The Duality Wars: The Alien Wars 6

Session 3

* DeathStar changes topic to 'Arc One | Chapter 1: First Class | Session 3: Beginning Assignment | RP Days: Monday and Saturday 7:30 - 9:30 PM | Kit Noir Bio: 90% - needs finishing | Earn exp by doing summaries. Earn :( faces by not. First call first serve. 3 summaries available'
<DeathStar> You all have earned. :(
<DeathStar> Alright, 5
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> Date: April 10th, 5990 CE
<DeathStar> Location: Edge of the Geyze Academy
<DeathStar> 6* Lu stands there, sniffling sadly at her students, wiping at her eyes. They each have been given their own horses, as well as tents. There is an option to drag along a cart to rest in, but it will take longer if they opt for it
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen sits on the back of his horse
<AquaKoala> *Commodus is seated on his warhorse
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia shares a horse with Alita, sitting behind her
<Tabetha> * Alita handles the reins gently, smiling softly.
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *is mounted on her horse as well, closing a book and slipping it away as the group gets ready to move*
<DeathStar> <Lu> Good luck all of you
<DeathStar> 6* She steps back
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Thank you Lu.
<Tabetha> Alita> "Thank you Ms. Lu."
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> We'll be back before you know it.
<DeathStar> <Lu> I hope so, but I imagine you will get new orders on the field
<DeathStar> 6* She waves
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen begins to trot along, paranoidly looking around as he leaves the Academy grounds
<AquaKoala> *Commodus waves back as he starts along the road
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *nudges her horse forward on to the road*
<Tabetha> * Alita rides, moving the horse along in pace with the others.
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia smiles, wrapping her arms around Alita
<AquaKoala> *Commodus has entrusted Sasha with map for their route
<DeathStar> 6* As they leave the grounds, they are soon in Hapian Dynasty lands
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> Don't worry, Gwen. I'll protect you.
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> We all will.
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Welcome home Sasha
<DeathStar> <Gwen> T-Thanks
<Tabetha> Alita> "They'd be silly to try again, especially in Hapian lands wouldn't they?"
<DeathStar> <Gwen> I have decided if I ever truly need to escape I will take the Academy ports
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "They weren't supposed to do anything on Academy grounds, but they did."
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> Gwen... if you ever need to hide-- I know where I can take you that you'd be safe.
<Tabetha> * Alita frowns. "Well... we can always hope."
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> ... Though I could not see the other Gwen as much...
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> You'd be safe, though.
<DeathStar> 6* As they ride along, some horses leave the Academy, approaching them and catching up to them.
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Hold on..."
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy narrows her eyes
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> Who is..?
<AquaKoala> *Commodus hails them "Hello"
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen turns his head; on the horses are all Amazon warriors, including the Amazon Tamae leader. "You are the unit my people attacked on neutral ground, yes?" 6* She lets her eyes drift to Gwen
<DeathStar> 6* Well, one of the Tamae leaders
<Tabetha> Alita> "...That would be us, ma'am."
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Yes, we are."
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia nods
<AquaKoala> Commodus> After they attempted to take another student, yes.
<DeathStar> 6* She nods and tosses something at Commodus, some sort of tallisman; despite the frowns on her fellow warriors, she seems neutral
<AquaKoala> *Commodus catches it and looks at it
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> Is this an offering of good faith?
<DeathStar> <Amazon> I apologize on behalf of my people. Such will not happen again. That is a sign of you being one of our emissaries. It will give you protection from us. Any woman who breaks that outside you striking her first or by order of the queen in her presence will be consider Sa.
<DeathStar> 6* She turns and rides off
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Thank you, I appreciate the help.
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> Interesting.
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen leans forward on his horse, not relaxing until they go. "It is an excommunication from the Amazon way of life. Many would rather cut their hand off."
<AquaKoala> *Commodus puts it into his pack "Well, that should put everyone more at ease."
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *waves a hand* "Let's put some distance before we discuss the implications."
<AquaKoala> *Commodus continues along
<DeathStar> 6* He rides along
<Tabetha> * Alita looks over Gwen curiously. She gives him a reassuring smile as she moves her horse with the others.
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen looks around at the landscape, curiously enjoying the sounds of birds and watching animals
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Now then... clearly the attack was without sanction. The Amazon Tamae has clearly lost face and is putting its foot down. Hard."
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> But at least we won't have to worry about Gwen getting kidnapped anymore
<DeathStar> <Gwen> Yes. And I do not plan to go into the queen's presence to hear a kidnapping order
<DeathStar> 6* He notes dryly
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Or it was not expected to fail, but I prefer to believe the other theory
<Tabetha> Alita> "It seems odd... it's a lot of trouble to get into over one person." *she muses* "Maybe it really was just some private group?"
