The Duality Wars: The Alien Wars 6

Session 48

<DeathStar> 5.26.5990 CE:
<DeathStar> The Aquarius continues onward, managing to avoid further conflict. Yuki has a datapad plugged into Cassandra, looking through it. Meanwhile, Gor finds confidential files on a Spirit-Tech Engine, locked to Samson and Erica' s IDs.
<DeathStar> Yuki's group realize that Cassandra's data has an encryption key they don't remember and begin trying to figure it out. Meanwhile, Erica is asked about the Spirit-Tech Engine, only having a very vague knowledge about it from her initial orientations. She retrieves the manual and the key to the Engine, with Yuki beginning to read the manual as Erica unlocks the Engine.
<DeathStar> Inside, they find a tattooed nude girl floating in liquid, who begins looking the crew over, even as Yuki's group tries passwords to unlock Cassandra's encryption. The girl takes control over the ship, switching over to the Spirit Engine. Just then, a distress signal comes through, which they elect to look into.
<DeathStar> After a brief misunderstanding and the ship nearly powering back up to jump, the girl brings them directly to the source of the signal, and soon, they're away from the danger with the other ship, an Erusian ship, which thn hails them.
<DeathStar> The Erusians interpret the situation as a ploy, distrusting Erica and accusing of her subjugating her crew. Captain Erica responds with assurances, and even as the Erusians request to send a delegation to study them, she hesitantly accepts, although once comms are off, the Aquarius crew agree to stay on guard.
<DeathStar> The Erusian delegation arrives, including their Captain, who is dressed more elegantly than the others. She introduces herself as the granddaughter of empress Shre'trev, Kre'trav. The crew introduce themselves in return, with some recognition of the empress' name as someone who had died or disappeared.
<DeathStar> As they sit for dinner, Kre'trav expresses her concerned about Erica and her crew, questioning them about their purposes and the fact that the humans don't remember what they did. Erica apologizes and explains that they indeed don't know, as well as the fact that they're the only ones to make the trip. Showing utmost respect, the crew explain that their journey is one of knowledge and truth, and that though they had come to see the homeworld and meet their bretheren if they had still existed, all they plan is to help who they can and learn what they can along the way.
<DeathStar> Kre'trav seems to accept this, and even states that she will tell the empress as well, although she warns them that others are not likely to be so kind. The crews agree to an exchange of data files on their histories, provided it is mutual. All agree, if with some hesitation.
<DeathStar> After Kre'trav has left the room, the others mull over things, such as what Yuki's group can remember about the empress and her past, and the way things seem different from their own history. Rising from dinner, they go to see what else they can do for the Erusian crew.
<DeathStar> And now
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> 6.12.5990 CE
<DeathStar> Location: The Aquarius
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki tinkers in her room on the robot, with the virus in Cassandra inside it, running various programs on the type of reality virus to try to eradicate it. The Aquarius meanwhile travels through lightspeed quietly
<Seraphna> * Cookie sits in the room with her, eating a cupcake while browsing over ship medical files.
<Chain> 6*Kitty chitchats with Cassandra quietly
<Sara> * Erica sits in her chair on the bridge, looking over some data on the crew
<DeathStar> 6* MAC, the computer system, going by Cam these days, appears on the bridge
<Sara> *Erica glances up at her, nodding to her in acknowledgment
<DeathStar> <Cam> We are nearing our destination finally. The Sol System is less than hour away
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *chatting with Kitty then!*
<DeathStar> <Cam> I have put an alert to the command crew
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki looks up as her room light blinks to come to the bridge and sets Mr. Roboto down and gets dressed, moving to the bridge
<kalonZombee> 6*Gor moves for the bridge at that point, wanting to see Earth
<Seraphna> * Cookie gulps down her cupcake and follows Yuki, frosting on her cheek.
<Sara> <Erica> Cam... was it, now? Thank you for the heads up as always.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "LEt's go." *stands and heads to the bridge*
<Stretch> 6Kaylin leaves the armory, places a "closed" sign on the door and headed for the bridge; somehow she was set as today's response from security it seems.
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki steps onto the elevator from the VIP rooms
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Come on Cupcake
<Seraphna> * Cookie hops on
<DeathStar> 6* Cam takes a seat, playing with her basketball, looking 12ish
<kalonZombee> 6*Gor arrives and smiles at Cam, nodding
* AquaKoala has joined #Duality
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *steps on to the bridge*
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki arrives on the bridge on one of the elevators
<DeathStar> 6* Stepping out with Cookie
<Seraphna> * Cookie steps out with her, looking around.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> What is the call?
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki slides into her seat near a few terminals
<Stretch> 6Kaylin is taking a route to the bridge that doesn't involve the elevator, but she will arrive quietly and stop just inside the door; she's wearing black tactical pants, boots, and a regular t-shirt. She'll glance around at the other members of the crew, taking note of faces, but otherwise simply stand at a military parade-rest.
<Chain> 6*Kitty looks up as everyone, having been talking to Susan
<Seraphna> * Cookie hops into a seat with less buttons.
<Sara> <Erica> We're about to arrive in the Sol System.
<kalonZombee> <Gor> Wonder how it's changed...
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Well, we can expect trouble then
<DeathStar> 6* Cam annoying throws a ball around
<DeathStar> <Yuki> After the amount of enemies Earth made at the end, I cannot think we won't hit heavy patrols
<Stretch> 6Kaylin idly thumbs the back of her over-sized belt that has nothing on it.
<Sara> <Erica> Yeah... that sounds likely. *she frowns*
<Seraphna> Cookie> "I wonder if there'll still be a Tony's Pizza chain after all this time." *she muses*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "And all Cran's fault... again."
