The Duality Wars: The Alien Wars 6

Session 54

<DeathStar> October 8th, 5987
<DeathStar> Location: Hapian Kingdom, outer villages
<DeathStar> 6* A beam of blue light appears and three figures drop hard
<DeathStar> 6* Shion lands on her side, holding it, with their equipment falling around them, with a girl that looks 18 and has silverish hair landing near her, and then Miyuki.
<DeathStar> <Shion> The test seems. Crossing without the capsules is...possible
<DeathStar> 6* Shion sits up in pain
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki lands crouched and winces slightly, wobbling as she rises
<DeathStar> 6* Lu sits up next, hiding her ears quickly in her hair
<DeathStar> <Lu> Then we can send the signal for the next group
<Chainy> <Miyuki> so it seems...
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki nods
<DeathStar> <Shion> Doing so. *She taps the button, then pauses* Odd. Getting a response here already.
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki blinks and moves over to Shion to look
<DeathStar> 6* Shion shows the locator bands they are wearing, with a person here already, a bit off the mark they are suppose to arrive at, but not far, as if they are a day or two arriving before
<DeathStar> <Shion> That makes no sense. She was suppose to come after us
<Chainy> <Miyuki> we'll sort it all out, we dont know what might be happening if she arrived before us
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki moves towards it
<DeathStar> <Shion> We need to gather intel. 6* She dusts off her traveling clothing, wearing heavy set clothing, Lu gathering their gear and following. "We determined what we need to look for here, so we need to find out about this world. And where Yuki's group is to see what they learned."
<DeathStar> 6* Shion looks around, her face unreadable as she walks gracefully along toward the signal, brushing back her dark hair
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I understand but that still wont stop me
<DeathStar> 6* Up ahead, there is an out of the way Hapian village, where a certain Liana lives. As they get near, the people here are part of the no spirit-tech lives here. Not indictive of what Miyuki will soon learn of the Hapians when she strikes a deal with them in the months to come
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki raises her head and sniffs slightly, nine tails writhing
<Sara> * Liana trains outside of her house, in the village, likely guided by her grandfather
<DeathStar> 6* A figure leaps on Miyuki, hugging and kissing
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki yelps and falls backward
<DeathStar> 6* Isis hugs her and kisses all over. "These kind people took me in after B---Samson left right after we got back." 6* She sits up, nodding at Liana traveling. "The older man is funny."
<DeathStar> <Isis> Though I had a few days to really think. About what happened back home over the time Yuki left and we did. And things began to fall in place.
<DeathStar> 6* Shion glances at her mothers, then the town.
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki rises holding Isis in her arms
<Chainy> <Miyuki> well I will have to thank them for looking after you
<DeathStar> <Isis> *looks serious as she leans against her* I think time is flowing right in both places. The later we leave our world, the earlier we appear here. But it might not work right here, considering Samson appearing later here and appearing early in our world before we left to come here.
<DeathStar> <Isis> Things work in reverse I Think in both worlds
<DeathStar> <Shion> So Yuki has not even appeared yet you are saying
<DeathStar> <Shion> And Samson has run off. Can we even trust him being here so long. I still can't decide when "He" came over. IT's clear he has been here near from the start
<DeathStar> 6* Isis leads Lu and the others into the village, Lu moving to talk to the other villagers as not to meet Liana to keep continuty. Isis stops in front of Liana
<Sara> * Liana, having still been training, wipes her brow and puts her training sword away, stretching
<Sara> * Then looks up
<DeathStar> <Isis> My love, this is Liana and her grandfather. They gave me a place to stay
<DeathStar> 6* Shion hangs back herself
<Sara> <Liana> Hello!