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Let's hope so
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Let us table any speculation to later."
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen is quiet on that front, not a fountain of answers on who he is
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Prehaps we should aing a jaunty traveling song to raise morale and make us more confident?
<DeathStar> 6* They have been given a map with sites marked to investigate as far as Kumen mining is going, to make sure they are doing it legitmate and to investigate them for foul play/damage
<Tabetha> Alita> "I... know a few songs. Mother used to sing to her... guests."
<AquaKoala> Commodus> I belive I know a humorous one involving a hedgehog
<DeathStar> 6* There are four marks. The first is in the north plains, where they are headed
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> I know a good one about wizards.
<DeathStar> <Gwen> Mine are all racist against men
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *looks over the map and then marks out a path that would be the most expedient* "We are moving in the proper direction."
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Yes, the first is in the north plains.
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> ... I only know songs I was taught by the nymphs..
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> And commercials.
<DeathStar> <Gwen> Com.mer.cials?
<DeathStar> 6* He turns his head
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> ... U-Um... never mind.
<AquaKoala> *As they travel Commodus sings a song about a hedgehog that cannot be buggered at all
<Tabetha> Alita> *blinks a bit and slowly tilts her head*
<DeathStar> <Gwen> *He muses* Oh. Kumen
<DeathStar> <Gwen> I want to see a commerical
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy jerks, looking away ashamedly.
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia giggles
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen looks at the blue sky, where Kumen would be at
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> I wouldn't recommend it..
<Tabetha> Alita> "You've been to Kumen, Vyvy?"
<DeathStar> <Gwen> Oh? *he moves to the music*
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> ... ..." 6She frowns. 1"I'm... from Kumen."
<AquaKoala> Commodus>You can bugger the cat if it isn't to fat
<AquaKoala> You can bugger the rabbit you draw from your hat
<AquaKoala> You can bugger the shark that you've chased in your yawl--
<AquaKoala> but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.
<DeathStar> <Gwen> So it is a bad place or something? I always thought the stories of it were exeragated
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> It's not... if you have money.
<Tabetha> Alita> "Oh... I didn't realize... that's actually quite fascinating."
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> But if you don't... or you have something someone else wants..." 6She grits her teeth.
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen glances, then sympathically touches her shoulder a moment, then jerks his hand away like she might hit him
<DeathStar> <Gwen> Never seen a hedgehog. I will avoid them
<Tabetha> Alita> "It does sound like a fearsome monster."
<AquaKoala> Commodus> All i know is that they can't be buggered. I think they live in the mountains.
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> Serverus, you're going to have to teach me this song.
<DeathStar> ----
<DeathStar> 6* Later that later evening, the sun coming down, the group approaches the first site. Gwen climbs down from his horse, surprisingly not looking sore as if used to manual labor
<DeathStar> 6* Giant, strange machines can be seen towering in the fading light and workers moving about in odd looking clothes. The ground looks baren here, despite them having entered an area thick with spirits and grass a while back
<AquaKoala> *Commodus dismounts like someone who has practice on a horse
<Tabetha> * Alita yawns and stretches, blinking as she looks about. "What's... wrong with the ground here?"
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia hops off, then offers to help Alita down
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy stumbles down, looking sore and wincing.
<AquaKoala> Commodus> The spirits are being sucked out.
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *dismounts* "Shall we conduct this investigation and then set camp immediately afterward?"
<Tabetha> * Alita slides down with her help.
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Do we want to do this covertly or try and find a foreman?
<Tabetha> Alita> "The spirits seem pretty heavy here...?"
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia sneaks an ass squeeze as she helps Alita down
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "We are acting with the authority of the Academy."
<AquaKoala> *Commodus helps Vyvy down
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> We should probably see what's going on.
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Sasha, do you know where they would have an office?
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen hands Vyvy something
<DeathStar> <Gwen> Here
<AquaKoala> *Commodus looks about
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "It would be a position with clear visibility of the work site."
<DeathStar> 6* Down in the barren area, spirits are less visible; they seem to be digging up spirit fossils and sucking up something. People move around, observing them. A group of Hapians are off to the side, talking to someone
<AquaKoala> *Commodus looks at the group and moves over to them, his academy badge very visible as he melded it to his armour
<Tabetha> * Alita rubs along one of her horns. "What is that they're doing next to the digging?"