<Chain> <Kitty> I'm gonna have to go for a bit Susan, I'll try and get back as soon as I can ok?
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki slowly peers at the new person
<DeathStar> 6* Susan nods slowly
<DeathStar> <Susan> Yes. That is fine, Kitty. *She sits there all in white*
<Chain> 6*Kitty nods and gives her a hug before adjusting her gear to head out with the others
<Chain> <Kitty> if I can I'll bring you something nice
<Seraphna> * Cookie looks over and waves at Kaylin, as though familiar with her already.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I'm not so sure we can be quick to judge, Cassandra. I'd personally would like proof in my hands
<kalonZombee> 6*Gor smiles as Kitty enters the bridge, moving to hold her hand
<DeathStar> 6* Susan looks surprised at the hug, peering at Kitty
<Stretch> 6Kaylin simply stands there quietly, looking between the people gathered here and simply listening; she'll catch cookie's movement and a small smile will come to the corner of her mouth.
<Sara> * Erica looks around at everyone, frowning ever so slightly but trying to look stoic given the dangers ahead
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki peers at the viewfinder. "So far we know Earth became an empire, and that they somehow became a twisted version that ruled the Alpha Quadrant."
<Chain> 6*Kitty holds Gor's hand and squeezes lightly
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Until the other races won somehow.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Yes."
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Wonder what they did to win..."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Do we have a plan when we get there if there are patrols? *She looks at Erica, since she's the captain*
<Sara> <Erica> I'd rather handle things peacefully if possible, even if 'peacefully' means outmaneuvering... but failing that, we can fight if we have to.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Depends what forces are deployed."
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki eyes a terminal with what history files they got from Kre'trev, having gone over them. Speaking of how the other races were pretty much beaten by a superior EarthGov with tech that seemed above them to Yuki
<Seraphna> * Cookie munches on a brownie now, looking over her shoulder.
<AquaKoala> *Little looks in, having been tangled in business i engineering
<Sara> <Erica> That said, I won't pretend I know as much about matters out here as you do, Yu. I'd certainly value your input.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> The thing is this isn't what I remember - well what I can remember
<Sara> * Erica nods
<DeathStar> <Yuki> You shouldn't look to us really. *She looks at her group* These people hate you
<Sara> <Erica> Except that we aren't the same as the people they hate, either.
<Sara> <Erica> If only we could show them that...
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "They probably don't care."
<Sara> <Erica> In any case, I don't want any of us to be harmed, if I can help it. And that includes you and yours, Yu. You know that.
<DeathStar> <Cam> We are coming in a few minutes
<DeathStar> 6* She warns
<Seraphna> * Cookie rubs her head and closes her eyes.
<Stretch> "Tactically speaking, when entering an un-known area a scout team should be dispatched to ascertain any potential hazards to the main unit."
<Sara> <Erica> Everyone keep their wits about them and be ready to do their jobs. We've got our work cut out for us.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I don't think we--who is that?
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki studies the new person
<Sara> <Erica> That... would be... Kaylin, isn't it?
<kalonZombee> 6*Gor squeezes Kitty's hand in anticipation
<Seraphna> Cookie> "She's cool."
<Stretch> 6Kaylin nods to Erica.
<Seraphna> Cookie> "She had my cookies."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Well, we are low on crew. Not sure how many shuttles you have either. And not sure you want to spare your main crew to send them out
<Stretch> "Security detachment, I was set for todays response."
<Sara> <Erica> There's also the chance it could lose the element of surprise, if we need it.
<DeathStar> 6* The Aquarius exits warp on the edge of the Sol System. Up ahead, many light years away, is Pluto.
<AquaKoala> *Little watches some gauges very closely
<Sara> * Erica peers at the main screen
<DeathStar> 6* For now the Aquarius sits there, since Cam is no longer flying it from Point A to B, the navigation flight control terminal empty of a pilot. The Sensor Terminal system empty too of a scanner person
<DeathStar> 6* So far all systems, Little would note, are optimal
<AquaKoala> *Little nods, sitting at her station with all system and power info
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Who's the pilot?"
<Sara> <Erica> Normally we'd have one... *she shrugs* I can do it if no one else wants to.
<Seraphna> * Cookie hops up and wanders over to the pilot seat giddily.
<AquaKoala> Little> I have to stay here and make sure the engines don't explode for no apparent reason
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "...yeah, I think I took the place of your pilot. Sorry."
<DeathStar> <Cam> I am not that poorly made
<Sara> <Erica> These things happen. I just hope someday we get those we lost back safely.
<DeathStar> 6* She huffs
<DeathStar> <Cam> Can that little nut fly?
<Sara> <Erica> I... do not know. *she admits*
<Seraphna> * Cookie sits if no one stops her and looks over the controls. "Hmm... stop... go... parking break... I think maybe?"
<Sara> <Erica> You're going to break WHAT?
<DeathStar> <Cam> *she sighs and makes a joystick rise*
<Stretch> 6Kaylin will move over towards the sensor station, peering at the controls and readout there.
<DeathStar> 6* Cam leans against the large tubular shape that is behind the crew, taking up a good room on the bridge
<AquaKoala> Little> No Cam, but nothing is perfectly designed and we don't know what happens when the ship comes out of warp
<Seraphna> * Cookie takes it and experiments a little, but seems remarkably careful for a nut, she moves them forward a bit.
<DeathStar> 6* There are sensor readings of various levels, and a directional control of where one wants to aim it
<DeathStar> 6* The Aquarius jumps forward toward Pluto
<Seraphna> * Cookie blinks and starts guiding them around it, course correcting for Sol as fast as she can.
