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Familiars were created by the original Magi Order long ago and for the most part they had become extinct, with only a few Familiars having survived outside Familiar tools left behind to make more. With the New Magi Order back now and learning to make more, Familiars are now being researched to make a new generation but the original there Familiars are still lauded as being the first of their kind to help guide the new generation and many speculate there might be more out there.

There are two types of Familiars, the normal Familiars which have blue hair such as Talia. These Familiars are the standard Familiars that start off and are your low level, basic familiar. It is not that they are weak compared to the white hairs, but they are not overly experienced or have vast mana depths yet.

The white hair Familiars are more rare and either 1) much much older or 2) become white hair familiars due to their mana power depths. The two types who are known currently are Delgi and Bonnie, though Bonnie is a strange exception. Delgi, though, for example managed to hold onto her form without a mana source for around a thousand years without using it, though she was nearly depleted when she was found. Bonnie seems to be a strange mixture of a Blue Familiar and White Familiar.

Familiars, either they be White or Blue, need a mana source to exist. They can survive for a time without one, so they typically seek our a Magi, who has a deep source of mana within them. However, there are other sources of mana, either through Summoners, or people who can tap into magicks. A Familiar might seek them out. Establishing a pact with such a person allows the Familiar to remain existing, and draw on the mana, and in return the person can draw on some of the Familiar's power.

Familiars typically have an animal form they can turn into as well, and sometimes keep some of their animal feature, though this optional. They can range from a cat, dog, ferret, bird, and baby dragon.

Familiar Lifespans: Forever, depending on the pacts with various new masters

Racial Ability: Familiarize: The familiar can use up all their mana reserves to super charge by double for a brief time, as well as the one they are pact with. This will last for a brief time and afterwards when it fades, the Familiar will begin to fade if the pactmaker doesn't get mana to them quickly.


TAW is © 1997-2018 Kevin T. Bell

TAW6 Special Thanks: Sara
Special Thanks: In Memory of Ryan Cross