Phase 11: A Year Closer

Timeline: Date: 10-639.6.23 / 3.6.5998

Session 401: Divided and United Part One

Location: Cheryl's Mansion
Cheryl congratulates the team on the job well done while she was gone, much to Marcus' s suspicions she is being sarcastic; telling them it is the opposite, that the team did a good job while she was away foiling the Ninth Circle and Sunny, she promotes Lemon to the rank of General that Cheryl held, as well as promoting Marcus and Tabetha to Lt. Col. due to them handling operational missions these days. Telling them she is leaving once again to enjoy life and check in on her children, she leaves the house to Lemon and Kane for the time being and walks off with her bag with Angela running off after her to join on this vacation. The rest of the group decides to buckle down and deal with the remants of the Ninth Circle and the leader has been tightlipped with the team, making it hard to finish cleaning them up; also the PAX teleporters have been down the last few days, so moving about has been troublesome, which worries the team. And finally Rea seems to have run off to chase after Zayne for some reason, deciding he wishes to learn more about the Maka.

Date: 7.1 / 3.27
Location: Geyze
Gnome has just recently had a baby named Terra, perhaps named after a bartender from long ago (see The Alien Wars 4 and other mysterious events to come), so Sylph has been bringing apples to her that she has been hoarding since spring has hit the Academy/Alliance. Due to her being so young they decide to try to do things like apple sauce and other things - darn babies. During all this the leaders of the Alliance are gathered together and Syiean arrives to declare she has a message from the Empress, calling herself these days the "Empress' Right Hand". It seems Syiean is currently running the Suisen Empire and informs them that if any of the team shows any signs of supporting the so-called False Empress, the Suisen Empire will shut off the PAX teleporting system and leave them without it. When asked who the person is she reveals it is Athena and that she was given half of the PAX as a peace offering for the time being and that the group was allowed to visit her, but that is all - they are not allowed to openly show signs of supporting her. The team wonders what made Athena do something so risky as face the Empress though they note that to all of them the PAX is her home, more than most, but Erevis and Xanatos admit they had no idea it was coming, hoping to face her much later.

Date: 7.7 / 4.17
Location: PAX
The Aquarius has been on Kumen for the past getting repairs so the kids have been directed to the PAX by a mysterious call, finding the population half of it much more lively than usual and more like it was when they were younger. They find places like Katrina's Bar has been reopened and other things, but there's a clear divide on the PAX where the other half is closed off to the public. It seems that Athena has been given the half of the PAX that has stuff stuff like the market place, the religious sector, the holo deck, the garden deck, the concert/entertainment deck, etc, as well as access to two hangers or three hangers and a handful of teleporters. While moving along they find a hooded figure talking to Drasek, Jennifer, and Sammael, who turns out to be Athena hiding her face strangely from the public. She notes she invited them here to make an offer to the leaders of the group: while she can't control where the PAX flies, since the Empress - or Syiean these days - controls where the ship flies, their half of the ship being the Bridge, the engine room, weapons, the Progenitor areas, and the Senate Chambers, and so on, she can offer the team access to her hangers and teleporters, as well as a chance to take college classes on the PAX on her side. Everyone agrees and Kellin even hopes for the chance to talk to the Empress while they are here.

Date: 7.24 / 5.28
Location: Cheryl's Mansion
Lemon brings Christina back to the team from Luna to hear some disturbing news on the aftermath of the Ninth Circle and Sunny's death. She shows videos on Luna wearing Sunny like masks spraying smiling suns on walls and killing criminals, holding up papers showing the proof of his crimes. There has been no reports of Zayne near them and she is getting near Tsivrixsh area and they take bets Rea will get in trouble going there to chase her. The next thing is they travel to a Ninth Circle labor related to Adeline and Wade. Inside they find tons of failed clones of Adeline and Wade all over the place as well as Spades and even Tabetha inside. Tabetha wonders if they used her blood they stole long ago (See a The Alien Wars 5 session I will look up later) to do all this which makes John wonder if Adeline was created from Tabetha, since Adeline's donor mother is unknown.