<Sara> <Erica> Nngh. Please be more careful...
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Wow this goes fast!"
<Seraphna> (And for the literal, "as fast as she can" means she's doing the calculation and input fast, not making the ship go fast)
<Stretch> 6Kaylin looks for any sensor readings that would indicate another vessel in range; passive versus active sensors.
<kalonZombee> <Gor> Cam... prepare "the package" just in case.
<DeathStar> 6* The sensors are complicated in that regard, since there are levels to it. Right now aiming in a direction seems the best to try to locate ships
<DeathStar> 6* Cam pulls out her present and begins to open it on a terminal
<DeathStar> <Cam> Lets see what Gor got me
<kalonZombee> <Gor> No... no not that one. I'm... I'm talking about the virus.
<DeathStar> 6* Cam sulks but leans back, doing so
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Think I got it now." *she moves them out, smoother this time* "I wonder if this has a stereo."
<kalonZombee> <Gor> But that is ready. 6*It's a device to allow Cam to travel with them
<Sara> <Erica> ...... *she's watching Cookie very closely, staring*
<DeathStar> <Cam> I am afraid I cannot leave the ship. *she notes sadly*
<kalonZombee> <Gor> I know. That should allow you to do so.
<DeathStar> <Cam> I cannot. 6* She repeats, then poofs not wanting to go into it more
<Stretch> 6Kaylin will select a mid-level scan and direct it in the direction that they are travelling, since that is perhaps where the most danger will come from.
<kalonZombee> 6*Gor frowns
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Wheee!" *she says despite them going on a smooth, set pace*
<DeathStar> 6* As they begin to pass Pluto, the scanners would detect something off to the right in the direction they are not facing, on the side scans
<Sara> <Erica> Yu... I probably shouldn't be letting Cookie pilot, should I?
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "I got something on sensors."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> She is a dragoon and not a pilot for a reason
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Momma used to build ships sometimes when she wasn't building giant robots with laser eyes. I remember that."
<Sara> * Erica frowns.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Its on our starboard."
<Myaomi> <Saoirse> ... Don't let the midget fly.
<Stretch> 6Kaylin will re-direct the scanners and initate another set of scans in the direction indicated by the 'something'.
<Myaomi> <Saoirse> She makes good sweets though. Let her bake.
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Is that left or right?"
<Sara> <Erica> I don't think we need baking right now...?
<Myaomi> * Saoirse enters, her uniform a little unkempt and a hand over her face.
<Myaomi> <Saoirse> Speak for yourself... I feel like shite.
<Sara> <Erica> A...Are you all right?
<DeathStar> 6* It seems to be a large floating metallic object, a large scanner that is so level that it is not scanning them per say, but sending their location to something else
<AquaKoala> *Little just watches the dials and gauges silently
<Myaomi> * Saoirse shrugs a bit at Erica, somewhat avoiding the question.
<Seraphna> * Cookie tosses a cupcake at Sha while she flies.
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki eyes the scanner data on the main screen on the right
<DeathStar> <Yuki> What is that?
<Sara> * Erica frowns more now, already having a bad day.
<kalonZombee> 6*Gor hmms
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Looks like a sensor platform of some sort."
<kalonZombee> <Gor> Probably an early warning system
<Myaomi> * Saoirse blinks at the cupcake and throws it back gently. "Don't care much for those, but thanks."
<Sara> <Erica> A transmitter...
<DeathStar> 6* By now it is becoming more behind them since they are still flying
<DeathStar> 6* To the right and behind
<Seraphna> * Cookie catches it before it hits the back of her head and munches. "Prolly telling someone where we are right?"
<Sara> <Erica> Very likely... And we already... passed it... *she sighs*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> *She moves to the weapons, looking for the weapons back there*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Its to our starboard-aft."
<Seraphna> Cookie> "No one said stop so..."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Starboard...starboard...
<Stretch> Kaylin> "Perhaps." 6She looks to see if it can be determined which direction the platform is scanning.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "...the right hand side of the ship. Aft is our butt."
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Why do we call ship's butts afts?"
<DeathStar> 6* It is impossible to say, being a platform. But it is likely in-system
<kalonZombee> <Gor> Sounds like ass?
<Sara> <Erica> Because the first person to say it had an accent. *she says dryly*
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki launches a mini torpedo, blowing it up
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I doubt I got it before it sent the data
<Seraphna> Cookie> "So should I erratically and roundabout so we don't get intercepted?"
<Sara> <Erica> Plus it's a sign of hostility...
<DeathStar> <Cam voice> I just hope no one lived on it
<Seraphna> Cookie> "..." *sulks and looks sad now*
<Sara> <Erica> Same...
<Sara> * She looks at Yuki
<DeathStar> 6* The platform worker had one day to retirement too. Yuki sighs
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Yep. We are totaly hostile now."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Sorry. You all acted like something ahd to be done and we don't have lasers back there
<DeathStar> <Cam> Correct. Phasers on the fronts and sides only.
<Sara> <Erica> I, at least, didn't think that was a good idea but... you did what you felt you had to... *she tries to justify*
<Seraphna> Cookie> "We still don't even know who's out here... maybe we can still make friends."
<DeathStar> 6* Where does Cookie fly to next, being near Pluto?
<DeathStar> 6* Neptune. Uranus?
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Well, no point worrying about it now. The die is cast. We have crossed the Rubicon."
<Sara> <Erica> Look, let's keep our heads on straight. We should head in slow and careful and hopefully not blow anything else up.
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki gives up the weapons, not feeling like using them right now, hands behind her back
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Do we have a current star map? I could go planet to planet but they don't actually rotate around the sun in a neat line."
