The Duality Wars: The Alien Wars 6

Session 164

Session Start: Mon Jul 31 18:45:58 2017
Session Ident: #DualSession164
* Now talking in #DualSession164
* Topic is 'Duality: TAW6 - Part III: Corruption | Arc Two: Crystal Future | Session 164: Noir'
* Set by Stretch! on Mon Jul 31 16:20:14
* Xanatos has joined #DualSession164
* Jackieness has joined #DualSession164
* ChadWinters` has joined #DualSession164
* DeathStar lays on Chad
<DeathStar> Well come Sat. I can cement offically Sun-Mon if I don't get another no
<DeathStar> Well lets see who all is here for the Dual side
<DeathStar> Speak
<Xanatos> Pfffft
<Jackieness> Fuuuuuu~
<DeathStar> *nod nod* Two of you
<DeathStar> I leave it up to you. Want to try with three, or have a skip night. I can cross 164 off
<Xanatos> I'd be more willing if we had one more. Right now I'm hesitant.
* Jackieness pokes at people in here too
<DeathStar> Well Chad didn't join Dual, so he's here to stare
<DeathStar> At you
<Jackieness> Oh x.x
* Jackieness pokes at Stretch
<Stretch`cell> Sorry, making dinner, still need a shower, and a friend will be over in a bit to watch last night's episode of Game of Thrones
<Jackieness> So no Stretch :x
<DeathStar> So that leaves you two
* DeathStar sits and watches
<Jackieness> Depends on what exactly we do tonight .-.
<DeathStar> I was going to do a murder case but
<DeathStar> If you have an idea
<DeathStar> Go for it
<Jackieness> Because I would say yes if its somethign we cna handle with just the three of us.
<Xanatos> Yeah fuck it, let's solve that murder.
<DeathStar> Alright
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> 9.10.5991
<DeathStar> Location: The Club
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar is eyeing files, going over calls for help
<Jackieness> <Kira> *walks over and sets a cup of coffee down by Asarar*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Too little pay, too hard, too sleazy..
<DeathStar> *Asarar smiles, taking it* Thank you
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Sleazy? Now I'm curious."
<Xanatos> 6* Logan sits near looking over his datareader, going over the last mission again.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> They apparantly need escorts for the new people taking over one of the corporations
<Xanatos> <Logan> Corporations. They never change.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Yeah. Too sleazy."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Lets just hope the people who take over the fallen Corporations aren't as corrupt as the previous ones
<Xanatos> <Logan> I'm not going to get my hopes up too high.
<DeathStar> 6* Cypher leans over and reads the escort one
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Since they are already asking for escorts."
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Hm, free dinner, drink, and 10,000 money. *she debates going*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> *she peers at a red flash, meaning someone is requesting them personally*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> One moment. *She opens the message*
<Xanatos> <Logan> You'd take the job? 6* He glances to Cypher.
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Escorts don't have sex, right? They just look pretty for the person who wants them for a week. Or am I wrong?
<DeathStar> *Cypher debates*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Escort is flexible word..."
<Xanatos> <Logan> Well it depends on the agreement up front. Sometimes there's sex, sometimes there isn't.
<Xanatos> <Logan> I can't imagine these men wouldn't want...a little something.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Hrm. *she turns to face Cypher, eyeing her "twin" a moment.* Anyway, we are being requested at the reopening of Star Corps. Probably the same place where the escort mission is wanted if you decide, "sister". Anyway, they are willing a lot of money for an emergency
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Then I'd request 100,000. Bah
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar accepts and grabs her tools
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<Jackieness> <Kira> "Escort mission aside.... heh... escort mission... anyway, what are the details?"
<DeathStar> <Asarar> They didn't say much only that we were mentioned to be used by Ylva's girl
<DeathStar> <Asarar> They are willing around 100,000 coins, so you don't have to show your body.
<DeathStar> *Asarar moves to go to the van*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Unless you really want to." *heads to the van*
<Xanatos> 6* Logan stands and moves after them
<DeathStar> <Cypher> I'll just stay here. You two are enough for investigating. Besides, what I know, Asarar basically knows
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar drives them up to the upper levels, using a pass from Riki to get past checkpoints. She wonders when Riki will open up the upper levels to those in the slums as she heads for Quad 3
<Xanatos> <Logan> Did they mention what kind of emergency?