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia squints to try to see
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy blinks, looking at what Gwen handed her
<DeathStar> 6* It seems to be a type of cream for muscles, to soothe and relax after long rides. Gwen likely packed it for anyone who wasn't used to it
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> ... Th-Thanks..
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *holds a hand* "Later..."
<DeathStar> <Gwen> You are welcome. 6* He follows after the others. As they approach. the Hapians and the man look up. The Hapians narrow their eyes at the badge
<AquaKoala> *Commodus waves, a friendly smile "Ave friends"
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia follows, her badge pinned on her chest as well
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy watches them, then moves off to the side and strips her bottom clothing away to apply the cream.
<DeathStar> 6* The foreman, clearly wearing strange work clothes from Kumen, scratches his head. Gwen crosses his arms as the group arrives
<DeathStar> <Hapian Observer> Can we help you? We have a schedule here
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "..I suggets one let me speak to my countrymen."
<AquaKoala> *Commodus nods to Sasha
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> Ow, ow...
<DeathStar> <Hapian Observer> *peers at Sasha, not recognizing her*
<DeathStar> <Hapian> You are Hapian, too? The you know the importance of our work here
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *steps forward* "Greetings. I am Sasha Hapian." *pauses to let the weight of her family name sink in first*
<Tabetha> * Alita listens for now and simply observes, looking about and taking in what she can.
<DeathStar> 6* They glance at each other, perhaps wondering why a Hapian is here, then they seem to realize who she is, ghlancing back
<DeathStar> <Hapian Observer> Lady Hapian. We have a schedule to keep. The queen is quite insistant; if you must do a check, can we do it quickly? With the Naturalists and others always decrying we are at foul play, you will find all in order
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "We mean to be brief as time is precious for both of us. We are here on behalf of the Academy to perform a quick inquiry on the extraction processes. It is for academic reasons, of course."
<Tabetha> * Alita rubs her neck a little and continues to watch.
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia stays near Sahsa but keeps looking around
<DeathStar> <Hapian> Of course. What must you know? *they make it sound pained and rushed as only Hapians can, as if you are torturing them*
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy rejoins the group in her formal-like kumen clothing, adjusting her diagonally-placed mini hat.
<Tabetha> Alita> "Greater understanding may help dissuade people in disagreement."
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "We would like to see firsthand. Please do not stop your work. Everything here must remain working as it should. Otherwise, our observations will be worthless."
<AquaKoala> Commodus> We would just like a quick look around, we'd only need one guide. We know how to stay out of the way.
<DeathStar> 6* The Hapian Observer nods, simperingly, and waves at an underling Hapian, then moves off with the foreman
<DeathStar> 6* The workers continue, below, to extract spirit fossils and put it into containters for later, tiling the ground up for later after sucking the ground dry in an area
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy bows to the underling guiding them
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Come then. Let's get to the heart of the dig. Remember, we are here to observe only."
<Tabetha> Alita> "Tiling the ground, possibly to regrow what was disturbed at least?"
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> We could magic it back to health if worst comes to worst, I would think.
<DeathStar> <Underling> Yes, the tiling is so when we are done with this dig site, the land can regrow and the spirits return
<DeathStar> 6* He gives them all hard hats and strange clothing, if they plan to walk down there\
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> How does the tiling help?
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen eyes it
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "There, you see? They are acting responsibly." *puts on the hard hat*
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Very environmentally conscious *Commodus puts his hard hat on
<Tabetha> Alita> "That is very thoughtful." *she works her best to put the helmet on with her horns*
<DeathStar> <Underling> It has crushed spirit fossils that have been used up 90% but were not completely used. This helps growth
<DeathStar> <Underling> The land will regrow rapidly with that as fertilzer
<DeathStar> 6* He moves down amongst the machines that are drilling and sucking up stuff. "As you can see, against popular belief, we do not aid the Kumens in stealing living Spirits."
<Tabetha> Alita> "This appears to be sound. Like planting seed in renewed ground after a harvest?"
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia hmms "What are you sucking up there?
<AquaKoala> *Commodus looks over the machinery, nodding blankly
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "I'd speculate the loose rock is collected and then filtered to separate spirit-fossils from the rubble."
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> Is it truly only these sites that are active? The ones marked in our charts?
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *makes a slashing motion with her hand at Vyvy*
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> I only ask because demand is always very high and it is a living business. Therefore changes and development may be quicker than messages.
<DeathStar> 6* The foreman moves over to the machine, and pats the machine to slow down it down. The man working it looks annoyed but does. As it slows, they can see rocks and stuff being pullede up, but tons of spirit fossils are being yanked up
<Tabetha> Alita> "That is an awful lot of fossils."
