The Alien Wars 6: Da Capo

Session 665

Session Start: Sun Jul 30 15:35:51 2023
Session Ident: #TAW-Session665
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> Date: 10-654.8.3 - 2 days later
<DeathStar> Location: Tokyo - The Presidental Tower
<DeathStar> *After the incident, Junior, Katrina, and Mem have vanished during the night, following their suspicions about something not being right following the entire Atheos thing. Wind remains recovering in the medical wing while Andrea taps a ruler of sorts, leaning back in her seat*
<Seraphna> **Tabetha tilts her head, then hands her a cosplay scepter from her subspace**
* Ripple shakes his head
<Dias`> *Dias plops down in a seat, leaning it back so it balances on the back two legs*
<DeathStar> <Andrea> Well we have the bodies and I have the best looking at them science thingies
<DeathStar> <Andrea> As well as the altars.
<Ripple> Did you get the bucket with the guys brains?
<DeathStar> <Andrea> Yeah it's in the room with it. <John> So it's really over? <Andrea> Well it depends. You want the long story or the short story that Dias can understand
<Dias`> <Dias> She's referring to the puppet show or the comic strip version. *He points at John*
<Seraphna> Tabetha> I have some socks we can make puppets from.
<Ripple> <Ripple> Why is there so many puppets around here in the first place?
<DeathStar> <Andrea> Here's the long and short of it. Atheos is not dead. *She sets her datapad down with the gooey remains of Atheos body*
<DeathStar> <John> But we crushed his body. <Death Star> Like that means anything. <Blue> You organics all look the same to me
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Dias was President so we needed a way to explain politics.
<DeathStar> *X leans back, annoyed*
<Dias`> <Dias> I don't remember you being there. *he looks at Tabetha before looking at John then DS then Blue*
<Dias`> <Dias> Yeah, I mean how many times have we beaten someone and they came back.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> I was mostly busy with Johnny.
<Seraphna> **Tabetha pauses and pulls out a chart labeled “Zombie Bad Guys, A Flow Chart”**
<DeathStar> <Andrea> If I could get rid of half of you...
<DeathStar> *She pulls on her face*
<XanTop> <Marcus> Why's does the pudding pile not countas dead?
<Ripple> <Ripple> Dias: Far too many times. If I had a dollar for every time an enemy came back from the supposed grave, I'd be able to buy a decent sandwich.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Marcus came back from the dead too…
<Dias`> *Dias points a finger at Ripple* See he gets it. Plus he's some supposed god.
<DeathStar> <Andrea> Because, despite having his signature - aura, whatever, this DNA matches a regular human. I wager it was one of his followers
<Seraphna> Tabetha> A body possesser?
<Dias`> <Dias> So he's a body jumper or like a virus or like a floaty idea that takes over the body.
<DeathStar> <Andrea> It also means you all might be at risk.
<XanTop> <Marcus> I never died. Time travel shenanigans.
<Dias`> <Dias> That's gonna make it that much harder for me to punch.
<DeathStar> <Andrea> All he needs is to get his aura whatever in you
<XanTop> <Marcus> You think atheos coule bein someone here? Figures.
<Jackieness> <Xeres> *finally speaks up* "We need to determine the source and nature of this ability if you intend to trap him."
<Dias`> <Dias> Counter point Andrea. If it was that easy, than Atheos would go after someone strong.
<DeathStar> *John looks annoyed* I Wonder if that's why Kat and the others left
<Ripple> <Ripple> Think finding all his followers and putting them in a meat grinder would work?
<DeathStar> <Andrea> Sure, why not
<Dias`> <Dias> Killing innocent people just they don't agree with your beliefs is gonna put you on the bad side of my fist.
<DeathStar> <Andrea> You do realize they want to kill you
<Jackieness> <Xeres> "It is possible tht he cna only body jump to his believers."
<Ripple> <Ripple> But, are they innocent followers?
<Ripple> <Ripple> I mean, the means is probably not the most... ethical
<Dias`> <Dias> And?! I'll just knock them all out.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> So refuse to believe in him. Got it.
<DeathStar> <Death Star> ... *Eyes Dias*
<DeathStar> <X> That's Dias for you. Do things harder, not smarter
<Ripple> <Ripple> Wait! I have an idea! Hypnotize all the followers into not believing in him.
<Dias`> <Dias> Didn't someone once say something about doing the right thing even if it's not the easiest thing?
* MobileAri has joined #TAW-Session665
<DeathStar> <X> Either way, it sounds like we have to find more of these followers if we want to retrack Atheos
<XanTop> <Marcus> First thing we wouldneed to do is track down where Atheos is now, wouldn't we?
<DeathStar> <John> Right
<DeathStar> *he stands up* Lets see if we can find more of them
<DeathStar> *Blue and Death Star rise up* <Blue> I'll go prep the shuttle. <Death Star> I'll make Wind is ... alive. *he sounds regretful*
<DeathStar> *make sure
<Ripple> <Ripple> Sure. Oh, by the way, I've finished this *tosses a saber hilt at Death Star* Not great on battery life, but should cut through anything with less cohesive strength than an atomic bond.
<DeathStar> *DS kicks Wind's wheelchair out the window of the 50th floor* <DS> It was an accident
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Have we tried giving him Tabetha Serum?
<Dias`> *Dias hops out of his chair and stretches a bit*
<Ripple> <Ripple> I thought that was just flavored water?
<Seraphna> Tabetha> My regeneration is very powerful. They use it to get people to walk and see again and stuff.
<Ripple> So...... what did you give me to drink Dias?
<DeathStar> *DS a-hems at his vietnam flashback just now and gets out of there*
<XanTop> 6* Marcus grabs his coat
<Dias`> <Dias> What did I do now?! *he looks at Ripple confused*
<Jackieness> <Xeres> "I shall remain with you. It is in the Ascendancy's interest that these incidents do not spread."
<DeathStar> *As the group finishes the shuttle prep, X and Blue call everyone down. DS is already there in the back*
<DeathStar> *John arrives and sits*
<Ripple> <Ripple> You know, I dont know. Maybe I was hallucinating
<Ripple> <Ripple> *heads down*
<Dias`> *Dias wiggles his finger in his ear a bit and then follows after the group*
<XanTop> 6* Marcus hops on
<Seraphna> **Tabetha joins John on his lap**
<DeathStar> <Blue> Don't worry, Ripple, sooner or later these people will drive you to make you numb yourself
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Or you embrace the sillimitude.