<Chainy> <Miyuki> for the time being, we are going to have to trust him, until we find more reason to say otherwise or do without
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki bows graciously
<Chainy> <Miyuki> Thank you for looking after my wife
<DeathStar> <Grandfather> *he nods* It is no problem. *he pats his granddaughter* She discovered her
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I hope nothing terrible happened
<DeathStar> <ISis> Well... *she rubs her cheek embarrassedly* I ran into a few monsters. But they did tell me about the realm and where to go to meet the Empress of this kingdom
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki nods
<Sara> * Liana smiles at them
<DeathStar> <Grandfather> Young ladies such as yourself have to watch our - there are large tentacle monsters out there. Ha ha ha
<DeathStar> *he laughs jovially, while Isis shrinks at the thought*
<Chainy> <Miyuki>....I see
<Sara> <Liana> They're really dangerous!
<DeathStar> <Isis> ...nii...~ce..
<DeathStar> 6* Isis sighs, having given up fighting a long time ago except when pissed
<Chainy> <Miyuki> well should one appear....6*Miyuki blinks at Isis
<Chainy> <Miyuki> whats wrong my darling
<DeathStar> <Isis> Nothing. *she just mumbles about uncooth worlds like Tareh and monsters*
<DeathStar> <Isis> I will go make a stew
<DeathStar> 6* ISis smiles cheerfully
<DeathStar> <Shion> I think mother wants to find tentacles except yours, mother
<DeathStar> 6* Shion taps her staff against her shoulder, looking innocent
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki blinks as Isis merrily goes to cook
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I...dont even have....
<DeathStar> *doesn't want
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki shakes her head and looks back from where they came
<DeathStar> <Shion> Oh. ... I never know. Gor told me all sorts of stories when I was young
<DeathStar> 6* Shion gives her cute innocent eyes when she was little
<DeathStar> <Grandfather> Well, if you want some tentacles, you can learn to tame them
<Chainy> <Miyuki> well the distance isnt too great.... it is preferable to stay where theres some sort of civilization rather than.....gods forbid
<DeathStar> *he goes into a lecture
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki shudders visibly
<Sara> * Liana looks up at her grandfather, listening to his every word
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<Chainy> <Miyuki> the outdoors
<DeathStar> 6* A few days later, with Liana as their guide, they move for the capital. Isis talks quietly with her
<DeathStar> <Isis> I have been able to determine a few things. One is that we will not find the "items" scattered around without help. Also this land is in great upheaval, which might be due to the items and be leading to both worlds' troubles
<DeathStar> <ISis> We need to form some sort of power base to locate them and control the growing sources of problems if we are going to locate them and wait out Yuki
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki feels for split ends as she listens
<Sara> * Liana blinks a few times
<Chainy> <Miyuki>that shouldnt be too hard...
<Sara> <Liana> Sounds like an adventure to me.
<DeathStar> 6* They come up on abeautiful villa that looks like it belongs to a rich person. Outside it is Sasha
<DeathStar> 6* Isis looks up, blinking at Liana, not realizing her voice carried
<DeathStar> <Isis> Oh?
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki eyes the villa as if appraising it
<Sara> * Liana shrugs, not really getting it anyway
<DeathStar> <Isis> And would you join such an organization that defended Geyze?
<Chainy> 6*and judging it
<Sara> <Liana> I would... I want to be like my grandfather.
<DeathStar> 6* Shion walks along behind them staff on her shoulder. Lu is out gathering info
<Sara> <Liana> I don't really know what it's all about, but... *she nods*
<Chainy> <Miyuki> do you have an training or experience?
<DeathStar> 6* Isis muses, then looks at Miyuki. "If we could get one person toa gree to give us a bit of land...and some materials..."
<DeathStar> 6* Referring to the Hapian empress. "Maybe then we could get other Kingdoms.."
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki smiles a fox smile
<Sara> <Liana> I've been training under my grandfather ever since he came home.
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I think I can handle that part my love
<DeathStar> 6* Isis smiles as they walk up to Sasha
<DeathStar> <Isis> This is a really pretty place
<Chainy> ( <Miyuki> too nice for you, give it to me (jk) )
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *turns* "And who are you?"