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Need to see. But if Twilight recommends us, it can't be too bad. *she slowly approaches the Quad 3 Corporate headquarters, were it's already being prepared for a party
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar shows her ID and a guard waves them into the side entrance, where she parks
<Xanatos> <Logan> Things are always so much easier when you've got the clearance. 6* He muses, peering up at the building as he steps out.
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<Jackieness> <Kira> "Welcome back to Star Corps." *steps out* "Beats breaking in."
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar nods, approaching the bay doors in when a guard shows up* <Guard> We were expecting you. The new corporate owner was hoping you would accept
<Xanatos> <Logan> Sound like the ownder knows us.
<DeathStar> <Guard Captain> Not personally but everyone knows you had a hand in the fall around four major Corporations
<DeathStar> *of
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Not something we advertise."
<DeathStar> 6* He leads them through a lobby, which has tables and food set up, and there are a few employees and guests sitting around, looking dismayed
<Jackieness> <Kira> "...and why the long faces? This is a party, isn't it?"
<Xanatos> 6* Logan glances around as they move, taking stock of various security measures, just in case.
<DeathStar> <Guard Captain> Well, that is the problem. *He takes them into the elevators. Logan would see around 20 guards standing there, all twitchy*
<DeathStar> <Guard Captain> We are slowly getting the protocols from Twilight, so the place isn't 100% secure yet. It's taking time to redo passwords and other things. But as you know, with the travel to Geyze now, Star Corps is growing more important
<Xanatos> 6* Logan glances to the guard once they're inside the elevator, he nods once in confirmation that he knows what he's talking about.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "I have a feeling that the security issue is relevant to why we are here."
<DeathStar> <Guard Captain> And Twilight Ron'qu could not hold onto more than one corporaion without breaking laws. So she sold this for a sizeable price
<DeathStar> *He hits floor 33, and the elevator zooms up and the doors open, showing people standing around. Ymir is there, frowning, as is Twilight Ron'qu, and an older man with white hair.
<DeathStar> 6* They seem to be looking into an office
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Mmmm... I'm starting to get the picture."
<DeathStar> <Guard Corporation> We would like the problem fixed before the party, lest it stains this place
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Who and when?"
<Xanatos> 6* Logan steps over, giving a small nod to Ymir before he glances around them into the office.
<DeathStar> <Guard Corporation> One of the previous clerks from the previous time this place was run. She's worked here for 12 years. *he looks a paper* Her name is Mindy Clark and there is no priors we could find of. She recently broke up with a boyfriend according to others on the floor*
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar peers into the office, where a woman, her shirt a bit of a mess and a bit open, due to a dagger plunged into her heart, laying across her desk where a pool of blood is ruining the fine wood*
<DeathStar> <Ymir> Logan. Kira. Asarar. *Twilight nods to them, and the older gent turns to them*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "And when?"
<DeathStar> <Older Gent> You must be the Cypher team. I hope you can solve this murder. We've been doing scans on the body to see time of death but it has to be within the last 2 hours. She was doing some overtime before going to the party. I saw her leave up here while I was overseeing things. I am Grant; it is nice to meet you
<Xanatos> <Logan> Terrible that this happened. Grant, you said? Is it safe to assume you're the new head of Star Corps?
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar eyes the body, seeing a hanger hanging up on the door handle. Perhaps something was once on it
<DeathStar> <Grant> That is right. I've been trying to see who last saw her - maybe two of her fellow officer workers who came in early before the party, and the elevator guard
<Jackieness> <Kira> *just nods and looks around* "Logan, find out what security is in place and who else was on the floor." *moves into the office and looks around*
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar beings out a tool to check for fingerprints. Ymir peers at Logan, shrugging, indicating she will show him around
<DeathStar> <Asarar> No prints. Either wiped clean, or they wore something
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Does the victim own a jacket?"
<Xanatos> <Logan> Could you make sure none of the suspects leave? Thank you, sir. 6* He pulls out his datapad and begins to pull up what he can from the system, trying to get video feeds of the area. He glances up slightly while doing this and moves after Ymir.
<DeathStar> <Grant> They might but it hasn't gotten cold enough yet. I think she might have had her dress here for the party. To change before coming down
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Of course, a dress that isn't here."
<DeathStar> *Logan would have full access to the cameras in the place. A few are locked, like Grant's office, perhaps not yet on, but most of them are. Ymir leads Logan to a fellow officer worker office
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Who would take her dress?