<DeathStar> *John pats Blue as they take off, passing Wind who is pushing himself up from the broken wheel chair and shaking a fist at the shuttle as they leave*
<Dias`> *Dias looks at Blue* Well that just sounds cold.
<DeathStar> *John ruffles Tabetha's hair*
<Ripple> <Ripple> Oh, I understand that.
<DeathStar> <Blue> Dias, you have literal brain damage and yet they send you out to fight.
<Seraphna> **Tabetha leans against him**
<Jackieness> <Xeres> "He still appears to be effective in a combat application."
<Dias`> <Dias> ...Since when?!
<DeathStar> <X> It's all he's effective at. *she notes* Hm, we're picking up something. I don't think it's the cult but. *She glances at Ripple*
<XanTop> <Marcus> Don't we all have a little brain damage?
<DeathStar> <X> Also, no
<XanTop> <Marcus> I mean we do this job, so we're a little fucked up in the brain to begin with.
<Dias`> <Dias> Please, I ran Earthgov for 8 years!
<DeathStar> <X> I'm picking up on the sensors a reality signature
<Ripple> <Ripple> Which Reality?
<DeathStar> <X> Well. If I had to pick it, Lunar's. *John sits up* Which I assume is Blue's, Cole's, and yours
<Ripple> Very likely
<DeathStar> *John eyes his locket of Lunar Girl and Michiru* Hm. I guess we should go look
<Dias`> <Dias> So like what? More people are getting pulled over from their reality?
<Ripple> That or there's a rift
<DeathStar> <Blue> Or were already here. <Death Star> Or are appearing in the bodies of their counter part. I suppose we'll see when we arrive
<Ripple> <Ripple> Should be interesting. Lets find out
<Dias`> <Dias> Well if they're bad. I'll punch them. If they're good, I'll only punch them if they let me.
<DeathStar> *the shuttle nears what looks to be a Tokyo refugee camp. X sets the shuttle down* <John> A refugee camp. I have a bad feeling
<DeathStar> <Blue> I'm picking up chanting from the largest tent nearby. A sort of communial tent
<Dias`> <Dias> Hmmm....Wasn't the last place we found him one?
<DeathStar> <X> Yes, back at MEga City ruins
<DeathStar> *John hops off the shuttle*
<Ripple> <Ripple> *cracks his knuckles* Lovely. Lets go say Hello. Maybe ask to borrow a cup of Atheos
<DeathStar> *DS plods off while X and Blue remain back with the shuttle*
<XanTop> <Marcus> ...well alright then. 6* He moves towards the tent.
<Dias`> <Dias> Than he's got himself a theme. *Dias walks down the ramp, putting his hands infront of his eyes like binoculars for a moment and then following after Marcus
<DeathStar> *There's tons of smaller tents all over the place, in addition to the big one*
<Jackieness> <Xeres> *tries to passively sense the number of minds in the tents*
<DeathStar> *indicating a ton of refugees brought here from the areas that were hit by the serpent*
<DeathStar> <John> Uh, there's a lot of people here
<Ripple> <Ripple> *wanders down behind Dias, looking at the structure of the tent*
<DeathStar> *the main tent seems to be quite large, almost like a circus tent*
<Ripple> <Ripple> Sure looks that way. What are the odds that 80% of them are followers?
<DeathStar> <John> Depends on the power of his religious zealot...y?
<XanTop> 6* Marcus moves around to the right of the tent, moving to flank.
<Ripple> <Ripple> So... pretty good then.
<Dias`> *Dias eyes Marcus go flank to the right and he walks up to the main entrance peering left and then right for a moment*
<DeathStar> *as they near the large tent, a figure in a cloak seems to be following behind them and another seems to be off to the side watching in the same type cloak, observing*
<Ripple> <Ripple> *glances at the figure following them* Get a load of Mr Stealth.
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Is he even trying to be? I thought he was just hovering dramatically."
<DeathStar> *John turns but the figure seems to be gone*
<DeathStar> <John> Huh? Who? What?
<DeathStar> *only the one off to the side remains*
<Ripple> <Ripple> You forgot Where.
<Dias`> <Dias> Hmmm? ...Interesting they're gone. *He doesn't look away from the entrance* So just walk right in?
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Some guy. Watching. Over there."
<DeathStar> <DS> Sure lets just walk in
<Ripple> <Ripple> So, Trap.
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Gone now though."
<Dias`> <Dias> Ok. *He moves to walk right in*
<Ripple> <Ripple> *nods and walks in*
<Jackieness> <Xeres> "I will move around to the back of the tent just in case." *activates a stealth field and mvoes around*
<DeathStar> *As they enter, they'd find an altar, once more in the middle with a crowd of people there to listen to whatever speech. So far no sign of Atheos. The lack of lighting makes the inside of the tent dimmer than normal. DS and John look around as the two cloaked figure find nearby seats from the group*
<DeathStar> *having returned*
<DeathStar> *low level relaxing music plays from some speakers*
<Dias`> *Dias peers about as he steps inside* Seem's mkind of religious in here.
<Ripple> <Ripple> Do they get those things at discount alters and more?
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "No lighting?"
<DeathStar> <John> I mean they break so easily..
<DeathStar> *He agrees with Ripple*
<Dias`> <Dias> So do we do the wait and see game or do we just like go up to the altar and break it?
<DeathStar> *Atheos slides out and begins to preach to the group of people*
<Dias`> *Dias looks at him, checking to see if he looks the same like last time*
<Ripple> <Ripple> Does anyone have... oh. well that answers my question. Anyone have a sack to stick him in?
<XanTop> 6* Marcus tries to slide in from the back side without causing any issues.
<DeathStar> *a nice scent and relaxing music begins to make most feel like sitting and woozy*
<DeathStar> *Marcus would find going in from the "back" --- well, it's completely boarded up. One would have to try to smash there way through*
<Ripple> <Ripple> *can't smell anything due to having smoked cigars for years*
<Dias`> *Dias coughs and gags a bit* Holy shit. What's the smell?!
<DeathStar> <John> Hmmm?
<Ripple> <Ripple> Can't smell anything.
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Going a bit hard on the incense, aren't we?"
<Dias`> <Dias> It makes me brain tingle in a way I don't like.
<XanTop> 6* Marcus waits to hear fighting before smashign through, taking this time to play a game on his datapad.
<Ripple> <Ripple> I'll just open the sides to get some air flow. *wanders to the side of the tent and cuts a big slit in it*
<Jackieness> <Xeres> *uses her TK to try to work the barrier in the back loose*
<DeathStar> *Atheos eyes Ripple, then snaps a finger and a large beast leaps out from the back at him*
<DeathStar> *DS, being immune due to being a Reploid moves to try to grab it*
<DeathStar> <Blue> I Think you pissed off our host drugger
<Ripple> HEY! *gets knocked over* That's no way to treat guests!