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Let us move further down. I'm satisfied here."
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> Woah.
<AquaKoala> *Commodus nods "I see, like a bilge pump"
<DeathStar> <Underling> Yes. But you have to realize how much Geyze uses. This is not all Kumen's. Stop to think how much Magi use. *he looks at Sasha and Ceilia*
<DeathStar> <Underling> Not all cast without it
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Agreed, let us move more downward.
<DeathStar> 6* he moves onward, and they pass a machine with a spirit in it, powering it - likely a Spirit-Tech Hapian machine. The machine doesn't seem to be digging oddly, glowing as it uses the spirit for energy
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> I understand... such as when I summoned and the very spirits watching us were called..
<Tabetha> Alita> "What does this machine do?"
<DeathStar> <Underling> This is pretty much as far downward as we are so far. These machines can go pretty deep with their drills
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "And this machine?"
<DeathStar> 6* He looks over. "This is ours, not the Kumen - we lend it out."
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Is there a reason that it sits idle?"
<DeathStar> <Underling> This is our spirit-tech spirit detector. We use this light spirit to detect where spirits cluster to find spirit-fossils. We ask a spirit if they are willing and if they are, use them to power up the detector to find the spirit fossils. Then we let the spirit go and give them spirit fossils to give them life back."
<Tabetha> Alita> "So... spirits help?"
<DeathStar> <Underling> You have never been to the Hapian capital, have you? *He laughs*
<DeathStar> <Underling> A lot of our spirit-tech is run by spirits
<Tabetha> Alita> "I'm afraid not... I am from the Dark Lands."
<DeathStar> <Underling> You think we could make them do things they did not want on such a large scale?
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Its the foundation of the Dynasty."
<Tabetha> * Alita muses. "That makes sense... I just never... imagined the scope before."
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> Me either.
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy walks over and places her hand on it, murmuring to the spirit
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *then turns on her heel and walks a bit frther down and leans to pick up a rock, looking it over*
<Tabetha> Alita> "It is quite amazing. It is a kind of harmony with the spirits. Is it not?"
<DeathStar> <Underling> The spirit-fossils are a good trade off. Typically spirits near death offer to do it, or spirits that do not mind helping if we agree to recharge
<DeathStar> <Underling> Yes. The Great Light Spirit showed us the way
<AquaKoala> *Commodus pokes at the soil, smelling it
<DeathStar> 6* It does not smell as rich or lively as spirit-fossil rich, as it is been drained, but they are doing as they said with the tilling part, and putting some back in
<DeathStar> <Underling> If we see problems with the tilling, as a last effort we will work with the spirits to give the land a jump start
<Tabetha> Alita> "That's reassuring."
<AquaKoala> *Commodus puts it in a bag
<Tabetha> Alita> "Everything... seems in order here, doesn't it?"
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia nods
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> Seems like it to me.
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *puts the rock back down and stands up to her full height again* "I am satisfied with what I have seen here."
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Very well in order, yes.
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> How do you do?
<DeathStar> <Spirit> ~!~!~~~
<DeathStar> <Underling> You will find any other sites just like this one. But if you wish to waste your time
<DeathStar> 6* He shrugs, moving off
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen looks around, having no questions since he has no real basis for this
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia blinks at the spirit, moving over to it
<Tabetha> Alita> "Following orders is never a waste of time..." *she peers about* "Perhaps we should set up camp?"
<DeathStar> <Gwen> I'll go get the tents set up. I feel useless here
<DeathStar> 6* He walks back up the slope
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "As stated, we are here for academic reasons. And yes, let's return topside. There is more dust in the air here than I care for."
<Tabetha> Alita> "Perhaps... we should stay grouped?"
<AquaKoala> *Commodus follows
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> You help the Hapians mine-- in return for your own fossils?
<Tabetha> * Alita follows Commodus and Gwen.
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia follows Alita
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *starts walkign back up* "Vyvy!"
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen kneels, working on making two sets of tents, male and female
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> Really. Does the Great Light Spirit know they assist Kumen..? That's intriguing.
<AquaKoala> *Commodus helps Gwen
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy nods.
<Tabetha> * Alita helps as well, then blinks as she muses on something, biting her lower lip as she looks to Commodus quietly.
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> I see, I understand. Thank you." 6She bows respectfully.
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *looks back down* "Vyvy, we are going to set up camp. Please hurry before you lose the light."
