The Duality Wars: The Alien Wars 6

Session 69

<DeathStar> 9.22.5990
<DeathStar> <Narrator> For the past month, the landscape of Kumen, especially the slums have begun to change, following the attack on the Macross Corporation 3 months ago
<DeathStar> <Narrator> It was not sure yet by the group if it was a concentrated effort by the Corporations together, or just each of them following their own ideals, or the main branch that runs the entire planet, CorporateSector itself, that installed them, but Psycho Scans, began to be installed to read people's minds - or more specifically, their state of minds. It didn't use the DataReaders, since that was made by the CorporateSector, but somehow it used them in conjuction
<DeathStar> <Narrator> The purpose was to know people who were close to the edge of insanity, or were criminally inclined. And each Corporation was making units, to take down threats before they began, stating the Macross incident on the HQ as a reason for making the unit
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar sits in her office, working on the security protocols for the Net and in real life - so far the scans not working in the Net, so that's one way to move around
<DeathStar> 6* She finishes a drink, rubbing her eyes, having woke up very early due to a nightmare again. Right now Bonnie has been missing about a few weeks, right around when the Psycho scans began working
<AquaKoala> *Otto sits nearby "I have an idea for the psycho scanners"
<DeathStar> 6* Samson has been MIA for a bit too, having drifted off a while back to look into things
<Stretch> 6Jelly sits nearby, tinkering with a jumble of components and a gadget on a workbench...
<kalonZombee> 6*Max is drinking
<Sera> * Luci rubs her eyes a bit and yawns. "What's the idea?"
<AquaKoala> Otto> We get a metal shielding installed around our skulls.
<DeathStar> 6* Ortora sits at the bar, working on pamplets, oblivious, and a fox fauna enjoys music, off limits talk wise
<Sara> * Chelsea is drinking, having been a bit miserable since she realized Bonnie isn't coming back so far
<Chain> 6*Wolfe washes the phigglets and ducklings
<DeathStar> <Asarar> I'll pass.
<Sera> Luci> "Seems a tad extreme."
<Stretch> 3"Conner ultra banjo..."
<AquaKoala> Otto> Just spitballing.
<Sara> <Chelsea> Ultra banjo. *she waves a hand*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> The scans monitor people on the edge or have criminal thoughts
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Keep your mind sane
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar gives a rather creepy smile
<Sera> Luci> "And think of what we do as legal and not criminal."
<Sera> * Luci looks at Asarar a bit worried though.
<Stretch> 6Jelly looks over at Chelsea,
<Sara> <Chelsea> Sure, my job is TOTALLY not criminal. It's just... fluffy. Very fluffy.
<Jackieness> <Kira> *steps into the office* "Most of us are borderline already."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> I am sure the criminal aspect is more dark if it's called Psycho Pass and Scan
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Rape. Murder.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Assault
<Sara> * Chelsea frowns. Not like she's never killed.
<kalonZombee> <Max> Jaywalking.
<AquaKoala> Otto> Well I'll fail in an instant
<Stretch> Jelly> 3"Pinky crumple dongle..."6 he pulls another tool from the kit he has borrowed once more from Chel.
<AquaKoala> Otto> I'm two for three
<DeathStar> 6* Finishes her drink and leans back. "We could if you are all worried travel through the Net, but that means getting ambushed by other NetRunners."
<Sera> Luci> "Borderline? Speak for yourself. I'm sunshine and rainbows up in my head."
<AquaKoala> Otto> And I think my thoughts might be picked up as insane by a human
<Sera> Luci> "They have to have accounted for non-human brains."
<Stretch> Jelly> 3"Ticky-Tock einstein platypus..." nods to himself and continues to tinker with his new project.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Huh... what if... they couldn't handle the number of positives?"
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Right now it might be best if Otto avoid the scanners.
<Sara> * Chelsea waves a hand at Jelly. She doesn't seem to care about her tools right now anyway.
<Sera> Luci> "It'd be a bad system they'd have to take down if it was flagging everyone."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Then again, we don't know where they are at. Also Jelly
<Sara> <Chelsea> Just him, huh?
<Sera> Luci> "Jelly's word salad would send up flares. No offense, Jelly."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> We know they have to have a lot in the Red Light District.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "But that's what I mean. If it started flagging the entire population..."
<Stretch> 6Jelly looks over and quicks his head, hearing his name;3 "Bubble butt willow mass?"
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar glances at Kira. "The system has Corporate level security systems."
<Sera> Luci> "I bet if it flagged CorSec board members it'd be taken off the streets faster than Chelsea can eat a fish."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> And trying to play with it might get innocents flagged
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Just saying..."
<AquaKoala> Otto>... Like say if a Cor sec member happened to be thinking of murder?
<AquaKoala> Otto> Or me, wearing a cor sec member
<Sera> Luci> "I'm not sure how they aren't flagged every time they go to a meeting."
<Sara> <Chelsea> Wouldn't it be more interesting to make it flag everyone? And I mean everyone.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Well, considering they are only in the slums. And We have no idea who is on the 8th Corporation Board
<Stretch> 6Jelly shakes his head slightly at all of the suggestions...
<kalonZombee> 6*Max simply eats a snack now, not really smart enough to follow the conversation
<Sera> Luci> "Yeah, of course they're only down here. They already assume everyone in the slums is guilty anyway."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> We did do major damage to a Corporate HQ
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar shows her teeth
<Sera> Luci> "I count that as self inflicted damage. They fucked with our boss." *she smirks*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Like they care. We could have stolen pens and they would have overreacted just the same."