This makes Kane react a bit violently saying her and Lemon are her parents which Tabetha agrees, saying she is not there to contest anything about it. During this John is attacked by a partially dissolved clone and while Kane and Lemon try to figure out the ancient computers, Adeline tries to help boot them up when a word phrase flases in front of her face: Tuna. Serena. Darien. Sky. Apple. Glass. Dragoon. Blue. Mind. They worry it might be a control phrase or something else so Adeline after staring a moment unplugs it for the group and they wonder about the words, since some are significant and Chris notes a lot of the words are besides that. After checking her eyes out and Adeline convicing him she is fine, they decide to warn Cole and Alexander Cran after gathering all the information at this place then blowing it up so they can move on to investigating the Ninth Circle and the Smiling Suns.

Date: 7.28 / 6.3
Location: Geyze
The Alliance and Royal members are gathered as well as Ymir as well as some of the Club team and even Yuki is there from the Aquarius. While Selena is glad to be out of the house from her lessons to be Queen, and Chelsea, Asarar, Cypher, and Kira do their game of foursome joking, the groups chat and have some fun when Kalam introduces the new Alliance leader that has arrived to replace Shion. It turns out to be Lumi, sometimes known as Lu, who used to work with Unit 6 back in the down, to help them out once again. Lumi notes that she has some bad news that due to the poisoning of that branch on Yggdrasil, despite it being contained, it has had some ill effects and the days are shortening and time is slowing down. Essentially, Geyze and Kumen are synching up with the Prime Universe and they will no longer have 3 to 2 days. She notes some of them might already be feeling it already. She states it will likely synch up sometimes in Month 9. Some hope this will help trade for their two planets and more as they can do more with the universe and Yuki states the Aquarius will be ready for when that happens.


Timeline: 10-639.7.31 / 6.9.5998

Session 402: Divided and United Part Two

Location: Cheryl's Mansion
Lemon's team has been investigating the Smiling Suns the past few months and as far as they can tell there is no central leader, but the group keeps spreading with younger people ages 25 - 35 mostly. While the team has arrested a few of the group here and there, because there's no central group and it's an ideal that spreads from place to place, they have no way to stop the root that is creating it. They dismiss Chad's idea that it could be Zayne, Kane and Lemon not believing it is matches her M.O and there has been rumors she is far out in Tsivrixsh space, so they decide to have Marcus go under cover and see if he can learn anything with Cherry aiding him. During this, Adeline who has been acting a little quieter and not as jokey as before comes with them with the request to go to college on the PAX, having completed high school on her own. Reikana promises to attend courses with Adeline and help look out for her and Kane relents, noting feeling like he's aged just by agreeing.

Date: 10-639.8.23 / 7.25.5998
Location: Geyze
It has been a quiet summer so far with no threats from anything; the Dark Spirits seem to be out gathering materials for their machine and have not appeared before the group in ages, (only appearing before Lorelei's kids to get the part promised to them), so Celes and the researchers have been going through the diaries and information they attained from the descendants to help learn more about the Ancients and Selena has been spending her time keeping her word to her mother and doing her studies during the down time. Lumi calls a meeting to discuss the various issues that have cropped up recently and they discuss the islands on the map first, allowing everyone to discuss the theories on them. Discussing the field, Simon brings up his technology and it is decided to use it to get closer to the Island without the barrier shutting them down. Bix volunteers to captain the ship despite the risk with Simon's field and they move onto some of the research Celes has found and she mentions how it goes over each of the heroes' journeys and what is inside, but the Hapian journals are a bit weird; one thing strange is how fast the technology jumps in the Hapian lands and Celes wonders where the technology came about.

Finally they discuss the monsters and Lumi brings up Monster Queens of each race and they are trying to locate them all so they can end the monsters. Lumi notes they could be facing a Monster War if left to their own devices and when asked what a Monster War is all about, she explains when the monster numbers become so great and begin to attack the populaces, they are called wars. There have only been a few cases of these wars and Celes notes she didn't even know about them and Sasha points out monsters have no natural predators to keep them in check. Ymir notes that monsters might be evolving, too, due to people like Liana's grandfather and it's also pointed out how close Daemon and monsters genetic wise, so some on the team wonder if there are intelligent monsters controlling the others that might be talked with to stop another war before it begins.