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia grins at Alita, then whispers things to her
<DeathStar> 6* A whistle blows and the workers begin to stop
<DeathStar> 6* The Kumens look relieved, clearly glad to stop, despite the Hapian Observers sighing and mumbling about Kumen laziness
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Seems it is quitting time
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy nods, running to catch up. 1"Sorry..."
<DeathStar> 6* By now the sun has set and Kumen is in view, providing the "moon" light
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Let's hurry before they decide to split it by gender and Commodus manages to work an entire tent for himself." *picks up her pace to join the others*
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen finishes the tent and works on the girl's tent, having gotten a bigger one for them
<Tabetha> * Alita whispers to Ceilia. "If we split by gender, what happens if Gwen... you know."
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> I don't mind staying with the males.
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia shrugs
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> Me and Alita don't mind sharing with Commodus.
<AquaKoala> *Commodus works on bedding down the horses, giving them each an apple before setting their oats out
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *walks up to the others* "And that would not be appropriate."
<Tabetha> * Alita blushes a little.
<DeathStar> <Gwen> ..... 6* He suddenly pulls out a third tent and sets it up
<Tabetha> Alita> "I-I don't think that's going to happen tonight Gwen."
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Sasha is correct.
<DeathStar> <Gwen> what is going to happen tonight?
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *claps her hands* "Three tents so two to a tent."
<DeathStar> 6* He glances at Alita, setting up the third.
<DeathStar> <Gwen> Four females, two males. Three tents
<DeathStar> <Gwen> Plus I figured you sisters like alone time
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Sounds reasonable.
<Tabetha> * Alita blushes. "Th-THat works out."
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> Thank you Gwen.
<DeathStar> 6* He gets into the male tent and lays down in the back, grabbing a few apples off his horse and zips a divider
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> Um... so... where do I stay?
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Vyvy, you are with me."
<Tabetha> * Alita rubs her head and then wraps an arm around Ceilia.
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> ... Oh. Very well.
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia smiles, leading her to a tent
<AquaKoala> *Commodus settles into his half, doing a short prayer
<DeathStar> -Spinning Spirits-
<DeathStar> Date: April 14th
<DeathStar> Location: Hapian Dynasty
<DeathStar> <Narrator> The team began their search through the locations on the map, and each time, each spot came up clean. Everything perfect. After the Kumen crazy activity, everything now was on the letter, t's crossed and i's dotted
<DeathStar> <Narrator> So I ask you, my listening audience, did they clean their act up, or was something up? As they approached the final dig site before they would then go to the Hapian Capital to talk to the higher ups about such things, the group continued to get used to each other, and their first case
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen snoozes, not once having gone woman in five days so far
<DeathStar> 6* Riding alseep
<Tabetha> * Alita reads as they ride, leaning back against her sister's boobs.
<DeathStar> 6* Up ahead the next dig site can be seen, a little east of the capital
<Tabetha> Alita> "Should be... smoother, so close to the capital right?"
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Gwen, wake yourself. We are almost there."
<AquaKoala> *Commodus halts in his current jaunty riding song "Most have been pretty smooth so far
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Then I wish it to remain that way."
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> Same. 6*She rubs at her sister's sides, smiling
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen snaps awake instantly
<DeathStar> 6* As they begin approach, a Hapian Observer turns, peering at them in the distance, turning and talking to a Kumen foreman. He motions at some underling, much like the last two have done to go meet them to answer their questions, then goes on to talk to the foreman
<DeathStar> <Gwen> Deja vu again
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen hops off the horse
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "As expected."
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Perhaps word of us has been spread. *Commodus climbs down
<Tabetha> Alita> "Fast spirit communication or something?"
<DeathStar> <Underling> Welcome. You wish to tour the grounds?
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> Maybe. 6*She says to Alita
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Ave, we do.
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen ties the horse up, arms crossed, glancing about; a barren hole in the ground again
<DeathStar> 6* With the machines drilling, and some tilling
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Yes. And we wish things to be brief. The capital is nearby and I desire a real bed."
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> Um... once we're done... can we...
<AquaKoala> *Commodus holds out his hand for the designated hard hat
<DeathStar> <Underling> Of course, I can understand that. 6* He walks down the slope, sliding a bit
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy leans in and whispers to Sasha. "Look to see if there's any 'off the books' sites?"
<DeathStar> 6* Going into the same spiel as the others have
<AquaKoala> *Commodus pauses at the lack of saftey gear but follows
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *lowers her voice* "Later."
<Tabetha> * Alita peers around as she has at all the other ones, never assuming it's all perfectly the same.
<DeathStar> 6* Once they reach the bottom, the Underling motions them to stay a safe distance from the machines, grabbing hard hats from a man walking up and hands them over
<DeathStar> <Underling> Here.