<Dias`> *Dias eyes narrow a bit as he takes a step forward and leaps, closing the gap quickly, he passes by above the large beast and swings his fist into it's head to drive it down* BAD DOG!
<DeathStar> <Atheos> *continues to speak code words to those that were affected. The two cloaked figures that were following remove their wardrobes, revealing themselves to be familiar faces*
<XanTop> 6* Marcus blinks at the sound already and pockets the datapad and goes to burst through the boards.
<DeathStar> *having used the cloaks to protect themselves*
<DeathStar> *Marcus runs face to face with brainwashed people who unleash another beast on him,a tiger*
<Ripple> <Ripple>*tries to roll away from the beast*
<DeathStar> *The monster in front yelps and gets off Ripple, rampaging through the crowd*
<Alicia> * Lunar Girl goes to help fight the brainwashed people, wondering where the beasts are coming from
<XanTop> 6* Marcus blinks and is knocked back, trying to throw the best of of him.
<Jackieness> <Xeres> *slips in after Marcus*
<Dias`> *Dias lands on his feet as he looks over at Atheos. He reaches behind his back and pulls out a small bouncy ball before taking a step forward and hurling it at his head*
<DeathStar> *Atheos chants faster*
<Ripple> <Ripple> Alright. *opens a rift in front of the tiger, directly over the beast that knocked him over* No more fun and games.
<DeathStar> *even as his head jerks back*
<Jackieness> <Xeres> *then uses her TK to try to put a bubble over Atheos head to try to muffle his chants and words*
<Ripple> <Ripple> Use a sock!
<Dias`> <Dias> Why would hit him with a sock?!
<Ripple> <Ripple> No no, stuff a sock in his mouth.
<DeathStar> *A brainwashed agent in the back, where Xeres snuck in, grabs her from behind and lifts her up and slamd her down*
<Ripple> <Ripple> Unless it has sand in it. Then hit him with it.
<DeathStar> *where more tackle her*
<MobileAri> * Ariel draws her sword from her back as the eyes Aetheos. Meanwhile, Spirit's eyes glow with psionic power as she pushes the civilians back out of the way.
<XanTop> 6* Marcus tries to get the beast on him in a headlock, where he would punch it a whole bunch.
<Ripple> <Ripple> *winks at Spirit* Feels like old times.
<Jackieness> <Xeres> *tries to TK blast all of the agents ganging on her away*
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "It really does!"
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "So this is the new clown?"
<Dias`> *Dias sighs a bit as he squats before he suddenly disappears fora second and appears infront of Atheos, his right hand pulled back. He winks at him and swings for his solar plexus, aiming to knock the air out of his lungs*
<DeathStar> *The monster struggles with Marcus, snapping as Death Star tries to herd the civilians up front out; John leaps and joins Marcus in the back, trying to help free him as Marcus' punches stun the monster*
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "He's not very funny."
<Ripple> <Ripple> Spirit: Supposedly some sort of demigod thing. *throws a chair at Atheos* Pretty squishy for one though.
<DeathStar> *Atheos finishes a word as Dias hits him and he seems to explode in gory bits all over the place*
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Puny god."
<Ripple> <Ripple> See what I mean?
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Yeah."
<Dias`> *Dias pauses at that* .....What the actual...
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "Big tent, exotic animals. A bit of a fool. Seems like a clown to me."
<Ripple> I'm not mopping that one.
<DeathStar> *The entire civilians who were being ushered out suddenly turn on the team like those in the back*
<DeathStar> *one trying to bite Spirit and another grabbing a seat and swinging at ARiel's head*
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "What the hell?"
<Dias`> *Dias looks paniced for once* I held back! I SWEAR!
<DeathStar> *Death Star lifts his arm up to protect*
<Ripple> <Ripple>*appears next to Spirit, punching the one trying to bite, his fist glowing and making the sound of silk tearing*
<MobileAri> * Ariel grabs the chair disapprovingly. "What just happened?"
<Jackieness> <Xeres> <He was able to complete his mind control.>
<DeathStar> <John> Do we have a plan?
<Ripple> <Ripple> Well, plan Advance in reverse is always an option.
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "I mean, we could just fight our way out, but not sure how to break mind control."
<Jackieness> <Xeres> *tries to capture an air sample with her TK* "Escape, regroup, analyze, plan, act."
<MobileAri> <Spirit> *pushes some of the crowd back with telekinesis, trying to topple them rather than harm* "Er, doesn't taking out the bad normally break the control? Not... well, this?"
<DeathStar> *The crowd is easily bullied back, being civilians*
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "I don't think we killed the original. Just a host body."
<Ripple> <Ripple> Is there some way to figure out where his original is?
<DeathStar> *A shuttle hovers in close by*
<DeathStar> *lowering it's ramp*
<Dias`> *Dias I ...*he breathes a couple deep breathes before leaping for the ramp*
<DeathStar> *The two monsters chase Marcus around*
<Alicia> * LUnar Girl heads for the ramp
<DeathStar> *DS hops onto the ramp*
<Jackieness> <Xeres> *moves for the shuttle, with her captured TK bubble of incense air*
<DeathStar> *as does John*
<Ripple> <Ripple> *throws another ripple in front of one monster, the ripple leading to the top of the tent*
<DeathStar> *The monster makes a strange cat noise*
<Ripple> <Ripple> That should keep it busy for a bit... assuming it lands ok.
<Ripple> <Ripple> Lets go! *runs towards the ramp*
<DeathStar> *Blue turns to glance back* Is that the Ariel and Spirit of this reality or ours? *She asks Ripple when he makes it*
<XanTop> 6* Marcus runs around waiting for a good time to jump in the shuttle.
<MobileAri> * Ariel jumps up to the ramp, hanging onto one piston as she guard the entrance
<Alicia> * Lunar Girl looks over at the pair, determining, since she's pretty familiar with Ariel at least
<MobileAri> * Spirit psychoports up to the shuttle once she determines it's clear
<XanTop> 6* Marcus waits till last to hop up on the ramp.
<Dias`> *Dias plops down in a chair as he starts tapping his foot furiously, his brain clearly thinking hard on something*
<DeathStar> *down below the angry crowd looks up at them, then seems to march onto the other refugee tents that haven't been mindwiped yet*
<Seraphna> **Tabetha, having stayed with the shuttle to guard hops on**
<DeathStar> <X> Wow. *She is staring hard at Ariel and Spirit*
<Jackieness> <Xeres> "...they are attacking the other civilians now."
