The Alien Wars 6: Fumoffu

Session 45

Session Start: Tue May 03 00:00:00 2022
Session Ident: #fumoffu
* Retrieving #fumoffu modes...
* DeathStar changes topic to 'Season 2 | Tuesdays once or twice a month | Phase 8 | Session 45: Dawn of the Damned - May 3rd'
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> Date: 10-643.1.25
<DeathStar> Location: PAX
<DeathStar> *The club, or at least who has decided to attend, is up on the PAX at Taiga's lab for some reason, summoned up there; there they find Ren sitting on her chair, head propped up*
<DeathStar> *Taiga fiddling with devices, one being a large rifle that seems to be heavily modified - another version on the table with a smaller pistol like type.*
<Seraphna> **Si holds up a strange device herself… actually a video game system** Hi score!
<Jackieness> <Noire> *enters the lab* "And why was the club meeting moved here?"
<Seraphna> Jaime> Taiga is planinating.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "She's... what?"
<DeathStar> <Taiga> Well, we got a request.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> So I been working on it for a while
<Jackieness> <Noire> "And that is?"
<Seraphna> Jaime> **sips tea**
<DeathStar> <Ren> *mumbles about her epic plans being supplement by an old fox - despite Taiga looking as young as her.*
* ChadWinters` steps in from the side an Idlet floating by him. 1"To work on closure for my family."
<DeathStar> *supplemented
<DeathStar> *as Chad walks, Taiga brings out another device, scanning people's brainwaves*
<Seraphna> **Si hugs Ren from behind and pats her** Aww, no reason to be miffed my pup.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "...excuse me?"
<Seraphna> Kaelan> There’s an excuse? **slips out of the shadows**
<ChadWinters`> My hands are currently full with everything I've been dealing with. Because of that, I need you to either find Dawn or his remains for me. 6He clicks his tongue and the Id forms a hologram of the portal that Dawn was sucked in to.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> Basially, we're going to hell.
<DeathStar> *she moves to each person and scans their mind length, making a slight face at Kaelan*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "You mean the ghost portal to some lower plane? Really?"
<ChadWinters`> Granted, I don't expect you to put your lives at risk if it's too dangerous, but if you confirm that he's in this pocket dimension or layer and is alive, we can form a team to go after him.
* ChadWinters` looks over at Noire. 1"Yes."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> What, is my pattern too awesome?
<Seraphna> **Jaime yawns a bit** I imagine it’s a nicer location than some of the places I’ve been to.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> Here is what I've been able to determine most likely happened. *She moves over to her computer, showing a simulation* We don't know a lot about spirits, mind you, but I believe they come up from a lower plane of existence that is close to our own
* ChadWinters` crosses his arms. 1"Between talking to Tsuki and then working with Taiga, we believe we have a path forward at least.
<DeathStar> *at her name, Tsukiyomi steps into the room, moonlight shining behind her*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "So why tap us then?"
<DeathStar> <Ren> *perks up at the spirits, springing up*
<ChadWinters`> Because your group has the most free time to handle things like this.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Hello My Lady~
<DeathStar> <Voice> You all should drop this now. What you will find down there you are not ready yet - you have not trained for yet.
<Seraphna> Jaime> Doomguy?
<Jackieness> <Noire> *purses her lips, as though insulted but unable to really refute the point about her freetime*
<DeathStar> *Fate stands there, for once not having trained*
<ChadWinters`> I don't expect them to go in full cocked, Fate. Just to do more looking in to it for me.
<DeathStar> <Fate> Each plane of existence beneath this one leads to ... *she trails off* Each grows worse. *she peers at the group* Do not trail too far down in your search
<DeathStar> <Fate> Sometimes it is better to know when something is too much
<ChadWinters`> Fate's correct on this. You'll have a few of my Idlets to take with you to plant as beacons in hopes of gathering more data and finding a safer route.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> So who wants to come?
<DeathStar> *Fate moves to go, clearly refusing to be part of this*
<ChadWinters`> How's your training been going? 6He glances at Fate.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "I would note that Fate actually looks sppoked."
<DeathStar> <Fate> It is ... stimulating. I have been getting used to this body more and more in this plane.
<DeathStar> *She notes*
* SaraLappy has joined #fumoffu
<Alicia> * Charlotte arrives late, but enters anyway
<ChadWinters`> That's good to hear. 6He looks over at those here. 1"So are you willing to take this on?"
<DeathStar> *Ren bounces on her feet* I'm in!
<Seraphna> Kaelan> I’ll come.
<DeathStar> *Fate mumbles that even Dias is training before doing something like this*
<Seraphna> Jaime> A goddess cannot fear the underworld.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I'm not going to accept before I know what I'm accepting but don't take my caution as cowardice."
<Jackieness> <Noire> *sighs and pushes ehr glasses up* "...if only to make sure Ren makes it back safely..."
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Then I'm going."
<SaraLappy> * Kaori arrives and glances around
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "So, what did I agree to?"
<Jackieness> <Noire> "That old man..." *points at Chad* "...wants us to go literally to Hell to find Dawn."
<ChadWinters`> I'll state it one last time. All I'm asking for is evidence of either his death or that he's alive. If you deem it to risky to either retrieve a body or him then retreat. Simple.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "That's rough... but if Ren is going, so am I."
<SaraLappy> <Kaori> What are we doing?
* ChadWinters` crosses his arms as he looks at Charlotte. 1"Rough or not, I'm not going to tell someone to trade a life for a life."