<DeathStar> <Isis> Oh, I am Isis.
<DeathStar> <Shion> The cute one
<DeathStar> 6* She says deadpanned
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki looks at Sasha
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "This is a crown estate. You really shouldn't be here."
<Chainy> <Miyuki> and I am Miyuki 6*she lightly rubs Shion's ears
<DeathStar> 6* Isis studies the flowers and looks happy - her ears wiggling, looking a lot like an Aurit
<DeathStar> 6* Shion pauses, then smiles, leaning into it
<DeathStar> <Isis> SOh? That's too bad. *She looks sad*
<Chainy> <Miyuki> we are simply passing through
<DeathStar> 6* Isis waves at the flowers and pretty villa, then smiles at Sasha, before moving on. Shion turns to follow Liana again
<Jackieness> <Sasha> *looks around* "The guards are not around, so I suppose its alright..."
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki smiles as she pets Isis to encourage her to frolic as she likes
<Chainy> <Miyuki> its very kind of you miss?
<DeathStar> 6* Isis smiles and enjoys the beauty, keeping a garden like Erevis when she could. Shion smiles
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "But why are you here? Where are you bound to? No one ever comes here."
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I assume by bound you mean allied to
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "I mean going."
<Sara> * Liana peers around at the estate's beauty quietly as she waits on the others
<DeathStar> <Shion> The capital
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki nods to Shion
<DeathStar> <ISis> We should be going. Thank you for this
<DeathStar> 6* Isis curtseys
<Chainy> <Miyuki> indeed, thank you for your kindness
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "The cpital is far from here. You should find transportation. This is where the Empress sends the embarassments..."
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki's ears wiggle
<DeathStar> <Isis> *she pauses, taking note of that*
<Chainy> <Miyuki> "embarassments?"
<DeathStar> 6* Shion frowns
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "My mother is the Empress' sister. My mother is also no longer welcome at court."
<DeathStar> <Isis> Ah. I am...sorr
<DeathStar> 6* Isis frowns
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I see...what an unfortunate situation to be forced upon you 6*her tails writhe* 1 and by extention you are also....disavowed?
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "I am my mother's daughter so it seems. Let it rest at that."
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki looks about as she listens before resting her eyes on Sasha
<DeathStar> 6* Shion perks up as guards come to get Sasha for her mother
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I imagine it also makes it a lonely situation for you
<Jackieness> <Sasha> "I must go. You should go as well. Good day."
<DeathStar> <Isis> For now. *she whispers, intending to get the girl for their plans*
<DeathStar> 6* Isis turns to go, taking Miyu's hand
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki nods, gently taking Isis's hand
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> 6* Soon, after saying goodbye to Liana, they are in the court of the Empress, led before her in the huge castle that one could live in forever without leaving. The way it is built is a literal fortress, with thousands of rooms and hospitals and schools inside, and spirital realm inside it, making it larger inside than one could imagine. Isis looks dizzy inside, and as they arrive before the Empress, her picture in the Hapian Kingdom page, the Kill La Kill mom as Chain would know her, her power is thunderous, overwhelming even that Isis winces
<DeathStar> 6* With no gods in this world, what backs her up is the closest thing to a god. The Light spirit, Aska. From what Isis has told Miyuki, there are other spirits, the Dark Spirit Shade opposing Aska
<DeathStar> 6* The Empress speaks softly. "Not many come before me, but your story is an interesting one. You wish to build
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki looks up at the Empress and bows as is custom
<DeathStar> 6* Shion kneels, as does Lu
<Chainy> <Miyuki> indeed my lady
<DeathStar> <Empress> And why would I give land for a neutral academy that is being offered to all the kingdoms?