<DeathStar> <X> You look almost exactly like them, like Lunar Girl does Michiru
<Ripple> <Ripple> I think... so *looks at Spirit*
<MobileAri> <Ariel> "Like... who?"
<DeathStar> <X> Oh. You don't know.
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Uhh... don't think too hard about that."
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "Hmm? Miss me so much you forgot what I look like?"
<DeathStar> <X> *looks at Ripple* Should I tell them?
<Jackieness> <Xeres> *looks at the others* "Your priorities are questionable."
<Ripple> <Ripple> Spirit, you have no idea.
<Dias`> *Dias hops up* I knew I held back. The bodyt was softer. like there wasn't any resistance in it. That's why I went all over the place.
<Ripple> <Ripple> X, go ahead.
<DeathStar> *Blue looks over* How do we stop them?
<DeathStar> *She eyes the crowd below*
<Seraphna> **Tabetha frowns and sends a wave of sleep over the crowd**
<DeathStar> *The crows slows down, but it's clear they're not fully stopped*
<Dias`> *Dias moves to the edge of the ramp as he eyes the crowd* Let me try something. *He takes a deep breath as a warmth erupts from him that begins to extend past the encampment*
<MobileAri> <Ariel> "I admit, this is a rather unfamiliar situation. Not the usual suspects."
<Ripple> <Ripple> <to Spirit via psychic bond> {Is... that really you? }
<DeathStar> *The enemy finally seems to calm - for now*
<Dias`> *Dias let's out a breathe of air* Tell Andrea to send someone in to seperate them, help keep them calm.
<MobileAri> * Spirit leans against Ripple, seeming... happy, despite being in a combat zone.
<DeathStar> <X> You're from an earlier point in time, from what Lunar Girl explained to me, before Wind rebooted the universe. It gets sick over 10,000 years and you all use his reality powers to make our reality. Your souls transferring to the new reality. That means if you run into your counter parts here, you're likely to get sick. Only Lunar and Michiru have survived being around each other. If you run into your counter part here, your souls will try to intertwine
<DeathStar> *she tells Spirit and Ariel* So better you don't meet each other
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "Wait, send in people? What?"
<Jackieness> <Xeres> *"Icaptured an air ample which can be analyzed to determine the nature of the airborne drug that was used."
<Dias`> *Dias looks at Spirit* Not Spirit Spirit. They're calm down their for now, but it's not gonna last. They need to be seperated so nobody gets hurt.
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "What's so confusing?"
<Ripple> <Ripple> *hugs Spirit* I have all I need.
<MobileAri> * Ariel starts to count on her fingers, then sighs, "My poor soul's going to just fall apart at this rate."
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Are... are you okay?"
<Ripple> <Ripple> I don't think I have anything to worry about.. apparently Dias killed the... this universe me.
<Dias`> <Dias> In my defense. It was him or me.
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "What? Why would they kill you? That's just no good."
<XanTop> <Marcus> THAT's who you are. Fuck man, Ripple was a dick here.
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "What's Spirit like there? I haven't met her yet."
<Dias`> <Dias> So was the other guy that did ripples like you. God was he a major canoe.
<Ripple> <Ripple> You know, I really have no idea. It's been a crazy few days. I can believe he was a dick. Took the right people and circumstances to get away from that.
<Dias`> <Dias> I thought you all
<Ripple> <Ripple> I'm not off, YOU'RE off!
<Ripple> <Ripple> Sorry. Knee jerk reaction.
<Dias`> <Dias> While I can't argue that statement at all, you all...*He motions his hands awkwardly about them* Just feel different!
<DeathStar> *the shuttle arrives at the Tokyo Tower where Andrea and Wind is waiting*
<DeathStar> *Wind's eyes widening a bit at seeing Ariel, but seems to quickly recover*
<Ripple> <Ripple> Hail hail, the gang's all here. Almost. I don't know if Blackjack ever made it.
<Dias`> *Dias tosses a towel on the floor infront of Andrea* I think I know how this Atheos guy chooses his bodies. Or maybe it's something that they can't contain him...
<Ripple> <Ripple> So I was right. He wears people like a cheap suit.
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "Who knows. This all feels twilight zone-y."
<Seraphna> Tabetha> He seems to at least not pick your new old people.
<Dias`> <Dias> No...There's noo way I didn't adjust my punch to make him blow up like an overstuffed sausage.
<MobileAri> * Ariel nods to Wind, smiling a little, "So... if this is a different dimension, how many have made it over here?"
<Dias`> <Dias> His insides felt....softer like they were rotting away. I'm sure a smart hand held thingy can confirm it
<Ripple> <Ripple> I have only been aware in this universe for three days and already I need a vacation....
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Wind... please. Just... focus on stopping Atheos.
<Alicia> "
<Jackieness> <Xeres> "He is burning through his hosts like a parasite."
<Dias`> <Dias> Well there either dead or they die when he takes over. *He shrugs as he eyes the vibe he's getting from Ariel and Wind* Holy cow.
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "...are they actually even containing him, or are they... being controlled?"
<DeathStar> <Wind> Well, it does feel like the last few years more and more are showing up somehow. Outside Lunar Girl who seems to have no problem being around her modern counterpart, my fear is if two of the same soul came in contact, they'd destroy themselves. But it seems right now to be around maybe 10
<Dias`> <Dias> God. I feel like I could cut the tension between those two. *He looks over at X*
<XanTop> <Marcus> Bonezone population them.
<MobileAri> <Ariel> "...we're standing right here you know."
<DeathStar> <Wind> Indeed
<Dias`> <Dias> ...Shit, they heard us Marcus.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Have you tried kissing?
<Jackieness> <Xeres> "PErhaps you could identify the hosts and that might give you more information about hos this Atheros works."
<Jackieness> Atheos
<DeathStar> <Wind> Tell me
<DeathStar> <Wind> Was Atheos ever on scene? Or just a...
<Ripple> <Ripple> cheap suit?
<DeathStar> *he searches for the word* Right
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "I know what you're suggesting."
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Do you think they're being controlled remotely?"
<XanTop> <Marcus> How would we know for sure if he was there or not?
<DeathStar> <Wind> If it was just a cheap suit in every encounter we've had with him
<DeathStar> <Wind> Then it would mean he's not showing up to the fights personally
<Dias`> <Dias> Yeah, it's not like I can't just feel out....Hmmm. I do recall that first place when I felt out for him, I didn't feel anyone that should be as strong as this Atheos should be.