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> I will be here to help protect you. *She notes, the Goddess of the Kitsune*
<DeathStar> *And the moon*
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> Just stay by me and we should be able to get through this
<Seraphna> Kaelan> In Tsuki’s arms, best place to be.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> We might need you in this Kaori; your powers and Tsuki's might be all that can save us down there
<ChadWinters`> Seeing if you can find any evidence that Dawn is alive or dead. 6He looks at Kaori. 1"Which means traveling to a layer of reality that is unknown.
<DeathStar> *Tsukiyomi gives a blessing to all the foxes, touching their foreheads*
<SaraLappy> <Kaori> I see...
<ChadWinters`> Personally, I don't think sending Kaori, who's powers will prove useful down the road, on something like this but do as you will.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> I'll only use her as a back up.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> She's got other tricks besides her power
<DeathStar> <Taiga> Memes and quips
<DeathStar> *Taiga puts on some goggles and holds her rifle* Alright. IT looks like we're all ready
* ChadWinters` grunts at that. 1"Don't use any reality powers down their unless you have no choice. It might draw unwanted attention."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> We’ll keep the little kit safe.
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> I will take the lead, so do not worry
<ChadWinters`> 6Three Idlet's float to Taiga. 1"Place them every so often. They'll do what they can to relay info back and also work as a beacon for you guys.
<DeathStar> *She joins Taiga helps charge her unique rifle, which seems to be a modified reality gun. Firing it into the air, it warps and bends, and opens a space, making Fate wince.*
<DeathStar> *Taiga takes the Idlets, then steps through, with Ren leaping in*
* ChadWinters` glances at Fate. 1"Sorry for asking them to do this. Aya need's closure."
<Seraphna> **Kaelan, Jaime and Si follow**
<DeathStar> <Fate> So far it feels like Aya's brain refuses to allow her to grieve, focusing on "aiding" the team with her mathmatics. It's almost like her grief is making her smarter.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "The fool that follows..." *heds in*
<SaraLappy> * Kaori eyes Chad
<ChadWinters`> It comes at a cost, Fate.
<Alicia> * Charlotte looks over at Noire, thinking for a moment, then heads after
<DeathStar> <Fate> Infact, I can show you proof in the future if you died it would speed her brain up even more.
<DeathStar> *Fate sits with Chad while the portal closes for now, perhaps waiting to see how this plays out*
<DeathStar> -Layer 1-
<DeathStar> *the group arrives in a massive, Mega City like city, the sky having a reddish tint, but breathable*
<DeathStar> *clearly they are on Earth
<DeathStar> <Ren> ...this is hel?
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I wonder who's president."
<Seraphna> Jaime> Well, not too bad so far.
<SaraLappy> <Kaori> It looks like a level from an old video game
<Seraphna> Kaelan> There’s a city down here we can conquer?
<DeathStar> *Taiga eyes her instruments while Tsukiyomi floats off to the side; the streets look emptyish right now, with vehicles broken down*
<Seraphna> Si> Pretty abandoned.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "...can we just get this over with? I suggest finding the coutnerpart to the dress boutique where the portal opened."
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Lets."
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> There is a lot of air pollution - try not to breathe too much and the sun is different. Becareful it does not begin to bother you
<DeathStar> *Through the sky, the sun indeed looks more reddish and maybe a bit larger*
<DeathStar> *Taiga heads for the spot Noire indicated, peering at her datapad, which slowly looks like its battery is draining rapidly*
<Seraphna> Jaime> Momma needs to make hell suns less hellish.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> There's something is draining my batteries
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "My pride as a dark one would be damaged if I let something like this get the better of me."
<DeathStar> *Ren looks about as they walk; eyes peer out of stores*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "This almost looks like Earth as the sun starts to enter the red Giant phase..."
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Wouldn't everyone be dead by then?"
<DeathStar> *Tsukiyomi muses* I suggest we do not linger
<Seraphna> Si> People in the shops.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "This isn't exactly a top vacation spot."
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Don't tke it literally."
<DeathStar> <Ren> If it was a rd giant, wouldn't it have swallowed the Earth?
<Seraphna> Jaime> I dunno, a little shade. A few less demons. A bar. Could be an interesting night out.
<DeathStar> <Ren> Yet, it hasn't.
<DeathStar> *as they travel, it's definitely gotten hotter, and Taiga ahs removed some layers of clothing as they arrive at the shop - here it's just an abandoned building, long since being anything useful*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Early phase of a red Giant. As in it hasn't expanded into the habitable zone yet."
<Jackieness> <Noire> "And let's see if there is any trace of the portal here..."
* Sara has joined #fumoffu
<Seraphna> Si> **eyes Taiga** I found a pro to this place.
<DeathStar> *Ren's tails fan her, showing some bra, since it's all girls and looking about for anyone. Tsukiyomi looks around as more eyes are lurking about in other buildings*
<DeathStar> <Taiga> I do not think this is the place to be joking. *She holds up her datapad to scan when it shuts off*
<DeathStar> <Taiga> Shit
<Jackieness> <Noire> "What?"
<DeathStar> <Taiga> Battery dead and I had a full datapad
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Did you lose any data?"
<Seraphna> Si> I think if the sun is really the stage it is in it’s probably giving off EMF emissions. That would drain most batteries.
<DeathStar> *Taiga pockets, hoping it'll recharge*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "That means we'll have to go in."
