The Alien Wars 6: Da Capo

Session 667

Session Start: Sun Aug 06 20:02:43 2023
Session Ident: #TAW-Session667
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> Date: 10-654.8.5
<DeathStar> Location: EarthGov Colony
<DeathStar> *Cheryl motions at her horrendous looking teleporter*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> It is done
<DeathStar> *Zephyr lays on her back in the meantime*
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "Does it work?"
<Dias`> *Chad sets his tools down* In theory, yes.
<DeathStar> <Xevil/Xvar> I will not be the first to use it
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "I know it works in theory..."
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "So how do we progress it beyond theory?"
<Dias`> <Chad> Hit the start button and hope for the best.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Hopefuly, it will take us to the colony where you know who is
<DeathStar> *Cran rubs his chin thoughtfully*
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "What do we test it with?"
<Dias`> <Chad> Us.
<DeathStar> <Cran> I can go first
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Anyone have Dias on speed-dial?"
<Seraphna> Angel> I'm going with you then.
<Seraphna> **Angela meanwhile sets a drink on Zephyr's stomach**
<Dias`> <Chad> It's fine. I'll test it on myself, but those who are coming with are going to have to come immediately after.
<DeathStar> *The drinks seems to bubble*
<Seraphna> Angela> Are we feeling warm dear?
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "Once we get the okay result, we'll come."
<Dias`> <Chad> Basically you're just gonna have to open it says it succeeded. I don't want to risk comming back.
<Dias`> *Hope*
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "Right."
<Dias`> *Chad checks his pistols quick before sliding them back in their holsters* Is everyone ready?
<Seraphna> **Angela holds up a datapad to record** Ready.
<DeathStar> *Cran steps in the middle of the teleporter*
<Seraphna> Angel> Alex.
<DeathStar> <Cran> Hm?
<Dias`> *Chad moves to step on beside Cran, his hands resting on his holsters*
<DeathStar> *Aya hurries up holding a bag of stuff*
<Seraphna> **Angel huffs and joins him**
<DeathStar> *Darien joins them* Well lets hope we don't all scramble our particles and bodies. That was a fun caper
<DeathStar> *Cheryl lifts Zephyr and helps her to her feet, taking her to the teleporter*
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "Being scrambled is fun?"
<Seraphna> **Angela shrugs** I guess we're all just gambling on this. **she joins them**
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "If that's how it is..." *steps up* "Let's make it fast."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Oh it is.
<Dias`> <Chad> Well, be ready when we reappear.
<DeathStar> *Cheryl hits the button and it lights up, taking them through time and space as Aya grips her bag*
<DeathStar> *They arrive at the teleporters in the other colony*
<Dias`> *Chad quickly pulls out one of his pistols and sweeps the room they arrive in*
<DeathStar> <Darien> As a reminder, we don't know the situation here.
<DeathStar> *The person in charge of the teleporter is face down at his station*
<Seraphna> Angela> **forwns and checks his vitals**
<Dias`> *He then steps off the teleporter* Cran will send someone check on this. *He moves to check his neck for a pulse but stops when Angela moves to him*
<DeathStar> *alive but in some sort of status*
<Dias`> <Chad> Id, scan the air. *His Idlet floats off his hip and begins scanning*
<Seraphna> Angela> Weird... seems fine but he's out cold. **she muses and tries to treat it with her power**
<Alicia> * Hotaru heads through the moment the teleporter is shown to have functioned
<Seraphna> **Angel ruffles Cran's hair and looks around carefully**
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *checks a console for a log of arrivals and departures*
<DeathStar> *The air seems to be fine; while Angela is treating him, she'd see what looks to be a mark in his neck. A sting*
<DeathStar> *Cassandra meanwhile would see what looks to have been a large cargo ship some hours ago*
<Dias`> <Chad> Airs good. *He moves over to the exit and peers outside.
<Seraphna> Angela> Tranq maybe. He’s got a mark here.
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "I hope it was a tranq..."
<Dias`> <Chad> Check his blood.
<Seraphna> **Angela runs a scan**
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "We had a big shipment come in an hour ago." *tries to find a manifest*
<DeathStar> *Cheryl sets Zephyr down and peers outside with Chad; outside, lots of Betas are flying around patrolling*
<DeathStar> *it claims to be typical machinary*
<Seraphna> Angela> I’m deeply annoyed at how many Betas I seemingly did not know existed.
<Dias`> <Chad> Doesn't seem like our forced teleport triggered anything yet.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yes.
<DeathStar> *yet
<Dias`> <Chad> Did everyone make it over then?
<DeathStar> <Xvar> Despite the displeasure in my stomach, yes
<Seraphna> **Angela peers over the scan**
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "The mnifest shows machien parts. My guess its how the Bets were smuggled in."
<DeathStar> *The scan indicates the sting is similiar to the Beta sting given to Zephyr, but this one has put the man into a deep almost coma like state*
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> *peers out* Well once we go out there, we'll most likely be spotted
<Dias`> *Chad has his Idlet create a holographic map of the colony and he studies it for a safe place to hide in*
<Seraphna> Angela> Seems if the beta sting hits a human they go into a coma.