<Seraphna> Cookie> "I mean if we have the current date, translated to Earth Time, we could calculate where each planet should be."
<Stretch> 6Kaylin will actually glance at the console Yuki is at, noting its location above any others; she'll look back to the sensors to see if anything else has shown up on the scans.
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Since rotational patterns only really change like, every few hundred mellenia unless something big happens."
<DeathStar> 6* The sensors begin to get pings
<kalonZombee> <Gor> More pings.
<Sara> <Erica> I don't like this.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *checks the sensors*
<DeathStar> 6* Up ahead, since Cookie is still flying straight, can be seen the next planet far off to the right
<AquaKoala> Little> Someone definitely has a forward warning system
<Seraphna> * Cookie waits for someone to answer her question since information is a good thing to have when chooseing where to go.
<DeathStar> 6* Dozens of blips are coming toward them; the sensors so far have not identifiued them
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Since we are moving at lightyears since we are going pretty fast
<Sara> <Erica> ... Send out an apology.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I don't think you'll have a problem
<Sara> <Erica> For the platform.
<Sara> * she seems serious
<Seraphna> * Cookie frowns and starts to veer off course away from them, moing towards Uranus now.
<Stretch> Kaylin> "Captain, multiple contacts seem to be converging on the ship."
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "They are moving to intercept and there are alot."
<Sara> <Erica> Yeah...
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Okay then, veering off for Uranus."
<AquaKoala> Little> Perhaps we should try to hail them
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Up to the Captain I think?"
<Sara> <Erica> Like I said, please send out an apology? *she looks around at the crew*
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Someone do that."
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki moves to the hailing, trying to lock onto the blips
<Seraphna> * Cookie steadies course and slows a bit so she can.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> This is the Aquarius, hailing unidentified ships
<DeathStar> 6* The blips are now closer, and can be brought onto the screen by Kaylin. The sensors indicate 12 of them, and they seem smaller than ships, but their power energy higher
<Sara> <Erica> ...Are those bombs? Can we bring it up on screen?
<AquaKoala> *Little shifts to bring up an outside view
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "That would be you, Kaylin."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> No response
<Stretch> 6Kaylin toggles the display, to show the objects.
<DeathStar> 6* Powerful drone ships are flying to them, the weapons on them looking to be hybrid Tsivrixsh/Erusian. Another sign of how different things are to Yuki's gorup
<DeathStar> 6* The weapons are powering up higher
<Myaomi> * Saoirse moves over to the consoles and sets the weapons to fire, obviously to miss, over one of the signatures, then taps out a ton on the outgoing signal to the kin of "S O S" by sound since they won't answer an actual communication.
<Seraphna> Cookie> *frowns and readies the ship to burst away* "Ummm... I think we should run."
<Sara> <Erica> Evasive maneuvers.
<DeathStar> 6* They open fire, hitting the ship, and doing massive damage
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki falls over
<Seraphna> * Cookie pushes the ship to fly away faster, holding on.
<Myaomi> <Saoirse> Little slow, Eri.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Shields up
<Sara> <Erica> Yu! *she looks over at her with concern, but stays in her chair. Captain and whatnot*
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki sits up. "Those might be unmanned and uncaring
<Myaomi> * Saoirse braces herself clinging onto a bulkhead bar, grabbing Yuki to steady her.
<Myaomi> <Saoirse> Knowing my luck, yeah.
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki clings to Sao back
<Sara> <Erica> I'm quite sure that's the case. Take us in -- fast.
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Drones usually are! Someone hit those shields please!"
<AquaKoala> *Little boosts the shields
<kalonZombee> 6*Gor moves to send the virus, hoping it works
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Shall we return fire?"
<Stretch> 6Kaylin grabs ahold of the seatback she was looking over to keep from getting knocked over.
<Myaomi> <Saoirse> Also slow, Cookie.
<Sara> <Erica> Deeper into the system.
<Myaomi> <Saoirse> They fired without warning, fuck yeah fire back.
<kalonZombee> 6*Because of the tests simple nature, he has no idea if it does or not
<Myaomi> <Saoirse> Don't go out of our way to, focus on escape, but don't just sit and make it easy for them to keep hammering us.
<Seraphna> * Cookie is already speeding them away for now.
<AquaKoala> *Little gets on the coms to engineering "All hands, full damage control"
<DeathStar> 6* The shields being up on the drones, the virus doesn't seem to get through yet
<Stretch> Kaylin> "Their attack is likely a response to the destruction of the sensor platform."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I don't think so
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Couldn't help though
<Sara> <Erica> I'd say it's because the platform detected us at all, Kay.
<DeathStar> 6* The drones give chase, being faster. Due to their size, they can afford it
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Did we get any reading on that sensor platform
<Jackieness> s transmissions."
<Seraphna> Cookie> "I can't go faster than them..."
<DeathStar> 6* The Aquarius approaches Uranus, buzzing around it
<kalonZombee> <Gor> If you can get through their shields I can try to send a virus that will scramble their sensors
<DeathStar> 6* The drones fire again, damaging shields to 67%
<Seraphna> * Cookie then skips a plan for Saturn and heads straight for Jupiter next.
<DeathStar> <Cam> Can you please knock their numbers down?
<DeathStar> <Cam> 12 of them hurt
<Sara> <Erica> Fire torpedoes.
<AquaKoala> Little> Shield at 67%
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Screw it, returning fire." *aims and returns fire*
<Seraphna> Cookie> "You can't shoot them unless you actually fire guns!"
<Sara> <Erica> Cookie, do you know what a gravity slingshot is?
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Y-Yes... and I'm heading for the biggest planet in the Sol System right now."