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> *holds out her hands, trying to sense anything*
<DeathStar> *Right as - "people" begin to rush the group. They look more like dried up husks*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "We don't have spare water, so don't bother!"
<DeathStar> *They rush at group, opening what looks like mouths and one tries to bite on Si and suck the fluids out of her*
<DeathStar> *As does another on Charlotte*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *forms her Dark Edge* "I think these may be Lost Souls!"
<DeathStar> <Taiga> These things?!
<Seraphna> **Si flips the biter and blasts it with fire**
<Alicia> * CHarlotte sends off a tendril to flip her biter away
<DeathStar> *Si burns the creature away*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *slahes at them as they get within reach*
<Seraphna> **Jaime grumbles and stumps, rock fists thrusting up from the street into the attackers**
<DeathStar> *Tsukiyomi searches around* I am finding no trace of a portal here. Should we go deeper?
<Seraphna> **stomps
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Yes."
<DeathStar> *Jaime's fists do so as Taiga aims her gun*
<DeathStar> *and "clicks". The battery on it dead*
<DeathStar> <Taiga> uh....
<Seraphna> Si> Shielded batteries, love.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "You should have used old-school powder!"
<DeathStar> <Taiga> They should be shielded, dammit!
<DeathStar> <Taiga> One moment!
<Seraphna> Jaime> Can it take a hyperspace charge?
<DeathStar> <Taiga> You might melt it
<DeathStar> *Taiga's hand glows and tries a reality spark, despite Chad's warning. At that moment, a ton of creatures burst past Jaime and leap at Taiga*
<DeathStar> Up, Down, Right, Left, Down, Up
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<Seraphna> dulrud
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> *the creatures at barely stopped from reaching her as Tsukiyomi and Taiga get a portal going*
<DeathStar> <Ren> LEts go. *She grabs Charlotte and Kaori, moving in*
<Seraphna> **Si and Jaime wrap the creatures in burning asphalt**
<SaraLappy> <Kaori> Careful! *she is grabbed*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "In!" *moves through the portal*
<DeathStar> *Taiga leaves an Idlet*
<Seraphna> **Kaelan hops through**
<DeathStar> *And moves inside*
<Seraphna> **Si and Jaime follow**
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Lets hope the Idlets are shielded against that."
<DeathStar> <Taiga> I'll wait to activate it!
<DeathStar> -Layer 2-
<DeathStar> *They arrive in a bustling city*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "...the opposite of where we were."
<DeathStar> <Ren> Again, this is hell?
<DeathStar> *The city looks much advanced than Mega City and the people walk about all happy*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Where are we again?"
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Well, the previous place would be hell to live in, I guess."
<DeathStar> *Taiga checks her datapad* Recharging
<DeathStar> *Tsukiyomi checks* It seems to be Earth. *points at the sun* And I sense the moon
<Alicia> * Charlotte pulls out her datapad, scanning the area
<DeathStar> *Charlotte would detect they are on what would be Mega City*
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Moons are better.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "So, we're not in Michigan. Mega City instead."
<DeathStar> <Ren> Lets explore
<Seraphna> Jaime> Why is every hell Mega City?
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Good question."
<SaraLappy> <Kaori> You have to ask?
<DeathStar> *Ren runs ahead*
<Alicia> * Charlotte runs after
<Seraphna> Jaime> I mean, Cincinnati would be far more terrifying for a hell.
<Seraphna> Jaime> Even has Sin in the name. I feel an opportunity was missed.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Ren, wait!" *goes after her*
<SaraLappy> <Kaori> Ren, wait up! *she chases*
<DeathStar> *as they move along, they soon come across a sign calling this Neo Aringoha. Ren stops and peers inside a window of a massive holovid like screen showing the latest games. Their video games are way more high tech than anythign in their plane of existence*
<DeathStar> <Taiga> I confess, this feels almost like another reality than a lower plane of existence
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Is there a such thing as a good hell?
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "This is certainly a tempting place to be."
<Jackieness> <Noire> "So what is the irony? Where is the twist?"
<Seraphna> Jaime> The Greeks and Roman’s sent everyone to the Underworld. Your experience was then judged by the ruler.
<DeathStar> *some people walk by, looking blissfully happy*
<DeathStar> *leaning against each other*
<Seraphna> Jaime> Who is to say the Underworld has to be evil?
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Honestly... everyone looks like they are high."
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> There is something wrong in the air, but I cannot put my finger on it.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> We found Cookie’s afterlife.
<DeathStar> *Tsukiyomi studies the people* ... there is somthing wrong with their souls
<Seraphna> Kaelan> What is it Moon?
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> I feel like this place is ... devouring them slowly. Almost like - what is the term, a frog being boiled *She studies the group* I do not think we should linger for long lest we become part of this place
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "A clever trap then."
<DeathStar> *Ren holds up something* Wow, Charlotte, this is a rare tome of a spirits occult book I been looking for
<Seraphna> Jaime> Oh… they have this part in the Greek Underworld too.
<DeathStar> *she goes to open it*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "so it tempts you with your greatest desire."
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Is that a real book? We don't really have time to reading..."
<Seraphna> Jaime> Asphodylous I think?
<DeathStar> *Ren huffs and puts the book in her bag*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "We can read it when we're home."
<Seraphna> Jaime> People kept in pleasure until the ruler of the realm devoured them. He liked the flavor of happiness.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> You know the lovelist trivia
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Taiga, do your devices work again?"