<DeathStar> <Isis> Due to a threat to your entire world
<Chainy> <Miyuki> not many able to access such schools as you realm has, while it may pale in comparison, you might find allies and favors could blossom from such an arrangement
<DeathStar> 6* Celes stands by her mother, looking much kinder
<Chainy> <Miyuki> as well as in its nature, as a place that is Neutral ground, safety is the top priority
<DeathStar> <Empress> Threas, and allies. 6* She notes, peering at both. 6* She rises. "Half the kingdoms in this world are at each other's throats. And you all think you can bring them together when the Hapians have failed to do so in the past"
<DeathStar> 6* Isis is quiet, letting Miyu handle it, also not sure how much to tell the woman about the nature of the threat that is coming, from outside Geyze and from within
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I believe I am capable my lady, as a mediator of sorts and where better than on neutral grounds where such titles cannot be used and buffered. As well as training for such potential leaders, you yourself know how court can coddle and prevent such needed lessons for the next generation....
<DeathStar> 6* The Empress eyes Celes sharply, her daughter eyeing her back with their red eyes
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki gazes between the two, studying them quietly
<DeathStar> <Empress> I am curious what you can do, very well. You will get your land. There is a jungle with ancient temples, you can use that. If you need some modern spirit tech to get them up and running I will provide it. You have a year to get it ready and convince the other kingdoms. You will find it harder than you think I believe. And to learn what you can about the world. If you fail to bring the other kingdoms on and have them send their representatives, I will take back everyhting
<DeathStar> 6* She sits back down
<DeathStar> <Empress> Everything. 6* She notes softly
<DeathStar> 6* Shion glances at her mothers
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki gives a chilly but beautiful smile as she bows, her large nine tails swaying
<Chainy> <Miyuki> you are too kind my lady
<DeathStar> 6* Celes eyes her mother with a look of disguist before moving off before the court session is done
<DeathStar> 6* Not at giving it, but the last bit
<DeathStar> 6* Shion bows and moves to go, since the Empress is done with them, ISis and Lu following
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki follows after them
<DeathStar> <Lu> I guess we better use the books here since the Hapians are the most advanced society to learn about Kumen, the sister world, and the kingdoms here before we leave. Get all the knowledge we can about where we are
<DeathStar> <Lu> We can't slip up with that one
<DeathStar> <Shion> You note the daughter mother tension? Also the daughter looked like a carbon copy almost of Sasha
<Chainy> <Miyuki> she did say that her mother is sister to the empress
<Chainy> <Miyuki> there are strong family resemblences...and arrangments made therein
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki's tails rattle
<DeathStar> <Shion> True. I suspect more. Cousins look a lot alike - but sisters more
<DeathStar> 6* Shion hums
<Chainy> <Miyuki> what kindom is next
<DeathStar> <Lu> Well, lets spend a week reading, then we can decide which is weakest
<DeathStar> 6* Lu enters the library. Strangely, there's ap ile of books ready for them already, a trail of dark hair exiting
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki shakes her head
<DeathStar> 6* Lu grabs them
<DeathStar> <lu> Read and go then?
<DeathStar> 6* she eyes Miyu shaking her head
<Chainy> <Miyuki> we dont want weakest, we need to go for the ones with the most resources
<DeathStar> <Lu> Alright... *she flips the books*
<DeathStar> <Lu> The Legionares
<DeathStar> <Lu> Then their enemies the Amazons
<Chainy> <Miyuki> kingdoms love to out do eachother, when the hear one has thrown in a certain amount, others will toss in more to appear more wealthy
<Chainy> <Miyuki> we will use their vanity to our ends
<DeathStar> <Lu> The Daemons wealth might be highest too but they hide it well
<DeathStar> <Lu> So any three
<Chainy> <Miyuki> hmmmmm
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I know how to spin this....
<Chainy> <Miyuki> we'll see the Legionares
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> 6* The Kaiser secretly watches Mykel train
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki wears as little as possible, not an ounce of shame
<Stretch> 6Mykel trains with a set of weighted escrima's in the yard behind his home, his father likely sitting nearby and critiquing him and at the same time asking him questions about the topics he spends the majority of time teaching Mykel about.