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar slaps some gloves on
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Guess I'll examine the body. Make sure she wasn't molested before death. *she does her examination* Some marks on her neck, but no sexual intercourse.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Good question."
<Xanatos> <Logan> You think they would be upset if I scrubbed through her e-mail for hints?
<DeathStar> <Ymir> Go ahead. Twilight vouched you wouldn't steal information
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Go ahead and check her communications."
<Jackieness> <Kira> "And that includes vidcalls too."
<DeathStar> <Grant> I should go downstairs, less a panic begins. I am available down there if you need to question me or the guard. *he moves to go*
<DeathStar> *Ymir opens one of the office doors, where a woman and man sit. The man is a bit older, while the woman seems to be the same age, in her 30s*
<DeathStar> *Asarar pulls something out of her pocket, blood staining a bit of the message* Paper message. Old fashio
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Is it legible?"
<Xanatos> 6* Logan runs a script to do that while he glances up to the two people and nods to them, sliding the reader back in his pocket.
<Xanatos> <Logan> Hello.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> A little of it. ______ meet me before your party at _____. The time is smeared.
<DeathStar> 6* The woman wipes her eyes
<DeathStar> <Woman> I can't believe she is dead
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Definitely suspect. Handwritten?"
<DeathStar> 6* Twilight sits nearby, looking older than her 12 form, likely part of her alien's race, looking 20 somethingish now
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Probably. Thinking we can match the handwriting to anyone here?
<Xanatos> <Logan> I'm sorry for your loss. 6* He says as he steps in an kneels down by here.
<DeathStar> 6* Logan's device beeps
<DeathStar> <Man> Mindy didn't deserve that. She was a good gal
<Xanatos> <Logan> I know it may be hard, but could you tell me what you know about tonights incident?
<Xanatos> 6* Logan glances at his device.
<DeathStar> 6* There is 2 emails waiting, and one sent recently
<Jackieness> <Kira> "That's my thought."
<DeathStar> <Man> We two were downstairs for a bit, doing some physical work like scanning stuff for the party and invitations. <Woman> Mindy came up early. She has been throwing herself into work lately
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar scans with her datareader, the screen above her hand checking all the employee signatures
<Xanatos> 6* Logan glances back to them and listens, nodding.
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<Xanatos> <Logan> Did you see anyone else come upstairs?
<DeathStar> <Man> We've been having a lot of extra personnel for the party while we're still hiring. Deliverers, cake maker people, that kind of thing. We had to bring guards from upstairs to handle the flow of people
<DeathStar> <Asarar> No match; no guest match either.
<Jackieness> <Kira> *moves over to the body and looks at the victim's hands* "Mmmm... find out who the boyfriend is and try to get a match off public records."
<Xanatos> <Logan> So there could've been anyone on site that could have slipped up here unnoticed?
<DeathStar> <Man> I-It's possible. We tried to have everyone sign in before being allowed in
<Xanatos> <Logan> And did you notice anyone acting suspicious or strange? Someone suddenly have to leave in a hurry?
<DeathStar> <Asarar> You have the name of the boyfriend? <Twilight> Henry or something like that. Henry Wager I think. *Asarar runs a scan* Five matches. Two in the area. One is on Geyze right now. So I think we can safely say who it is
<DeathStar> <Woman> She seemed upset about something. I could tell something was bothering her but she wanted out there. She had been so happy recently since she left that bastard boyfriend of her. But then the last two days she was acting tense
<Jackieness> <Kira> *checks under the fingernails*
<DeathStar> 6* There is some skin there, just a little.
<Xanatos> <Logan> And no one else being suspsicious or any other confrontations? Just some potential fallout from this break up?
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Ahhh... Asarar, dear, have anything to do a quick DNA scan?"
<Xanatos> 6* Logan takes that moment to pull up the 2 e-mails, reading them.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> With that little amount no. But I can send it to Cypher at the base. *she does a scan and forwards it*
<DeathStar> <Woman> I think so. She didn't like to talk about Henry that much. I think he abused her but I can't tell. She came in once after the breakup with a black eye
<Jackieness> <Kira> "If she fought back, we just may have our killer's DNA profile."
<DeathStar> 6* The first email is about winning free Viagra
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Lets hope. We can compare it to the boyfriend's
<Xanatos> 6* Logan hmms and reads over it real quick, since messages can be hidden in stuff like that. If nothing he would move to the next e-mail.
