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The Erusians were one of the first major powers that allied with Earth long ago. They are rather ancient and have been at odds with the Dark Ones and Tsivrixsh for ages. Placed by the Progenitors long ago to be a safeguards in the world, they have stood tall in protecting the outer realms for ages, until recently, having missed some of the recent events, despite being part of the Susien Empire. That is because Yashna, the current leader of the Ascendancy, has been replaced with a shapeshifter, and is now working with the Earth/Geyze heroes to restore what has been put wrong.

Erusians in general can be considered a slow paced race in many ways, thinking their actions over many times before acting. That is because they are long lived, their society has been around for ages, and they do not move quickly. But when they do, they commit, having made war machines in the past that have made the heavens quake.

Their mating cycle is one that has baffled scientists, going into heat every seven years, and their population is not overly large due to it. Due to this, they pick their mates carefully, and often outlive them.

Erusian males are much stronger than humans, though once a human male named Warren outfought an Erusian male. Though it always said the females of a race are more dangerous.

Erusian Lifespans: 400 years

Racial Ability: Technology Synching: With the genes given to them by the Progenitors, many Erusians can link with ancient technology and activate it, using for their own. The newer it is, the higher chance it will fail - dice roll to determine.


TAW is © 1997-2018 Kevin T. Bell

TAW6 Special Thanks: Sara
Special Thanks: In Memory of Ryan Cross