<DeathStar> 6* The Kaiser's sons stare at Miyuki, both younger at this point, then the Kaiser turns back as Mykel trains in the background
<DeathStar> <Kaiser> You say you are here about an academy?
<DeathStar> 6* Isis wears little too, blushing, and Shion matches. Lu wears a lot, huffing
<Chainy> <Miyuki> indeed, we have recently been given a gift from the empress but as gracious as it was, we are still lacking quite a bit 6*she bites her bottom lip demurely1 we were hoping to have more land and funds to focus on military well as weaponry for training...
<Chainy> 6*she gives a deep sigh
<DeathStar> <Kaiser> So you have come to my kingdom. The Hapian Empress... giving land. That is unusual.
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki eyes the Kaiser as she leans in to look down at the training yard
<DeathStar> <Kaiser> My lands are not near her's. I do not see why you would b e interested in them
<DeathStar> <Kaiser> As for weapons and tactics...
<DeathStar> <Kaiser> What sort of school is this again?
<DeathStar> 6* He peers at his men, clearly proud, even if the Legionares seem to be more of a male society, though the women are not scorned and do run businesses
<Chainy> <Miyuki> indeed, but it is our goal for a neutral ground where the future generations will learn what is needed of them for their people
<Stretch> 6Mykel drops to his knees, breathing and sweating heavily, doing kata's with 7 pound 26" sticks generates a lot of fatigue, especially when you're reciting verbal lessons.
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I am sure the talents of your armors and smiths are quite the envy my lord
<Chainy> 6*she almost purrs on the last
<Chainy> <Miyuki> but a good warrior knows it is always best to study the fighting styles of various battles and warriors to truely hone their skill
<Chainy> <Miyuki> being confined to only one fighting and thinking style could be out done...and that would be a travisty
<DeathStar> <Kaiser> So your goal is to bring all of Geyze together and train them in all things, and you want us to provide our fighting style and armor and equipment, let me guess. *he seems sharper than he lets out, smiling wryly*
<DeathStar> 6* He eyes his nephew, thinking
<Stretch> 6Below in the back of Mykels family home, Daddy Endarr is strolling in a circle around Mykel and speaking to him; being too far away to actually hear them.
<Chainy> <Miyuki> consider it like this, if it is unsuccessful, you get everything back, and your children have been given more intel than you might have hoped for
<DeathStar> <Kaiser> True. Be honest of one thing. This academy, do you truly believe in it, trying to get us to work together and teach kids?
<DeathStar> 6* He crosses his arms
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I would not put any effort in something I dont believe in
<DeathStar> 6* Isis stands behind Miyu, since the sex charm isn't working on the older man, though he does seem to appreciate it on a visual level
<Chainy> 6*her eyes lock with his, as she breathes icily
<DeathStar> <KAiser> Then you have my full support. I ask when the time comes you take him, my nephew. He will need a place in this world when it is time
<DeathStar> 6* He nods at Mykel
<Chainy> <Miyuki> of course
<DeathStar> <Kaiser> Then you have everything you want from us
<DeathStar> <Kaiser> I love my world
<Stretch> 6Mykel will answer his father and rise to his feet, resuming the kata.
<Chainy> <Miyuki> and is there anything else you desired, in addition to taking your nephew?
<DeathStar> <Kaiser> No. We will follow your guidelines. It is your academy after all
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki smiles and chuckles
<Chainy> <Miyuki> you have my thanks then
<DeathStar> <Kaiser> I will make sure the Legion follows. *he notes, referring to the fact he knows he will recruit the Amazons and his people will be unhappy*
<DeathStar> *she
<DeathStar> <Kaiser> And you have mine. Geyze needs to be united. We have fought too long
<DeathStar> 6* Kaiser holds out his hand to her
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki places hers in his
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I believe in this, more than anything
<DeathStar> 6* The Kaiser shakes. "Then I do too. If oyu need anything, let me know."
<DeathStar> -END-