<Stretch> 6Jelly looks back at his work, pondering it for a moment before looking back to Luci an eyebrow quirking slightly.3 "Frumpy san yankee?"
<AquaKoala> Otto> Okay, what if we implanted something to send a good signal from us?
<Sara> <Chelsea> Macross was self-inflicted pretty literally, since they did everything that caused it to happen. The other Corp... that one was Chief.
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar muses, letting them muse as she looks at things for now
<Sera> Luci> "Hacking our own stuff seems the best course, really. Less chance of endangering someone and it's not really that different than changing our creds, right?"
<DeathStar> <Asarar> So far we still haven't found word on Ylva's sister or mother in any of the Macross locations
<DeathStar> <Asarar> And looking into them has burnt us a few times
<Sara> * Chelsea closes her eyes at the word 'sister'
<Sera> Luci> "Bonnie is still missing too. Think she got flagged?"
<Sera> Luci> "She's... not something they'd have accounted for in the system."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> It's possible, we don't know a lot about her mind. Or she could be lying low up top
<Stretch> 6Jelly looks over at Asarar quizically, wondering again for the umpteenth time just what happened.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Right now though there is something I want to procure
<Sera> Luci> "Wish we had a way to find her... we're getting her a bell when we find her."
<Sara> <Chelsea> Do you think it's funny or something.
<Sera> Luci> You should know by now I mask distress and worry with humor."
<kalonZombee> <Max> On the contrary. She's taking it very seriously.
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar brings up the Tech Corporation in Quad 6
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Guys, shush. Mission time."
<kalonZombee> <Max> But we really should install ways to track each other.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> I want to grab us some more Net and VR stabilizers to surround the building with and inside, in case we invaded to change the building's looks. Also it should help to exit the building through the Net easier if we want to avoid the Psyco Scanners
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Might do us some good to get out of the slums for a bit
<AquaKoala> Otto> I could look into getting a safe house above.
<Sera> Luci> "Sounds like a good step forward."
<kalonZombee> 6*Max nods
<Stretch> 6Jelly will look to Asarar at the job goal, tilting his head slightly at her idea as he starts thinking about it, then he nods. 3 "Simple track sunshine pullitzer."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> If you want. I don't plan to give this location up but it might be good for the others. 6* She grabs her coat. "They have 15 Corporate buildings in the middle district, and one of them has to have a weak point, so lets observe them."
<DeathStar> 6* She heads to the elevator and hits the button
<Sera> * Luci grabs her gear and follows.
<kalonZombee> 6*Max grabs his and follows
<Jackieness> <Kira> *leaves her catsuit partly unzipped as she heads to the elevator... because she's like that*
<Nyaomi> <Ylva> Going out, master?
<Sara> * Chelsea follows Asarar silently
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Yes. Do you plan to come, Ylva?
<DeathStar> 6* She leans back in the elevator as they go downward. Ortora looks over and waves energetically
<Stretch> 6Jelly will grab his pack and pull it up, moving to follow after Asarar. 3"Bubble butt flicker Ticky-Tock?"
<DeathStar> 6* As they walk along, Posco walks in a newly minted Psycho outfit, with three goons, all tall and beefy
<AquaKoala> *Otto walks along with the group
<Sera> * Luci frowns lightly.
<DeathStar> 6* He looks around, stroking his mustache and his beedy eyes focusing on them
<DeathStar> <Posco> Here they are boys. Find the dog boy, I want to scan him with our portable Pass.
<Sera> * Luci sighs and rolls her eyes a little.
<Nyaomi> <Ylva> Do you think I'd be useful..?
<AquaKoala> *Otto exudes happiness, thinking about success and happiness
<Chain> 6*Wolfe changes, running behind schedules with the others
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar walks over, arms crossed. "This is a private establishment, Posco. What business do you have here?" <Posco> You all have flaunted your faces in the law too long. Well, now I've moved up in the world and I'm here to prove you are all psychopathic sychopants that work against us cops. Especially Wolfe."
<Stretch> 6Jelly will follow along, looking at his data reader as he walks; scanning over coding ideas for a couple of side projects of his own.
<DeathStar> 6* He positively shakes in delight
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Scan yourself first."
<DeathStar> 6* Ortora stares at Posco
<Sera> Luci> "I'd love to see your scan result, Posco."
<DeathStar> <Posco> ... excuse me? *he turns to Kira, pulling out his stick* Do you two want to be scanned now?
<DeathStar> 6* He motions his men to aim the devices at Luci and Kira*
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar pats Ylva, holding her close and away from the scanner
<kalonZombee> 6*Max just crosses his arms and rolls his eyes
<Sera> * Luci tilts her head. Going into absolute calm.
<Sara> * Chelsea peers at Asarar and Ylva quietly
<DeathStar> 6* Posco scans Luci, eyeing the results
<Stretch> 6Jelly peeks out from behind Asarar, watching quietly.
<AquaKoala> *Otto just looks like an average bar patron, looking confused
<Sera> * Luci watches him placidly. Maybe a bit amused.
<DeathStar> 6* He then turns it on Kira, beginning to scan it, the readings going from green like it was on Luci, begining to wobble upward
<DeathStar> <Goon> Uh boss, this reading makes no sense.
<DeathStar> 6* Posco turns annoyed and reaches to snatch the reading that isn't blaring but is wobbling to study it
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Sounds like you busted it. Hope it doens't come out of your paycheck, boys."