<Dias`> <Chad> You're right Zephyr. I'm hoping I can find us a place to hide in so we can come up with a plan.
<DeathStar> *outside, it leads into a large area where people are checked over, then allowed into the colony proper; the Betas guarding the check in place like a choke hold*
<DeathStar> *After that the colony opens up into a larger area*
<Seraphna> **Angela frowns and takes a deeper look into the man’s DNA structure**
<DeathStar> <Darien> What are you hoping to find?
<Seraphna> Angela> It’s what I’m not hoping to find.
<Dias`> *Chad checks to see if there's any maintanence tunnels or back routes to by-pass the check point
<Seraphna> Angela> What’s been bothering me for a while now is where all these betas came from.
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "Someone created them, probably."
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "And smuggled them in a commericla freighter."
<DeathStar> *They are, off to the side, for the employees.* <Cran> You think you can get us all into the back rooms without being spotted?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You told me yourself there was a good number when I Asked
<Dias`> <Chad> I don't know. But that's our best route to get around. *He looks at Angela* Based on the numbers you had protecting Earth, I figured you had at least 10% in reserve.
<Seraphna> Angela> I guess. There still might be few enough that a third Omega could be enough to overwrite this control.
<DeathStar> *The man's DNA looks norm*
<Seraphna> Angela> Thank… I dunno whose top diety right now.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "So if we got you to a lab, could you figure out how to take back control?"
<Dias`> <Chad> Do we want to make a mad-dash for the side-room or...*He looks back at the others*
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "Well, at least they weren't produced here."
<DeathStar> <Cran> Only problem is... *motions a Zephyr*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I can carry her
<DeathStar> <Xvar> Better for me. She's light
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Not in only an hour, so the Betas had to have been packed up and ready to go."
<Dias`> *Chad kneels a bit, stretching his legs. He glances at Aya* You ready?
<Seraphna> Angel> I could get us there fast but they’ll probably detect that.
<DeathStar> <Aya> I can probaly out run most here. I haven't tapped in my true potential in a while
<DeathStar> <Cran> Lets save powers until we have to
<Seraphna> Angela> Try a fast Dragoon power of you have it Aya.
<Dias`> <Chad> I'll go first, that way if it's locked I can break in to it hopefully.
<DeathStar> *Xvar lifts Zephyr up against her protest and heaves her over shoulders*
<DeathStar> <Aya> I-I don't really do that
<Seraphna> Angela> Yeah sorry it’s been ages since I’ve seen yours at work.
<Dias`> <Chad> You shouldn't assume you know how her powers work, Angela. *He takes a deep breath and moves across the area to the side room*
<DeathStar> *Aya gets into a runner's stance*
<Seraphna> **Angela forms Armor since she’s more the walking tank variety**
<DeathStar> *then zooms after Chad, her enhanced strength and speed kicking in as she bolts for the side tunnels. Xvar runs after them and Cheryl hurries after them, surprisingly fast when she needs to be*
<DeathStar> <Darien> Ah hell. This is going to be bad
<Seraphna> Angela> Hobble fast. **she winks at him**
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *moves along at a quick pace*
<DeathStar> *Darien rushes out, holding his chest and dives out and rolls to avoid a Beta turning*
<Seraphna> **Angel moves with Cran, giving him some of her speed**
<DeathStar> *Cran gets inside and keeps low*
<DeathStar> *The Betas begin to look around
<Dias`> *Chad kneels on the otherside, taking in some short breaths*
<DeathStar> *like something out of a horror movie
<Seraphna> **Angela muses and takes a scrap out of subspace and hurls it done distance away to get the beta’s attention to move away**
<DeathStar> *it turns and moves that way*
<Seraphna> **Angela moves and signals her fellow slow people to move**
<Dias`> *Chad stands up as he looks around in the employee area now*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *moves into the e,mploye area*
<Alicia> * Hotaru sneaks through into the employee area
<DeathStar> *the back tunnels is like something out of a mall almost, empty and creepy; with the occasional area for employees to sit and coffee machines. Two people are slumped over*
<DeathStar> *Zephyr gets free of Xvar finally and walks on her own as they walk through the empty hallways*
<Dias`> <Chad> We'll probably run in to a few security Beta's but we should be able to get in to the colony at least now.
<Seraphna> Angela> **checks over Zephyr**
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Don't worry, my head hasn't exploded yet
<Seraphna> Angela> Yes it’s sitting pretty as ever on your neck.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well we know Cran is here due to it's proximity to the Dragoon Colony
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> But it's still quite the distance
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "And all of the Betas he brought on to location."
<DeathStar> <Cran> It is not like he can move the colony - that would be a clear flag of problems
<DeathStar> *he muses, trying to get into his own head*
<DeathStar> <Cran> Ah.
<Dias`> *Chad starts heading along the employee area* Well we can assume for now it's a staging ground.
<DeathStar> <Cran> Chad is correct. Can someone look up if there is trading between this colony and the Dragoon Colony?
<DeathStar> *Giardian
<Seraphna> Angela> Sent word to Zera, but who knows how far out she is. Cass got those files?