<Stretch> Kaylin> "I'm not sure..." 6She will look back at the sensor logs to see if any transmissions were recorded.
<DeathStar> 6* The Aquarius phasers slam into the drones, and manages to luckily slam one into another, blowing both up by impact
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Two down."
<DeathStar> 6* The transmissions itself were not recorded, just that a signal was sent out through the Sol System. Likely an activation signal
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Only two more till Earth after it too though, they'll go by fast."
<Sara> <Erica> Cass, fire a torpedo back at them if you can. At worst it may be able to at least cause them some more disarray.
<DeathStar> 6* They pass Uranus
<Seraphna> * Cookie charts a course to go around Jupiter, hopefully smaller craft can't handle the same gravity pull.
<Sara> <Erica> Kay, I want you to keep a watch around us -- we don't want any more surprises.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *aims a torpedo for the centermost of the drones and then fires*
<DeathStar> 6* The drones begin to spread out, but are hit before they can, the center blown up and two more knocked out
<Sara> <Erica> I also want someone on comms monitoring for any more transmissions.
<DeathStar> 6* IT seems they only got together for the chase around the planet
<kalonZombee> 6*Gor takes comms and readies the virus if it comes to it
<Stretch> Kaylin> "There was a transmission it seems, but it wasn't a large one, and it was directed system wide. I don't know enough about these to determine what it was for." 6She'll pull up the sensor controls again and direct a scan to their aft, high level.
<DeathStar> 6* 3 go on one side, 4 on the other, firing. A few miss, but the shields are hit again, dropping to 50%
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Two more down. When we moved in toward the planet, the grouped up."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Three down
<DeathStar> <Yuki> You hit the center one
<AquaKoala> Little> Shields at half
<Sara> <Erica> Phasers, aim for one side -- we'll get the rest when we come up on the next planet, if not sooner.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "I recommend that we skid another gravity well and let them get together tighter."
<DeathStar> 6* Two drones fly behind the Aquarius, preparing to launch missiles at the Aquarius' engine
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Uh-uh-
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Cookie break!~
<DeathStar> <Cam> What?! Break!
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *fires to aft*
<Seraphna> * Cookie breaks, slowing and ducking the ship so they'll fly past.
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Get forward weapons ready!"
<DeathStar> 6* The Aquarius is large and unwielding, not able to do such a manuever. Cam fires, blowing up one with a torpedo and the Aquarius smashes the other with it's shields
<DeathStar> <Yuki> That is why
<Stretch> 6Kaylin will direct another high level scan to their port side.
<DeathStar> 6* The shields take a small hit from ramming, dropping to 47%
<DeathStar> <Cam> I am not a tool of war, hoe
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Better than the engines I guess..."
<AquaKoala> Little> Shields at 47
<Sara> <Erica> Tch. A trial by fire, is it... Sorry, Cam.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> We are like really big
<DeathStar> 6* She shrugs
<DeathStar> 6* The remaining five fly ahead of the ship and turn around to aim at them
<Sara> <Erica> Forward torpedoes.
<DeathStar> 6* Launching missiles. PRepare yourself Cass
<Myaomi> <Saoirse> Better than continuing to let them fire.
<DeathStar> 6* Up, Down, Left, Right, Down
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *fires*
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 4
<Jackieness> durlu
<DeathStar> 6* their missiles are shot down, then Cass takes them out
<DeathStar> 6* Sad face
<Seraphna> Cookie> "H-How many left?"
<Myaomi> <Saoirse> Hm, the girl's good.
<DeathStar> 6* None. Sad face
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "The sky is clear."
<AquaKoala> *Little rushes off for engineering
<Myaomi> <Saoirse> Cookie, give 'er a cupcake
<Seraphna> * Cookie nods and starts changing their direction, making a different angle of travel as she heads for Mars. "I'm switching our course in case they send more on an intercept based on where we were headed."
<Myaomi> * Saoirse moves to the chair near Erica and slumps in it with a sigh.
<Sara> * Erica tries to smile at her, though she fails.
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki leans back
<Stretch> 6Kaylin will trigger a low level scan to their starboard, checking for any indications of other ships.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I guess instead of patrolling a dead system they left drones and scanners
<kalonZombee> <Gor> If I had known that I would've made the virus hit harder.
<DeathStar> 6* Kaylin would detect nothing, though she would get another platform as they near Europa
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Probably in case any humans came back..."
<Sara> <Erica> Makes sense... that means we need to keep our eyes peeled, however. We want to avoid any further scans that we can... or take them out before they see us, if we must.
<Sara> <Erica> Either way, I'm sure Little will have the shields back up and running great in no time.
<Stretch> "Captain, another sensor platform
<Sara> <Erica> Any chance we can hit it from outside of its range?
<kalonZombee> 6*Gor tries sending the virus it's way
<DeathStar> <Yuki> *looks at Erica curiously*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *checks the range on a torpedo*
<Seraphna> Cookie> "So am I good at this?"
<DeathStar> 6* The virus is sent, and seems to enter it. The torpedo could go, too
<Stretch> 6Kaylin looks to the readout of the scanners, monitoring it for additional transmissions.
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki leans on Sao still, waving tail at Kitty
* Kaelan has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* Seraphna has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* Seraphna has joined #Duality
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Seraphna
<DeathStar> 6* Kaylin would see a mess of data from the virus
<kalonZombee> <Gor> Go. Now.
<DeathStar> 6* As the platform tries to send the transmission due to the foreign entity
<DeathStar> 6* But fails
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Well, it is in torpedo range, but it looks like you have it covered."
* Tabetha has joined #Duality
<Sara> <Erica> The virus looks like it will work.
<Sara> <Erica> Good.