<Ripple> <Ripple> Which is against supervillian code isn't it?
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Which would also explain why he seems like he's... really underwhelming."
<DeathStar> <John> Even when he targetted you, it felt off, didn't it?
<DeathStar> <John> It almost felt like he was screaming kill me
<DeathStar> <Wind> *makes a face*
<Ripple> <Ripple> Hmm. I wonder if killing him is giving him what he wants
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "I noticed too."
<Ripple> <Ripple> Or, is that just a side effect of being possessed or whatever is happening
<Dias`> *Dias sighs a bit as he plops down cross legged* This is making my brain hurt.
<DeathStar> *Andrea is going over the data Xeres brought*
<DeathStar> <Andrea> Comparing this host data to the other host data, there are some similiarities to it - male, was healthy, and in their 30's.
<DeathStar> <John> If killing him is what he wants... Spirit
<XanTop> <Marcus> What?
<DeathStar> <John> I know it's been a bit, but can you check out an area to see if something is off? Hell, can any of us? Something beyond scans?
<DeathStar> <John> He was killed here in the Tokyo building and back at the refugee camp
<Ripple> <Ripple> I could probably get a feel if space-time has been disturbed by anyone other than me...
<Dias`> <Dias> Best I can do is feel out for threats and sometimes....I can get find a...*He stops* Nope, nothing outside of feeling people's...presences
<XanTop> <Marcus> I can...uh...smell.
<DeathStar> <Wind> I'm low on power these days
<Seraphna> Tabetha> We have a car battery or two around here somewhere…
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "Hmm... I can see what I can pick up, but it's been a bit since I've done some good psychometry."
<Ripple> <Ripple> Pretty sure a car battery isn't what Wind means.
<Alicia> * Lunar Girl tries to sense if anything is up
<DeathStar> *Wind hah's*
<Ripple> <Ripple> At least, not in public. What he gets up to privately is his own business
<MobileAri> <Ariel> "Car batteries? Is that how they fix people up here?"
<DeathStar> *Andrea stands up* I could call in an expert or two if needbe
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> *to Ariel* "No. Unless you're a reploid, I guess?"
<MobileAri> <Ariel> "Well, not any more at least... er, don't ask."
<Dias`> <Dias> I might be able to, but I'd need to know what I'm looking for first.
<Ripple> <Ripple> Spirit, need any help?
<MobileAri> * Spirit finds a place to sit and tries to get a spiritual reading of the place, "I'm... not entirely sure what I'm looking for, so I'm kinda doing this by ear."
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Usually I just need cookies and sleep.
<DeathStar> <John> Anything that stands out to why Atheos got himself killed so easily. Did it release power? Did it release religious minions? Did id dampen something?
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "I noticed the other minions got brainwashed the moment he died."
<Jackieness> <Xeres> "He accomplished what was needed, placing the crowd under a form of mass-suggestion."
<DeathStar> <John> So why weren't we?
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Maybe we can dampen that!
<Dias`> <Dias> I guess that would depend on his goal. Did anyone record what he was chanting? Maybe if we figure that out....
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "I wasn't listening, should I have been?"
<DeathStar> *Death Star scribbles on a paper and hands it over*
<Jackieness> <Xeres> "I collected a sample of the airborne chemical that was being used."
<DeathStar> <Andrea> Yes, I've been studying it
<Dias`> <Dias> Maybe we need smarter people here.
<DeathStar> <Andrea> It appears to be....
<DeathStar> <Andrea> Simple gases
<XanTop> <Marcus> I mean this is all over my head, smarter people would be nice.
<DeathStar> <Andrea> Mixed with simple incense
<Ripple> <Ripple> *whispers to Marcus* Just pretend to be smart. it works 9 times out of 10.
<Jackieness> <Xeres> "And yet I obserevd an effect on the gathered humans."
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "So... is that a... prop?"
<Ripple> <Ripple> Placebo effect maybe?
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Wait, I know the right word, a placebo, thanks Ripple"
<Dias`> <Dias> I remember an off world planet I visited to train on. The locals burned some stuff smell wise that was designed to help me relax and focus. Maybe it's the same.
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "That... huh, that's weird."
<Dias`> <Dias> Not really. It was part of a ritual. or something.
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl? "What is?"
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "It's like... there's some sort of spiritual gravity here. And not like your regular spatial gravity. Like... um... maybe reality gravity?"
<DeathStar> <Wind> *taps on his arm* Hm. That might explain all these people showing up faster and faster
<Dias`> <Dias> It worked though.
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "...hmm..."
<Dias`> <Dias> What does that even mean? *He looks at Spirit
<DeathStar> <Andrea> Blue. Go to the refugee camp and see if there's such a thing there too.
<DeathStar> *Blue nods and heads out*
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "It means this place is pulling reality towards it, which means... it's probably trying to become the prime?"
<DeathStar> <John> We are the Prime?
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Oh, then become the only reality?"
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "I'm not sure about prime or not, but... well, you said that this reality brought over the souls from our reality? I think he might be trying to play a reversal."
<Dias`> <Dias> ...My brain hurts again. *He rubs his face* Maybe it's Atheos causing it
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "What that has to do with brain washing, I have no clue though."
<DeathStar> <Wind> Reversal. He's trying to make the Prime back into the Original Reality
<Dias`> <Dias> By pulling their...your reality's people here?
<Ripple> <Ripple> That explains all of us at any rate.
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "What would that mean for the new people?"
<DeathStar> <Wind> No. I think he's trying to go beyond that, Dias. Maybe undo everything I did.
<Dias`> <Dias> Well that just seems dumb. So how do we stop him
<XanTop> <Marcus> Hard to stop him if he keeps popping like a blood balloon.
<DeathStar> <Death Star> That makes him like a tick almost
<Dias`> <Dias> Gotta find his main body.
<DeathStar> <Andrea> Alright alright if Spirit here is right we just need to find another of those group gatherings.
<MobileAri> <Ariel> "I wonder if his true self is even in this reality."
<DeathStar> *Wind and DS look at Ariel thoughtfully*
<DeathStar> <Wind> She might be right
<Dias`> <Dias> ....Headache thought. *He hold a finger up*
<DeathStar> <John> Yeah?
<Dias`> <Dias> What if, he's poking over this way it creates a hole. We kill him, he's pulled back. He's then able to poke a new hole through. And he continues. Weakening the barrier between our realities.
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Is there any way to stop him poking through?"
<DeathStar> <John> We might have to go there and punch him
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Reality Duct-Tape?
<Dias`> <Dias> That would make the most sense.