<Dias`> <Chad> Thing is, we told someone to message the Guardian Colony to prepare for something.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Ariel should be on stead for anyhing
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "I had the manifests from before our arrival."
<DeathStar> *stand by
<DeathStar> <Cran> Then go back - weeks even
<DeathStar> <Cran> And see if this place trades with the Guardians
<Seraphna> Angela> Should especially see if these “parts” went there.
<DeathStar> <Cran> If he arrived just a few hours ago, I don't see how he could have shipped out yet
<DeathStar> <Cran> Hopefully
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *goes to check for the trade records*
<Dias`> <Chad> It's possible he set it up the moment he came back and got his bearings
<Seraphna> Angela> My head is still spinning on how fast this is unfolding.
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "I would say he's been preparing for years, but..."
<DeathStar> <Cran> Well, first he has to subdue the colony. If my theory is right, then use their cargo ships to put the Betas back in
<DeathStar> <Cran> So he'd have to retransfer them from his ship to their's
<DeathStar> <Cran> Then send them to the Guardian to plant a trojan horse
<Seraphna> **Angela nods**
<Dias`> <Chad> So we should head to the Hanger or the Transport yard
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Seems...far fetched
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> But that's me
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Foudn trade records that confirm your hypothesis."
<DeathStar> <Cran> Only reason I think he'd do it this way is Zephyr is weak to these Betas, the Guardians will be too
<DeathStar> <Cran> A sneak attack would give him a new "Dragoon Army"
<Dias`> <Chad> Well unfortunately it's the only piece of information we can go on.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well I won't make a fuss.
<Dias`> <Chad> If you can think of something else while we head that way, let us know. We can always change plans.
<Seraphna> Angela> **grumbles**
<DeathStar> *She eyes the map* These tunnels will lead that way. *she points at how the tunnels are like a maze down here*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Angela, do you have any way to take out all the Betas en masse if we need a nuclear option?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I want to head to the command center of this colony. If he's still here, he might be there keeping an eye on everything and every camera. *nodding a camera*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> So I'll sneak there while you all check the hanger
<Dias`> <Chad> You sure you'll be safe alone?
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "Try to keep out of the camera view area"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'll be good
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "You want anyone to come with?"
<Seraphna> Angela> I have one option but I’m not sure if it will work with this control override.
<DeathStar> *Cheryl eyes the large group* Chad should lead the hanger group, but if someone wants to come along I won't mind
<Seraphna> Angela> I’ll come with you.
<DeathStar> *Darien joins them, shrugging*
<Dias`> <Chad> Worse comes to worse, break comm silence.
<Seraphna> Angel> You get overwhelmed I can teleport our team to you.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Got it. Look out for the Betas. They might not infect you, but they'll knock your ass out. We can't afford that.
<Dias`> <Chad> I'll try and avoid letting them punch me. *He nods to Cheryl and starts moving to the hanger*
<DeathStar> *Cheryl checks the map then takes the tunnel heading toward the command tower*
<Seraphna> **Angela joins her**
<DeathStar> *Aya walks along toward the hanger, Zephyr looking around; as they near the ladder going up, they find two Betas guarding it*
<Seraphna> **Angel looks to the others**
<Dias`> *Chad kneels down eyeing them* We need to find a way to distract them.
<Seraphna> Angel> I could put one against the other but that’ll likely trigger alarms.
<Dias`> <Chad> Most likely. Taking them down will alert also. *He sighs a bit*
<DeathStar> <Xvar> I could smash them. ... that's all I can do
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I could lay on the floor and let them detect me.
<DeathStar> *she sounds amused*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "...what about the next hatch over? Someone could pop over there, start a disturbance, let them run to investigate and give the rest a chance to get through."
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "Might cause an alert."
<DeathStar> <Cran> It would be nice if we could take both out at once
<Dias`> <Chad> Less likely chance. Cass you fast enough to try that?
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "I can give it a try, if no one coems up with a better idea."
<Seraphna> Angel> I could try to take both.
<DeathStar> <Aya> I could also try to hack them remotely
<Seraphna> Angel> Split the diff?
<Dias`> <Chad> You think that'll work?
<Dias`> *He looks at Chad*
<Dias`> *aya*
<Seraphna> Angel> Reasonably he has to be controlling them with a transmitter. Unless he is somehow an Omega.
<DeathStar> *Aya dumps the bag she brought of Beta parts, having made it into something she can fire* If I can aim and get into a Beta, this device will let me hack it remotely
<DeathStar> <Aya> But it's limited to one
<DeathStar> *at a time
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "Oh nice..."
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "If the other notices, then it could raise the alarm."
<Seraphna> Angel> Hmm. Could work. Especially if you’re using their transmitters.
<DeathStar> <Aya> I only had so much time, sorry
<Dias`> <Chad> ...*he stares ahead for a moment as he weighs his options* Well if we take out one of them by hacking it'll make killing the other one easier.
<Seraphna> Angel> I can try to take the other. I am an Omega too.
<DeathStar> <Cran> Could make it kil lthe other too
<Dias`> <Chad> Hold off on trying to Omega one.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Then sounds like that is the best idea we have."
<Seraphna> Angel> Hyperspace it is.