<DeathStar> 6* The second has the message: Don't you dare leave me, bitch. I know what you've done
<DeathStar> 6* The email though is a throwaway one
<DeathStar> <Ymir> Hm. *she has her hands behind her back, watching*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> If there's no more questions, I'll drive us to his location
<Xanatos> <Logan> It really sounds like she was unlucky to have wound up with such a sleazebag. I'm sorry again for you both, if you can think of anything else to tell me, please reach out. Here's my info. 6* He holds out a chip out to each of them, obviously it's a throwaway account he has set up.
<DeathStar> *Asarar closes the reader, waiting on Cypher
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Do we have any headshots of our boyfriend suspects?"
<DeathStar> *Asarar muses* He hasn't been in trouble it seems, but I can try to dig into the profile of Quad 3. Until I get him. *she runs a scan*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> I know our readers keep track of us
<DeathStar> 6* The woman takes it while Ymir walks with Logan
<Xanatos> 6* Logan steps out and muses to himself, glancing at Ymir.
<DeathStar> <Ymir> So what's the plan now?
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar throws a sheet over the woman and walks for the elevator
<Xanatos> <Logan> Meet back up with Asarar, though it's pointing pretty heavily to the boyfriend. 6* He pauses and pulls the reader back up to see if he can track the threatening e-mail back to a source.
<Jackieness> <Kira> *follows Asarar out*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Logan, what do you have?"
<DeathStar> 6* Being a thrown away email it will be hard, but he can run a program to find the location
<DeathStar> *Of it being sent*
<Xanatos> 6* Logan does so and then tries to start scrubbing through any video.
<DeathStar> <Twilight> I will keep an eye on things here. *She tells Asarar while she steps into the elevator, holding it open. Logan would see that there is n osign of the murder, a black out of the videos for 15 mins in that area of the building
<DeathStar> 6* Ymir hops into the elevator while Asarar hits the ground floor
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Be on the watch when we get there. If he has killed he won't hesitate to do it again
<Xanatos> <Logan> She broke up with her boyfriend, Henry, but the past two days she's been pretty tense. Showed up with a black eye. Recieved a threatening e-mail about 'leaving me' and the cameras black out around the time of her murder.
<Xanatos> <Logan> "I know what you've done."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Hm. From the profile, Henry is just a rich noble up here. Hard to imagine him being a hacker
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Did the email say anything else?"
<DeathStar> <Ymir> She mentioned to us that the girl was happy the last few weeks after the break up
<DeathStar> <Ymir> But I guess if he is abusive, that explains it
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Hmmm... take a peek at her personal accounts."
<Xanatos> <Logan> Yeah, unless the boyfriend hired someone do it for him...
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar types on her datareader as they walk
<Xanatos> 6* Logan begins to do so, looking for influxes of money or anything that might show a change of pattern.
<Xanatos> <Logan> I have a wild theory that's speculation. I'd like to talk to the boyfriend first, if we can.
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Her bank account was emptied about 4 hours ago. *Logan would see that she spent less while with Henry, then during the two weeks she was spending quite a bit on places*
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar heads into the van, eyeing the team. About an hour before the guests arrive.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Curioser and curiouser. Has Cypher buzzed in with those results yet?"
<Xanatos> <Logan> Once we get closer I can try to get access to the boyfriends mail.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "I'm wondering if she had another boyfriend in the interim."
<Xanatos> <Logan> That is a significant change is spending.
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar drives them, listening
<DeathStar> <Ymir> If she does have a boyfriend, the old one got jealous?
<Xanatos> 6* Logan hmms and begins to see what kind of things were purchased.
<Xanatos> <Logan> But the recent e-mail said 'You can't leave me" She already left the boyfriend at that point.
<DeathStar> 6* It seems the databse wants verification of who Logan is to look at such. He'll need to hack it
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Complicated. Stick with one person you lov.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Find out where she was when she made those purchases and who she was with."
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar drives past a red light, since the upper level has lights, and other things*
<Xanatos> 6* Logan does the hack thing.