<Dias`> <Dias> It could explain why we can't find him here.
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "Well, that's definitely a straight forward approach there."
<DeathStar> <Andrea> *looks up* Alright I think I found another ceremony. But if you plan to go over there, are we going to ignor it
<DeathStar> *John looks at the others* So what is the plan?
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Sounds like we need to split up.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Stopping him there won’t help if he’s already here.
<Dias`> <Dias> Well can we have Spirit confirm it at that place?
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "I have a better idea what I'm looking for."
<Ripple> <Ripple> Good.
<DeathStar> *a figure arrives nearby, keeping their distance*
<Seraphna> Tabetha> I sense something.
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "We're going to have to split up. We can't stop him from here if he can come back so quickly."
<DeathStar> <Andrea> While you all go, I'll my back up here get ready to standby incase something happens
<Dias`> <Dias> Yeah, we'll be playing whack a mole essentially.
<DeathStar> <Andrea> They'll standby on this side
<DeathStar> <Andrea> Their name is Raquel. You may know them as Spirit
<Seraphna> Tabetha> **nods nods**
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "The other Spirit is here?"
<Ripple> <Ripple> .... isn't that supposed to be bad if both Spirits are near each other?
<Dias`> <Dias> So my feable brain knows what's going on. What's the plan?
<DeathStar> <Andrea> I'm keeping her over there. Just don't go over and hug
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Why would that be bad?
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Apparently, most people can't handle being near their alternate."
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "So wait... the other Andrea isn't the other spirit? So... huh."
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Weird, I’d totally hang out with me if there was another Tabetha.
<XanTop> <Marcus> I can go pop a atheos tick while you all go do the big fight.
<Ripple> <Ripple> Yeah... it gets confusing
<Jackieness> <Xeres> "I will go where I am needed."
<DeathStar> <DS> The strange thing is, Lunar and Michiru grow stronger being closer to each other.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> I can call in some help for Marcus.
<DeathStar> <DS> Maybe one day we'll see more cases of our souls joining each other - I just know me and Darien clash and can't get near each other
<Dias`> <Dias> I'm sure there's several people you can call in to help keep them all in check.
<MobileAri> <Ariel> "Well... the little superhero has never been exactly normal."
<Dias`> <Dias> Maybe it's cuz you two are completely different people.
<Dias`> <Dias> Where those two are pretty much the same people
<DeathStar> <Wind> *to Spirit and Ariel* It may be you two could get near each other, but it's safer not to try.
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "That makes sense to me."
<Ripple> <Ripple> I would prefer you not to explode
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "Yeah, definitely not on my bucket list."
<DeathStar> *X preps the shuttle*
<DeathStar> *The other Spirit nods*
<Seraphna> **Tabetha calls in Lisa Cameron to help and then joins John**
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Guess I should help fight the big Atheos."
<Dias`> <Dias> So that shuttle's going to the new refugee camp while the rest of us jump realities right?
<DeathStar> <X> Yes. Do you all know how to jump realities?
<Dias`> <DIas> Hmm...I've never tried punching my way into a different reality.
<XanTop> 6* Marcus smacks Dias on the shoulder
<DeathStar> <X> That's my Dias.
<XanTop> <Marcus> Good luck. 6* He then moves for the shuttle*
<DeathStar> *The other Spirit joins the shuttle*
<Ripple> <Ripple> Jump Realities? I mean, I could try.. I'm much better at jumping places
<Seraphna> **Lisa, the Shield Dragoon, meets Marcus at the shuttle**
<MobileAri> <Ariel> "Is... hoping realities something you do casually?"
<Seraphna> Tabetha> A lot!
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Pretty much!"
<DeathStar> <Andrea> We can't use Taiga's machhine
<DeathStar> <Andrea> You know
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Oh, why?"
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Usually we just make Taiga open a portal… hmm… and Wind is having old man cramps.
<MobileAri> <Ariel> "That's... a bit unsettling."
<DeathStar> *The shuttle takes off with those going to pop Atheos*
<Dias`> *Dias stands up a bit as he moves over to Ripple and places his hand on his face, squeezing it a bit*
<Ripple> <Ripple> Mahn Mhi Melp Moo?
<DeathStar> <Andrea> You're oging to a reality that no longer exists - it became this reality
<DeathStar> <Andrea> Of course it won't be on gate dial
<Ripple> <Ripple> *takes Dias' hands off*
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "Hmm... would a dimensional ripple be additive for distance, or multiplicative? Exponential? Sounds like going for a record in any case."
<Dias`> <Dias> ...Hmmm.
<Ripple> <Ripple> Probably exponential
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "So wait, how does this work?"
<DeathStar> <Wind> We could either wait for Atheos to win
<DeathStar> <Wind> And arrive that way
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "No."
<Dias`> *Dias looks around, sniffing the air*
<DeathStar> <Wind> Or
<DeathStar> <Wind> There might be cracks in reality due to him
<DeathStar> <Wind> And see if we can locate them and see if we can somehow force our way in
<DeathStar> <Wind> This reality was the ORiginal
<DeathStar> <Wind> We just need to push our way in
<Ripple> <Ripple> Judging how many from the other reality are here, there are.... if not cracks, at least 'soft' spots
<Dias`> <Dias> Find me one. I think I can rip it open.
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "Oh, that's easy. He was over here before once, right?"
<DeathStar> <Andrea> Yes in the tower
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Oh, right. Back in the tent, there should still be one."
<DeathStar> <Andrea> And there
<DeathStar> *Andrea walks up into her tower*
<Dias`> *Dias follows after Andrea*
<DeathStar> *they arrive at the floot where 'Atheos' was beaten*
<DeathStar> <John> Alright
<Dias`> *Dias sniffs the air as he looks around, his right hand feeling through the air as he looks around*
<DeathStar> *DS and Wind feel the air; there's definitely something in the air here*
<Dias`> <Dias> I mean, punching a tear in reality should be like punching one through planes right?
<DeathStar> <Wind> I imagine. *he points at thin air* Go ahead
<Ripple> <Ripple> How weak the barrier is around here is a little disturbing
<Dias`> *Dias pauses as his hand seems to briefly stop* I think I found it.
<DeathStar> <John> Just a little
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "Wait... is he ACTUALLY going to punch through dimensions?"
<DeathStar> <Wind> I tend to ignore what this one can do
<Ripple> <Ripple> This IS Dias we're talking about
<DeathStar> *He moves over to Ariel*
<DeathStar> <John> Okay, now gently spread her apart
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "He's even more bizarre than the prime's maka."