* Seraphna has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Tabetha)))
* Tabetha is now known as Seraphna
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Seraphna
<Sara> <Erica> The idea here is, if we're going to be swarmed by drones and other automated equipment, we may not be able to avoid them all... especially around the homeworld...
<Sara> <Erica> There will likely be even more as we get closer, I'd imagine.
<Sara> <Erica> So we need to either destroy or blind them, much as I hate to handle this with hostility.
<Sara> <Erica> And the virus essentially does that, it seems.
<Seraphna> Cookie> "They are trying awful hard to keep us from getting to Earth."
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Why?"
<Stretch> "A virus may only work for so long, destruction of an automated platform may prevent additional drone attacks."
<Sara> <Erica> Something there they don't want us to see?
<Sara> <Erica> Cass, if you feel it prudent to destroy any further platforms, it's at your discretion right now.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Would help if we knew where the drones were being deployed from."
<Seraphna> Cookie> "That location shouldn't even matter much anymore since..." *she frowns*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Hey, Gor. Can you make a tweaked version of that virus that doens't prevent the transmission but rather forward the virus to all listeners?"
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki rests, leaning against Kitty in her chair
<Stretch> 6Kaylin will trigger another scan in the direction of their current destination, to see if a deployment location can be found.
<Sara> * Erica looks at Yuki with subtle concern, before she continues looking around at the others
<Chain> 6*Kitty looks down at Yuki
<DeathStar> 6* Kaylin so far would detect nothing. As they fly ahead, up ahead is Mars. It looks like it was terraformed long ago then abandoned
<kalonZombee> 6*Gor thinks, then works on it
<Sara> <Erica> Viruses are meant to spread, after all...
<kalonZombee> <Gor> I'm trying.
<kalonZombee> <Gor> To be honest I had no idea it was even going to work.
<Seraphna> * Cookie keeps them on this course for now since Mars is a good staging ground for Earth. "...If they were going to outpost... it should be here."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> It looks like everything here is old tech
<DeathStar> <Yuki> outside the drones
<Seraphna> Cookie> "I mean, next line is Luna Colony, then Earth."
<Seraphna> Cookie> "The bad guys are always at Mars. It's the rules." *she nods*
<Sara> <Erica> Wha...?
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Avoid Mars and it's moons, Cookie
<Seraphna> * Cookie blinks. "Umm... old joke I remember from where we come from."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Likely a receiver is there
<Seraphna> * Cookie nods and changes course, heading for Earth.
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Should I avoid Luna too?"
<DeathStar> <Yuki> We might not even come across it reaching Earth
<DeathStar> 6* She points out
<Stretch> 6Kaylin will study the sensor controls again, to see if there is an automatic-scan function that can be used instead of manually directing scans.
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Yeah but I could also make sure we do..."
<DeathStar> 6* As they come closer, Yuki quiets down, eyeing the screen, jaw dropped. The sensors begin to beep, picking it up at the same time. A giant structure surrounds Earth and the moon. Not quite a forcefield, but an energy field type structure, that is solid
<Stretch> ((burns 1 int btw))
<Myaomi> <Saoirse> You know, if the problem is that we're 'human'
<DeathStar> 6* There are four points, at the top, bottom, left, and right, like mini space stations, that are generators, running it
<Sara> <Erica> What the hell...
<kalonZombee> <Gor> ...They blocked it off.
<Myaomi> <Saoirse> Why not broadcast that we're largely not?
<Chain> <Kitty> what in the...
<Sara> <Erica> A quarantine?
<Seraphna> * Cookie slows them down and keeps distance.
<DeathStar> 6* The sensors go off the chart with the amount of energy that is being used to keep it up.
<Seraphna> Cookie> " it to keep people out, or others in?"
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Good question. This is beyond anger at the Terran Empire
<DeathStar> <Yuki> ... right?
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Going to scan the shield stations to see what tech is in them?"
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Rationality is out the window here. The amount of energy being spent could easily be used to just blow it up."
<Sara> <Erica> I don't suppose we can scan beyond the field?
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki eyes the history notes they were given, and just sees where the Sol System became off limits after the downfall.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I know that you lost communication and mankind fled
<Seraphna> Cookie> "I doubt we could scan ourselves with this much energy interference."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> But is this part of it?
<Sara> <Erica> I don't remember reading about anything even remotely like this.
<Stretch> 6Kaylin will study the energy pattern read-outs will directing a mid-level scan towards the planet.
<DeathStar> <Cam> Granted, your history was lost to the winds
<DeathStar> 6* The scan comes up bounced back
<Seraphna> Cookie> "This is the sort of thing that you do to keep something in, not others out."
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Could you send a probe to one of the four energy generators?
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Loading up a probe now." *taps on her console*
<Sara> <Erica> I'm inclined to agree with Cookie. Still, yes -- Kaylin, launch a class 1 probe.
<Stretch> "Sensors are apparently overwhelmed by the energy fields."
<Sara> Cass then*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "And firing." *launches*
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Also... besides the drones... there doesn't seem to be any offensive deterrent here..."
<Sara> <Erica> Unless it's aimed in.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "There may not be an actual garrison. It could justy be the automated defenses."
<Stretch> 6Kaylin will direct a high-level scan out and away from the planet.
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Hey Yuki... another thought?"
<DeathStar> 6* The probe begins to fly to the generator, flying around it, getting bits of data back
<Seraphna> Cookie> "We should sweep around space between Earth and Luna Colony. If you catch my drift."
<DeathStar> 6* The size of it, they could try going inside it, but the energy levels are high, and they would need suits. The energy wave length though, they could also try matching and firing at just one generator to blow up
<DeathStar> <Yuki> It's around the moon too
<DeathStar> 6* She squints
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Yeah... but think about what could be around that isn't apparently shielded, from what we can see... I mean... it SHOULDN'T be there. But how many times were our folks wrong about that?"