<Dias`> <Chad> Aya, get ready.
<DeathStar> *Aya aims*
<Seraphna> **Angel gets ready too**
<Alicia> * Hotaru prepares, just in case
<Dias`> *Chad holds 2 fingers up then drops it to one and then makes a fist*
<DeathStar> *Aya shoots the one and makes it jerk as she takes it over*
<Seraphna> **Angel bursts forward when Aya fires and cuts at the visuals of the other Beta**
<DeathStar> *the two Betas look almost comical right now. Xvar moves to the hatch to prepare to move it, while Zephyr staggers after*
<Dias`> *Chad moves after the group, keeping Aya within a few steps of him*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *heads with the group*
<Seraphna> **Angel speeds to the others after attaching something to the beta**
<DeathStar> *Aya follows, keeping her device in hand, then pockets it*
<DeathStar> <Aya> Whew, ws not sure it would work
<DeathStar> *Xvar pushes up the hatch and then closes it* I inform you of unpleasant news
<Alicia> * Hotaru sticks with the group. "More up ahead?"
<DeathStar> <Xvar> The hanger is crawling with them
<Seraphna> Angel> Makes sense.
<Dias`> <Chad> What's it look like they're doing? *He nods to Aya*
<DeathStar> *Cran chews on his thumb in thought*
<DeathStar> <Xvar> They are preparing to enter various cargo ships belonging to the colony, but first they are gettng into. *he lifts it up again* Various boxes of all kinds. Anything that they will fit into
<DeathStar> <Xvar> Others are patrolling
<Seraphna> Angel> Well that’s good news.
<Dias`> <Chad> Hmmm. I'd rather not turn this in to a war zone.
<Seraphna> Angel> Then we only have to blow up the cargo ships.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Same tactic they used to get here."
<DeathStar> *A loud bam sound is heard and Xvar turns his head when feet approach his face; then someone kicks him and he goes tumbling down the ladder*
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "I hate to have to do this but... yeah, we blow up the cargo sh-" *spins*
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Ow
<DeathStar> *a face leans down to peer down at them*
<Dias`> *Chad quickly pulls out his pistol and aims it up where Xvar was*
<DeathStar> *a girl's* <Cran> It's the prototype
<Seraphna> Angel> That looked painful. The what?
<Dias`> <Chad> The hybrid he took.
<DeathStar> <Cran> The prototype we attempted long ago with a Dragoon and a Weapon; it was deemed unstable and shut down
<DeathStar> *the figure ut ut uts and closes the hatch o nthem, locking them down in the tunnel*
<Seraphna> Angel> Oh. Shall we kick it’s unstable ass?
<Dias`> <Chad> Well we lost the element of surprise.
<DeathStar> <Xvar> That rather hurt
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "The problem is that a fight will bring the Betas to the scene."
<DeathStar> *he stands up, holding his nose*
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "That might be unavoidable at this point. You okay?"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I can blow the hatch off and we can go up there
<Dias`> <Chad> It already knows where here so it doesn't matter at this point. Id, find us another route. *The Idlet starts searching the maps*
<Seraphna> Angel> Alex, what are the chances it’s an Omega?
<DeathStar> <Cran> An Omega? Unless Venerator did something I didn't know about..
<Seraphna> Angel> Fairly high, got it.
<DeathStar> * another hatch leading up to the hanger is a little ways further*
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "Other hatch, or carve this one open?"
<Seraphna> Angel> I can also teleport us up.
<Dias`> <Chad> I'm gonna move for the other one. Heavy hitters can try this one.
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "Alright."
<Seraphna> Angel> If we keep them busy… **pulls out a bag and tosses it to Chad**
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "I'm with Chad." *follows him*
<Dias`> *Chad catches it* What is it?
<DeathStar> *Zephyr follows Chad*
<DeathStar> *As does Cran*
<Seraphna> Angel> There’s enough C4 in there to blow up a capital ship.
<DeathStar> *Xvar works on breaking open the current hatc*
<Dias`> *Chad eyes him at that* Right. *He sighs and he starts moving to the other one*
<DeathStar> *the hatch breaks open*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "We don't need to outright detroy them, just keep them grounded."
<Alicia> * Hotaru climbs up, trying to keep a low profile unless the hatch opening has been noticed
<DeathStar> *Hotaru and Xvar find the girl gone and the Betas MIA*
<DeathStar> <Xvar> What sort of ambush is this?
<Seraphna> Angel> **hops up after them and frowns** The fuck?
<Dias`> *Chad makes his way up the second one, moving to unlock it and climb out*
<Seraphna> **Angel tells Cran in their bond**
<DeathStar> *also over there it's all quiet*
<DeathStar> *outside something in the background in shadows that is tall*
<Seraphna> Angel> This isn’t good.
<DeathStar> *Xvar squints at the large shadow object* Is that a giant Beta?
<Dias`> <Chad> I don't like this. *He looks around to see if the ships are gone*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *follows Chad up the second one*
<Alicia> * Hotaru looks
<DeathStar> *The ships are still there, most likely packed with Betas*
<Seraphna> Angel> Could be.