<DeathStar> 6* It loads the list: perfume, new outfits, eating at resturants, and the dress recently. If she spent more it's not logged
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar pulls up the noble's house. She dials Twilight to make sure we don't have trouble, then gets out, approaching the gates, then leaps over it
<DeathStar> 6* She kicks backwards, bending the gates for the two to get in
<Jackieness> <Kira> *steps out of the van and heads in through the gates*
<DeathStar> <Ymir> I sometimes forget she is part Biotect
<DeathStar> *Ymir slides in*
<Xanatos> 6* Logan slides in and hmms
<Xanatos> <Logan> She at least wanted to change her clothes and enjoy her money.
<DeathStar> 6* The area is empty of servants and a window on the side of the house is broken. Asarar approaches the front door, while the readers read, Twilight giving them Corporate passes to deal with the noble
<Jackieness> <Kira> "...broken window."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> I wonder if we're going to deal with a new problem. *She knocks on the door, and soon a man of 30s enters, his hair wild and he eyes them*
<DeathStar> <Man> Go away. I'm busy and waiting on something
<Xanatos> <Logan> Busy and waiting?
<DeathStar> <Man> ... *he eyes Logan, squinting* What is it to you, peasant? *he eyes his clothes*
<Jackieness> <Kira> *whispers to Logan* "Match his face."
<Xanatos> 6* Logan snaps a picture of his face, running the match.
<DeathStar> *Asarar scans his DNA, sending it to Cypher to match to what they have. Logan would see it is indeed Henry
<Jackieness> <Kira> "You seem to have some rough times."
<DeathStar> <Henry> ... *He moves to shut the door, annoyed, when Asarar shows their pass* Corporate pass. You might want to let us in. *Henry hesitates, eyeing it* <Henry> ... I am waiting on someone. She needed my help. *Asar pushes her way in*
<DeathStar> <Henry> Hey...!
<Jackieness> <Kira> *steps in* "Would it be Mindy?"
<Xanatos> <Logan> Hello Henry. We'll just take a few minutes of your time. Did you know Mindy Clark?
<DeathStar> <Henry> Mindy? Did something happen to her? *he advances on Kira wildly* Tell me now. *Ymir slips in heads for the door that leads to the broke window*
<Xanatos> 6* Logan holds out a hand to stop him.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "First... you have abroken window. Second, what did she need help from?"
<DeathStar> <Henry> Yes. I... *he sighs* She was afraid of her new boyfriend. Me and Mindy broke up about a month ago - we were having a stupid fight. We got heated and I swung my hand in a gesture, and hit her in the face. *he slumps* She left me, rightly. I wanted her to quit her job and live off my money,
<DeathStar> <Henry> Then about 4 days ago, she met up with me and we began to talk. Calmly. Maybe we could be friends again. Then two days ago she started tlaking to me about being afraid of something
<DeathStar> <Henry> Needed to see me after this party of her's
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Did she tell you anythign about her new boyfriend?"
<DeathStar> *Ymir opens the door and looks in. There's a wall of weapons, many antiques and from other races. Ymir approaches the window, then looks at the wall of weapons*
<DeathStar> <Henry> He sounded like a leech. She didn't have that much money but he made her pay for things.
<DeathStar> *Ymir whistles at her find and Asarar peers in. Henry turns to eye the open door*
<Jackieness> <Kira> A"nything more specific?"
<DeathStar> <Henry> I don't know. She didn't want to say it. I felt he did something illegal. Like those tech runner people. But I don't know. I'm speculating
<Xanatos> <Logan> Rich guy like you...why haven't you got that window fixed yet?
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Now about your broken window?"
<DeathStar> <Henry> I was robbed a few hours ago. I had sent the servants out to talk to Mindy; she wanted to talk alone. I guess they used that to my advanage. <Ymir> Yoo hoo, something's missing in her
<DeathStar> *here
<DeathStar> *Asarar walks into the weapon room, eyeing the wall of weapons*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "...would you be missing a knife or dagger?"
<DeathStar> <Henry> Yes. Hunter dagger said to be used by one of the first settlers of this planet. It is still a fine specimwn
<Xanatos> 6* Logan steps in and arches a brow at the wall of weapons.
<DeathStar> 6* There's a space missing where a dagger was
<Jackieness> <Kira> "I see..."
<Jackieness> <Kira> *then describes the weapon that was used to murder Mindy*
<Xanatos> 6* Logan glances from Ymir and Asarar
<DeathStar> <Henry> *Still clueless, but worried* Yes, that sounds like it. Why?