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen puts it on
<AquaKoala> *Commodus puts his on
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *takes the hat and puts it on* "Usually we receive these before we starts the descent down."
<Tabetha> * Alita puts hers on.
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> I'll remain here this time...
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia puts one on
<DeathStar> <Underling> It's okay either way honestly
<AquaKoala> *Commodus looks over the machinery, just as blank as the first time
<DeathStar> <Underling> The machines don't kick things up - so as long as you are a certain space, you don't need them. IT's when you step into the field like now
<DeathStar> 6* He walks out
<AquaKoala> *Commodus follows
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *moves after the Underling*
<DeathStar> 6* He talks about all the machines - them doing the same things as before. Even the Spirit detector machine
<Tabetha> * Alita steps along, peering about still.
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen looks bored, peering around, rubbing his cheek, peeking for corruption or signs of them killing spirits, but sees none
<AquaKoala> *Commodus looks about, a bit more perceptively, burning a point of perception
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia looks about as well, hmming
<DeathStar> 6* It seems everything is a-okay here.
<DeathStar> 6* On the books
<DeathStar> <Gwen> Seems whoever gave the mining operations to the Academy gave them ones that are on the up and up
<DeathStar> <Underling> I would hope so. We run a good op here as the Kumens would say
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> Apparenly.
<AquaKoala> *Commodus nods "Once again I must state everything appears in order here, very well run."
<Tabetha> Alita> "It does certainly seem clean. And you're running all the renewal operations."
<DeathStar> <Underling> Yes, tiling the ground
<DeathStar> 6* He nods
<DeathStar> 6* He picks up some of the ground, handing it over
<Tabetha> * Alita peers around some more, she takes it gently and feels it.
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen starts climbing back up. patting the machine with the Spirit
<AquaKoala> *Commodus takes some, tasting it before spitting it out
<DeathStar> 6* It tastes depleted, but it definitely has spirit-fossils put back in
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *kneels down and pulls on a glove, running a hand through the soil* "...this has been most educational." *stands up again*
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Yes, all is right.
<DeathStar> <Underling> Thios land won't be mined again for generations
<DeathStar> <Underling> Spirits are surprisingly resilent after all, in no time they will be back here
<Tabetha> * Alita nods and gently lets the dirt fall, wiping her hand clean as she does. She gives the place a look around again and nods to herself.
<DeathStar> 6* He fondly rubs the machine with the light spirit
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Could I request a copy of your daily operations, the schedule and such.
<DeathStar> <Underling> Sure, give me a moment
<DeathStar> 6* He moves up the slope
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen sits by Vyvy
<AquaKoala> *Commodus follows him back ip
<DeathStar> <Gwen> How is your ass?:
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy blinks at the waits it phrased.
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> Better, thank you.
<DeathStar> 6* Moving into a small building with all the Hapian accomodies, he opens up a sheld, grabbing old fashioned papers, selecting a paper
<DeathStar> <Gwen> *he nods* I am glad
<AquaKoala> *Commodus waits patiently
<DeathStar> 6* He hands it over
<AquaKoala> *Commodus takes it and bows, "Ave, we are grateful."
<DeathStar> <Underling> No problem. Any mining operation that doesn't do this isn't worthy of the spirits
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> ... Gwen... I want to know if there's other camps like these... ones we don't know about.
<DeathStar> 6* He moves back to work
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen blinks, glancing at her
<DeathStar> <Gwen> You think these are just fronts?
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Quiet down."
<AquaKoala> *Commodus moves back to the horses "If we continue riding we should make it to the capital before midnight"
<DeathStar> 6* He peers at Sasha suddenly appearing at the top of the slope
<DeathStar> <Gwen> Yes ma'am
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Or we can make camp
<DeathStar> 6* He rises and gets onto his horse, musing. "We should keep riding."
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *pulls herself up into the open air and brushes herself off*
<AquaKoala> *Commodus mounts his as well
<Tabetha> * Alita shrugs and moves to get mounted again. In the riding a horse way.
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Let's get to the capital and a warm bath." *mounts her horse*
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia also gets on the horse. She'll mount Alita later.
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> ... I cannot afford to go to the capital yet, Sasha.
<Tabetha> Alita> "Mmm? What's up Vyvy?"
<AquaKoala> *Commodus pauses and looks at Vyvy "Is it your bottom?"
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy jerks.
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> ... Well that might contribute, but no. I already raised my concern.
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen looks at Vyvy. He leans forward. "You could ride around forever looking for off the map sites, Vyvy. The only place I could think of that would have them on record would be the capital."