<Seraphna> Tabetha> We find it best to just let him do his thing.
<DeathStar> *John makes creepy motions*
<Dias`> <Dias> I didn't want to do this so early. *He shifts his left hand out from his gi, bandaging wrapped all the way up to his shoulder. He takes a slow breath as his left hand slides for and grabs onto something* The secret is to pretend your punching your whole body through
<MobileAri> <Ariel> "Hey, you made this reality so it's your fault."
<Jackieness> <Xeres> "Why are humans so enamored by inuendo?"
<Dias`> 6Dias left hand "Grips" onto something and he pulls backwards*
<Ripple> <Ripple> Wind, just a thought, next time you make a reality, make the walls thicker.
<DeathStar> <Wind> I can't ... argue that. *he admits* But this place has nice Shawarma place. You should stick around just for it
<Seraphna> Tabetha> We also have a Tony’s Pizza.
<Ripple> <Ripple>... You're buying.
<DeathStar> *As Dias opens a gate way in the corner, John nods approvingly*
<Dias`> *Dias then swings his right hand up and tries to pry it open wider*
<DeathStar> <John> Good job
<DeathStar> *he panics as he opens it even more*
<Dias`> <Dias> Pitter patter. I can't hold this forever.
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "There's always a Tony's pizza. Always."
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Oh do we go now?
<Ripple> <Ripple> *steps in and holds hand out for Spirit*
<Dias`> *Dias face starts to sweat now*
<MobileAri> * Spirit enters the portal with Ripple, so not to get separated
<Seraphna> **Tabetha hops through**
<MobileAri> <Ariel> "Right. I guess we'll be back." *rests a hand on Wind's shoulder before heading through*
<DeathStar> *Wind, DS, and John jog through, with Blue sliding on through*
<Alicia> * Lunar Girl hops through after
<Jackieness> <Xeres> *follows them trhough* "I am hoping they lack experience with Erusian operatives, allowing me to offer you an advantage."
<DeathStar> *John sticks his head through* Remember to let it go - tie it to something
<DeathStar> *he pokes his head back in*
<DeathStar> *Andrea holds out a nail*
<Dias`> *Dias takes a deep breath after the last one leaps through and he grabs tightly and sligs himself through his hands pulling together behind his back to try and pull the tears back tighter*
<DeathStar> -SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Other Team
<DeathStar> *X walks up to what appears to be a small southern state area, where Atheos has gathered his victims in the park*
<DeathStar> *Spirit has made herself cloaked while X zooms in with binoculars at the large park of people*
<DeathStar> <X> Go squish, wolfboy
<Seraphna> **Lisa muses, looking in her late teens, but with eyes that are much older. She wears a suit.**
<XanTop> 6* Marcus begins to shift and turn into a werewolf.
<XanTop> 6* Marcus kneels and goes running in.
<DeathStar> *The crowd begins to scream and flail, turning into a panicked crowd as they run over each other*
<DeathStar> *Atheos begins to do his rapid chant, which turns out to be some sort of brain washed words*
<XanTop> <Marcus> AWOOO-Wooops. 6* He attempts to pick up Atheos and carry him away from the people.
<Seraphna> **Lisa shields the altar target**
<DeathStar> *X fries into the crowd, sending them up into the air as best she can with gravity shots, while Marcus is slowed by the panciked people. Spirit reshows herself, trying to run interference to help him get to the stage faster; Atheos, seeing Marcus come, opts to leap into the back*
<DeathStar> *which being a park, the back is mainly just... going down into a little area*
<Seraphna> **Lisa starts directing the crowd by forcing them to walk paths made of shields, walking casually herself through a path she creates to the altar**
<XanTop> 6* Marcus slides to a stop and leap after Atheos.
<DeathStar> *Atheos makes a noise as Marcus leaps into the small area*
<DeathStar> *he grabs what looks to be a massive weapon and aims at Marcus*
<XanTop> <Marcus> What the fuck.
<DeathStar> *he charges it up and fires blindly, tossing himself into some sound equipment*
<DeathStar> *X arrives where Atheos was speaking*
<DeathStar> <X> You alive, wolfboy?
<XanTop> 6* Marcus dives to try and avoid it, if that's even possible.
<DeathStar> *Marcus is burnt a little, but not actually shot, as Atheos rises and begins to chant again. X stabs at him when he aims at her and fires*
<DeathStar> *X sent flying*
<DeathStar> *X landing and cursing, eyeing her clothes, then dashing*
<XanTop> 6* Marcus shakes off and reaches out to try and snag atheos to attempt to throw him up into the air
<Seraphna> **Lisa meanwhile secures the site and checks the condition of whoever he tried to stab this time**
<DeathStar> *Atheos chants faster as he's grabbed while Lisa has gotten rid of most of the crowd*
<Seraphna> Lisa> **comms** He down yet? Punch the creep already.
<XanTop> 6* Marcus would leap up after him, to do 'the punch'.
<DeathStar> *Marcus explodes him, blood showering down on him and X. Spirit avoids it*
<DeathStar> <X> ... yuck
<XanTop> 6* Marcus lands...a bloody wet dog, he lets out a sigh.
<XanTop> <Marcus> I didn't think that through.
<DeathStar> <X> At least he didn't get his mind control off that time
<DeathStar> *She slings his arm to get blood off*
<XanTop> <Marcus> That's why I was trying to separate him....god I need like 50 showers
<DeathStar> *Marcus would suddenly feel his body feeling warm and his vision going all strange, as his hand begins to twitch without him doing it
<XanTop> <Marcus> ....oh no
<DeathStar> <X> What is it?
<XanTop> <Marcus> Feeling weird. Hand twitching. Knock me out now. 6* He deforms to human mode if he can
<DeathStar> *X goes to do so as Marcus switches back; but as she swings, Marcus suddenly counters and slams X on her back as he begins to walk off for the Tokyo Tower*
<DeathStar> <X> Ouch. .... fucker
<DeathStar> *X sits up as Spirit joins her*
<DeathStar> <X> We need to follow the target. Lisa?
<DeathStar> -SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Unknown
<DeathStar> *Ripple and Spirit emerge in a familiar sight - Mega City*
<DeathStar> *behind them, John emerges with Lunar Girl, who looks around and whistles, as if taken back in time at a more simple version of Mega City*
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "I can't believe that actually worked."
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "This place seems old."
<DeathStar> *And finally, Wind, Death Star, and Blue emerge with the others behind them*
<Ripple> <Ripple> Now, this feels like home.
<Jackieness> <Xeres> "What place is this?"