<Chain> 6*Wolfe grumbles as he enters, annoyed clearly as he doesnt notice the scene 1 "ha ha very funny guys wheres my jacket and pa--Posco?
<DeathStar> <Posco> This seems like t-- 6* He looks at Wolfe
<AquaKoala> Otto> Uh, sirs. I don't actually know these people.
<Chain> 6*Wolfe blinks
<DeathStar> <Posco> Y-You... You delinquint!
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar closes her eyes at Wolfe as the patrons in the bar peer at Wolfe, many men for women
<Sera> * Luci motions towards Posco, looking at the other two, almost as if she's still curious.
<Chain> <Wolfe> geez Posco, why do you always comes when I'm undressed
<kalonZombee> <Max> Oi! Don't call him that! He's barely even a quint to begin with.
<Sara> * Chelsea lets out a small sigh, moving closer to Asarar
<Sera> * Luci burns a charisma as she does too.
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar covers Chel and Ylva's eyes
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Can we go now?"
<Chain> <Wolfe> if I didnt know better I'd say you wait for it to embarass me or something
<DeathStar> 6* PRotecting their purity
<DeathStar> 6* Posco points
<DeathStar> <Posco> Scan him! Scan that nudisty!
<Chain> 6*Wolfe just hangs out there all pink and naked
<DeathStar> 6* His men aim, covering their eyes
<kalonZombee> 6*Max steps in front of it so it scans him instead
<DeathStar> <Posco> I want his balls in a v-v-vice!
<kalonZombee> 6*While their eyes are turned
<Chain> <Wolfe> Posco....whoa I'm not ready for something like that
<DeathStar> 6* Posco roars, swinging his stick at Max to hit Wolfe
<AquaKoala> Otto> W-Was that a yes? Can I go?
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar listens to customers go
<Stretch> 6Jelly rolls his eyes; 3"Tinkle vinny combo..."
<kalonZombee> 6*Max grabs the stick
<Jackieness> <Kira> "...seriously? Guy, you are totally violating the dress code."
<Chain> <Wolfe> 1. Asarar lets me strip down here for customers
<Sera> Luci> "Wow, you need a scan Posco, clearly on the verge of something psychopathic, assaulting a man without provokation."
<DeathStar> 6* The men announce the scan seems fine, but that he is in a horny state
<Chain> <Wolfe> 2. someone took my pants and jacket and I think his name starts with an M and ends with an X
<DeathStar> 6* Which drives Posco foaming and marching off, vowing to return with a whole squad
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Stripper poles are upstairs. This is the jazz club."
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar peers at Max after the horny bit
<Sera> Luci> "Hrm..." *she looks at Asarar and whispers* "Tell me we have a camera aimed in this direction."
<kalonZombee> <Max> <...Luci, did you steal Wolfe's jacket and pants?>
<Sera> Luci> <I know nothings.>
<DeathStar> <Asarar> It wouldn't matter. Max technically did interfere
<AquaKoala> Otto> Someone seems to enjoy seeing Wolfe is his pinkness
<Stretch> Jelly> 3"Pixie sumo Midget piano dancer..."
<kalonZombee> <Max> <Is this why there was a spare jacket in my closet?>
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar moves to go
<Sera> Luci> "Pity, that going up on the net would spark a lot of controversy about the system."
<Sera> Luci> "Especially with how clearly on edge Posco is."
<Nyaomi> <Ylva> I can't see.
<Chain> 6*Wolfe grumbles as he finally locates it and rejoins them all dressed
<Sara> * Chelsea follows Asarar
<Sera> * Luci follows along.
<Jackieness> <Kira> *walks out* "Course now he's going to come worse than before because he got his man feelings hurt."
<AquaKoala> *Otto follows along
<Sara> <Chelsea> If he wants to come he should be going to higher levels.
<Stretch> 6Jelly will follow after Asarar, trying to reach out and stroke Chel's tail...3"wankers..."
<kalonZombee> 6*Max follows
<Sara> * Chelsea seems to ignore Jelly's touch; she's miles away in some senses
<Chain> 6*Wolfe walks in pace with Max
<Sera> Luci> Good, we can do something about it then.
<kalonZombee> <Max> You owe me for defending your dumb naked butt.
<Chain> <Wolfe> I would have been fine, Posco never lasts long when he sees my body
<Chain> <Wolfe> but I'll get you a damn steak if it'll shut you up
<kalonZombee> <Max> ... I'm not going to ask, but instead accept the steak.
<Chain> <Wolfe> Ive bumped into Posco a lot, just I always seem to be in a state of undress, and he screams about getting his hands on me
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Maybe Posco secretly lusts over your hot body, Wolfe."
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar walks along, keeping her mind calm, arms around Ylva and Chelsea , guiding them, trying to keep an eye out for Psycho scanners, to make a note of what they look like. Every few blocks, one can spot them - they look like normal cameras, but there is something a little off about them
<kalonZombee> <Max> Continuing not to ask. 6*He says, keeping calm
<Chain> <Wolfe> he does want his hands on me or so he says
<Stretch> 6Jelly follows along right behind Asarar Chel and Ylva, every now and then stroking a tail that comes near; his own thoughts bouncing between tails and coding.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Huh.... wonder how they keep the locals from boosting the scanners."
<DeathStar> 6* She goes around the scanner as it lights up detecting Jelly
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Probably some sort of defense. Why not one of you go see what it is
<Sera> Luci> "Probably the threat of being taken away for even thinking about it now... umm... cover Jelly."