<DeathStar> 6* He speaks softly
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *lowers her voice* "Later... go through the motions."
<DeathStar> <Gwen> The Dynasty is a large land
<AquaKoala> Commodus> We can search more on our way back. And in the capital as well
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> I know a way I could likely narrow the search quite easily.
<AquaKoala> Commodus> If they exist they could even be underground quite literally.
<Tabetha> Alita> "Besides, our mission was to investigate these sites, what we've done is determine that these sites are ideal. Maybe a little too ideal. The higher ups will decided what to do if we can't find further intel."
<DeathStar> <Gwen> You think lack of spirits. But not even you are talented enough to feel the whole land
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Plus, when we leave we will be expecting at the capital I assume.
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Coomodus, I recommend we begin riding and drop this convesation."
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> I'm not-- but I know who is. I spoke with one at the last site.
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *in a low voice* "...I have my reasons."
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> Undoubtedly there's one here as well.
<AquaKoala> Commodus> They will sending word ahead of us and if we do not show up in the expected time we will be suspicious *Commodus moves forward
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen scoops Vyvy up and takes her horse's reins
<AquaKoala> Commodus> To the capital
<Tabetha> * Alita moves her horse after Commodus.
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy sighs, blinking at Gwen.
<DeathStar> <Gwen> *in her ear* I am with you, as a summoner myself. But two people alone are dead. I know that better than any
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *nudges her horse forward and stays silent until the dig is no longer in sight* "You are correct, things were too perfect. Voicing it in earshot was foolish."
<Tabetha> * Alita blushes. "Sorry..."
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia sighs, thinking she should have caught that
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen rides along. "What should we expect in the capital? I hear it is filled with spirits."
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Don't trust what you see or hear."
<DeathStar> <Gwen> ... I understand that mentality.
<DeathStar> -Spinning Vyvy-
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy flusters a little
<DeathStar> 6* That evening, they begin to approach a massive city, so begin it boggles the mind, likely the biggest on Geyze. The size of Los Angles perhaps, though none know that name, is huge, and it looks very Victorian Era Steam Punk, at least from the outside, with massively tall buildings, and oddly plants all over, as they approach the gates. And some Kumen tech has been incorporated
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Very impressive
<DeathStar> 6* The guards check their ID, and seeing their badges and Lady Hapian. "Do you want us to store your horses and give you a flying carriage?" 6* They ask Sasha, ignoring Commodus
<AquaKoala> *Commodus lets Sasha take the lead, this being her land
<Tabetha> * Alita looks starry eyed, fascinated with what must clearly be sorcery driven carriages.
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "Yes, please. For accomodations... is my mother's former townhouse still available?"
<DeathStar> <Guard> There is a standing request for you to be taken elsewhere, Lady.
<DeathStar> 6* He says nomore, and as they get off their horses, they are led into a stall
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "I see. Very well then. Arrange for the carriage." *dismounts*
<AquaKoala> *Commodus hops dow
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia smiles wide
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> Magic carriage~
* Chainy has joined #Duality
<DeathStar> 6* A few seconds later, a noblequese carriage is moved out - it has all sorts of pipes along it, with spirits zooming along in, playing with each other, and a driver in a stylish suite. He gets out and opens the back, with red velvet seats and champaign for them to drink
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen stares a bit and climbs in awkwardly, sitting
<AquaKoala> *Commodus climbs in
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia climbs in
<Tabetha> * Alita climbs in after gazing at it in wonder.
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *enters the carriage and takes a seat*
<Tabetha> Alita> "...We have an amazing team mate."
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen peers out the window - there are pipes along the Victorian style buildings, and as darkness sits in, lights come on, lighting up the streets with the spirit-tech equivalent of magic
<DeathStar> 6* The spirits in the pipes generating power for the city. People in their homes not needing to use candles and stuff
<DeathStar> 6* Or magic to power lights
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> Yeah
<DeathStar> <Gwen> I see why spirit-tech is requested around Geyze
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "...this is the first time I have been in the capital since I was eight years old."
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia is just as amazed as Alita is
<DeathStar> 6* The temple had lights, but that was due to First One technology being reversed engineered
<AquaKoala> Commodus> I am sure this is a very nostalgic moment for you then.
<DeathStar> 6* The carriage lifts off, leaving Vyvy behind until Gwen pulls her in on his lap
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> Er!
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy blinks at Gwen doing that a second time.
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> It... reminded me a bit of the Kumen middle districts..