Date: 10-639.9.23 / 9.23.5998
Location: PAX
Athena has invited some of the Geyze people and Lorelei's kids to observe Geyze in orbit near the PAX to watch as Geyze synchs with the Prime Universe and Rachael notes she expected something more as it seems like just another day. Ymir observes the proceedings while Adeline is also part of the group, helping out with things when she can manage, eating a tuna sandwich while doing so. Tsukiyomi arrives to inform everyone of something important - she has felt Kaelan praying to her but it is so far away she barely picked up on it. This leads to hope that Kaelan is alive but they realize she if she is so far away she must be in the Unknown Regions. While Durt wonders if it is a trap and Michelle notes that is far, Lorelei points out only the PAX2 managed to get out that far and it was by accident during a jump. Since the Light Engine is no longer used due to the damage of reality it caused, the team will need to find a new way to get out there and a ship that can get them out there.

During all this Reikana talks with Adeline and attempts to strike up a friendship and after a bit Adeline shows her more charming side and decides to accept her hand of friendship while watching the others decide what to do. Zegretta is hopeful there is something that can be done while Valen wonders how she even got that far out there. Taiga decides to work on a new engine in the meantime, not wanting to waste a moment and Zegretta rushes to inform Ulieah and Kellin contacts Erica or Yuki with his datapad about the situation.

Date: 10-639.10.1 / 10.1.5998
Location: Geyze
The group has gone to the plant harbor with a ship holding one of Simon's devices to protect them against anything that might fry them while Neekito and Kito board the ship for Ymir. Ymir watches them go while Erica and Yuki read over Kellin's message and Bix and Id float up onto the ship along with Lana and Simon. Jaime is back after having left for a few months to be on the PAX to watch the ship off and Yuki messages Kellin back that their ship cannot make the distance right now after Ymir tells them it would need to be retrofitted or something. Lana notes she hopes Gwen has gotten her message as the ship heads off.

Date: 10-640.1.25 / 1.25.5999
Location: Geyze
The ship reaches the islands in the wintery months finally after a long travel. Neekito begins to look exhausted as they near it and Simon's device activates as they near the island. The island looks to be clear of snow and seems to be barren outside a forest and a rocky area as they near the shores and the group notices Neekito growing weaker and weaker as they draw close to the shores. Neekito is unable to teleport away and it's clear the island is draining her, so it is decided to carefully get onto the island to set up a mini-teleporter with Simon's device set up to keep the teleporter from breaking down. After setting it up they open up a teleporter back home and get Neekito out of there.

Date: 10-640.4.30 / 4.30.5999
Located: PAX
The kids take their college exams for the year before break and Rachael and Valen eye their scores in disgust while Adeline and the rest seem pleased; Adeline scoring top of the class and the rest fairly high like Reikana and others, even Leruste surprisingly. Elsewhere on the ship, Taiga is talking with Ymir and Sabrina about the engine, working to combine Maka and Spirit-Tech to create the Tiger Engine and finish final steps on making an engine that will go faster and further than any other engine. To get them out to the Unknown Regions to save Kaelan, despite how long it is taking.


Timeline: 10-640.1.30 / 1.30.5999

Session 403: The Island

Location: The Academy
Lumi listens to the nature of the islands from the recon team that went to investigate it and she notes that it will be troublesome to spirits and machines that go there. They begin to wonder about how to use Simon's device and if they can strap it to people's heads or put it a large one on a wagon to be dragged around to provide cover for everyone to that spirits and people with machine parts can go to the island. Sasha ponders while Simon gets to work on more of his devices if the same field on the islands - which also once covered Geyze until they came to the Prime Universe - was meant to dissuade people from coming to Geyze or as Id puts it - to trap them on the planet.

Date: 10-640.2.7 / 2.7.5999
Location: The Island
A team returns to the Island via a carriage with Simon's device on it being made of Selena, Erevis, Lana, Talia, Jaime, Gwen, Xanatos, SpoC, Simon, Id, and Bix. Noting that it seems like a normal island to her, Erevis ponders what is so special about the island and Lana wondering if it is under it, so Selena suggests finding a cave after dismissing drilling. After Jaime tests her spirit power and sees that it fades in the ground quickly after leaving Simon's field, and a failed attempt to play rock, paper, scissors to see who will lead the team, Simon leads the group toward some trees. Once they reach it, with BIX pulling the carriage all the way, they find some fruit that Jaime collects for Sylph but after Id scans it and discovers the fruit is dangerous to eat. Erevis cuts down a tree for Simon to see how old a tree is and inside is a black substance and some black oily rings; scanning they find it to be an unknown substance that is alive and dangerous. While Bix gathers a sample of the material, Lana goes on about how all this reminds her of Lovecraft confusing the group as she goes on about weird things.