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Please have a seat, sir."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Do you know where this boyfriend lives? <Henry> I don't know, it's somewhere on the street with a resturant and terminals being sold. I saw Mindy leaving it when she told me
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<DeathStar> *Henry sits down while Asarar checks the DNA. Cypher has sent an answer. She lowers her had*
<Xanatos> 6* Logan brings up her purchasing history again and checks to see if they're all in the same area.
<Jackieness> <Kira> *looks at Asarar* "What do you have?"
<DeathStar> <Asarar> High chance of it not matching him
<DeathStar> <Asarar> But Cypher says there's a chanc of error
<Xanatos> 6* Specifically the restaurant and terminals locations.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "There's this other boyfriend."
<DeathStar> *Logan would see it being near a busy street with a bunch of purchases*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> We just need to get a scan on him then
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<DeathStar> *Asarar looks at Logan's address* I know that place
<Jackieness> <Kira> "What place?"
<Xanatos> <Logan> You do?
<DeathStar> <Asarar> It's a place where tech runners are known to be used from my research. Robinson St. Like our blackmarket, only it has legit busineses too
<DeathStar> <Asarar> There should be an apartment block there
<Jackieness> <Kira> *nods* "Ymir, are we clear to inform Henry here?"
<Xanatos> <Logan> OH I know what you're talking about. 6* He runs a script to check home addresses from her coworkers, figuring it best to start there first.
<DeathStar> <Ymir> Yes. There should be no problems. The party will be starting soon
<Jackieness> <Kira> *nods* "Sir, I regret to inform you that Mindy Clark was murdered within the past four hours."
<DeathStar> 6* It seems they are pretty far away, near the Corporation. And Mindy lived there. So she likely traveled fairly far to spend money
<DeathStar> *Henry blanches and lowers his head, covering his face* It is all my fault. If I had not driven her away
<DeathStar> <Asarar> *quietly steps out, pulling Ymir, leaving Henry to his miseries*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Call your servants back, eat and rest. We'll get justice for Mindy." *turns and walks out*
<Xanatos> <Logan> What's furthur...she was murdered with the knife stolen from your home. If you could have someon forward any security footage to me, please do so. I'm sorry for your loss, please try not to blame yourself. 6* He hands over another chip with contact information.
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<DeathStar> *Henry nods, waving a hand to allow Logan entrance, then walks off, like a man without a soul.*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Check his terminals now that he's opened it
<DeathStar> *She climbs into the van*
<Jackieness> <Kira> *climbs into the van*
<Xanatos> 6* Logan nods and begins to do so as he gets into the van.
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<DeathStar> *Logan would get outside footage. Before it's cut off, there's a face for a second*
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar drives for said apartment block, focused on driving past lights and speeding*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "And can someone make sure that guy isn't left alone too long. He's taking it hard."
<Xanatos> 6* Logan pauses it and tries to get some sort of usable footage.
<DeathStar> <Ymir> *gets out before she goes, doing so*
<DeathStar> *Logan would be able to see the face for a second if he stops it, but it needs to be zoomed in*
<Xanatos> 6* Logan zooms in...and enhances.
<DeathStar> 6* A man who looks 28, clean shaving and wearing a fancy shirt
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Run a scan on that face against profiles. Maybe we'll get lucky
<Xanatos> 6* Logan rubs his chin and tries to get enough of an image to do the scan against profiles.
<DeathStar> 6* As Asarar pulls up, it gets a ding. The real name looks false, likely hacked, but it's him with a list of petty robberies via hacking
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar climbs out and approaches the apartment bulding
<DeathStar> <Asarar> What room?
<Xanatos> 6* Logan checks
<DeathStar> 6* He seens to be on the second floor, 18th room. Asarar enters and heads for the stairs
<Jackieness> <Kira> *steps out* "Showtime." *moves in after Asarar*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> He's killed once, he will again when we corner him
<Xanatos> <Logan> 218. 6* Logan moves after them, pulling out a small holdout pistol.
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar jogs up to 218, then uses her advanced strength to bust the door open, going in with weapon held high. The room looks empty of people but it has a terminal that looks to be running scans on bank accounts and a suitcase being packed
<DeathStar> <Asarar> *she runs her gun left and right. The closet is open and there seems to be something inside it*
<Jackieness> <Kira> *moves to the side of the door into the apartment and draws her shortblade, waiting to see if anything twitches in resposne to Asarar*
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar checks the suitcase
<DeathStar> <Asarar> He must be nearby. *She heads for the bathroom*
<Xanatos> 6* Logan aims around, then begins to check side rooms if there are any, otherwise he would move to the terminal.