<Chain> <Wolfe> I guess I will
<DeathStar> <Asarar> That was a joke Wolfe
<Chain> 6*Wolfe is already climbing
<Stretch> 6Jelly just seems content with petting a tail now and then, ignoring what is going on around him.
<AquaKoala> *Otto is deadpanned at Wolfe
<DeathStar> 6* Wolfe reaches the device
<kalonZombee> <Max> Asarar, never tell a dog to do anything.
<DeathStar> 6* It seems plugged into a lot of wires into the wall
<kalonZombee> <Max> They'll mindlessly do it.
<Chain> 6*Wolfe wags his tail
<Chain> <Wolfe> well theres a lot of wires
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Wolfe, will you stop?"
<DeathStar> 6* It vibrates softly
<Chain> 6*Wolfe blinks
<DeathStar> 6* And seems to be scanning Wolfe, slowly lighting up as if sensing danger
<Chain> <Wolfe> ones...twitching....thats kinda weird and gross
<Sera> Luci> "Wolfe. Get down here."
<Chain> <Wolfe> I'm coming just give me a sec
<kalonZombee> 6*Max whistles
<kalonZombee> <Max> Here boy!
<Sera> Luci> "You're going to be running from goons in a second."
<Chain> 6*Wolfe makes a face
<Chain> <Wolfe> I'm coming down of my own valition, not cause someone whistles for me
<Jackieness> <Kira> "This is totally why we can't have nice things."
<Nyaomi> * Ylva chirps in surprise if her tail gets stroked.
<kalonZombee> <Max> I tried. 6*He shrugs
<DeathStar> 6* It begins to scan Wolfe
<Chain> 6*Wolfe climbs down
<DeathStar> <Psycho System> Criminal intent. 6* It begins to read Wolfe's datareader - which is likely falsely installed since as they find out later he's from another world, and errors since he's not "really" in the system.
<Stretch> 6Jelly looks up since they aren't walking now, one of Chel's tails slipping through his fingers having not tugged on it or anything, just liking the feeling of the fur passing through his fingers.
<Sara> * Chelsea shakes her head, with her hand covering it
<Chain> 6*its filled with images of phigglets and ducks
<AquaKoala> *Otto has distanced himself
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar hmmmms and moves on quckly
<DeathStar> <Asarar> So it labels you a criminal instantly if you go near it
<Sera> Luci> "Yep."
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Stupid, but we learned something."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Wonder if you get warnings, since it just said intent
<Chain> 6*Wolfe bounds back to the others
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar leads them through the hole in the force field between 5 and 6, leading them into the Asian quad, with the smells and foods to accompany, grabbing noodles while she does so, giving Chel and Ylva money to get some
<Sara> * Chelsea sits and gets noodles, though she doesn't seem excited about it today
<Stretch> 6Jelly follows quickly and looks around at their new surroundings, a bit of wonder on his face as a smile comes forth.
<Sera> * Luci grabs a bowl of ramen as they go, nomming.
<Nyaomi> * Ylva eagerly gets yakisoba
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar slurps them, moving to walk up the huge miles and miles of steps that go up
<AquaKoala> *Otto looks around quietly
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Home again, home again." *grabs some noodles too*
<Sera> * Luci yawns and looks at Max. "Carry me."
<Chain> 6*Wolfe buys whatever is meaty
<DeathStar> <Asarar> We'll stay with that one guy that made the Fauna paradise as we scope out the weakest link in the Tech Corporation
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar walks along as the others grab food and follow, walking and walking and occassionally going heh heh he
<Sara> * Chelsea eats quietly as she stays by Asarar
<kalonZombee> 6*Max carries Luci
<Sera> * Luci enjoys noodles.
<Chain> 6*Wolfe considers carrying Otto
* Chain has quit IRC (Quit: and the mighty prophet said, "yo, let's bounce...")
* Chain has joined #Duality
<Stretch> 6Jelly just continues to follow behind Chelsea and Ylva.
<DeathStar> 6* They reach the middle section, free of the scanning, though as they look around, there seems to be some cameras up unlike 3 months ago
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar heads for the complex Su is staying at with the other faunas.
<kalonZombee> 6*Max makes a face, knowing he'll have to deal with Hood, but is coming anyway
<AquaKoala> *Otto continues along, looking Inconspicuous
<DeathStar> 6* They reach a beautiful compound, with a statue of Max's sister up, the compoud named after her
<Sera> * Luci grins. "Nice tribute. Take a picture so we can show her."
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar knocks on the door and Hood opens it, wearing only a toga like outfit, two faunas hanging on his arms, a bunny like one - maybe a werebeast? or do they make bunny faunas - and a fox fauna.
<DeathStar> <Hood> Asarar! Is Maxy with you!?
<kalonZombee> 6*Max nods and takes one to send to her later
<DeathStar> 6* Hood spreads his arms to Max
<kalonZombee> <Max> Oh no.
<DeathStar> 6* Hood grabs Max in a hug
<AquaKoala> Otto> Hello Hood
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar peers inside at all the fauna, many in toga like outfits, some wearing normal clothing, others naked. There are many baby fauna too
<Sara> * Chelsea hangs on to Asarar's arm
<Chain> 6*Wolfe takes a photo of Max's misery
<Sera> * Luci does too.