<DeathStar> *As Hotaru nears, she'd see a giant robot of sorts. Suddenly it jerks to life and grabs at her* <Girl's Voice> Curiousity killed the cat
<DeathStar> *She lifts the massive foot and brings it down toward Angel to crush her*
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> That's the stolen robot thing
<Seraphna> **Angel fires a blast for the head of it**
<Alicia> * Hotaru slashes at the hand
<Dias`> <Chad> Id scan the ships for any human life. *The Idlet floats up and begins scanning around for life signs*
<Seraphna> **Angel then warps to get above it**
<DeathStar> *there's mechanics all over the place, just waitiing to be squished*
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "But the cat has nine lives."
<DeathStar> *Zephyr charges her dragoon bustah as the machine seems to have a forcefield*
<DeathStar> *outside the slash, which got through it a bit*
<Dias`> <Chad> Work on getting all civilians out to safety. I don't want to set off any explosives with them around.
<DeathStar> *aiming it's hand, it begins to charge it's blaster, not caring if it takes out half the station or the cargo*
<DeathStar> <Hybrid> Now stay still, or everyone goes
<Seraphna> **Angel muses and instead of firing glows all over as a hyperspace being and tries to land on the shield to overload it**
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "How many ships do they have ready to go?"
<DeathStar> *She reaims at Angel as the shield flickers a little and begins to fire*
<DeathStar> *Aya works to pick up as many people as she can*
<Seraphna> **Angel shifts and slides along the shield to make her have to shoot her self**
<Alicia> * Hotaru rushes over to slash at the blaster once it reaims away from her
<Dias`> *Chad starts moving to each cargo ship, placing explosives on each one.* 18 that we can see.
<DeathStar> *well, she definitely wouldn't shoot herself, the mech isn't capable of that, and instead just shoots and blasts the entire cargo area*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *covers Chad while it palces the explosives*
<Seraphna> **Angel keeps sliding and pushing hyperspace at the shield**
<DeathStar> *as Chad enters the cargo ship, a Beta pilot attacks him, trying to inject his neck*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *fires on the Beta, aiming for the head*
<DeathStar> *by now the entire hanger begins to rupture and air is leaking*
<DeathStar> *as alarms are going off*
<Dias`> *Chad looks around as the beta pilot attemping to inject him is shot at by Cassandra* Shit.
<DeathStar> *As the hybrid keeps firing and using jolts from the mech to try to knock Angel off*
<DeathStar> *not caring about the damage gone to the location*
<Seraphna> Angel> We gotta take this out before the hangar’s Swiss cheese. **she stumbles and slides back and away**
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "...sounds like the others are having a fun time. We need to speed this up, Chad."
<DeathStar> *the robot shakes it's blaster, then seems to recycle after taking some damage to it to missiles*
<DeathStar> *targetting Angel and Hotaru now*
<DeathStar> *the Beta tries to inject Cassandra*
<DeathStar> *while it's Head sparks*
<Dias`> <Chad> They're being careless. We're gonna get shot by that thing if we're not careful. *He tosses some of the explosives to Cass* Move quicker. We just need to damage the ships enough.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *backs off, firing at the Beta, and trying to get in kill shots*
<Seraphna> **Angel grabs Hotaru and warps to it’s side, before tossing Hota at the head**
<DeathStar> *missiles go flying at Hotaru ad Angel as she flies*
<Alicia> * Hotaru slashes as she flies at the head
<Dias`> *Chad starts moving quicker as he begins slapping C4 on each one*
<DeathStar> *the one Beta dies as the other cargo ships begin to take off as the hanger explodes in areas*
<Seraphna> **Angel then amps her power, assuming they’ll go after heat and starts leading them to the remaining ships**
<DeathStar> *at that moment, as Hotaru slahses into the head, the giant robot turns and fires missiles at Cassandra and Chad*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *grabs Chad and tries to get them clear*
<DeathStar> *Zephyr fires into the leg of the giant robot to help topple it some*
<DeathStar> *while Xvar has been trying to bash his way into the stomach*
<DeathStar> *getting lost*
<Dias`> *Chad is grabbed by Cass as the missiles come in*
<Seraphna> **Angel tries directing the rockets towards her and the fleeing transports**
<Seraphna> **missles
<DeathStar> *Angel manages to take out one while the rest of the missiles send her flying*
<DeathStar> *the Hybrid leans out with Hotaru stuck in her robot's head and aims to kick her off*
<Seraphna> **Angel yelps, warping back before she can slam into anything**
<DeathStar> <Hybrid> This is where you fall
<Alicia> * Hotaru smacks the hybrid instead
<DeathStar> *she stumbles against the head and growls, tapping into her dragoon powers to form a scythe and slash down at Hotaru*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Chad... we need to keep moving. They got the mech's focus again.""
<DeathStar> *all the while having the robot machine gun fire at everything, causing more damage. warnings telling people to flee as the air runs out*
<Alicia> * Hotaru counters, likely more familiar with the scythe than the hybrid
<Dias`> *Chad and moves back to getting the remaining ones explosived up
<Seraphna> **Angel curses in some language and begins warping any other survivors out**
<Dias`> *Chad eyes the remaining ones flying out* Shit. *He moves to set off just those specific explosives and not the ones they have in their hands*
<Dias`> <Chad> Zephyr, can you focus on the ones flying out?