The group heads northward next toward a rocky area with statues carved of catgirl like people and others of auras while pointing fingers. Selena and Alita draw the statues on their sketchbooks as they walk along at the hand made from the rocks and it leads up to a cave. Realizing the carriage will not make it up to the path to the carriage, the team splits up to those who can go up inside the cave and those who will stay and protect the carriage. Selena, Erevis, Jaime, Lana, SpoC, and Simon, continue into the cave while Id, BIX, Gwen, Talia, and Xanatos, Alita stay behind at the carriage. As they go into the cave Selena begins to look more tired and sluggish due to being out of the field, due to her spirit nature from her Hapian genes, but seems okay to continue as they go deeper into the caves with lights.

They find some Ancient writing at the entrance of the cave, so they pause to translate it. After a bit Lana, Selena, and Erevis come up with a translation: The timing until correct.... enter not this cave ... you shall not... lest you awaken a terrible time and fate. They wonder if it is a threat or bluster, but Erevis also points out it could be such a thing like: Do not enter until you have the proper knowledge or it could be do not enter until the proper time and date has passed. Jaime notes she believes the field and whatnot is meant to keep something inside from getting out. After some arguing about if they should go inside, Simon decides to head in with Selena following him after insisting they go in, claiming she is not about to go back, making Jaime eye her oddly. Erevis and Lana head back outside for the time being when Talia is catnapped by a shadowy being, forcing BIX to tackle the kidnapper right before they cross the field that would shut him off. While BIX holds onto what appears to be a humanoid boy, Gwen boinks him on the head and frees Talia from his grip.

While Erevis scans the boy's mind while Alita tries to talk to him and communicate, even using Ancient, they decide to get a DNA sample from him. Erevis notes that his curiousity overrode his fear and that Talia's cat form interested the boy; she also notes that the boy stays away from the cave so he cannot tell them a lot about it. They offer food to the boy and then decide to follow him, making Gwen chase after him, leaving a note for those still in the cave about where the direction they are headed. Taking the carriage they head off; meanwhile back inside the cave, Simon, Selena, SpoC, and Jaime come across a bunch of rare gems in the wall, glittering. Jaime believes it to be weird for there to be gems in the wall and Selena notes, after grabbing some from the wall, she'll leave them behind later, but steathily puts them in her backpack.

The cave group soon reaches the bottom of the cave where they find ancient weapons from 12,000 years ago, some weapons of today mixed in there as well, as well as technology that looks like his own field tech that might be the cause of the field dampening, and next to it is a massive Ancient machine of unknown origins that looks to be broken down despite being mostly intact. The Ancient Machine seems to be hooked up to a device like entering the Spirit Realm only the configuration is massively differently. Jaime states she believes Spirit Energy likely is powering everything though Selena says what is the point with the Ancient Machine being broken. They decide to head back to the others where they find Gwen standing in front of the trees that have been corrupted; he points to the roots and says he is down below. As the two groups meet up and Selena shows off her gems, much to Jaime's frowning chargin it appears, and Lana seems disappointed at missing out on what was in the cave.

Scanning the gem they see it has a bunch of spirit energy inside it for 12,000 years, which makes them wonder if the gems has been storing them over the years. While they muse on the Island's mystery they go down into the tree's roots and find 12-15 people, mostly kids to teenagers with no adults among them. They all seem to have blueish hair and yellowish eyes, but don't appear to be Familiars themselves. When the oldest girl, 18, speaks, the language appears to be a mix of Ancient and their own language, making it sound like mush, so the team uses their translators in the hope it will pick up on words. The leader tells them to leave due to lack of food on the island to go to one of the other islands and from that they learn there are 3 islands. While talking and learning more, they begin to wonder if they are Familiars or descendants of Familiars. They warn them to becareful of the "storms" that wreck the island and other problems; after some talking, they agree to be guides for the team in return for food and supplies.