<DeathStar> *they arrive at where the spot would be, but there's a giant construction site*
<DeathStar> <Taiga> *eyes the datapad and holds it up and scans*
<Seraphna> Jaime> We like to study the ancient mythos to be better goddesses.
<Seraphna> Jaime> Right Auntie Tsu?
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> Hm
<DeathStar> <Taiga> .... The datapad is giving me all sorts of strange readings
<DeathStar> *She holds it up and waves it across the group* It's like there's stuff all around us*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "What...stuff?"
<Seraphna> Jaime> Like say… the stuff of what should be the building here?
<DeathStar> <Taiga> I'd almost define it as spirits but it might be the entire realm. Feeding on the citizens.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> I am not getting anything from Dawn though
<Seraphna> Jaime> Oh my, so it is a force here.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "What about traces of the portal?"
<DeathStar> *Taiga aims her rifle.* Lets go lower. *She leaves an Idlet*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Come on Ren." *hugs her*
<DeathStar> *She opens the portal* <Ren> Right!
<Seraphna> Si> Hope the next level is a bonus stage.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Yes, we should not linger..." *ealks for the portal*
<DeathStar> -Layer 3-
<DeathStar> *A car almost hits Noire*
<DeathStar> <Ren> Noire!
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Gah! So hell is litrally rush hour taffic?!"
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Well, at least this one doesn't hide how bad it is."
<DeathStar> *as they step in, it looks almost like their realm, being in what appears to be a small town, but before them in a bloody mess almost - cars smashing into each other, people killing each other, children strangling each other, neighbors setting houses on fire*
<DeathStar> *the neighborhood is like something out of a small town in 1950's America back in the day*
<SaraLappy> <Kaori> Looks old. Creepy.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> What in the bloody hell. *She ducks an axe to the head and falls over*
<Seraphna> Si> It’s like a night at Marlin Brandi’s house.
<DeathStar> *The woman lifting it up high to kill Taiga*
<Seraphna> **Si incinerates the woman**
<Seraphna> Si> Hands off my fluff.
<DeathStar> *The axe falls over and Ren winces, peering back as a kid as stabbed her from behind*
<DeathStar> <Ren> Why... am I always getting it ...lately...
<DeathStar> *another kid triesd to strange Charlotte and their twin Kaori
<DeathStar> *with jump ropes*
<Seraphna> **Kaelan dumps the kids into endless shadowy hell and frown**
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Ren!" *sends tendrils out to stab the kid in return, then cut the rope*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Enough!" *raises ehr hands to form Dakr Matter blasts and then unleashes them on the rioters*
<DeathStar> *suddenly there is a high pitched noise and those that weren't taken out fall over*
<DeathStar> *The chaotic destruction and bodies left behind*
<Seraphna> **Si peers over the wound and gives her a healing injection**
<DeathStar> <Taiga> What was that.... *Ren nods her thanks as she leans against Char*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Nnnnnn...what literal hell are we in now?"
<Seraphna> Jaime> A sign to move on.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "...Taiga... any trace of Dawn here?"
<DeathStar> *as the sun slowly sets, the destruction slowly, almost like magic, begins to reset itself, the dead rise up, their wounds restoring as they all ... walk into their homes to go to bed*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Was this bad timing, or are they always this violent here?"
<DeathStar> <Taiga> Give me ... a moment
<DeathStar> *she holds up her datapad*
<DeathStar> *even the ones the group took out*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Don't ask..."
<DeathStar> <Ren> That's not normal
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> Interesting. *She uses her moon powers to speed up the night and as the sun rises, the people begin to step out and act like perfectly good citizens who don't go axe murders right before the sun sets*
<Seraphna> Jaime> Huh.
<DeathStar> *They even nod their greetings to them*
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> I believe we do not want to get caught here too long
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Again, Moon good.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Absolutely. I think I understand this place now."
<DeathStar> <Ren> You do?
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Everyone starts off perfectly 'normal' and gradually get more and more annoyed at everything until they lose it and start murdering everyone."
<Jackieness> <Noire> " typical day in my life?"
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Something like that."
<DeathStar> <Ren> Then we definitely do not want you here
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> Yes, and if we remain I fear we may be unable to leave
<DeathStar> <Tsukyiomi> Killing each other every day forever
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Then lets expedite this."
<DeathStar> *as she notes, the friendly people, offering each other tea and snacks, slowly do become more annoyed* <Taiga> No Dawn
<DeathStar> *she uses her gun and Tsukiyomi helps power it*
<DeathStar> *leaving the last idlet*
<DeathStar> <Ren> We're going pretty deep
<DeathStar> <Taiga> *Steps through*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Nine levels, according to Dante Alighieri."
<DeathStar> <Ren> Isn't that Dawn's last name?
<DeathStar> *Ren walks through*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I wonder if they're similar."
<DeathStar> -Layer 4-
<DeathStar> *As they enter, this realm seems more ... dark and empyish, almost without form*
<DeathStar> *Taiga blinks, and before them they see what looks like ghosts and other spirits*
<Alicia> * Charlotte heads after Ren
<DeathStar> *massive amounts. And they see the group*
<Seraphna> Jaime> He claims to own the literal fiddle too.
<Jackieness> <Noire> "...are we, in fact, inside Dawn's head?" *walks through*
<Jackieness> <Noire> " this the right place?"