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Anything we can do to transmit to take out those freighters?"
<DeathStar> *the shuttles begin to blow up; two blow up, but not on the shuttles; it looks like Betas got out and blew up the C4 on themselves. ... Sort of win?*
<DeathStar> *Zephyr turns, looking like she's seeing double and begins to scope the shuttles*
<Seraphna> **Angel pops in by Zephyr, giving her a stim**
<DeathStar> *the Hybrid seems to strain, keeping her balance on the head, reaching for the head's entrance*
<DeathStar> *as if to get back inside*
<Alicia> * Hotaru tries to keep her away from it
<DeathStar> *The Hyrid slides a bit and switches to her Weapon power, gaining a boost of power and begins to push Hotaru back* <Hybrid> I do not like.. you! *She suddenly seems to fall off the robot into the firey mess she's made*
<DeathStar> *Zephyr begins to fire her dragoon bustahs, taking out a shuttle*
<DeathStar> *Aya contacts Chad, on the other side where there's still air* I got as many people as I could. How are you doing? OXygren is nearly gone over there
<Seraphna> Angel> **focuses herself and aims firing a lathe hyperspace blast at another**
<Seraphna> **large
<DeathStar> *Zephyr scopes and breathes, and fires*
<Dias`> <ChadComm> Several of the ships have escaped. I have probably 15 minutes of back-up air that I'm gonna switch it. *He tap his neck and a mask forms around his face*
<DeathStar> *spinning the shuttle out and leaving it for dead*
<DeathStar> *The robot begins to lurch on Hotaru and tip over*
<Seraphna> **Angel feels out for her Cran**
<Dias`> <Chad> Cass, we need to get back to the otherside. Air's getting thin.
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "I'm not here to be liked." *likewise falls off the robot, distracted for a moment, before focusing on the Hybrid again*
<DeathStar> *Cran seems to be in the hanger command center*
<DeathStar> *doing something*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Come on." *tries moving for the safe area*
<DeathStar> *Hybrid seems to be skittering along the hanger dark areas*
<DeathStar> *the giant guns begin to move for the security*
<Seraphna> Angel> Got any more in you Zeph or good to go?
<Dias`> *Chad moves after Cassandra*
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I'll try. *She aims when the guns begin to fire picking off two shuttles*
<Seraphna> Angel> Okay, don’t overdue it or Angela will kill me.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I'd say that was 80%... *She passes out*
<Seraphna> Angel> **picks her up then warps to the command center**
<DeathStar> <Cran> *Comm* I'm stuck here in the hanger command area. *He turns* Well this works. *The air here is poor as well* I was going to just go through files
<Seraphna> Angel> Take what you can. You can’t breathe in vacuum.
<DeathStar> <Cran> *he grabs some stuff and extra breathing masks* Lets join the others. I've left the defenses on
<DeathStar> *Hotaru would see the Hybrid run into the employee tunnels*
<Seraphna> **Angel nods and takes him and Zephyr to the others**
<DeathStar> *Aya checks Zephyr* Her fever is on the rise again. *Scans her* That stuff the Beta injected her with is worse now
<Alicia> * Hotaru heads off to the others
<Dias`> <Chad> I imagine using her Dragoon powers only caused it to spread faster.
<DeathStar> <Cran> Well the good thing is we should run into very little Betas from here on out
<Seraphna> Angel> Yep. And only about 20% of the shuttles got out.
<DeathStar> <Cran> We took out 80-90% of them
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "The problem is alot of those ships still made it out."
<DeathStar> <Cran> Enough to be a problem, yes
<Seraphna> Angel> We could send their signatures to Repliforce and have them intercept.
<DeathStar> <Xvar> *arms crossed* Well we should... *The colony shakes, apparently the damage done in the fight earlier still being felt*
<DeathStar> <Xvar> Should seek out the big bad while we can
<Seraphna> Angel> Sending it out with a caution about the beta overrides.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Any word form Cheryl?"
<DeathStar> *Aya pulls out a datapad* I got her location
<Dias`> <Chad> Nothing yet. *He nods to Aya* Let's head that way then. The emergency systems will kick in for the damages done.
<Dias`> <Chad> And that Hybrid? Is it dead?
<Seraphna> Angel> It got away I think, Hota?
<DeathStar> *Aya leads them along*
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "Yeah..."
<Dias`> *Chad clicks his tongue at that as he follows*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Wonder if you could have baited it to hit the shuttles for us..."
<Dias`> <Chad> It took out a few when it shot in to the hanger. It didn't seem like it cared honestly.
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "How many shuttles did we get?"
<Seraphna> Angel> 80-90%.
<DeathStar> *as they near the central tower area, they come across Cheryl with her back to them. Aya eyes her datapad, then Cheryl, hmming, while Xvar carries Zephyr once again*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Our guesstimates is 80 to 90%."
<Seraphna> **Angel peers around** Why is she alone…?
<Dias`> *Chad eyes Cheryl there* Where's Angela?