<Stretch> 6Jelly watches
<DeathStar> <Asarar> I see you all have been busy. <Hood> Well, we wanted to make natural fauna without the life span accelerates.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "What, there a toga party going on?"
<Chain> 6*Wolfe bounds to the baby fauna
<DeathStar> <Hood> Just wearing relaxing clothing
<kalonZombee> 6*Max looks like he wants to die
<DeathStar> 6* He leads them inside. Su moves over to hug Ylva and rub her head, wearing a togaish clothing too, relaxed
<DeathStar> <Su> Ylva.
<kalonZombee> <Max> Hey Su.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> We were wondering if we could crash a few days while we scope some places out. <Hood> Of course! Max can room with me
<DeathStar> 6* Hood beams
<DeathStar> 6* Hood drags MAx off to the master bedroom
<DeathStar> 6* The baby fauna coos
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar studies the little ones. "So they age normally?" <Su> That's our hope.
<Sera> Luci> "Bring him back in one piece."
<Chain> 6*Wolfe wags
<DeathStar> <Su> A few of the girls really like Hood, so they decided to mate.
<Stretch> 6Jelly looks around at all of the fauna, curious at what they do here.
<DeathStar> 6* They seem to grow crops in the backyard, while others have terminals and do terminal jobs to support the place
<Nyaomi> <Ylva> Great Su!" She runs and leaps on her-- though doesn't really weigh anything
<DeathStar> 6* Su catches her and pets, carrying Ylva around to baby her like she used to do
<Jackieness> <Kira> *looks around as she walks inside the compound*
<kalonZombee> <Max> Actually I can room with Lu- 6*He's dragged away at that point
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar seems quiet, studying the babies, then asks a few people about Bonnie on the download, nodding
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> 9.27.5990
<DeathStar> 6* 5 days of staying, and scoping out things, the day begins after a healthy meal at the table of the faunas, eating grown food - since the soil is better in the middle district, and playing with kids. Asarar goes over the data she has collected of the weakest of the Corporate Building down here, #13, and how it ships out VR and Net parts to businesses that want it in steel trucks
<AquaKoala> *Otto has kept to himself almost entirely
<Nyaomi> * Ylva sits with the little faunas, enamored by them
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar peers out - the streets here are better, the towering buildings going high up, where floating blimps have advertisements and the Corporate Buildings on this level seem to look down. The Asian feel is still in full effect here, just not the grimy run down Blade RUnnerish feel that the slums have. It is more orderly in the middle district, but not full Top Side Asian
<kalonZombee> 6*Max looks at Luci, his eyes begging her to save him from Hell
<DeathStar> 6* Hood talks and sits by his BFF
<DeathStar> <Asarar> My option instead of hitting Building 13, is to take out the truck
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar shows the path it should take on the delivery
<DeathStar> 6* They crawl all over Ylva
<Chain> <Wolfe> got a idea in mind for that part then?
<DeathStar> <Asarar> It should leave in about 2 hours. There are a lot of tall buildings along the path for an attack, or we could use another vehicle
<Stretch> 6Jelly sits nearby and watches, curious it seems
<Sera> * Luci smiles. <Play nice, we need his cooperation. Be happy I'm not letting him hump.>
<Jackieness> <Kira> "It would be easier. Any security on the truck route?"
<kalonZombee> <Max> <I would rip it off as soon as it got in arm's length>
<DeathStar> <Asarar> The truck itself is the security. These things are built to withstand a lot of damage
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar brings up an image of the vehicle
<DeathStar> <Asarar> The truck can withstand a lot of damage on it's hull, windows, etc.
<DeathStar> <ASarar> The tires are likely the weakest point
<Chain> <Wolfe> I could take that out
<Stretch> 6Jelly moves over to look over Asarar's shoulder, pointing at a point on the roof of the truck.
<Sara> <Chelsea> Unfortunately that isn't that likely either. These kinds of things can usually drive on rims.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Get it on its back or side and it won't go anywhere."
<Sara> <Chelsea> Oh, no doubt. The tires just might not help that much.
<Sara> <Chelsea> Their biggest strength and weakness alike might be their weight.
<Chain> 6*Wolfe's ears flatten against his head, as resident meat sheild
<Sera> Luci> "So take out the axels?"
<DeathStar> <Asarar> The roof is also one of the strongest points, Jelly
<Stretch> 6Jelly shakes his head and taps the image's roof, a specific point there; 3"lulu blanket..."
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar muses, then zooms in
<DeathStar> 6* Eyeing the axels
<DeathStar> <Asarar> You think we can make that type of shot?
<AquaKoala> Otto> I think I could.
<AquaKoala> Otto> Stay low on ground level, it shouldn't be too hard for me to hit an axel with anti armour round
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Alright. *she muses, chewing on her lip*
<kalonZombee> <Max> Worst comes to worst we just have Wolfe chase them.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> *she zooms out*
<Sara> * Chelsea just stays by Asarar. Her face has stayed rather stoic most of the time in general
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Lets get positioned set up
<Stretch> 6Jelly waits for the zoom out before tapping at the point once more; 3"Bubble butt...blanket."
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar pats Jelly.
<Chain> 6*Wolfe wags at the idea of chasing
<AquaKoala> *Otto readies his gear
<kalonZombee> 6*Max gets his gear
<DeathStar> <Su> All of you becareful. The moment they go down, they'll radio in for help
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Can we jam them?"
<Sera> Luci> "Yeah, maybe Jelly can do something about communications?"
