arm around her arm, leading her somewhere*
<DeathStar> *while Erica is hunted by a fox*
<DeathStar> -P-