Timeline: Date: Some time after the year jump that was 401- 403

Fumoffu Session 1: The Problem Solvers

Location: PAX
Taiga has gathered a group of people at Katrina's Cafe to look over small problems that have been falling through the cracks with all the big galactic problems. While Taiga goes over various silly problems like Meth Gators, those she has managed to wrangle or those who have noticed a large group at the cafe begin to wander in. They meet a new face, Theau, who seems to be looking for Isis and Shion takes him under her wing and helps him meet Isis, who checks out what he has on him and double checks it. After some examining and scanning, she seems to take him off to talk to privately. During all this, Taiga's friends, Geyze people, PAX people, and people from Earth gather and talk about the problems on Earth and even decide to handle a problem on the PAX involving a ghost, working together to put her spirit to rest with the help of Kitty. During this Isis returns and declares Theau family and has him join the group. Valen, Theau, and Bix also join Shion's food place, Fluffy Tails that focuses on sandwiches, subs, and other food types that people might want like soups and foods that Isis and Miyuki have taught her; Shion hiring them to work at her place that is jointly attached to Katrina's pub.

After all the hijinks Taiga decides to make the group offical and makes it into an offical club, completely with officers and members. Taiga becomes the Chairwoman, Thena the back up Chairwoman, Mi'Na the Secretary, Jaime the back up Secretary, Gor the Fundraiser, and Kitty the Treasurer. From there they decide to offically go forth as a group and deal with problems.


Timeline: 10-640.6.15

Session 404: Return To Normalcy

Location: PAX
Taiga has been working on a test Spirit/Maka Engine at Asteroid C for the past while and seems to be doing better since talking to Cheryl and her family, some of the darkness lifting from her shoulders, seemingly less tired. The past year has been, for the most part, at peace, outside some changes here and there; Zegretta has been barely seen outside missions relatiing to Kaelan and Juliet has come up from the secondary team to take her place. Sia and Lia are also older, having spent some more time on Yggdrasil before time began to syncn up to get a little older and be more useful. While Adeline has gone home after classes have ended for a brief time to be with her family and even Xeres has been taking some college classes the past year to learn about human culture. Lorelei also goes over a few faces that will be helping the team on a case by case basis; some permenant and some when they need help depending on the mission. Ren states she will be there when they need an extra hand as well as Zephyr, Truth, Tsukiyomi, and Kaori; Thena will be joining the team full time with her familiar Rio, as well as Durt's sister Celeritas.

The team spends some time getting to know the newer members as well as touching base with each other, having been spending much of the time the past year doing studies and relaxing outside the one off mission. While Thena quickly becomes known as the energic manic pixie girl, with Rio backing her up, the rest of the team begins to get along fairly well. Leruste even places a bell on Thena due to her moving about. Lorelei leads the group to talk to Taiga, who goes over the problems of the Maka/Spirit Engine and talks about how they need a ship big enough to handle it what not, so Thena mentions Cam'dee as a candidate if they need a Spirit if Erica and Yuki want to retire from this sort of thing. Some of them decide to look into that and Taiga will look into options for a ship to handle the engine while continuing to work on it.

Afterwards the team gets their grades back and almost everyone, even Leruste, gets good grades outside Valen and Rachael, who barely pass their college courses. While Valen and Rachael are discouraged, the others get treats and cake if they got A's and B's, even Leruste. While some of the team plan their summer vacation, the others decide to go to Geyze to do a few things.

Location: Geyze
While Ren studies the Mew Mew Ship, drawing the attention of Cypher and Chelsea, Cookie and Pepper are out tracking Yuki in the Academy/Alliance City. Ren notes to Kellin that there is no way the Spirit/Maka engine could fit into the Mew Mew Ship but admires the ship, especially with the upgrades Chelsea has done to the Mew Mew, now with two Spirit pods. After getting directions to Erica's place, they leave, insulting the two spirits who permission to attack them for insulting Chelsea's ship, who figures it must be some dick measuring contest. During all this Racheal and Acdemy admire the place and decide they want to attend a place like this from now on, feeling it fits them much better than the college on the PAX. After finding them they talk to them about the engine and wanting to use it on the Aquarius, but Yuki and Erica state they want some time off and let Yurica enjoy herself with people her age. Unless the Spirit/Maka engine is fixed better without risk of damaging the Aquarius, it is no go. The team decides to leave for the time being.