<DeathStar> *Tsukiyomi lights up the area - the darkness reveals they are in fact a realm - and not a spirit realm. It seems to be a planet they're standing on, a practically dead planet*
<DeathStar> *even the stars up in the sky are barely visible now*
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> I do not think there is a real atmosphere. My blessings are the only thing keeping you alive
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Scan this place then. Make it quick."
<Alicia> * Charlotte scans
<DeathStar> *as Noire says this, a ghost tries to get into her body and take her over*
<DeathStar> *it seems there's various unnatural creatures and beings here, all lumbering toward them. Skeletal hands reach up and grab Kaori's legs and Ren's*
<DeathStar> *Charlotte picks up a bit of Dawn's signature finally*
<DeathStar> *it seems to be a bit deeper*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Excuse me, but you are *not* taking either Noire or Ren!" *lashes out at the hands and ghost with tendrils*
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<DeathStar> *The hands break apart and the ghost exits the body*
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<Jackieness> <Noire> *is left gaspsing* ""
<DeathStar> *At that moment a massive monster erupts from the ground, reaching from the ground, flesh dripping from it's body and the smell of rotten decay drifting from it's body*
<DeathStar> <Taiga> If he's one level down
<DeathStar> *she aims the gun when strange little monsters grab her and drag her under the ground, gun and all*
<DeathStar> <Ren> Mom!?
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> I will try to hold the monsters back
<DeathStar> *She flies up and begins to use her powers*
<DeathStar> *doing an area attack*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *uses ehr tendrils to try to pull Taiga back*
<DeathStar> *Taiga sputters as she is lifted up, the monsters on her still as they bite her like little gremlins*
<DeathStar> *the aims the gun shakily*
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<DeathStar> *Ren attacks the gremlins*
<DeathStar> *while the massive monster swings at the group, Tsuki's shield holding it's attacks back*
<DeathStar> *Taiga finally manages to fire it and open the portal*
<Alicia> * Charlotte uses Dark Hands to punch the monster
<DeathStar> *The monster tips backwards*
<DeathStar> *Taiga rushes through the portal*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *grabs her friends and tosses them through before they can get captured by monsters before going in herself*
<DeathStar> *Ren weeee's*
<DeathStar> *Tsukiyomi rushes after them, heading for the portal when the monster, having been knocked flat, reaches for Tsukiyomi to grab at her and stop her from following*
<DeathStar> -Layer 5-
<DeathStar> *The group arrives in a what looks to be classic hell*
<DeathStar> *the area full of lava and heat hitting them*
<DeathStar> *the gremlins on Taiga retreat*
<DeathStar> *there's hellish beasts that eye the group, lurking in the hellish caves like the group is prey*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "...Taiga... make this quick..." *counts to see if everyone is ehre*
<DeathStar> *Taiga lifts her datapad shakily; due to having no clothes on but her bra, she has bite marks all over*
<Alicia> * Charlotte looks over the group
<DeathStar> <Taiga> Uh, this plce is sending my readings all over the place. We'll have to walk around and find something. <Ren> Uh, where is Tsukiyomi?
<DeathStar> *She dusts herself off8
<Seraphna> **Kaelan peers around**
<Jackieness> <Noire> "...she must have been grabbed! We're sitting ducks without her..."
<DeathStar> *it seems the Moon/Fox Goddess never came through*
<Seraphna> Kaelan> W-We have to go back!
<Seraphna> Jaime> Auntie... **she gulps**
<Jackieness> <Noire> *looks for the portal that brought them here*
<DeathStar> <Taiga> We'll need to rely on Kaori's power to get through. ... we can't go back up. The way Fate described this, lower planes of existence have their own branching multiverses. We might never be able to follow the same path again even if we wanted
<DeathStar> *The portal seems to have closed*
<Seraphna> **Kaelan shakes, praying for Tsuki to find her way**
<SaraLappy> <Kaori> Well... Okay...
<Jackieness> <Noire> "...Chad Winters can't even afford the bill for this one."
<DeathStar> <Taiga> For now lets find Dawn and get out of here
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Right, Taiga, what do you have?"
<DeathStar> <Taiga> This place is just making it go nuts. *she points a t a large cave* Lets go that way.
<SaraLappy> * Kaori starts off that way
<Jackieness> <Noire> *wlaks that way*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "As long as we can go up and down, it's fine... though... how are we supposed to find Dawn with the multiverses branching like that?"
<DeathStar> *As they move along, they find it to be what appears to be along the lines of a true hell - people being tortured that have found thier way here - multitudes and in various ways. The people don't even seem to notice, like they're in some trance and only know their pain*
<Seraphna> **Jaime guides Kaelan who looks shellshocked that her Goddess was grabbed**
<Seraphna> **Si walks along, fuuing**
<DeathStar> <Taiga> I've been using his signature so it's kept us along a certain path
<DeathStar> <Taiga> This should be the path he was dragged down
<Jackieness> <Noire> "A good question... are we sure that was truly Chad Winters and not some demon trying to scam us?"
<DeathStar> <Taiga> ...but honestly? What we find after all this time. *she motions* I'm not sure it'll be good news.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "If we knew it'd be good news, there'd be no reason to go."
<DeathStar> <Ren> Does it mean we could go back down this and find Tsukiyomi using the same method?
<DeathStar> <Taiga> We could, if we wanted to re-do all this
<Seraphna> Kaelan> I do!
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "We have no guarantee we'd even find her."
<DeathStar> *some large demonic beings land in front of the group*
<DeathStar> *having taken notice of them moving through along.*
<SaraLappy> <Kaori> I'm innocent, I swear!