<DeathStar> <Yuki> We could try going inside the generator and see if we could shut it down. *She eyes the data, speaking like a tech. Meanwhile, Little would have her crews repairing their small hull hole, and could return*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "What about the tech? Is it from inside or outside?"
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I think Little would agree.
<Seraphna> * Cookie gulps a bit.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Or we could shoot it and take it all down
<Seraphna> Cookie> "What if it is a prison for something nasty now?"
<DeathStar> *She tells Erica*
<Sara> <Erica> I'm worried if shutting it down is even a good idea, at this point. Still, there is a chance we may find some information if we go in there.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> *looks at Cass* Not sure, but if our goal is to get to Earth, I see no other way than to bring the shield down
<DeathStar> <Yuki> The ship can't pass through the field right?
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Unless you have special engines I have no idea about
<Seraphna> * Cookie looks to Cam. "Can it?"
<Sara> <Erica> I'm pretty sure we just have the two. The practical engine and the spirit engine.
<DeathStar> <Cam> The Captain has named the two
<Stretch> Kaylin> "Destruction of the structures would pose a problem if a manned response vessel came to investigate what occured and we were still in orbit."
<Sara> <Erica> If you want to try using the spirit engine... I suppose it's a thought... *she thumbs the key in her pocket*
<DeathStar> <Yuki> The Aquarius can land on Earth, from what I read
<Seraphna> Cookie> "What's the Spirit Engine do anyway? Can it get us through?"
<Sara> * Erica goes through the motions to unlock the spirit engine
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki raises an eyebrow at Erica doing it
<DeathStar> 6* The large tube shape opening with a hiss
<Seraphna> * Cookie looks between them a bit oblivious.
<Sara> * Erica looks inside, taking a deep breath
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "I guess that's it then."
<DeathStar> 6* The lighting begins to dim and change colors as the tube reveals a nude girl that looks a lot like MAC, with long flowing blue hair and appearing to be 18. Her eyes snap open and she steps out this time without a word
<DeathStar> <Girl> Initiating Spirit-Tech engine system. Taking control of system
<Sara> <Erica> H...Hello. *she blinks at the fact that the girl stepped out, surprised*
<Myaomi> <Saoirse> ... Eri, what'd you do?
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Ok.. I take it this isn't supposed to happen?"
<Seraphna> Cookie> "It's her..."
<DeathStar> 6* The Aquarius shifts as the ship's engines reform into the spirit-tech and the girl steps onto a platform that rises up
<DeathStar> <Yuki> I thought she wasn't suppose to move until she got a name from the Captain
<Sara> <Erica> Unless... Gor giving the name to MAC...
<kalonZombee> <Gor> ...What's your name?
<Seraphna> Cookie> "...Isn't she Cam?"
<Myaomi> * Saoirse squints and flicks Gor. "This is why you follow protocol."
<DeathStar> <Girl> Cam'dee. 6* She peers at them with sharp blue eyes
<kalonZombee> <Gor> ...Whoops.
<Seraphna> Cookie> "That's why Cam can't leave the Ship. She's Cam."
<DeathStar> 6* The Spirit interfaces with the ship
<Myaomi> <Saoirse> Nice t'meet'cha, Cam. Try not to do anything that'll fry us, aye?
<DeathStar> <Cam> Interface completed
<Sara> * Erica rubs her head. "Well, Ms. Cam'dee, glad to have you with us. I'd like to ask, is it possible for us to get through this energy field without destroying it?"
<Sara> <Erica> ...Or us?
<Myaomi> <Saoirse> Or us. Or you." She adds.
<Stretch> 6Kaylin is just watching the screen, not overly interested in Cam's arrival.
<DeathStar> 6* The nude spirit eyes them. Her eyes look blank, but there is a slight emotion there, that almost looks like it might be something dark as wires run up her body covering her
<DeathStar> <Cam> Moving Aquarius through field
<DeathStar> 6* She doesn't answer their questions
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki holds onto the railing
<Sara> <Erica> ......
<Seraphna> Cookie> "I-I think we're about to find out!"
<Seraphna> * Cookie holds onto the pilot seat and sniffles.
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Uh, Erica, Sha, love you. Kitty, you are my bestie
<DeathStar> *She sniffles
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "And the consoles are locked out."
<kalonZombee> 6*Gor looks at Kitty
<Seraphna> Cookie> "I-I love you Yuki. A-As a cousin. Umm... I will miss cookies if we don't make it through this."
<kalonZombee> <Gor> I love you.
<Sara> <Erica> W-We love you too!
<Chain> 6*Kitty hugs Yuki tight
<Stretch> 6Kaylin just stares blankly ahead...
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki pulls Cookie into the hug with Kitty
<DeathStar> 6* The Aquarius glows, spirit energy running through the engines, and all of Little's compartments, then it zaps forward like casting a spell almost, ripping through the field then appearing on the other side
<Seraphna> Cookie> *hugs onto them, she looks over at Kaylin* "You're a nice friend too, Ms. Kaylin."
<Stretch> "A brownie would be nice right now..."
<DeathStar> <Cam> Completed
<Sara> <Erica> Thank you, Cam...
<DeathStar> 6* She remains there, intregrated until told to step down
<Sara> <Erica> Kay, any change in sensor readings?
<kalonZombee> <Gor> Thank you Cam.
<AquaKoala> *Little raises an eyebrow at the energy and stomps to the bridge
<Seraphna> Cookie> "U-Umm... I think we're still alive?"