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Me and Asarar will deal with that
<DeathStar> *Jelly
<Stretch> 6Jelly nods, pointing at that point on the roof; 3"Blanket!"
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Sounds like we are good then."
<Sera> Luci> *nods* "I have a snack so we're covered."
<AquaKoala> *Otto comes back with his breifcase
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar gears up and moves outside to check over her gear
<Chain> 6*Wolfe follows Asarar outside
<Jackieness> <Kira> *slipping on her shades and heads outside*
<kalonZombee> 6*Max follows, not saying goodbye to Hood
<DeathStar> 6* Hood cries
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar eyes the map, trying to find a spot where the terminal communications would work best to mess with
<Stretch> 6Jelly will shift over and recover his bag, sliding it onto his shoulder and shaking his head; 12"Ticky-Tock volvo queen..."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Everything is tapped into everything - so here, at this interstate. Also, make sure the vehicle doesn't enter hover mode.
<Chain> 6*Wolfe nods
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Being in ground mode to begin with likely means it doesn't have it, but we can't be too sure since it's Corporate
<Sera> Luci> <Be nice.>
<AquaKoala> *Otto puts on his earpiece, moving to find his sniping position
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Or its overloaded and can't hover sustained for long. They oculd sitll use it for emergency getaways though."
<Sara> * Chelsea follows Asarar, geared up, though with loose clothes she can easily throw off over her catsuit
<kalonZombee> 6*Max gets in a posistion where he's hidden and it won't be too far a run in case they need some muscle
<Stretch> 6Jelly will wait next to her, looking at the map silently.
<Sera> * Luci gets in position and stays down, ready to guard people that need it.
<DeathStar> 6* As they get to the location ahead of time, they would find it's by a park, with kids playing on the park's entertainment. A floating, rotating device that spins the kids as they turn it, making them go higher and higher
<DeathStar> 6* And a slide that makes them go weightless in the air before lightly dropping it. One has to wonder if anyone sabotaged it what would happen
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar opens a manhole and goes down below to find the communications for the area and to attach their equipment
<AquaKoala> *Otto is laying down in a seculuded area, preparing to make himself hard to notice
<Sera> * Luci frowns. Wondering how they can clear it.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "...this the best place to do this? We're talking serious potential for collateral here."
<DeathStar> 6* There are bushes and shubbery, as well as trees all around the park at the intersection edge. Asarar meanwhile uses Remote Hacking to get into the system
<DeathStar> *Asarar touches her comm* You can do it one block away if you want
<Stretch> 6Jelly squats next to the manhole, looking down at Asarar and watching.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> I just need them in my black out radius.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Jelly, if you want to join me hack int othe system
<Sera> Luci> "Move it one block. I'm not jazzed about endangering children." *comms*
<Chain> 6*Wolfe changes into dog form, sneaking into bushes
<AquaKoala> *Otto is keeping as far from the park as possible, actually rather far away from where the shot will land
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar begins to try to do interference with the communication, adding various levels.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Set up further down."
<DeathStar> 6* Using Terminal Speak
<kalonZombee> 6*Max nods, moving a block down
<Sera> * Luci moves her position, heading to set up in another spot a block down, with Max.
<DeathStar> 6* And speaking 2 Intelligence to help guide her
<AquaKoala> *Otto shifts his shot position
<Stretch> 6Jelly will shift his pack off his shoulder and slide down next to her, sitting on the top of his pack as he joins in with the hacking.
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar motions him to block any security attempts that might try to detect her cluttering
<DeathStar> 6* A kid grabs Wolfe
<DeathStar> <Kid 1> I found a dog!
<DeathStar> <Kid 2> I want him!~ <Kid 1> He's mine!
<DeathStar> 6* The kids tug on Wolfe, trying to lay claim
<Chain> 6*Wolfe reels
<AquaKoala> *Otto waits patiently, not breathing at all
<Chain> 6*Wolfe at least keeps them away from the streets
<DeathStar> 6* A big fat, Posco like kid walks over. "Back off twerps. He's mine!" 6* He shoves the two small kids and grabs Wolfe
<DeathStar> 6* Security begins to detect Asarar
<DeathStar> <Asarar on Comm> They'll be here in a few moments
<Chain> 6*Wolfe sits on the fat kid
<Stretch> 6Jelly nods, seeming to zone out as he starts to analyze the coding going through the area and redirect the security scans.
<DeathStar> 6* The kid flails
<Chain> 6*he wags
<DeathStar> 6* Jelly does battle with security:
<DeathStar> 6* Up, Right, Left, Left, Down, Down, Down, Up, Right
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<Stretch> dlrruuudl
<DeathStar> 6* Security is scattered
<DeathStar> 6* Their avatars broken
<DeathStar> 6* the smaller kids cheer Wolfe as the Poscoish kid cries
<DeathStar> 6* The armor truck begins to drive into view. Otto can either use his Combo Range points - 5 of them to make the shot - or do the OG for more exp and victory
<Chain> 6*Wolfe nuzzles the fattie, he is just a kid
<DeathStar> 6* The kid cheers up and pats Wolfe with sticky fingers
<AquaKoala> *Otto fires, preparing for the OG
<DeathStar> 6* Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, Down, Down, Up, Right, Right, Left, Down
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<AquaKoala> Dulrduudllru:-)
<DeathStar> 6* The shot misses, smashing against the road
<AquaKoala> *Otto rapidly reloads and fires again
<AquaKoala> TRAINED MARKSMAN [1 stamina restore]
<AquaKoala> Offensive: Bismark is able to make a shot from a longer distance than normally possible, almost always hitting his target.