<DeathStar> <John> Mega City. Just much more basic
<Dias`> *Dias comes sliding out behind the group, both his hands smoking. He slides his left hand back in his gi as he looks around*
<Seraphna> **Tabetha flops against John** Wheeee
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Yeah, I feel like Mega City was always more advanced."
<DeathStar> <John> No Suisen or Erusian tech here
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "No... what?"
<DeathStar> <John> Well this is the city you used to play hero in, kiddo
<Dias`> <Dias> ....Why do I feel weird here.
<Ripple> <Ripple> You ARE weird. Also, Dos Bros Tacos is over there *points*
<Jackieness> <Xeres> "Where would our target be found?"
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "None of the Prime Reality tech."
<Seraphna> Tabetha> What about Tony’s Pizza?
<Ripple> <Ripple> That's over on 38th
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Yay!
<Dias`> <Dias> My hole body feels tingly. I get my hands feeling that way
<DeathStar> <Wind> *is looking around, as if just coming home*
<DeathStar> *wiping at his face*
<Ripple> <Ripple> Feel better now you're back home Wind?
<Seraphna> Tabetha> So does this reality have Dragoons? Or should I play it cool?
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "...kinda..."
<DeathStar> <John> We should.... find a place to make base.
<DeathStar> <Blue> And what would that be here?
<Ripple> <Ripple> A base? That's easy. *Opens a hole to Spirit and his base of operations*
<DeathStar> <Blue> Dias is acting weird and his right hand is twitching
<Jackieness> <Xeres> "From what I know, this reality does not even have Erusians."
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Is it the Sorcerer’s Sanctum?
<Ripple> <Ripple>Nah, its our garage.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Which I am nicknaming the Sorcerer’s Sanctum.
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "I like that name, but I get the feeling that using it would be trouble."
<Dias`> <Dias> It's doing what? *He looks down at his right hand*
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Huh, why?"
<DeathStar> *As they arrive at the garage, Blue goes through the data to find out where they are in the timeline*
<DeathStar> *The right hand is trembling slightly*
<Ripple> <Ripple> Dias, we need to call Slasher to give you a hand?
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "Ugh, Slasher..."
<Dias`> <Dias> Who now?
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Is that guy in a band or something?
<Ripple> <Ripple> Oh right...... different reality.....
<Ripple> <Ripple> Mentor... is probably how I would describe him... generously....
<Dias`> *Dias clenches his right hand, the muscles tensing up in his forearm*
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "Hey hey now, your hand isn't about to go evil on us, is it?"
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Well as long as it’s not like, an alternate Chad Winters or something.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> HIs name would be like, Shooty McGrump here.
<Ripple> <Ripple> I've got a chainsaw in the back if you're about to go all evil hand
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "...just... don't."
<DeathStar> *Blue looks up* Okay I got a date
<Jackieness> <Xeres> "Perhaps he simply overstressed himself by punching through reality."
<Dias`> <Dias> No. If it goes bad I can take care of it. It's just....something feels off.
<Ripple> <Ripple> ... well, I also have my blades that would probably work better but .. Chainsaw
<DeathStar> <Blue> The year is 2228
<DeathStar> <Blue> The Maverick Wars are over
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "Mmm. Gotta stick with the classics."
<DeathStar> <Blue> People like Ire are gone, I'm gone - not that I didn't deserve it, and DS are gone.
<DeathStar> *DS shrugs*
<Ripple> <Ripple> Yeah. The war was.... tough for everyone.. *pauses remembering Slash*
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Anyone we know still around? I vaguely recall Ire being Warren.
<Dias`> <Dias> War? What now?
<DeathStar> <DS> We'll have to see. If I could come back, others might
<Dias`> <Dias> Well, whatever. IF you guys want someone with a weird name to check my arm over we should get it over with.
<DeathStar> <John> We also need to find where Atheos is hold up
<DeathStar> <John> So lets prepare to move out when we're ready and rested.
<MobileAri> <Spirit> "Yeah, I was hoping that'd be easier, but it's hard to find his trail here."
<Ripple> <Ripple> Everyone had weird names. Death Star. Dominator. *looks at John* Snipe.
<DeathStar> <John> It's because I sniped the ladies
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Snipe?
<Seraphna> Tabetha> Ooo, I see.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> I wonder what I would be.
<Dias`> <Dias> ....Thats bad. Like I mean a 2 out of 10 bad.
<Ripple> <Ripple> That's not what I remember.....
<MobileAri> * Ariel doesn't make eye contact. Her name is perfectly normal.
<DeathStar> *John eyes Ripple*
<Ripple> <Ripple> Hey, I never said I was any better.
<DeathStar> *eyes Dias*
<DeathStar> <John> Lunar. Bite these men
<DeathStar> <John> *points*
<Alicia> <Lunar Girl> "I'm using a perfectly normal superhero name, and... wait, you really want me to?"
<Seraphna> Tabetha> I’d probably be like Oracle or something.
<Ripple> <Ripple> Anyway, kitchen is through that door *waves behind him* I think there's some brisket left
<DeathStar> <John> No, they might have diseases
<Dias`> <Dias> I'm disease free!
<DeathStar> *John looks thoughtful as he thanks Ripple, leading Lunar into the kitchen*
<Seraphna> **Tabetha scans Dias for diseases**
<Jackieness> <Xeres> *finds a place to sit and meditate*
<DeathStar> -TBC - / Minis Open

<DeathStar> *Wind has found an isolated area to rest while Death Star lurks about, standing still. John roams in the kitchen with Lunar*
<Dias`> <Dias> So how many strong people are left here? *He lays on the floor.*
* Jackieness has quit IRC
<DeathStar> <Blue> A lot?
<Dias`> <Dias> Oh? *He perks up a bit* That's good to know
<DeathStar> <Blue> Well, it takes place before our souls are taken to our movern versions, so...
<Dias`> <Dias> Fascinating.
<Dias`> <Dias> And there's a counterpart of me here? *He muses a bit*
* XanTop has quit IRC (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (
<DeathStar> <Blue> Oh yeah. And a woman named Eve. Gear piloting stuff.
<Dias`> <Dias> Eve? *He makes a face* Don't remember that name.
<DeathStar> <Blue> Well you are you
<DeathStar> <Blue> Both Spirits are their own thing
<Dias`> <Dias> Is that name supposed to ring a bell?
<DeathStar> <Blue> She is the wife of Dias her kinda like you are connected to X
<DeathStar> *here
<Dias`> <Dias> Silent fist bump to my counter part. *he fist bumps the air*
* Dias` has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
Session Close: Mon Jul 31 00:00:00 2023