<DeathStar> *towering over everyone, they eye Kaori, judging her*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *just looks at Kaori like she's a moron*
<DeathStar> *Kaori is ... judged innocent!*
<DeathStar> *they move to Noire*
<DeathStar> <Ren> Reality power cheat!
<DeathStar> *They grab Noire - definirely not innocent*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Hey, what are you doing?"
<DeathStar> *They move her toward a pool of molten lava*
<DeathStar> <Ren> They're going to melt her
<DeathStar> *she leaps at the demons*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "You let her go right now!" *launches tendrils*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Release me!"
<DeathStar> <Taiga> Kaori, while they're busy, search for Dawn with your powers
<DeathStar> *The demons tangle with Ren and Charlotte, grabbing both and trying to overpower Charlotte and Ren while releasing Noire*
<SaraLappy> * Kaori starts searching
<Seraphna> **Kaelan goes dark Kitsune and leaps, slicing at the demons with her shadow katana**
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "...Ren's innocent too!" *pause* "And me." *lying*
<DeathStar> *Kaori indeed finds Dawn deeper in, spending 3 reality points*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *lands and then forms her Dark Edge, moving to slash at the demon that had grabbed her*
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Let's play a new game. You get judged.
<DeathStar> *They pause, having to judge Ren and Charlotte, as is the rules, allowing everyone to jump them*
<SaraLappy> * Kaori starts moving that way
<Seraphna> **Kaelan starts slicing, eyes glowing, but instead of the usual Dark One look they're oddly bright**
<DeathStar> *the two demons slowly being sliced up bleeding lava like blood, spewing about. Ren ylps and leaps back*
<DeathStar> *Taiga follows Kaori*
<DeathStar> <Ren> Look out!
<Jackieness> <Noire> *tries lobbing the demons into the lava ools*
<Jackieness> pools
<DeathStar> *They are tossed in, T2 style*
<Seraphna> **Kaelan keeps aloft with tendrils she stabs into the demons as she keeps going, clearly working out rage**
<DeathStar> *Still being stabbed all the way until they vanish*
<Seraphna> **Kaelan leaps off when they're tossed to lad by Noire**
<DeathStar> *TAiga and Kaori discover what appears to be bones polished into marble with stuff pushed into the eye sockets - cursed items it appears*
<DeathStar> <Taiga> That's Dawn?
<Jackieness> <Noire> *moves over to where the othrs have found the bones* "What...?"
<Alicia> * Charlotte follows
<DeathStar> *it appears the cursed items are still cursing Dawn's spirit*
<DeathStar> *and his family line*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "...who or what did this?"
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I... guess we've found our answer..."
<DeathStar> <Demon Lord> You dare tread into my realm? *a demonic figure appears*
<DeathStar> *towering over the girls, he looks down at them*
<Seraphna> Jaime> Yes. We dare tread it.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> I think we draw attention
<DeathStar> *drew
<DeathStar> *Ren eyes her books on how to dispel the cursed item*
<Seraphna> Jaime> I daresay we'll keep treading it until the two taken before their time are returned to us too.
<DeathStar> <Demon Lord> You make demands?
<Jackieness> <Noire> " don't say..."
<DeathStar> *he reaches for Jaime, to take her soul*
<Seraphna> Jaime> **holds up a glowing hand crackling with spirit imbued hyperspace**
<DeathStar> *he is unphased*
<Seraphna> Jaime> Touch me and I burn it off.
<Seraphna> **Kaelan and Si are talking together and nodding**
<DeathStar> *hand is within touching distance*
<DeathStar> *2*
<Seraphna> **Jaime hops back**
<DeathStar> *it pokes the ground, turning it black and death like*
<DeathStar> <Taiga> I should have brought Wyrd
<Seraphna> **Kaelan walks over, pulling out her other Katana, the pure white one**
<DeathStar> <Ren> I need salt. Salt salt salt
<Seraphna> Kaelan> No need.
<Seraphna> **Si pulls out a huge sack of salt again**
<Seraphna> **Kaelan awakens Truth, and Truth sensing where she is starts to glow holy as hell**
<DeathStar> <Taiga> I would avoid fighting that thing. *She notes*
<DeathStar> <TAiga> Just keep it away for a moment
<Alicia> * Charlotte helps Ren with the curse removal
<DeathStar> *The Demon Lord reaches once more for the group trying to take his Dawn*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Jaime, wall now!"
<Seraphna> **Kaelan swipes Truth who lashes out with a Holy Smite blast, wreathed in Fox Flame**
<DeathStar> *Ren works with Charlotte, shaking salt and using ofudas*
<Seraphna> **Jaime then covers them with a wall**
<DeathStar> *The hand hits the wall as they attack the hand. It causes a bit of damage, turning the Demon Lord's attention to Truth and Kaelan* That hurt.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> That was the point. We were willing to do this peacefully but you don't seem to understand anything but force.
<SaraLappy> <Kaori> Peace is an option!
<DeathStar> <Demon Lord> I am death. This is my realm. And many of you will come to see me
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Just keep reinforcing the wall to buy us time."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Only when it is time. You have no hold on the living.
<DeathStar> *he slams his hand on the ground, cracking the wall and sapping energy from everyone*
<DeathStar> *As if sapping their life force*
<DeathStar> <Demon Lord> You are in my realm
<Seraphna> **Kaelan growls and empowers Truth who now radiates a holy well around them**
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Nnnnnn..."