<DeathStar> 6* They begin to hover down the road, and they pass stylishly dressed people in Victorian like clothing, wearing properly dressed clothing. Gwen stares in total awe; a few non-dressed people, like a Legionare or Amazon can be seen
<Tabetha> Alita> "It's quite amazing..."
<DeathStar> 6* As they move, they see this district looks to be the poor sector, and even they have lights, but as they keep moving, it gets richer and richer - going from run down looking pubs and people being less snooty to taller and more fabulous buildings. There are plants everyone oddly on all the buildings. And sometyimes there is a strange fog like dimension that people avoid
<DeathStar> <Gwen> I wonder what the plants do
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "My mother had a falling out with the empress. Was banished from Court..."
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Oh. Well....
<DeathStar> 6* Tired looking spirits move to the plants and fly through them and around, recharging then move back to the pipes to do their jobs, playing
<DeathStar> 6* Some fly into the fog and vanish
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy smiles at the spirits.
<Tabetha> Alita> "They like doing this don't they?"
<DeathStar> 6* After a bit, they begin to approach a massive structure, and around it statues of a beautiful being with wings, too beautiful to be a human. The Great Light Spirit. Up ahead - the castle. It is a large structure, the size of many football fields.
<DeathStar> 6* It is said it houses hospitals, schools, and more inside. So that the inhabitants never have to leave. A sort of Geyzer Tower of London
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "...I had feared this would be so."
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> Feared what?
<DeathStar> 6* The carriage stops at the gates and they rise up. The driver looks nervous and he gets out, opening their doors as a beautiful maid comes to the gates
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Is something amiss?
<DeathStar> <Driver> H-Here you go
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "We have the eye of the Dynasty."
<DeathStar> <Gwen> What is this place?
<Tabetha> Alita> "We... do?"
<AquaKoala> *Commodus nods and exits
<DeathStar> 6* The maid bows as they step out. "Welcome to the Hapian Tower."
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Best behavior then
<DeathStar> <Maid> You have been invited to stay here while you do your investigation with the queen's advisors.
<DeathStar> 6* She turns, the young maid, looking to be 14-16 at best, and moves along, her Victorian maid outfit having her shuffle along
<AquaKoala> *Commodus follows along
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen looks around in awe; after a long time they are soon led inside, through many hallways that make it impossible to retrace their movements, entering a sort of fog as they go through it as well, making it feel like they are in another world. Vyvy would feel like they are in a spirit heavy realm
<DeathStar> 6* Soon they brought before their rooms, somewhere up high in the tower/castle. The maid gestures, each having their own room
<DeathStar> <Maid> Your rooms
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "This is satisfactory."
<Tabetha> Alita> *gives Ceilia a look like, 'We're totally staying in the same room anyway.'*
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen steps in - the room the size of four normal rooms
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> It feels so... populated here..
<DeathStar> <Gwen> ... 6* He stares a bit, shivering a little and rubs his forehead, wincing in pain. Perhaps nervousness bringing them on
<kalonZombie> 6*Ceilia steps in the same room as Alita
<DeathStar> <Maid> Do not mind if spirits pass through your walls. They are curious
<DeathStar> 6* Is all she says, and shuffles off. "Ring your bell if you need anything."
<Nyaomi> <Vyvy> I would welcome it
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *moves past Ceilia and Alita and then leans close* "Wait. You will take the separate rooms as given. It would be a faux pas not to."
<Tabetha> * Alita blinks and pouts a little.
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> But...
<kalonZombie> 6*She pouts and sighs, but moves for her own room
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> Just for as long as we're here, Alita.
<AquaKoala> Commodus> Do it, Sasha is having a intuition
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> I was planing to Commodus, it's just... I don't think I've ever slept in a different room than her.
<DeathStar> <Gwen> If you simply must, ring the maid
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy turns and hugs Gwen. 1"You are welcome to visit."
<AquaKoala> Commodus> It won't be long.
<Tabetha> * Alita nods and sighs, fidgeting.
<Nyaomi> 6Vyvy then bows to him and moves into her room.
<DeathStar> <Gwen> If they knew you were sisters... 6* She blinks, peering at Vyvy
<AquaKoala> *Commodus heads into his room
<DeathStar> *he
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "I spent my formative years being told the expectations of court life. We have to maintain appearances."
<kalonZombie> <Ceilia> I understand. I just think it stinks.
<DeathStar> 6* Gwen nods at Sasha and relaxing and enters his room, trying to get used to the huge size
<DeathStar> <Gwen> What have you gotten yourself into, Yi-Sa.
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Time: Tue Mar 10 00:00:00 2015