Location: PAX
Taiga begins to work on ideas for a ship as the team returns, working on it to go with the Spirit/Maka engine which she has named the Tiger Engine, though Leruste notes he believes it should be called the Tiger's Roar. They go over plans, even if it means getting an older EarthGov ship to help speed up the process, and Durt suggests bringing Chad onto the project. With Airym and other pieces together, it seems that things are picking up.


Timeline: 10-640.6.20

Session 405: A Year Closer

Location: Geyze
Rachael and Valen, along with Sia and Lia, have been given permission to attend summer classes on the Academy on Geyze and if they enjoy it take normal classes in the fall. While the two try to decide what courses they will take, with Rachael leaning toward magiks and summoning and Valen looking into sword practice and magik training; Sia and Lia taking whatever interests the two twins. During this, Nicolette has spent the past year furthering her own studies at the Academy and Selena has matured and become more queenly under Celes' tutoring, now learning directly from the Queen how to become a Queen one day. Selena and Sasha have a slight tit for tat, making others near them edge away, even Celes and Nicolette. During this, while everyone talks and goes over things, Lumi notes to Simon that she wants him to use the Mew Mew to go to the Islands from now on to be safe, just in case the mini teleporter shuts down due to the fields and she has had one of Simon's devices installed on it to protect the ship.

It also seems some Smiling Suns pamplets have begun to pop up on the Academy grounds, much to the worry of some and Selena warns Nicolette to becareful, not wanting her Maka friend to be hurt by the strange group. They seem to be leaving pamplets around for now, trying to recruit and it is the hope that is as far as they get with such a place as Geyze. As Sasha moves off to have a massage and be pampered, Liana and Selena muse on Sasha needing someone in her life now that Rain has left back to the Daemon Lands to help out as a Ruling Noble and Selena notes she would marry the Academy if she could manage. Nicolette brings up elements as Selena leaves to a debate lecture and Celes brings up what she knows from listening to Erevis, informing her how the elements work and whatnot, and Rachael brings up blood magik and rune magik, showing the group how to use it with the book she was given by the Solitice God. Celes warns that blood magik can be powerful, it also can be dangerous, as Kito proved long ago when bringing Neekito back.

Later that day Chelsea and Cypher fly the Mew Mew off to the newly discovered Islands with the others in the back; the little ship is now one of the fastest, if not the fastest in the galaxy, due to the fact it has twin Spirit Engines and the two sisters Aimée and Mélodie. While Xanatos admires the ship the two Spirits are busy play wrestling instead of activating the Spirit Engines, and when asked if the Spirit Engines are so powerful why don't more ships use them, Chelsea notes it would be exploitation and Cypher points out two engines used at once would damage ships over long periods. During this Erevis talks with Nicolette about the elements and lets her hold onto some of the runes from the Rune Blade to pass the time during the trip, letting Nicolette feel out the runes and Sylph once again seems fascinated with the Wind Rune that has been handed to Nicolette.

As they approach one of the islands surrounded by fog they use the Mew Mew's sensors to land. Nicolette ponders as they land what would happen if you put a Wind Rune on Sylph's hand then decides it might not be a good idea after all. Erevis also mentions how some people - rarely - have two elements but if they have opposing elements they can be torn apart since elements usually are assigned based on a person's affinity and what their soul is like inside. She also notes that some cases an element can change on a person if something major changes the person funamentally. Exiting the ship - the two spirits staying inside due to the protective field inside - the others begin to move inside the field while discussing primal elements and where they came from while seeking life on the island.

Not having to go far they are met by tribals living on the island who take them to their caves and serve them tea and talk to the group cordially, despite their dress being scary and tribal like. Using datapads to translate the conversation, the two sides talk and try to learn more about the island. Learning there is not much to learn from this island and it seems the previous island holds most of their answers - including the machine and devices found underground, they stay a while longer talking.

Location: PAX
Taiga remains working herself half to death on the Tiger Engine with Airym and others assisting her like Ymir and Angela and Chad. She notes it will take ages for her to design a ship that can accept the engine but she will get to work on it, Kellin decides to seek out Iceheart for help and Ulieah decides to go to Earth to talk to Lemon and the Earth Team for help securing an Earth Ship to test the Tiger Engine on so Taiga does not have to design a ship, since it will take months more to do so.