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Is that so."
<DeathStar> *the cursed item is removed* <Demon Lord> He is mine, not those in the upper realms. He is blackened
<Seraphna> Kaelan> You get him when his sands run out.
<DeathStar> *the Demon Lord reaches for Dawn as something rises out of the body and up, up, up, leaving only the skeleton*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I think the issue is that he's meant to be in the land of the living."
<Seraphna> Jaime> Did that jerk just ascend to a heaven and leave us behind?
<DeathStar> <Demon Lord> .... *he seems angered at what just happened, is about to smash the team when suddenly he becomes afraid; the Demon poofing*
<DeathStar> <Taiga> ... what?
<Jackieness> <Noire> "...what just happened?"
<DeathStar> <Ren> .... *peeks around the wall* Where'd he go?
<Seraphna> **Kaelan glares at where he was, Truth radiating with her too**
<Alicia> <CHarlotte> "I'm still unfamiliar with the mechanics of this realm."
<Seraphna> **jaime peers around**
<Seraphna> Jaime> WHat scares a Death Demon?
<DeathStar> *suddenly there's a pain in all their heads, something similiar has happened to Noire before, as somethign feels like it's crawling in there and whispering and images of darkness, worse than the DArk Ones, though it's similar*
<DeathStar> *like scratching and you want to cut it out, and it's getting closer*
<DeathStar> *the pain increasing and it's beckoning you to come below - below*
<DeathStar> <Voice> You are so close. I never though you would come so close.
<Seraphna> **Kaelan peers around, growling** Thanatos? Is it that thing?
<Seraphna> Jaime> It's time to go, Taiga.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "We've done what we came for, lets go."
<Jackieness> <Noire> "should we grab the bones for Wnters?!"
<DeathStar> *Taiga goes to form her portal when something crushes it*
<DeathStar> *a darkness forming from nowhere*
<DeathStar> <TAiga> Y-Yes grab it put in a bag!
<Seraphna> **Kaelan puts the bones in one of her tails**
<Seraphna> **Kaelan prays fervently, all Kitsune mode**
<Jackieness> <Noire> "LEt's go!"
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Portal...?"
<Jackieness> <Noire> " snuffed it out..."
<Seraphna> **Truth tries to create more holiness around them to protect them**
<DeathStar> *a moonlight shines down and Tsukiyomi warps in as crawling worm like things crawl up, and a portal to another layer is forced open*
<DeathStar> *And down there .... something is a staleness*
<DeathStar> *something down there is broken*
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> Do not look!
<Seraphna> Kaelan> **forms a shadow silk band about her eyes**
<Jackieness> <Noire> "G...get us out of here!"
<DeathStar> <Taiga> Kaori.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> You'll have to use your powers to retrace all our steps back home. Now
<Seraphna> Jaime> Close your eyes. **holds up a hand and forms a flashing spark to obscure and blind**
<DeathStar> *she notes as something is coming up. Ren, being the curious fox she is, is turning her head*
<DeathStar> *when she is blinded*
<Seraphna> **Si tugs her back**
<Alicia> * Charlotte grabs Ren and hugs her to her chest
<DeathStar> *A tall being, almost Dark One like is emerging, but it's appearance is changing - sometimes it seems much different, with the brief glances one might get. Taiga works on her broken device, and Tsukiyomi uses her powers to shield the group, drawing all her power*
<SaraLappy> * Kaori closes her eyes and concentrates
<DeathStar> *the team begins to materialize as she uses her reality powers and as the being reaches for them, the whispering growing louder in their heads, they're suddenly.....
<DeathStar> -Layer 0-
<DeathStar> *landing on the PAX floor*
<DeathStar> <Fate> You came so close, little fools, to your ends and the end of many things
<Seraphna> **Kaelan lays a hand on Tsuki to help her when they warp, blinking**
<Jackieness> <Noire> "...ahhh... finally...its over."
<DeathStar> *Ren makes sure they have the bones*
<Seraphna> Jaime> When did you go from showing up to observe to mocking people for not dying?
<DeathStar> <Fate> *crosses her arms under her breasts* One day you might stand a chance to what is down there, but that day is not it. Promise me you will not go back down there until I say it is time
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "'End of many things'? You should've told us if there was going to be something that would end the world!"
<Seraphna> Jaime> Sure. Though I want to smack that Death guy now. What an ass.
<DeathStar> <Fate> Death guy?
<DeathStar> *She tilts her head*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Thanatos or something?"
<Seraphna> Jaime> The one that was holding Dawn.
<Seraphna> Jaime> The Thanatos thing was just plain creepy and I do not want.
<DeathStar> <Fate> *she pauses* I do not know of this Thanatos you are speaking of unless that is the name you have chosen to give the lord of death. There is also a version of them in the upper realms.
<Seraphna> Jaime> Ask Kaelan.
<DeathStar> <Fate> Some also call the lord of death the "Death Spirit".
<Seraphna> Kaelan> It was a thing I found in Bobby's archives. Dark but not a Dark One.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "How creative."
<DeathStar> <Fate> *Shakes head* Interesting. That is not their name.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> A creature out in space, huge, cloaked in darkness. She feared it forming.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> It's the name I gave it.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "What is their name?"
<DeathStar> <Fate> I dare not speak it less I give them power.
<Seraphna> Jaime> Fear of a name... it is what really gives it power.
<Seraphna> Jaime> To hold a word so secret, so sacrosanct... it feels like it could empower more than simply making it commonplace.