<Dias`> *Chad rests his hand on Ebony's grip, his body tense a bit*
<DeathStar> *Cheryl turns to look at them, having slight burn marks on her face* <Cheryl> Angela? Oh. We got seperated. I'm still looking for her. *She looks up at the alarms going off* Been a little...crazy, huh?
<Seraphna> Angel> You can say that again, why not just ask her where she is?
<Dias`> <Chad> Yeah. The Hybrid decided to go all out. You alright?
<Seraphna> **Angel peers at her neck carefully**
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *Taps head* I guess I'm a little scattered right now. Took a hit. *her eyes dart toward the group* Unfortunately, I can't seem to talk to her.
<Alicia> * Hotaru tries to sense out Angela
<Jackieness> <Cassandra>
<Dias`> <Chad> Yeah, it seems that whatever hit you has made you a little loopy.
<Seraphna> Angela> <Hota…?>
<Alicia> <Hotaru> <Where are you?>
<Seraphna> Angela> <What’s up? Me, Cherry and Darien are about to reach our goal.>
<DeathStar> *Cheryl moves over to Hotaru, looking curious* I must be loopy. *She suddenly forms her scythe and cuts for her neck*
<Seraphna> **Angela brings a hyper blade up to block**
<Alicia> * Hotaru jumps back
<Seraphna> **Angel
<DeathStar> *Cheryl? strainsand kicks side ways at Angel's stomach*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Out of the way machina. This isn't about you
<Dias`> <Chad> We should keep movi...*His fingers pulls the trigger on Ebony, sending a shot curving from the ground towards Cheryl? 's arm*
<Seraphna> **Angel flies back and oofs**
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *pulls ehr gun* "LEt me guess... the hybrid was based on Cheryl, right?!"
<Seraphna> Angel> I think… she can copy other Dragoons.
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "Seems so."
<DeathStar> *she twirls and slashes at Hotaru when she curses, shifting to Zephyr and forms her gun, sliding back*
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> *she begins to charge*
<DeathStar> <Aya> Don't let her fire
<Dias`> *Chad quickly pulls out Ebony as his eyes go grey and starts firing shots in at the Hybrid, not curving any yet*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *tries to get a couple headshots in at 'Cheryl'"
<Seraphna> **Angel warps to get behind her and shoulder tackles**
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "You could've just left, you know."
<DeathStar> *Zephyr? jerks as she's shot and begins to fall to her knees, bleeding from her head wounds, then falls over*
<Seraphna> **Angel pulls a power collar out of subspace and puts it on her** No idea of this will hold her.
<Seraphna> **or tries to
<Dias`> *Chad then shifts his attention, aiming for the barrel and begins firing at it*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "She's down. Keep her down." *moves closer to deliver another headshot*
<Seraphna> Angel> Wait you’re gonna execute?
<DeathStar> *Cran seems curious about something*
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "I don't want to..."
<DeathStar> *the Hybrid seems to have shifted to Caduceous and has begin to heal, the bullets falling out of her brain*
<Seraphna> Angel> Collar doesn’t seem to be working.
<Dias`> *Chad clicks his tongue as he shifts to aim for it's knee's now aiming to overload their healing now*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Take her head."
<DeathStar> *The healing pauses*
<Seraphna> **Angel frowns** I could try fucking with her stigmata instead.
<Dias`> *Chad pauses a bit, eyeing the Hybrid just incase*
<Seraphna> Angel> Former supervillain and all I’m not into killing people these days.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Then do something. We don't need ehr waking up and shooting us in the back."
<Dias`> <Chad> Then Cass and I will.
<DeathStar> <Cran> I find it interesting she went for Hotaru
<Seraphna> **Angel first tries to disrupt her stigmata to put her out for a while**
<Seraphna> Angel> Come on kid give me a reason to give you a shot…
<Dias`> <Chad> Any thoughts on why?
<DeathStar> *she doesn't seem to have a stigmata. Perhaps Lorelei's reality shifting ability did not extend to her*
<Seraphna> Angel> No stigmata… fuck.
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "I don't know."
<Dias`> *Chad slowly approaches the Hybrid, keeping his pistol trained on them*
<DeathStar> <Cran> This is silly
<Seraphna> **Angel inspects the power collar**
<DeathStar> <Cran> Cut her head off if you want to kill her, drive a bar through her head if you don't
<DeathStar> <Cran> It'll disrupt her until she reforms her brain
<Seraphna> Angel> She’ll recover? Okay.
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "...that won't kill her?"
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Angel, if you want to keep her alive, then find a bar and do the honors."
<Seraphna> **Angel rips a bar off the wall and does it**
<Alicia> * Hotaru is already looking for a bar when Angel does that
<DeathStar> <Cran> But she seems obsessed with you, Hota. She'll retarget you once her brain reforms itself however long that might be. Days, weeks, months
<Dias`> *Chad fires a shot into each of her organs* That'll slow her down even more.
<Seraphna> Angel> Okay let’s get moving then. Hota do you have a lock on Angela?
<DeathStar> *The power collar seems to have locked her dragoon powers off right now, hence switched to the Weapon powers to heal*
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "If it keeps her from causing this sort of trouble, I'm fine."