<Jackieness> <Kira> *then steps in and moves for the closet*
<DeathStar> 6* Logan would see it running advanced hackings of weak accounts, draining them*
<DeathStar> 6* Kira would see a lovely dress, and gloves on the floor with a red substance on them
<Jackieness> <Kira> "...I found the dress."
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar reaches to get the bathroom open when it opens, hitting her in the face and the man runs past Logan, fleeing
<DeathStar> <Asarar> ^$#@
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Cap him, Logan!"
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar rises up, wiping blood and turns
<Xanatos> 6* Logan shifts around to fire for his leg.
<DeathStar> 6* The man hits the ground, groaning
<DeathStar> 6* Asarar eyes him and comms Twilight we have the murderer
<Jackieness> <Kira> *dashes over and then leans down, holding the shortblade to his throat*
<DeathStar> 6* The man goes still. He eyes Kira and his eyes seem to be a liar's
<DeathStar> <Man> W-Why are you here? That Henry set me up.
<Xanatos> 6* Logan moves to reverse the script so people get their money back.
<Xanatos> <Logan> Who?
<DeathStar> <Man> Her old boyfriend.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Funny. We didn't say anythign abotu a 'her'."
<DeathStar> <Man> He put that dress and gloves here. I'm innocent
<Xanatos> <Logan> Wow. You suck at this.
<DeathStar> <Man> ... tch. *Asarar tilts his head and there's slight claw marks on his neck, then Asarar scans*
<DeathStar> <Man> He told me what he was going to do. I'm..
<DeathStar> *He scowls*
<DeathStar> <Cypher on reader> High chance this is him
<DeathStar> <Asarar> *she wipes her face and sits down on the bed*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "Don't lie to me. It insult smy intelligence and makes me very angry."
<Xanatos> <Logan> Well, I'm reversing your little hack and you definitely murdered someone. SO you're about to have a shit life.
<Xanatos> <Logan> Congrats.
<DeathStar> *the man looks like he might strangle Kira, but with her sword, he can't. Soon the authorities arrive and their accounts are filled with 100,000 coins
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Some people. I'm guessing he got jealous when she talked to her old boyfriend
<DeathStar> <Asarar> That or he always planned to kill her
<Xanatos> <Logan> Maybe a bit of both.
<Jackieness> <Kira> "I think he was just using her. Talking to Henry might have blown the lid off of his scam and he panicked."
<DeathStar> <Asarar> It would be bad if she left him and went to someone that she didn't need to spend money
<DeathStar> <Asarar> *she moves to go, tired*
<Jackieness> <Kira> "He tried to be clever, but he was sloppy. Not a pro."
<Xanatos> 6* Logan finishes up and then moves to follow Asarar.
<Jackieness> <Kira> *heads out with them*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> Agreed. That and I couldn't believe Henry was that good of an actor. His emotions showed on his face
<DeathStar> *Asarar peers out from the van, then climbs in*
<Xanatos> <Logan> Yeah. Honestly at first I thought maybe it was a higher up at her work that she had started seeing.
<Xanatos> 6* Logan gets into the van
<Jackieness> <Kira> "A noble like Henry wouldn't have been caught dead answering the door himself, much less that dishelveled." *climbs in*
<DeathStar> <Asarar> I will keep an eye on that Grant. Like you said, you can't know what they might be up to
<DeathStar> -END-
<DeathStar> Three people did it
<DeathStar> *clap clap*
* Jackieness wiggles~
<Xanatos> I was seriously thinking it would be grant. But you psyched me out with a legit scumbag.
<DeathStar> I figured it would be cliche
<DeathStar> So I decided the two boyfriends as the ocused
<DeathStar> Seeing if you might bust the wrong one
<DeathStar> But you didn't
* Jackieness wiggles
<DeathStar> Club sessions are always nice
<DeathStar> Just doing plain on missions
<DeathStar> ol
* Jackieness nods
<Xanatos> Yeah, reminds me of the Alt stuff with ire leading, surprisingly enough.
<DeathStar> Yep; the club getting into world events is not their motto. They just have been due to if the world goes
<DeathStar> Profits do
<DeathStar> I figure Season 5 might be more like the old TAWs with single missions, or when TAW6 began
<DeathStar> Like right now
Session Close: Mon Jul 31 21:48:31 2017