<AquaKoala> [Improved Accurancy, One Shot. Enemy must have Action Points to avoid/Can use Counter Points to hit]
<Jackieness> <Kira> "...he missed."
<DeathStar> 6* Then the axel is hit
<AquaKoala> *Otto racks another round
<Chain> 6*Wolfe keeps herding the kids away, especially when they hear the shots
<DeathStar> 6* The truck's axel compartment is damaged and the armor truck begins to have trouble
<AquaKoala> *Otto takes aim and fires once again at the axel
<DeathStar> <Asarar> *sees the calling for help, jamming it big time*
<DeathStar> 6* Security comes for Asarar again, double this time - Jelly can use AC to block or go for the OG and victory exp*
<AquaKoala> Otto> <I swear it was a warning shot>
<Stretch> 6Jelly will go for the win
<DeathStar> 6* Otto smashes the axel to bits and the truck teeters, swerving for the post
<DeathStar> 6* Jelly - Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<Stretch> durlldudurldu
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<AquaKoala> *Otto watches for security
<DeathStar> 6* Security avatars break down
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar nods, unplugging
<DeathStar> <Asarar> We did it
<Sera> * Luci forms her armor and blade while under cover, ready to charge in.
<DeathStar> 6* The men in the vehicle grab weapons, deciding to stay inside since the truck is armored
<DeathStar> 6* Despite the under belly being weaker
<kalonZombee> 6*Max grabs his hammer and waits
<Jackieness> <Kira> "See that soft eblly, Max? Smash."
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar climbs out, patting Jelly
<Sara> * Chelsea peers around, ready to move in if she has to
<DeathStar> 6* Giving him an ear pet
<AquaKoala> *Otto distances himself from his sniping position rapidly, his rifle aleadt broken down into his breifcase
<Stretch> 6Jelly sighs in relief, grinning at the pats and the ear pet; 3"Frumpy..." 6he leans into it a bit before following her up and out of the manhole.
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar peers around - knowing someone had to have heard the crush, even with the comms down
<DeathStar> 6* And that in a few mins, they will have back up
<Sera> * Luci moves for the truck, heading for the bottom of it.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Max... I mean it. You can smash it open."
<kalonZombee> 6*Max follows, trying to be a stealthy kitty
<DeathStar> 6* It looks mangled.
<Stretch> 6Jelly will look to Asarar, 3"Bubble butt?
<DeathStar> 6* The two men in the front look aorund panicky - though what they want is in the back
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar nods to Jelly, grabbing her energy sword and moving to the back, after putting on a clown mask
<Sera> * Luci reaches the bottom and takes a slash at the underbelly, starting to cut her way in. Her visor down.
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar the clown, hoi hoi hoi, walks up to Luci and Max, and begins to cut
<Sara> * Chelsea moves close to them, seeming ready to pounce when the truck is open
<kalonZombee> <Max> Let me in first when we get in. I can take those clowns on. Guns aren't too effective in close quarters
<Stretch> 6Jelly will hoist the pack and move over to get a bit of cover while the rest of the team goes to work.
<Sara> <Chelsea> Hmph. *she glances at Max*
<Sera> * Luci nods, not going to argue even though she readies a move, taking another slash at the bottom of the truck with her shard blade.
<kalonZombee> <Max> If it sounds like I'm in trouble follow me in, but too many people in there will get too hectic
<Sera> Luci> <Living Shield, remember?>
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar opens into the back, not going for the front
<kalonZombee> <Max> <I know, but still, less people in cramped quarters the better>
<DeathStar> 6* And climbs in
<DeathStar> 6* She opens a bag compartment and begins to shove the tech in
<kalonZombee> 6*Max climbs in as well, holding his hammer ready
<DeathStar> 6* The two drivers pause, seeming to realize something is up and pound on the wall into the back
<DeathStar> <Drivers> Stop that! Halt!
<Sara> * Chelsea climbs in, peering around and spending some perception
<DeathStar> 6* They open the little slider ala Terminator 3 to peer back
<Jackieness> <Kira> *dashes to the truck now that the can has been opened to help move the merchandise*
<kalonZombee> 6*Max kicks at the door
<DeathStar> 6* Chelsea would see the goods they need to help shovel it faster
<Nyaomi> * Ylva smashes one through it with the butt of her revolver
<DeathStar> 6* The drivers yelp and close the slider
<Sera> * Luci forms an Anti-Ranged Disc and sets it spinning around Max. She lines her shard blade up with the slider and quickly shifts it before they can close it, burning a speed and an action point.
<Sara> * Chelsea goes for the goods, passing whatever she can grab back to whoever's behind her to grab more
<Stretch> 6Jelly will slide his pack to the ground, grabbing a few things that Chel passes back, stuffing them into the available compartment.
<DeathStar> 6* The drivers scream in terror, thinking Luci is going toi kill them
<kalonZombee> 6*Max then shifts into werebeast form in case they get funny ideas, getting even bigger
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar finishes getting three bags full, motioning Luci to quit torturing the drivers and hops out
<Sera> Luci> "I suggest staying still and not thinking about moving or calling for help, then I won't have to push this sword in any deeper."
<DeathStar> 6* The smell of urine drifts back through the slider door, which is jammed
<kalonZombee> 6*Max moves out
<DeathStar> 6* The drivers cowering and trying to get as far away from the psycos
<Sara> * Chelsea tries to keep things moving down the line until she can't, grabbing whatever she can that is left
<Jackieness> <Kira> *grabs two bags worth and hauls it out with her*
<Sera> * Luci nods and motions for people to get running, and as soon as everyone us, she runs, dismissing the blade after.