<Alicia> *fine with this
<Dias`> <Chad> Let's go then. *He starts moving to meet up with the others*
<Seraphna> **Angel nods and moves to go**
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *continues forward*
<DeathStar> *The team soon finds a large elevator*
<DeathStar> <Xvar> Hm. Not sure which is more honorable. Leaving someone in a half-dead state, or to kill them
<Seraphna> Angel> Hopefully I can get her head straight later.
<Dias`> <Chad> That's a valid question. *He eyes the elevator and hits the button to summon it* We taking this or the stairs?
<DeathStar> <Aya> This should take us up where Cheryl is
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "Well, this way, we can try to help her later."
<DeathStar> <Cran> *eyes the stairs which go up and up*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Though... our team doesn't have a good history with elevators."
<Dias`> <Chad> ...*He moves to step on to the elevator*
<Seraphna> Angel> I might could teleport there but we lack a visual.
<DeathStar> *Xvar steps on, along with Cran.*
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> *mumbles* We are doomed
<Seraphna> **Angel gets in**
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "Are we?"
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *steps on*
<Seraphna> Angel> If we fall I’ll grab you with Alex, since you’re ill.
<DeathStar> *The elevator goes up with that happy music, even as around them the colony shudders*
<Seraphna> Angel> Is this an Athena number?
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Definitely not my granddaughter."
<DeathStar> *They arrive at the top where Cheryl is eyeing a locked door for whoever commands the station*
<DeathStar> *trying to hack it*
<Dias`> *Chad walks up to Cheryl and moves to assist her*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> This thing has good security. Dammit
<Seraphna> Angela> I refuse to punch the door as that’s too Dias like.
<DeathStar> *Aya looks around, peering down at the colony*
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> By all means, punch
<Seraphna> Angela> Damn, they used the Zephyr card.
<Seraphna> **Angela tries starting to take out the door**
<Dias`> <Chad> Seems like a silly thing to hold back on. *He keeps working on trying to hack the door open*
<Alicia> * Hotaru carves at the mechanism
<DeathStar> *the door seems to be made of the strongest materials; oh and the door then attacks with guns*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *moves for cover, firing back at the sentry guns*
<DeathStar> *Cran takes cover and Darien ducks down as the sentry guns blow up*
<Seraphna> **Angela hops back raising a holy shield**
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I think Zephyr set you up
<Dias`> <Chad> I think I almost have it....
<DeathStar> *Cheryl and Chad break the lock and the giant 2 meter wide door opens up, revealing an office*
<DeathStar> *with pictures of the Cran family all over in it*
<DeathStar> <Aya> ... *looks around the empty office*
<Dias`> *Chad looks around* He still here or is he gone?
<Seraphna> Angela> Creeepy.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "...this had better be from redecorating..."
<Seraphna> Angela> Yeah but all this and he has time to redecorate?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I don't see him. *a note is on the desk*
<Alicia> * Hotaru checks the note
<DeathStar> "I would not expect any less from you two. You definitely make me speed up my time table. After what remains of my Betas finish their visit, if you want to see me, I will be where it all began"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... this makes no sense. He has to know we're going to intercept his Betas, right?
<Seraphna> Angela> I think we’re being stalled.
<Dias`> <Chad> It is odd.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "We need aplan of action."
<DeathStar> *Cran thinks* Did... any of the shuttles flight plans survive?
<DeathStar> <Cran> Before we blew them up?
<Dias`> *Chad moves over to a terminal and sees if he can access any of them
<DeathStar> *it looks like Cran purposely erased where they were going from here*
<Alicia> <Hotaru> "He knows."
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "The Guardian colony would be too obvious."
<Seraphna> Angel> You’re thinking they aren’t actually headed to the Guardian colony.
<Dias`> <Chad> I can't access any of the logs from here. The best I can do is try and salvage one of the damaged ones in space and see if I can pull anything from it
<DeathStar> <Cran> That is what I am thinking. The Guardian attack would see what Betas he has shredded.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "If they were going to the most obvious place, why take the extra effort to mop p the trail?"
<DeathStar> <Cran> There are Dragoons/Guardians in other locations, yes?
<DeathStar> <Cran> And we do not know who all is affected by that stinger
<Seraphna> Angel> The Alpha colony perhaps?
<Dias`> <Chad> I believe so. *He crosses his arms and clicks his tongue as he taps his neck* Id, put out a warning to the other original Weapons. Have a few of ours head in to guard them.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> And that clue of his is tactless. Oh well. I'll help salvage the shuttles
<Seraphna> Angela> What does Where it all Began mean anyway?
<Dias`> <Chad> Probably because he doesn't want to play anymore games.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I suppose it could mean a few things
<Seraphna> Angela> The site he discovered Ariel at? The mansion?
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "That line soudns almost cliche." *looks at their cran* "...where did what begin?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'll think on what it began means to him.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Probably another time waster
<Dias`> <Chad> Hard to say.
<Seraphna> **Angela looks over Zephyr and frowns** I think it’s time I put on my Dragoon Science hat and work on an antiserum.
<DeathStar> -END/MINIS OPEN-
Session Close: Mon Aug 07 00:00:00 2023