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Looks like we made it through intake. Kaylin, want to gets us some bearings."
<Sara> <Erica> If we're in the afterlife at least we're in it together. *she notes dryly*
<Stretch> 6Kaylin will turn and look back at the sensors, directing a mid level scan towards the planet and the moon ahead of them.
<Seraphna> * Cookie pats Yuki's tail to see if it's real.
<DeathStar> 6* Yuki squeals
<AquaKoala> Little> What the hell was that!
<DeathStar> 6* The Earth and Moon seem to be like normal planets
<Seraphna> Cookie> "We're alive!"
<DeathStar> 6* Cam doesn't turn around to look at Little
<DeathStar> <Yuki> We u-used the Spirit-Tech engine
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Ms. Captain Lady Ma'Am, I think you need to take control back of the ship so we can land."
<DeathStar> <Cam> Landing
<DeathStar> 6* The Aquarius zooms down to the planet
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Make sure there aren't like, zombies down ther efirst."
<Stretch> 6Kaylin is also checking the scanners for ship activity, communications, life-signs, etc.
<Sara> <Erica> I technically still have control, Cookie. Kaylin, scan for life signs.
<AquaKoala> *Little deadpans a bit
<DeathStar> <Cam> Minimal lifesigns. Rodents, animals. Humanoids none
<Stretch> 6Kaylin will trigger a high level scan of Earth itself, looking for that.
<DeathStar> 6* She answers for Kaylin
<DeathStar> 6* The scanners running for Kaylin
<Sara> <Erica> Thank you, Cam...
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Any Energy Beings, Armies of Robots, or Zombies?"
<DeathStar> <Cam> Landing point? <Yuki> Uh, Mega City. *She helps point it out*
<DeathStar> <Cam> Landing
<DeathStar> 6* The Aquarius engages landing gear and sets down
<DeathStar> 6* The Spirit ignores Cookie
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Ok, if there aren't any humans... why quarantine it?"
<Sara> <Erica> Maybe there's something worse.
<DeathStar> 6* As the ship lands, part of one landing gear sinks into the ground, like it's porous
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Monsters made of pure darkness? Creatures made from all the races? Small flying cats who've gone man crazy?"
<DeathStar> <Cam> Land unstable. Adjusting
<DeathStar> 6* The Aquarius reshifts
<Stretch> Kaylin> "Perhaps to kill off any survivors that were in hiding?"
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Get us a penetration scan of the ground ."
<DeathStar> 6* Before them on the viewscreen, MEga City looks like it's wrecked. It's a more primitive Mega City than Kitty and the other's are used to, like something out of Cheryl's era in TAW4
<AquaKoala> Little> As an exhibit?
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Umm... this... seems completely wrong."
<DeathStar> 6* the Presidential building, half sunk into the ground the only thing that is familiar and even that looks different, black and dark, with Terran Empire on it
<Sara> <Erica> So this is Earth... it looks like it's seen better days...
<Seraphna> Cookie> "The buildings are all out of date..." *she points* "That skyline is from before the Tsivrixsh invasion and the Nuclear Crisis."
<DeathStar> 6* However, oddly, there is something half emerged inside it, a cleaner version of it
<DeathStar> 6* It looks like they destroyed each other
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "This totally looks wrong. That building was supposed to be white."
<DeathStar> 6* The cleaner version though looks ancient
<Sara> <Erica> Looks almost like the buildings ate themselves.
<Stretch> 6Kaylin will direct a scan as Cass has requested, checking the ground composition.
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Or two realities folded over one another."
<Sara> <Erica> You say that like it happens every day.
<DeathStar> 6* The rest of the city looksa normal, though it's Terran Empire look is all over
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Where we come from it kinda does."
<DeathStar> 6* The formal look there, the city loosk like it saw a battle - destruction all over
<AquaKoala> Little> We should check the atmosphere composition as well
<DeathStar> 6* The ground is spotty in spots
<DeathStar> 6* Like the ground has sink holes here and there
<Sara> <Erica> I'd say if we're going out there, we go in suits.
<Sara> <Erica> Just to be safe.
<kalonZombee> <Gor> Jeez... this is nothing like I remember.
<DeathStar> 6* The atmosphere though is fine
<Seraphna> Cookie> *bites her lip and looks at Yuki* "Did we... bring anything to sample reality signatures with?"
<DeathStar> <Yuki> *She stands at the view screen, looking out, her memory being tickled*
<Sara> <Erica> Preferrably the ones with limited propulsion...
<DeathStar> <Yuki> Something is bothering me more and more
<Sara> (As opposed to none)
<Seraphna> Cookie> "Something else?"
<DeathStar> <Yuki> *she looks back at the others* I want to get the information in Cassandra crarcked open
<Chain> <Kitty> aside from the obvious?
<DeathStar> <Yuki> The reason we came.
<Sara> * Erica puts a hand on Yuki's shoulder, reassuringly.
<Sara> <Erica> Well, you've got my support.
<Stretch> Kaylin> "I don't breathe, so I wouldn't need one."
<Sara> <Erica> It'd certainly be good to know more before we leave...
<DeathStar> <Yuki> *She smiles* For now, lets learn why your Earth fell
<Sara> <Erica> Go outside, I mean.
<DeathStar> -END-
* DeathStar changes topic to 'Arc Two: The Break Down | Chapter 6: Destinations | Session 49: The Homeworld | RP Days: Monday and Saturday 7:30 - 9:30 PM | #taw <- talk room, #taw-club #taw-academy, #TAW-Ship <- mini rooms | Summary for needed | 50! 2000! September 9th and 10th at 7 pm'
Session Time: Wed Sep 02 00:00:00 2015