<Stretch> 6Jelly closes his bag up and hoists it back up onto his shoulder, following after Asarar.
<Nyaomi> * Ylva scurries alongside Asarar
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar gives Luci a side glance as they move, as well as Max, moving to jin Wolfe
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Lets head back to Hood and lay low before going home
<Sara> * Chelsea, her bags in tow, moves along with Asarar
<Chain> 6*Wolfe barks, covered in children
<Jackieness> <Kira> *thumbs up and makes her getaway with the team*
<Sera> * Luci nods to her, raising a brow at her glance.
<kalonZombee> 6*Max moves along with the team
<Chain> 6*Wolfe whines
<DeathStar> 6* Later, the two cops are later found covered in piss, talking about the crazy man beast and the woman with blades
<DeathStar> (Well, driverS)
<DeathStar> 6* Only the psycho squad knows their fate
<DeathStar> -TIME HOP-
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar puts up the equipment back at Hood's place
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Thanks for putting up with us for a few more days
<DeathStar> <Hood> No problem~ *he hugs on Max's arm*
<kalonZombee> 6*Max's eyes are screaming
<Sera> * LUci nods a bit. <Be nice and I'll do the thing later.>
<DeathStar> <Su> *she talks low to Asarar* About what you asked me to look into. She was up here about two weeks ago. Apparantly being chased by the goon squad. but then she vanished in thin air. Likely turned into a cat like you mentioned
<Stretch> 6Jelly sits nearby, watching the fauna's nearby and occaisionally looking back at all of the equipment.
<Nyaomi> <Ylva> Huh?
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar pets Ylva
<kalonZombee> <Max> <I don't know if it's worth it.>
<DeathStar> 6* Su picks up Ylva, tickling her and carrying her to the other fauna
<Nyaomi> <Ylva> Ack!
<DeathStar> 6* The fauna babies crawl over Wolfe and Jelly
<DeathStar> 6* One young fauna, that looks to be 17ish, sits with Jelly, flirting and touching his tail
<DeathStar> <Su> So, what have you been up to, Ylva?
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar glances at Chelsea, wondering if she should mention it or would it worry her more
<Sera> Luci> Hey Asa... what was that look about earlier?
<AquaKoala> *Otto is reading
<kalonZombee> 6*Max tries to tolerate Hood
<Nyaomi> <Ylva> Being kidnapped by papa
<Stretch> 6Jelly will pet the babies and glance back at the other fauna shyly, his tail flicking slightly at the touch.
<DeathStar> <Su> *pets*
<Jackieness> <Kira> *walks behind Asarar and lets her arms slip around her* "So how is our haul? Everything we need?"
<DeathStar> 6* Hood takes Max off to see his nude-fauna corner
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar glances back, flustered slightly. "Um, yeah." 6* She nods. "I should be able to overhaul soon."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> I'll begin when we leave in two days.
<kalonZombee> 6*Max is starting to warm up to Hood
<Sera> * Luci looks at Asarar, since she asked a question.
<Chain> 6*Wolfe nuzzles the babies
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar seems to have forgotten everything else
<DeathStar> 6* The babies coo at Wolfe
<DeathStar> <Fauna Girl> W-What's your name?
<DeathStar> 6* She asks Jelly
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Something wrong?"
<Sara> * Chelsea peers at Kira and Asarar, then excuses herself
<Sera> Luci> "Asa?"
<Chain> 6*Wolfe's tail thuds happilu
<Stretch> 6Jelly will continue petting the little ones, glancing every now and then to the girl; 3"Ticky-tock..."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Uh, no. *she shakes her head, having been acting odd the last 3 months no doubt around Kira, plus the nightmares and trouble sleeping has likely made her seem aloof* What was your question, Luci?
<DeathStar> 6* The babies tug on Wolfe and plays with his fur
<Sera> Luci> As we were running you gave me and Max a look, I was just curious if it meant anything.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Nothing. Nothing important at all
<DeathStar> 6* She waves her hand
<Chain> 6*Wolfe carries them around
<Sera> * Luci shrugs. "Okay... you should get rest, you seem tired."
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar shrugs, glancing at Kira
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Ok..." *backs off* "I need a drink..."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> I do too. Lets get one together
<Sera> * Luci looks at them both curiously.
<DeathStar> 6* The fauna blushes
<DeathStar> <Fauna Girl> Hi Ticky Tock, I'm Fi
<DeathStar> 6* The babies seem to enjoy themselves
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Let's get that drink then."
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar nods
<Chain> 6*Wolfe keeps playing with them
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Any particulars on what the building should look like outside and inside when we have to disguise it.. *She begins, walking with her as they talk and move away from everyone*
<DeathStar> -END-

<Stretch> 6Jelly smiles a bit; 3"fasting Jewel..."
* DeathStar changes topic to 'Arc Three: Civil Crisis | Chapter 3: Psycho War | Session 70: 3 Months Ago: Club | RP Days: Monday and Saturday 7:30 - 9:30 PM | #taw <- talk room, #taw-club #taw-academy, #TAW-Ship <- mini rooms | Summary for 65, 66, 69 needed | I hope to get an extra session in before the first Friday of November'
Session Time: Tue Oct 27 00:00:00 2015