<Alicia> <Charlotte> *eyes Jaime* "... I guess so..."
<Seraphna> Jaime> ...I'm going to go spend time with Addy. I need to shake this.
<Seraphna> **Jaime turns to go**
<DeathStar> <Fate> But that being down there would, if it could, would ... let us say this plac and those above it would be forver changed by it if it could manage it
<Seraphna> **Kaelan dumps the Dawn Skeleton on the floor**
<DeathStar> *Ren seems quiet*
<DeathStar> *Fate goes to vanish*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Many would do that..."
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Ahem... someone call Chad Winters."
<DeathStar> <Fate> Es, many would
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Is it the serpent or not? Is this two baddies in the future?
<DeathStar> <Ren> Who knows
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "I've heard that name before..."
<DeathStar> <Taiga> *takes the skeleton*
<DeathStar> <Ren> I got a headache. I felt like it was saying it's nme in my head
<DeathStar> <Ren> But I forgot it
<DeathStar> <Ren> Now I'm going to be bugged
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Have one of the psions make you forget the day?
<DeathStar> *Ren grabs onto Charlotte and Noire and Kaori all at once
<DeathStar> <Ren> I plan to, instead, have a game day! *Tsuyikomi finally rises, having been sitting there, looking like she used a lot of her power; her clothes ripped to shreds*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Sounds good."
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> ... I believe I need a lift to the moon
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Oh, do you still have that book?"
<DeathStar> <Ren> Oh right. *She pulls it out; and opens it; suddenly she slumps*
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> !!!
<Alicia> <CHarlotte> "What?!"
<DeathStar> *The book, looking all innocent on the pages, as Ren stands there holding it and eyeing as she looks all out of it*
<Jackieness> <Noire> *facepalms* "...the book that was her greatest desire form the temptation levle of hell."
<DeathStar> *it has all the spirit secrets in the universe!Q*
<DeathStar> *all of it!*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "But... we're not there any more..."
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> It must still have a link to that hell
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> Either that link must be broken to make it safe, or the book must be destroyed
<DeathStar> *she notes as it eats on Ren's soul*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "So how do we break the link?" *shuts the book*
<DeathStar> *Ren blinks slowly, looking around* Huh? *ears perk up* Wher?
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Apparently it's not safe to read yet."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Burn it?
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Wouldn't that destroy the book?"
<Jackieness> <Noire> "I wonder if it only works on Ren since its specifically her desire."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Yes. Fuck the knowledge.
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> Hm. Since we're far enough away, I would think purification might work. *motions at Noire* True. Charlotte, you try reading it
<DeathStar> <Ren> Uh?! I can't read it?!
<Alicia> <Charlotte> *to Kaelan* "I don't believe you just said that." *reads it herself*
<DeathStar> *Charlotte gets a 1. She is able to read the pages*
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Hey, maybe I could read it out loud? Is that safe?"
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Charlotte seems alright."
<DeathStar> *Ren flails* No fair!
<DeathStar> *Tsukiyomi> Give it a try
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "It's a book from hell, it's not expected to be fair."
<DeathStar> <Ren> True
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "... does this mean, if Ren and Noire got naked down there, I'd have been at risk of losing my soul?"
<DeathStar> *Ren flusters*
<DeathStar> *Taiga returns* There might have been a layer with such a thing
<Jackieness> <Noire> *just stares at Charlotte*
<DeathStar> <Taiga> You never know
<DeathStar> <Taiga> But Fate is right, no more going down there until we know more. I'd hate to lose our souls
<DeathStar> <Taiga> And next time we bring Wyrd if we do decide to go
<DeathStar> *Ren hangs on Charlotte as they step out, having those who want a video game day to come with*
<Jackieness> <Noire> "Mmmmm...and what did we get out of Winters to make this worth our while?"
<DeathStar> <Taiga> He'll have Aya see it and slowly get over her grief. Though with her mind being in it's current hyperactive state
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "He'd better pay up big."
<DeathStar> *Taiga muses* Right now she's doing major math problems even I have trouble solving
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Mm, yes, we'll go see Wyrd.
<DeathStar> <Taiga> So maybe it'll help her return to normal slowly
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Right after I give Tsuki a thorough looking over. **she sniffs**
<DeathStar> *Tsukiyomi eyes her clothes*
<Seraphna> **Kaelan touches them and repairs Tsuki's shadowsilk**
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> Right now I spent weeks in that one realm, I'd just would like to rest and recover my god powers
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Oh I will ensure you rest, my Goddess.
<DeathStar> <Tsukiyomi> *Raises eyebrow*
<DeathStar> *then turns to the other foxes and bows, moving off*
<Seraphna> **Kaelan pulls Su out of her tails** Dear, go have Gem prepare Tsuki's favorites.
<DeathStar> <Ren> *To Char* I want to start keeping people in my tails
<DeathStar> <Ren> Maybe I can keep our kid in there!
<Alicia> <Charlotte> "Maybe!"
<DeathStar> *Ren runs off*
<DeathStar> *Then later returns, her one tail puffier*
<DeathStar> *As everyone goes to do their things, Taiga puts the broken reality gun up for now; later, the reality gun is mysteriously repaired*
<DeathStar> -END-
* DeathStar changes topic to 'Season 2 | Tuesdays once or twice a month | Phase 8 | Fumoffu Groundhog Day Special: Grounded Into Pieces - May 10th'
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